Veeky Forums, I'm in a dark place, please help me.
I need to 10x my money within the next year because of medical bills, or I'm quite literally dead.
Please shill me some coin with the potential to 10x.
Veeky Forums, I'm in a dark place, please help me.
I need to 10x my money within the next year because of medical bills, or I'm quite literally dead.
Please shill me some coin with the potential to 10x.
digital note & bytecoin.
free 10x's
Esperes on yobit sir
just let natural selection do its job
>trying to make money on people's health
Any of these three, but I lean towards DBC because I trust chinks to buy shit up
50x in 2018
says the non-socialist
holy shit OP we are in the same place. Desperately jumped into crypto trading because of medical issues. My plan is do or die, because I'll literally die if I don't do.
never gave a shit about money in my life until I needed to pay medical bills.
Capitalists make money improving people's health though
Only in a free market where healthcare costs constantly come down though
What do you have?
I'm in the same boat but mine isn't life threatening
It's ruining my life though.
is it... the gay
Are you arguing that capitalism somehow hurts the overall health of a given society?
Because in that case you are very wrong.
And this is coming from someone who supports public healthcare
Yeah, you're going to die guys, make sure you spend some time with family and shit.
>Only in a free market where healthcare costs constantly come down though
Oh god here come the internet lolbertarians
Free market healthcare is superior though
Look at Switzerland today or pre government controlled American healthcare in the 50s/60s.
>he's anti free market on Veeky Forums
Holy shit get the fuck out you delusional redditor with no argument
1) move to europe
2) get the first job you'll find
3) enjoy top notch medical care (yes, we don't care about your shitty scam rankings)
People who are against free market healthcare are so incredibly fucking delusional.
It's like they want high healthcare costs, taxes and lower life expectancy.
Healthcare costs should be coming down, the reason they don't is because the government controls the market for the benefit of health insurance companies and big pharma.
or you could just get free market opioids from capitalist US doctors and end yourself on it.
sent ;)
It has already mooned though. What makes you think it will 50x?
>Capitalists make money improving people's health though
But at the same time in order to profit off of it we require lots of people to be sick and unhealthy. There is literally no incentive to cure or to keep people healthy, only to treat symptoms
I think IQ test is needed for this ObamaCare bullshit, only those that score >100 are allowed to receive it
Are you the tinnitus guy?
The government doesn't control it. It's free market. But the cost is shared. Doctors and hospitals are not property of the gov.
End yourself on opioids cunt!
You know nothing about healthcare and insurance... stupid kid
Never heard of this DBC. It's very new, right?
What makes you trust it?
>no incentive to cure or to keep people healthy
with enough competition, those that have no incentive to do so wouldn't survive.
Be strong, user. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe it's only a train, but who knows.
I agree with this but we don't have it, instead we have a pharma controlled monopoly.
you think it's a coincidence americans are fat, drugged and stupid?
If the market needs it, and there is zero protection, then they will make it.
Drug you, fatten you, stupify.
It started with the workers.
The weakest unions provide no protection at all. And after the crushing of unions the workers have never seen real power in the US. It went all down from there.
Now it's a military state. And burgers are PROUD of it... 0.o
That's only because the government enforces healthcare monopolies
In a free market you could get treated with whoever you wanted
And 3rd parties could verify good doctors hospitals and medications
It's one of the furthest things from free market and the images I posted proves that
You're a gigantic moron.
In the 50s/60s we had a free market in healthcare and prices were incredibly cheap for high quality. The government took over the market slowly but surely and look at the disaster we have today.
We need a free market in healthcare in the usa
Stop being a brainwashed cuck that wants medical stagnation and higher prices
Pick a privacy coin with low market cap and all-in that shit. I just bought ZOI.
>I need to 10x my money within the next year because of medical bills, or I'm quite literally dead.
lolwut? What kinda of third world country doesn't have universal healthcare?
>being an economic illiterate socialist union supporting faggot on Veeky Forums
Next you'll say the federal reserve is good and that cryptos should be banned
You leftists usually say this shit
>That's only because the government enforces healthcare monopolies
Did you just call me a bullshitter then agree with me immediately after? Brainlet
What shithole are you living in that you don't even have free health insurance?
Move to Europe, here you get medical help for free.
Switzerland has private market based healthcare.
They have some of the highest living standards on earth.
Clearly you've been force fed propaganda
> he fell for the hospital meme
just file bankruptcy don't pay a dime.
The irony is that he actually is. Should he fail he was unworthy
You don't agree with me
You support healthcare monopolies
I support a free market where the government doesn't indirectly create massive health insurance monopolies using their laws
Did you mean Shipchain?
Thank you for the suggestions, I'll look them up.
3 mil market cap is not a moon
Not as high a standard of living as based Australia. Which has universal healthcare. Nice try lmao
I'll just leave this here.
if you're black just book the first flight to any shithole in africa and then pretend you're a refugee and claim eu citizenship, done ;)
"leftist"? ummm... you cunts with your labels, stfu..
If you mean libertarian by that, yes. If you mean socialist, I'd say eeeeh, 50/50 - we DO live in a democratic socialist state for 100 years and it's going great.
The federal reserve?
Worst shit since the end of humanity in the US.
But to be honest, they've kept the US gov. floating the last decades.
Get your brainwashed labels out of your head.
Next post will probably be "uuuh, stupid commie! uuuuh, terrorist! meeeh"
any thoughts on CIVIC? it seems so clean
You fucking retard I absolutely do not support healthcare monopolies, where did I type that? idiot I merely stated that healthy people are not profitable to the pharmaceutical industry
The average swiss person is much richer than the average aussie
Also swiss healthcare is superior.
