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How much did you like your last adventure? Why'd you like/not like it?
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Pathfinder General /pfg/
How much did you like your last adventure? Why'd you like/not like it?
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I want to do more quests on sealing away or atleast weakening legendary creature.
Do most people play in Golarion or do people make their own settings?
Most people play in Golarion because it's ready-made and easily accessible. Making a setting is hard work; most people don't want to do it if tghey have another option readily available,
I make my own, and the GM I'm playing with now makes his own, and the last one did too. Only times I've played in Golarion was with adventure paths set there, it's really not a good setting.
What we learned from the 2hu leaks?
>2hu confirmed psychopath
>VoipClock (Aurora in Dragons2) still a shit
>Aiden also piece of shit and enabler for 2hu
this thread lasts 5 posts without being shit
who was leakanon?
Some guy using permanent Discord invites to slip in and out of Discord servers.
Sounds like a blame deflecting tactic, you'd think they'd notice if someone popped up in the userlist all of a sudden.
So the inquisitor, I haven't really seen it or played it beyond level 3
How good is it? I'm interested in trying it more because I like the idea of the inquisitor
I'm playing an archer inquisitor of Cayden with the Sanctified Slayer and Preacher archetypes.
A lot of damage and you can force the opponent to reroll an attack. It loses Judgement, but it's not a big deal since i'm no playing melee.
Still, Sanctified Slayer + Ravener hunter with the wood mystery would deal even more damage.
the Inquisitor is an interesting class, and can be built a variety of different ways, from your standard kick the door in while yelling about how no one expects you, to a more investigative "Detective" type, to even a Mounted build with the right Inquisition/Domain choices. in terms of combat abilitis, it can best be described as a "Selfish Bard." Most of it's buffs are self only, so it's not exaxctly the best team player around. still, if you really try, and sift through all the options, i'm pretty sure you can make it an effective team support character regardless. please take whatever i say with a grain of salt, however. I'm nowhere near an Inquisitor expert.
What would be the lvl of a Court Assassin?
Can you take levels in monk and brawler? If so, does the damage progression from unarmed strike stack?
Depends on the court. Maybe 18 for an imperial court, 15 for a royal court, 12 for a ducal court, 9 for a county, 6 for a barony.
Sphere's of Might download when?
it's in the trove
Oh. So it is. Could have sworn it wasn't there earlier.
Thanks much!
Im playing goblin and came up with this broken feat
Now this breaks full attack actions gives you dr and movement what was paizo thinking
I must be blind, I can't find the folder for it or any DDS stuff X:
I remember someone on the Paizuri forums made a barb 19/swashbuckler 1 with that feat that was nearly unkillable by HP damage.
>started late
>players dragged their feet
>didn't get anywhere before session ended
When things happen, they're great!
After a long time of being unable to play, both GM and players, is it reasonable to ask for a generous Skill:Profession check for seeing how much money the characters have made to make up for the lost time?
But audit logs store who joins and leaves, it's literally impossible for them not to notice unless they're lobotomized.
>But audit logs store who joins and leaves
They don't.
Jesus, you idiots take the bait way too easily. What ever happened to report and ignore?
As someone who's favorite class is witch, how does blood of the coven look?
Poorly written
What does the Arcanist human FCB mean?
Can she prepare another spell each day or is it just another spell she knows?
It means you add a spell to your spellbook, just like it says. It doesn't increase your number of prepared spells, just adds another spell you have the ability to cast.
Not much point to it, since you can do the same thing with Hag hex.
Doesn't work like sorcerer, what a pity. What ways is there to increase the prepared spells?
What kind of bright-eyed bastard was your character before adventuring?
As someone who loves witches and changelings:
It's shit.
Is it available to grab anywhere yet?
She had a boyfriend who wrote poems about her and gave her flowers. They really were wonderful for each other.
For Halloween we're all making spooky monster characters. How would you go about building the creature from the black lagoon? (And not suck on land)
So far I'm looking at going deep one hybrid ranger with the natural weapon tree, but I'm not sure if there's a better to way to go. We're only level 3
Had a player play it in Rise of the Runelords from 1-15 before campaign went on indefinite hiatus. It worked as an effective striker in that campaign with backup casting. You can make an effective knowledge-bot and face, though you're better focused on intimidate.
