>Lol dont be one of those edgy Drizzt clones
Has anyone actually seen a Drizzt clone this decade?
>Lol dont be one of those edgy Drizzt clones
Has anyone actually seen a Drizzt clone this decade?
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If ever did I would wind up going full That Guy in a heartbeat.
Thank goodness I haven't.
I've seen alot of people want to play "good drow", but whom aren't really Drizzt clones beyond that.
Unfortunately, since Veeky Forums hates everything, that's enough to count.
That and Drow tends to attract the same kind of sperglord as Tieflings, the guy who likes playing "evil" or "dark" races purely for the cool factor. Not always, but often enough the reputation exists for a reason.
I have, but the dude legitimately made it without ever hearing of drizzt. Convergent evolution I suppose. Plus he wound up turning into less high energy drizzt and more coked up dunmer william wallace with too many swords
Veeky Forums hasn't even played tabletop this side of the millennium
I wish I could say you're mistaken.
Riddle me this, as somebody who would play a tiefling or try and make a sharran shade cleric. Does an average and noneffective performance outweigh the meaningless disapproval of grognards? If the player is not That Guy and just wants to play the race or class will Veeky Forums come here to piss and moan that a generic human would have been better served?
There is a belief here that nonstandard races should be reserved for the best roleplayers
>There is a belief here that nonstandard races should be reserved for the best roleplayers.
Actually, it's the opposite. The belief is that non-standard races are an instant way to detect That Guys who can't actually play interesting or meaningful characters if they're not playing the snowflake factor.
This is doubly true of people who don't stick to the PHB races, or deliberately ask the DM to include something that doesn't exist in the setting being played.
Triple true if the come on Veeky Forums to bitch about "no fun allowed" DMs afterwards.
WTF am I staring at?
So on my other question. Is a non That Guy, a team player, non-powergameing but solid C roleplayer a bad thing when using splatbook options? I would love to play a genasi warlock for example, because that sounds fucking rad. I'd certainly try to make the character compelling. But is this better, worse or no different to the minmaxed Wizard player abusing homebrew rules and typos
literally any good drow, to start
If everyone else is playing PHB races or races the DM says exist in his setting, and you're not, then you're being That Guy, everything else is irrelevant.
If the DM says Genasi exist in the setting and aren't super rare/non-existant special snowflakes, then knock yourself out.
What makes a Drizzt Clone anyway?
Dual-wielding? Thats common in RPGs.
Being cast-out? Thats also kinda common adventurer trope.
I actually wish I would see some Drizzt Clones, they would probably be refreshing to all those LOLSORANDOM-Quirky-gril Type characters, the BADASS GRIZZLED VETERAN MERC and the suave super-charismatic rogue/bard/sorcerers.
There is at least one of those above in every fucking group I join.
I think it's more a case of playing against the grain somehow became commonly accepted norm these days.
>"hey user you should join our group!"
>"so far we have"
>a good drow
>a half silver dragon
>a child charcter
>a man rping a female half angle
>half monky monk
>an full orc gunslinger
>I've seen alot of people want to play "good drow", but whom aren't really Drizzt clones beyond that.
To me it always sounded like a nonsensical prospect.
>I want to play as X... but I'll take out what makes X the thing it is in the process!
You make some good points. That said I disagree on one point and it takes a hypothetical. If the DM's put only vague restrictions in place but the party is otherwise pure PHB I don't think it's terribly That Guy to be the odd man out- Provided you've established logical connections and reasons to go adventure with some humans and an elf. Still using the genasi example- if it's not forbidden I'm going to ask "hey, how can I make this work"
>180 alignment from the rest of your race AKA the odd one out
>Highly unusual class choice for your race. Drow make little sense for rangers considering the wild difference in native environment
>Some sue quality's Drizzit has never to my knowledge made a truly bad call, has almost always forgiven the world for distrusting him and enjoys writer protection and a degree of "might makes right" He has never been beaten or driven back by the truly evil
>the outcast factor. Drizzit could not function in drow society. So too will a clone clash severely with their race
I dont even know what a Drizzt clone is. Was still accused of it, and asked to do something else.
>Play 5e
>GM wants us to make good or neutral characters that are traditionally feared or evil, who wants to redeem themselves or try to show people that their kind isnt necessarily bad.
>One guy makes a red Dragonborn Barbarian who struggles against his inner rage
>A Kobold Paladin of Bahamut
>A Thiefling Bard who tries to never resort to violence.
