>The forces of good create a program for slut angels to help win the hearts of mortals away from succubi
What happens?
The forces of good create a program for slut angels to help win the hearts of mortals away from succubi
Other urls found in this thread:
>angels get pregnet
>i check
Nothing much, except maybe an increase in the population of Aasimar.
And by sluts, you mean a group of attractive angels, both male and female, who offer guidance and tutelage on all things sexy? From the romantic to the carnal, they show mortals how earthly pleasures can be had by all in a healthy and enjoyable way?
I suppose we'd have less idiots making threads who think that lawful good equates to some kind of a medieval christian stereotype regarding sexuality?
marriage becomes a ritual to protect your mind and soul from extra marital seduction
>Fuck hot women with NO downside?
What do you think happens? The human race goes EXTINCT
If the forces of good can make "slut" angels then there's obviously not a moral code that would have succubi make any sense.
So succubi don't exist in this setting, undermining the entire premise, or there's nothing inherently wrong with succubi in this setting, undermining the entire premise.
You're a moron who needs to fuck off back to /d/. If you simply need to trick other people into wanking you off, have it make sense at least.
>The forces of good create a program for slut angels
But that goes against the entire concept you fucking nigger. The whole point of the clear-cut good-evil dichotomy in fantasy (especially fantasy with creatures like succubi) is that evil is seductive, tempting and the fast route: low investment, quick reward. Good on the other hand is depicted as the more sensible option, which requires more difficulty but has greater long term rewards. It also tends to emphasize the mind over the body, while evil appeals to baser instincts.
If there would be a good "counter-program" to slutty succubi, it'd be in the form of modest and angelic wives who just want to support you and make you feel good. Think Cestree except in heaven, where she belongs.
You shouldn't have banished smut and quests away from Veeky Forums.
Lame copypasted shitposts, persistant trolls and obnoxious /pol/tards - this is the future that you choose.
Unhappy ? I'm sorry, but you have to deal with it now.
>Don't call it a Magical Realm, this is the future you've chosen
Hey, Stocking wasn't slutty.
which I guess makes even more sense after the ending
>If the forces of good can make "slut" angels then there's obviously not a moral code that would have succubi make any sense.
>So succubi don't exist in this setting, undermining the entire premise, or there's nothing inherently wrong with succubi in this setting, undermining the entire premise.
Only if we're talking about a very narrow interpretation of succubi as tempting married people into some sort of infidelity. If we're talking about demons using sex to influence the behavior of mortals in ways beneficial to the forces of evil, that's another story. Slut angels using sex as a means of mitigating that makes perfect sense here. It just means that chastity isn't an absolute virtue, it doesn't undermine the entire premise.
>Lame copypasted shitposts, persistant trolls and obnoxious /pol/tards
We had those before, questfag. In fact they were even more common back then because the regular smut threads gave newfags the impression that this board was some kind of /b/-lite.
She was though. She slept around, just not to Panty's ridiculous degree. Besides Angels aren't slutty and demons aren't prudes by default, the ones in the show are because they're the rejects who got sent to earth for sucking at their jobs.
angel boipucci too tight >_
Every board used to be /b/-lite in their early days, because that's the board from whence the original users came.
Things were better, then. People had a sense of humor and weren't so shoved up their own asses.
They would be extremely beautiful and dress in sexy clothes but be shy and completely incapable of traditional seduction seduction.
They would be extremely effective regardless.
>In fact they were even more common back then
That is straight up historical revisionism.
They would be extremely beautiful and dress in sexy clothes but be shy and completely incapable of traditional seduction.
They would be extremely effective regardless.
Nah, that ghost troll episode was the only instance.
Not that she wasn't a bitch anyway.
Well there's probably going to be more of a sex positive stance by most good religions at least, if they breed with mortals and are common I can see long term effects on the alignment of several nations as more and more of the population is made up of half angels and aasimar, beyond that it depends on what other traits they have and how much they interact with mortals
Depends, succubi aren't just sluts, they're corrupters, those who turn others away from the right path, succubi try to distract you from your duties, ruin relationships, and encourage hedonism, at least when they're not just trying to eat someone's soul
A "slut" angel would just be one who enjoys sex as a FWB thing but only if it's between two consenting adults who aren't already in a relationship or have something else they need to be doing at the time
i think the younger you are 'seduced' by them the more effective their protection from other women's feminine wiles will be
If Good people were so weak willed they get swayed by a pair of tits they wouldn't be good people in the first place.