I built one as a half-orc and took their alternate racial trait, as well as the Improved Monster Lore feat. Very versatile class in and out of combat.
In a void, yes. If you use a lot of other 3pp trash, then maybe not.
>3pp trash
What do you consider trash, user?
Paizo, for starters.
Jokes aside, a lot of 3pp write stuff that's complicated and cool and interesting and also takes a shitload of time to parse manually. Stuff that would work well in a video game, where the math and little bonuses here and there can be applied quickly and to every single interaction in an instant. Most of the time, that bogs down tabletop games.
3pp material needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis. Hell, first party material should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Paizo is just as amateur as anyone else when it comes to printing Pathfinder material.
Dreamscarred is pretty good though, even if a little focused on high power in combat with low utility.
Alright, then what'd be the issue with Jaunter's Hop?
For the character in question, it's an a TWF Knife Master Rogue with some shit tacked on to make it not garbage outside of stabbing people.
>and also takes a shitload of time to parse manually. Stuff that would work well in a video game, where the math and little bonuses here and there can be applied quickly and to every single interaction in an instant.
I mean that applies to PF in general. I can't really think of any 3pp like that.
How do you make believable children/teenager dialogue?
Remember when you were a kid and recreate that. Or creepily hide in the bushes of a local high school and listen on the children.
As a rogue talent, it's significantly more powerful than any other talent from Paizo (not surprising, given that Paizo tends to print the lowest possible power level). If you take it at level 2, you have five move action teleports per-day that don't provoke AoOs, which probably land you in flanking position to sneak attack. At level 8, you have essentially 11 D-doors per day. Eleven! The sorcerer wonders what the fuck he's doing with his life. That's ignoring the ability to save against dropping below 0 HP, and being effectively immune to grapples and trips.
It's really fucking strong with absolutely no drawback, is what I'm saying.
It's getting used with the Legendary Rogue stuff from Legendary Games, which went fairly far towards making Rogue Talents at least equal to feats or better.
Don't know anything about legendary, but I assume it's fairly powerful. Have fun, I guess.
It's in the Trove under Legendary Games. It's not massively higher power, but it's a much-needed buff to a class that's honestly depressingly shit by default.
It's nice.
>at least equal to feats or better.
Not that other user, but that single rogue talent is better than most high-level class features.
Swift action to negate grapple, pin, and trip!
Non-action 1/round to escape death!
Literal dimension door!
Is Conan-like backstory adequate for a lvl 6 character?
>Character A fought alongside his parents and brothers against bandits, and worked diligently in the family smithy
>Character B was a scrappy kid who probably would have done something hasty with his childhood sweetheart if he hadn't been sent off to squire with a knight
>Character C was a slave, so pretty much the opposite of bright-eyed
>Character D had something like a family, and could have pursued a career in the arts
How Conan-like are we talking? Like the early stories in his timeline where he's just some thief, or do you mean more like the movie where he's already been a pit fighter for a while by the time he's freed from slavery?
I'm a slayer who's focused on using a shorts word in one hand, other than a shield, what kind of things can I put in my free hand without ruining the sort of duelist vibe I'm going for
Your dick.
It's the shaper class out yet?
A glove that you smack people with.
Movie Conan.
Dagger and a buckler.
A sword-breaker.
Dagger, Dueling.
Yeah, you could start a level 6 character around the point where he and Subotai are out on the road together.
wtf is the shaper
When will your obsession cease?
Current characters:
>Bodyguard for hire, disguising his diminutive height as being part dwarf rather than a deformity.
>Professional soldier and knight, now in his mid 40s and forced to leave his home because the house he had sworn to turned against him.
>Detective in a large city and owner of his own private detective firm, began adventuring after discovering a massive conspiracy concerning dopplegangers running the government.
The shapeshifting class. Think synthesist summoner but not a cluster fuck.
I think you mean the shifter
>SoM comes with a bestiary
Thank god. SoP bestiary when?