>I made a Dark Elf Rogue who has lived top side for most of his life, who works as an outlander in a dangerous forest, carefully approaching travellers and helping them through the forest safely, to gain some kind if positive reputation with the nearby villages
>GM, supported by the other players: Dude, don't make a drizzt clone, that's not cool. Do something else.
What the fuck is a drizzt, and why do people hate it so much?
Not drizzdt clones per-say depending on what qualifies as a clone, but yes, every single player who has wanted to play a Drow in my games has been an insufferable twat.
Easy solution is to just say "Drow aren't player-races in my game, neither are tieflings". None of my good players have any interested playing monster-races so the only people who get upset are the bad players who I'd rather not have in the first place.
Reminder that player characters are inherently exceptional and that literally everything you described as negative qualities of a Drizzt are qualities of almost every player character.
>Keyblade (Oblivion, of course)
>Midna's helmet
>Spiderman's symbiote suit (The movie version, no less)
You are staring at raw cancer, in Skyrim mod form.
Not sure if bait but gonna answer anyway.
a drizzit clone is a character, traditionally a drow who follows your basic character outline. Based on the character Drizzit do'urden, a dark elf who grew up somehow good and with autism fighting skills in his NE at best underdark society of backstabbing amoral monsters. He eventually abandoned his people, unable to tolerate their evil and found his way to the surface. Where he eventually became a ranger and now lives to prove himself the exception to the drow rule. The whole clone hysteria came about during the period surrounding his books release, where any elf-friendly game could see one or more "goodly drow elves trying to prove themselves against the grain of their kind"
Maybe, but he asked and I answered
Drizzt is the main character of several novel series. This led to rabid fanboys who created an army of Not! Drizzt but turned them all into ridiculous Mary Sues do to not realizing their own PC is not the main character of a novel, but rather a single player in a team.
That's a battletoad you filth.
...so I pretty much couldn't have made a drow in this particular game without making a drizzt clone by default? That's fucking stupid.
Also, left out that he was abandoned in the forest, and doesn't know much about his own people, other than horror stories travellers have told him. Chaotic Neutral, he doesn't really have any rules he follows, he just loves in the woods, but he helps people because he feels like that is the best way to keep himself safe.
Is it even possible to spin a drow into a non-drizzt, ahen the setup requires that he is trying to redeem himself despite his race? Doesn't sound like it.
You fucking wot m8.
I think the main reason why I hate PCs as Drow is that they ruin actual Drow.
Drow can actually be pretty cool, but the instant you introduce a Drow that has a player-mindset, you destroy all the coolness about Drow. They're a monster race, they're meant to be in the Monster Manual. If I was running an evil campaign through the Underdark, then sure, Drow makes sense. Otherwise, they're disallowed.
If playing a Drow or Tiefling is so important to a player that they won't play unless they get to be that race, I don't want them in my game.
I donno about impossible. Hard to be sure. Maybe by going hard lawful good. Play a full-blown cleric or pally of a traditional elf god, every detail matters with clone accusations. You had the poor luck of going with a ranger is all and "drow ranger" tends to trigger red flags
>Is it even possible to spin a drow into a non-drizzt, ahen the setup requires that he is trying to redeem himself despite his race? Doesn't sound like it.
Which is why they should be left in the monster manual. They make no sense for non-evil characters and make less sense as adventurers outside of the Underdark.
No I didn't. I went with Rogue, going for the Arcane Trickster subclass.
Unless "Ranger" is to mean "any martial ever", then alright. Guess I can make a spell caster instead.
One guy, lets call him E
PC 1 - Stormwrack 3.5e
>Sea Elf
>Born a twin to parents in [dark brotherhood ripoff i made up for campaign]
>Could only keep 1 after they turned 13
>PC liked books
>Sister trained to be assassin
>PC is abandoned by parents for being a shitty assassin
>Almost dies in the wild
>Adopted and trained by druid
>In the party didn't do anything except stand at the edge of the scene and exist
PC 2 - JJBA system i found online
>Female, human this time
>I skim the backstory, something about her(his) dad dying of illness something something stand awakens in a fight with bandits
>Stand is relatively vanilla, not too edgy. Water stand like Geb or Aqua necklace.
>A few days before session one
>"Hey user can you make a spiderkin race for my character."
>"No, why?"
>"Because it fits my backstory."
>Reread backstory
>In the bandit fight, literally a horde of spiders come out from the woods and save her(him).
>I tell him no
>"You're restricting my creativity user."