Both hands on the keyboard please, Op.
They turn into succubi and the heavenly host remembers why they encourage chastity as a virtue.
>tfw no guardian angel waifu
It would be a decent enough comics or anime concept, actually. Especially if it's more on the for laughs side (imagine this bunch of angels, their smile and optimism gone, that need to deal with mortals and their bullshit by playing nice, hoping to make it big and be promoted to something better).
Aaaaaanyway, IDK. You're kinda right about the idea but in the end DND succubuses are (artificially) kinda separated in their doings, by which I mean it's not exactly that sex is bad but that they use it as a mean to make you do actual Bad Stuff with a capital B and S, possibly not even realted to sex. Or at least I always rationalized it as such.
In this scenario I don't really see how anti-succubi angels would work tough. I mean, they descend to you in a dream, you have a heavenly (ahem) night and then what? Thanks for the sex homie, gotta run or Uriel's gonna skin me?
What would that accomplish, especially if succubi led you astray from your place in life by staying there?
Oddly enough a fulfilling loving relationshisp with an angel of sex would be even worse.
>Pic more or less related, I wanted to let SNB's angels climb my Jacob's ladder hard.
Depends; what societal ill are succubi exploiting?
In a historical religious catholic feudal sort of society, sex and sexuality is taboo, ranging from somewhat to very. Sex is only morally acceptable within marriage, and even then isn't supposed to be pleasurable.
Yes, you can bring up lots of examples of actual medieval people not giving a shit about this and continuing to happily fuck as humans have always done. But lets look at the succubus within the original religious context; adhering to righteousness means forsaking the pleasures of the flesh, the succubus tempts (goes out of her way to tempt, she's an active predator) with pleasures of the flesh because that will draw people away from the path of righteousness, and sex is so effective because the people they're tempting are painfully repressed.
Also, the society is ruled by autocratic men who, if they're seduced and put under the influence of such a paramour, could do a LOT of damage. So its a threat against kings and princes who are vulnerable to thinking with their cock.
If a society doesn't have that problem and there's already sluts everywhere, then succubi need to work a different angle. In modern society, sex is generally available in one form or another; the problem is that people are so atomized that its become more and more difficult to find satisfying emotional intimacy. In this, succubi look more like World-of-Darkness Vampires, abusive partners, or metaphors for drug addiction.
I'm rambling at this point, but...
I can KINDA see a scheme of angelic "manic pixie dream girls" who are seeded into mortal society and find at-risk people and build them up with affection and kindness, but...what then? They have to dip out at some point and go help someone else, right?
gay and dumb
I have an ERP setting with something like this.
In short, there are not a whole lot of angels flying on down to fuck people, but when they do people want that angel puss/D so bad they sometimes literally fight over it. If you married an angel your life would be smooth sailing as people in your town would want to do all they could to be on the angel's good side and you'd also essentially become a minor noble or be on the road to nobility. (Most nobles in setting can actually trace some of their ancestry to angels.)
There's also the fact that your half-angel kids would be better at just about everything than regular kids.
Succubi aren't too much of a problem since they show up just as rarely. When they do, they'll either just snatch you away to the underworld or leave you with a tiefling child that will lead your town to form a mob to kill both you and it.
>In this scenario I don't really see how anti-succubi angels would work tough.
Well, honestly unless it's some sort of blessing for a job well done? I don't think there'd be a dedicated anti-succubi angel. I could see them as built sexy so to speak, and it in no way compromise their other functions, but fucking would be something they did on the side, not their main thing
Unless good decided to give everyone an angel waifu/husbando or took a page from the whole "Temple prostitute" thing, but the former raises a whole bunch of questions and the later takes things in a direction very different from most common deceptions of angels or modern religions
I agree with you there's probably not a dedicated anti-succubus, but I can see sexy angels. Maybe for a fertility/sex god, but for most gods, not really unless it's a one off heavenly gift or something for a dedicated follower
The actual counter-succubi would be angelic bros that help you go out in life, if anything.