>PDF not linked
kys desu
>I'm so retarded I can't look up and see it's now in the trove
No, it is you who must kys.
>You can now wield SIX weapons at once thanks to size-reduction stuff for weapons plus SoM
Was there anything new added in the trove this month? Its hard to sort through it for new content.
>mfw a paizo writer says someone is having an "entitled temper tantrum" because they called rules elements from Blood of the Coven "Hot Garbage" and said something was "an NPC archetype"
>mfw people got shouted down when they defended him and pointed out that this is something that happens all the time and the devs plugging their ears doesn't make them look good
I wanted to go have a laugh, I knew this would happen, but for some reason I can only feel sadness.
>content can be arranged by date added
>hard to sort through
Maybe you just have brain damage?
It's a November release, no idea why some anons were saying it was out yesterday since that's early even for subscribers.
>hundreds of folders
>old content getting re-added or updated also goes to the top of the list
>only 3 or 4 things a month get added
I think you're just simplifying things.
I'm not enjoying DMing my campaign because out of 6 players my cousin is the only min-maxing metafaggot breaking it. 3 years, close to 100 sessions, and every time I try to adjust things to make the game more challenging for him while not hopelessly crippling the rest of the party of average characters and denying him his cheese he incessantly whines that I'm picking on him.
I do believe I've had the urge to hit him with a blunt, solid object numerous times.
Sorry Veeky Forums I needed to vent.
>why is this free content so hard for me to navigate
Maybe you are just entitled?
user, have you sat down with him and explained the problem, and asked him what it is that he wants out of the game?
the most recent content was added 9/21. You could have just said No.
So you do know how to sort it you are just reeeeeing because free content isnt given to you fast enough
I already know what he wants. To run roughshod all over everything like a badass and overshadow everyone else. To be honest, the good sessions are when we run and he can't make it, relegating his alchemist to a pack mule instead of actually trying to run the character during fights because everyone else agrees with my stance.
Then remove him.
user, have you tried growing some testicles?
It's become a family issue. My uncle also plays in this group (not his father). He's usually fine when we run tabletop wargames like BFG or historical miniatures.
Then tell him to stop being a piece of shit or you'll remove him.
This isn't hard, user.
You aren't having fun. You're the GM. If you don't have fun, then quickly this means nobody has fun.
He either straightens the fuck up, or he gets the fuck out.
What's his build? I doubt it's as bad as you're making it out to be
It's pretty damned good desu
So... I have PTSD from my party being kidnapped and nearly killed repeatedly in our sleep since our perception rolls just don't go very well at all. We're level 3, I think the average is +5 perception.
I want to minmax this so that me and my friends don't ever get someone to sneak up on us again.
You don't need minmaxing, you need to learn a first level spell or two.
Skill Focus: Perception.
Alertness Feat
Skill Unlock Feat for Perception.
and either
Elf or other race with Perception bonus
Elan, who meditate for 4 hours and therefore do not sleep
Android, who do not sleep period
Try to avoid resting where monsters can get to you?
Set up watch turns with your party?
Tell your GM to stop being a cunt and that he's not oh-so-clever by having shit happen after 7 hours of sleep?
>tfw going to flex and bully on some of those virgin cyphermages via Chad Bloodrager muscles
So, downtime for martial characters. How are you spending your time?
I was thinking of Craft (alchemy), using monster parts to make different kinds of weird booze with weird effects. You can make semi magical booze (Like dwarven fire ale, free rage rounds) by default, and my DM was okay with the idea.
Does this sound like a worthy investment? Making Trollgut Tequila that causes you to burst out in boils (-2 charisma)for 1d8 hours and gives you regeneration 1 for 5 minutes? I can't really think of another way to spend downtime as a martial character.
>drops a symbol of weakness and turns him to Shad Noodleflapper
Somehow I doubt that's going to work out for you.
Is that a JoJo reference?
He cooked for and cleaned up after his alcoholic mother, who hated looking at him because he looks so much like the dad who ran off of them. The bright-eyed bastard part started about twelve minutes after the adventure began. (Skulls & Shackles)