>About two hours of conversation at 3am summed up with "You're being retarded E. I'm not adding an entirely new race so you can snowflake."
>He's pissy
>He says "since you won't let me be a spider race i'll just be friends with spiders"
>Says he has 1d20+5 spiders on him at all times
>Can't kick him out, group is small enough as it is. Mayhaps JoJo's Bizarre Adventure RPG is a bit too niche.
>"Sure E, you can have spiders, but they are never going to impact the game."
>He's happy
>He asks me what his character has on him when we start
>Describe his outfit
>"I don't have a hat user?"
>"Well um... I didn't say you did so i guess not."
>"Can i have a hat?"
>Spends the first 20 minutes of session 1 telling me he wants to go to market and buy a hat.
>I just tell him, there you have a hat. Nobody gives a shit.
>"What so nobody is going to tell me 'hey nice hat'?"
>"No E"
I'm so glad i moved for uni. Still have that JoJo campaign online tho.
All of that seems fine, but here's your (You)
>Game where you have to play a "monster humanoid" which are trying to be good
>Other players are Chromatic Dragonborn, Kobold and Thiefling
>But drow specifically should just be banned
You have some serious autism, if you are triggered this hard by Drizzt clones.
That's my bad then and I'm out of answers.
>drow wizard/sorceress
>drow warrior that DOESN'T dual wield
>drow druid (for shits and giggles make him/her transform into a giant spider)
>drow bard
>drow blacksmith
>drow stone cutter
>drow scribe
>drow farmer
>drow trader
But they're not user. You can put a few rails up but the cat's out of the bag and you really should learn to accept change.
>player drow come from the rare surface dwelling houses who chose exile, poverty and a miserable existence on the edge of the world over destruction. They rarely follow traditional dark elf behaviour or social structure
Now you can keep traditional drow who are basically alien to a party while keeping with the new age. Banning races outright out of personal dislike or beliefs seems the petulance of a bad DM. "the campaign takes place in a forest so you wont see any drow" makes sense but "NO DROW EVER REEEEEEE" does not
>never gotten a group to last more than 4 sessions
Feels bad
That's a Battletoad, idiot
PC 3 - This is a theorycraft for a 5e game he may/may not be joining. Short one
>Actually male holy shit
>Drow, oh no
>Neutral Good
>E what are you doing
>Sorcerer, 3 level dip into warlock for eldritch blast.
>Something about demon pacts had something to do with Lolth or whatever.
>I see you still want to fuck spiders
i like monster girls as much as the next guy but this is getting out of hand
>Other friend, tell him how fucked he is on flavor.
>I'm still baffled about Warlocks being a Charisma class and not int.
All in all, he's getting better, i think.
Another one of the foolish threads where the worst scum of the hobby try to pass judgment as though they are an authority.
Most of you don't have a game to play, and when you do, it lasts a pittance. The easiest way to out yourself is threads just like this; in real games, you want a strongly diverse group as it brings in more nuance that the setting provides. How the world reacts to the pc is a large part of the point of playing them, they offer a different experience in roleplay that you can not get from playing yet another human/elf/dwarf. No matter how different each of the common race pcs are in play and personality, the setting will react to you in a similar manner.
Low effort.
I don't allow those races either dude.
If I were running a game where a pc Drow made sense, I'd allow it sure.
But for me, PC Drow only make sense in an evil campaign, and even then, probable only in an evil campaign that takes place (or at least starts) in the underdark.
I have never seen a Drizzt clone, nor has any player ever been allowed to play a drow in any game in my 15+ years of tabletop gaming.
I'm running 2 games, playing in 1.
None of them have retard races like Drow, Tieflings, or Dragonborn because the group as a whole all agrees they're totally out of place as player races.
In the game I'm running I had to tell ONE player that he couldn't play a tiefling in my setting. That was fine at first, but then when I also rejected his dndwiki homebrew class, he decided not to play. Absolutely nothing of value was lost and we still have a 5 man party.
Its better for both people, I don't have to deal with a player who doesn't fit my game/group and he doesn't have to play a character that he doesn't want to.
Your assumption that people hold these opinions just to feel superior and don't actually play games is really stupid user. Most people hold theses opinions because they play A LOT and have witnessed the stereotypes play out a thousand times over.