ZERO waiting lines, highest quality care and prices are relatively low
Redpill yourself
XLM or CND, pick your poison, quite literally
Everyone knows healthcare in the US is a joke. I feel bad for Americans. Imagine having to actually live there.
>contract disease
>a literal lifetime of life crippling bills follow
are these posts satire or is this really reality for burgers?
if you don't have enough money people just let you die lmao?
jesus christ
Move out of the US first.
The Democratic socialism in this country has created a massive amount of poverty and has ironically only enriched special interest groups and corporations
I bet you believe in the income tax too
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums
Do you believe the AMA should lose all government support making them a monopoly? No?
Then you support medical monopolies
Lmao way to shift the goalposts user. You said standard of living. Australia has the second highest standard of living in the entire world and has for a long time.
Oh nevermind, go back to /pol/ you NEET and stay there.
XRB obviously
GVT can easily do x10 or even go past x100 if you can baghold it until 2019
in switzerland and most of europe - it's everywhere the same.
Medical shit IS based on a free market.
The difference is, that everyone is insured. You can also choose your insurance company.
The thing is, that nobody should be left behind. Nobody should be uninsured.
If you get uninsured in europe, everyone is like "wow, dude... how you cope?" and "what happened? Are you out of your mind?"
You are really stupid, not to understand the basics.
agree with this
privacy coins are the end game
darknet is the main actual use for crypto at the moment
Richer means you can buy more shit and get to work less hours
Their standard of living is objectively better
It's hilarious you aren't able to refute Switzerland's privatized and superior healthcare system though lol
This yes sir
Healthcare coin when?
just dropped 100k in for you. get better soon
yeah, and I'm almost 99% certain it will do x10 in 2018 unless the whole market goes down the shitter
All this means is they force you to buy health insurance in Switzerland
No fucking shit
This is exactly what they do in usa now.
Switzerland has much cheaper healthcare because it's much less regulated and controlled by the government than usa
> Imagine having to actually live there
Oh god this is the worst nightmare I can think of.
It's getting worse, lads, pretty fast...
You niggers should have voted for Ron Paul back in 2008.
All of this would have been solved.
Including healthcare.
I think the government should get out of healthcare entirely, where did I say anything to the contrary?
In the US, if you have bad luck,
they'll let you rot on the street.
Or shoot you in the back.
It's reality for them... I know, it's a fuckin nighmare
You agree with me. Awesome.
That's all I need to know.
If you unironically voted for Bernie Sanders you need to get off this board immediately and never return.
yeah its brutal but we live in realville over here
Do you mean Espers (ESP)?
Never heard of it. What makes you think it will 10x?
Encouraging others to come to your country for free shit is exactly why you'll be living in an islamic shithole in a few years
Espers is a meme, don't fall for it newfriend
don't buy espers on yobit, they have the old chain and won't change it.
nobody is forcing you that much. Yes, there are special protections for workers and labor and stuff.
But if you want to live insurance free, you can.
Just don't tell anybody, you're the most stupid cunt if you can't give a few bucks to protect your life.
The website does use vague phrasing ("the best community we've ever seen").
there are people on this board describing how they need money for medical bills or they will die. Come back and preach about free market healthcare when you see a western european post the same statements you fucking delusional cunt
i bet you don't want to gamble with shitcoins so the safest bets right now are ICX and XRP.
DYOR user and get well
THIS :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
at certains times of the day, these posts just disappear. When the burgers sleep, the evil in the world sleeps with them.
Thank you.
But I've read that XRP has very little potential for growth left. Is that wrong?
Health isn't that expensive. Buy Aajonus Vonderplanitz's books, they're $30 each so a total of 60 bucks.
I'm also in crypto because of medical issues. Not because of medical bills though, but I still need to support myself. I can't get on welfare, fuck socialism, it's a big bureaucratic mess.
>nobody is forcing you that much
Except you know, the government.
If you read my posts in the one explaining how a free market would massively reduce the cost of healthcare so everyone could afford it while at the time time not restrict the supply(which is what state run healthcare does)
Fuck off you sociopath.
You people are everything wrong with the world.
I wonder what it's like to be this retarded and brainwashed, I bet you like in the UK under the NHS and have the balls to defend this murderous stagnant system.
I bet you voted for Trump. No sympathy from me.
>Medical shit IS based on a free market.
It's not you fucking retard. Not in the US, and not anywhere else. Allopaths have monopolized the health industry and doctors go to prison if they choose to treat patients differently.
Also I'm Canadian and our medical system doesn't pay for my rare disease and I have to pay for it out of pocket.
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit
Fucking this
it's hitting 2 dollars right now and less than a week ago it was less than 1 dollar so even if it highly depends on the total circulation supply you never know what normies + jews are capable of.
On the other side you have ICX, a fresh coin with big institutional south koreans funds, they are launching their mainnet on 24 january and they are waiting to launch their shit on CoinOne (the coinbase of corea which is also behind ICX lol)
Imo both can easily do a x3 in 2018, maybe ICX has more room to grow since it's fresh and has less circulating supply.
Get in ZCL now user. It's going to 400 easy.
OK OK everybody... calm down.
I live in central europe.
It's possible not to be insured - although if you play by the rules and have a job and stuff, you are automatically insured and nobody cares about that part.
I was uninsured for half a year, and it was awful.
Full price for visiting a doctor, full price for everything.
If something had happened to me, I would've been fucked for the rest of my life. I was a bit worried, it just wasn't a good state of mind.
We have a lot of private doctors and hospitals too, where they won't get any money from insurances or government. Yes, they treat you like you are god there. Yes, you can stay as long as you like there.
Our government regulates the system, so that big companies don't generate monopolies. I don't want our doctors to give out drugs like candy, as they do in the US...