I'd say you're limiting yourself then. But the fuck do I know. You've defended your stance without calling me a faggot so beyond a suggestion I'll bow out and stop trying to argue the flipside,
Try some vassa shit. Run a game set in fantasy wild west. A remote nation recently founded with half-formed political structures taking shape around an abundance of monsters. A place where violent murderhobos would gather in numbers looking for the best scraps, this is an environment that could allow your no-go races. Sure there's a couple of drow. All huddled together under everyone's eye- nobody trusts them yet but with them surrounded by near open hostility you can sleep easier
That sounds cool. I'll look into it when I'm done with my ToA game.
>make a drow ranger, she lives for the hunt
>nothing makes her happier than hunting down and capturing slaves
>worships Lolth, chaotic evil, classic drow
>this is still a Drizzt clone
How Drizzt out of 10 is my NG Drow Cleric of Pelior Veeky Forums? Be honest.
>Shit rouge goes on first raiding coming of age ritual to elf surface village
>Runs at the first sign of combat cause coward
>Disoriented on surface has no clue where the fuck he is
>Runs right into paladins while wandering and immediately surrenders
>Fake converts while in prison to get off earlier with good behavior
>Accidentally really converts while studying source material for disguise
>Joins clergy shortly after released
>150ish years later joins party as old wise cracking elf hamming a Foghorn Leghorn impression
>Standing member of a respective holy order
I was originally trying to do a dumb meme ">drow who worships the sun lol" and fell in love with the concept after making it and fleshing it out. Now after playing with it for 2 sessions I have this lurking feeling I've accidentally Drizzt'd.
>they're totally out of place as player races.
And why is that?
I don't particularly understand why in a game of pretend, some pretend is "bad". Sure, if they aren't in the setting, or fit the tone, but at that point, what makes things like halflings/dwarves/elves fit?
Are they "near human" enough to pretend they are just human? Do you allow orcs/half-orcs? Gnomes?
Are you having fun?
Is your pc happy with their life and how it has turned out?
Then you aren't Drizzt, because the highlight of his character is his -deep- anxiety over what he is and his fears that he will become something awful.
Thanks. I'll look through those.
I dont have much options left anyway in terms of races. Not that I like, at least.
We HAVE to take these races, as it is. It is the setup of the game. We normally stick ro human-elf-dwarf, so our GM forced us to roll completely non-standard, commonly seen as evil, races. Dragonborn, Thiefling and Drow seemed like the best options, but the other two were already taken (and we couldn't take duplicates)
I wish I could take a human like normal.
Nope. Hasn't been relevent in like 15 years.
Few people even remember those novels nowadays, shit, while playing WoW yesterday I shocked tradechat when I mentioned Glen Cook, and the one guy who knew who I was talking about went on about how I was the first person in 7 years to know of The Black Company.
Just how many people have read shitty D&D novels to be have even a passing familiarity with Drizzt character? I bet most people had never heard of him before Baldur's Gate.
here's a (you)
Would you accept the foreign exchange student drow Veeky Forums?
As you guys grow up you will realize what makes a good character and what makes a bad one. I was edged in highschool also.
It's always strange to me to see these conversations. Here we are a bunch of bandits who love to plunder and conquer. Is it a cultural thing?
Do people really know who Drtzz is beyond the memes? I see a lot of people being blamed for copying Drtzz without the alleged plagiarist and the accuser knowing really who Drizzt is
Would you recommend me any Fantasy novel, especifically one written in Third Person Limited?
Does Riddick count? Because he's based on Vin Diesel's own Drizzt clone.
>Says he has 1d20+5 spiders on him at all times
And how is this bad for JJBA character?
>coked up dunmer William Wallace with too many swords.
I like it.
>not rolling Generic Human Fighter and playing the beleaguered straght-man to their technicolor antics
user you have no sense for comedy
This confuses the shit out of me. How can the Drow version of a female Predator be considered a Drizzt clone?
That's like saying Loki is a clone of Spiderman.
Look up Duergar. Basically evil dwarves, but with awesome psychic powers. So not only can you be a super stronk tank warrior, you can also mindfuck your enemies into oblivion. Look up what happens when someone has their charisma or wisdom drained down to zero.
Honestly, I don't know why more people don't play as them.
I was addicted to those novels because they where the only thing that wasn't complete shit in my middle and high school libraries.
The only people I've ever seen bitch about this are shitposters on Veeky Forums.
It's so weird to have an entirely isolated to people-who-don't-play-games game meme like this.
Most of those things aren't even edgy.
And how dare you not still edge. Edging properly is amazing.
I kind of want to play a rogue with the charlatan background who pretends to be Drizzt while not knowing all that much about him.
>Drizzt clone
I have only seen a drow ranger at the table once in my decade of ttrpg experience. Good drows in general however are more common. Drows of every class and alignment actually appear more frequently than surface elves in game, but that's mostly because my group loves the underdark as a setting so there's plenty of hooks for drow characters.
How would you make a good tiefling/drow backstory without falling into cliches, a snowflake, or Mary Sue traits.
So..an elf in drowface or someone with minor polymorph spells?
This meme needs to end, it has become as reddit and unfunny as Sir Bearington.
Acknowledge the heritage and go no further. Your Tiefling had an ancestor who was part of a cult and pumped out a kid before dying. Children follow children and today literally all you know is "yeah there's something not human somewhere" You don't need to tie the whole tiefling thing into everything.
As for drow I'm a fan of surface dwellers. your houses that had radical ideas and where driven out for it. So you get this wierd mix of dorwish family dynamics without the chaotic stupid of lolthites. As a surface drow your family ties are stronger, more grounded in actual loyalty but you're significantly more insular as a result and retain drowlike views toward other races or even strange drow. You're used to dealing with immediate family exclusively and being separated from them is unsettling. you alternate between keeping your distance and attempting to manipulate benefits out of the rest of the party
A drow that is no none-sense and really doesn't like people talking down to him, but shows restraint?
Drow always sound like the villain of the week type of deal including a stupid laugh. I'd imagine someone would get sick of their shit.
Fuck off and stop trying to steal our old memes, redditor.
They're not yours.
>there will never be a Spin-Off slice of life comedy of Black Lagoon about Cotton, Sawyer and Shenhua living together in a run down apartment in Roanapur
goddamnit that would be the absolute best.
>pet panther
>bragging on how good and kind she is
>character story have lots of abuse, edge and "I'm so speshul nobody can understand me"
>talking about Drizzt a lot
>wants to meet him because "He's the one who can understand me, he's my true love"
Happened in 2016
Honestly, Ranger and Rogue are pretty similar. Most tend to be sneaky fucks with a ranged weapon. Drizzt had a companion but it was a magic item and he snuck around a fucking lot, depending on the book.
The real answer is, people need to be less uptight and shitty, but if I was DM I'd be worried about a Drow ranger/rogue/ranged fighter in my group out of principle.
Tieflings? I don't know.
Drow? You accidentally pissed off your Matron and she sold you to someone as a slave, who eventually sold you to someone else, who eventually sold you to someone else, etc. until you wound up on the surface where you won your freedom in exchange for selling your master out to the authorities for some crime they committed.
>Has anyone actually seen a Drizzt clone this decade?
>this decade
Not this decade, no. I've seen Liriel clones tho, and Pharaun clones, and I'm pretty much guilty of playing a Ryld (eh more or less) clone.
In fact, the Liriel 'clone' and my Ryld 'clone' were pretty much into the last decade's top 10 characters played at the my group's table. Went 1-20 in a campaign that spanned a couple years and toured half of the underdark, the world above, and a few layers of the abyss.
Neeshka - Neeesh-ka, emphasis on the "Neee". Not many people get it right. Or try to.
Painfully close to the truth. Just exchange "played" for fugged [\spoiler] and the millenium for :-DDDDDD [\spoiler]
>the guy who likes playing "evil" or "dark" races purely for the cool factor
thats good enough reason for me
This never, ever work for me. Why?
>playing other races for dark factor and suchlike
>not for biological novelties
I am a sucker for races that: Regenerate, have a strange life cycle, eat nonstandard food, have nonstandard bodyplans or movement methods, and the like.
I am sad that most games restrict race choice to, usually, humanoid-things. Usually SAMEY humanoid things at that.
Have you ever played a centaur? Did you ever come up with a plausible explanation for how they wipe their own asses?
Mine so far has just been "leaf on a stick".
>>"What so nobody is going to tell me 'hey nice hat'?"
what a guy
anyone have that infographic about how horse asses are self wiping marvels of engineering that engineers have reverse engineered to produce various soft material dispensers?
>mfw I saw that posted on /an/ once
>mfw someone asked if you could decapitate a person by shoving their head up a horses ass
On one hand it's too bad, Black Company is one of my favorite series. On the other hand, makes great for plumbing for NPCs and PC idea bases.
Wound up pulling a Lieutenant and a non-wizard One Eye to flavor up a bandit camp that my players took over and converted into a private military.
>a female half angle
How the fuck does a line have a gender?
Because he didn't want to run JJBA, he wanted to run modern supers game, and that that's what stands were about.
On the internet you never know if the other person is an edgelord.