Warhammer 40.000 General /40kg/

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Can't wait for shit eating eldar to once again be OP!!

First for slab and maul

saim hann better be good, the wild host must ride.

I've been unable to play my army without knee jerk reactions from faggots for the whole of seventh, Jetbike armies return.

Ay you xenos get the fook outta here

Except there isn't anything that would indicate that.

[Spoiler]And I'm laughing as I drink all their salty tears because of it.[/spoiler]

Reminder to report both left-/pol/ and right-/pol/ posts.
We're here to discuss tiny plastic men.
It's serious business.

Your ogryns are very nicely painted
>for you.

Hell yeah. Yours look much nicer than mine, but I love Bullgryn. They are pretty much in my list every game.

I also can't into spoilers it seems.

Every Baneblade trim and especially a naked shadowsword, is a shit tier choice and should be only used in beer games.

Prove me wrong

Protip : you literraly can't.

Do not engage the /pol/
Do not correct the /pol/
Do not acknowledge the /pol/
Report 'em all and let Mod sort them out.

>"You think armor values are your ally? I was born with them, molded by them. I didnt feel the sting of an armor save till i was but a man."

But what are your tiny plastic men's political affiliation?

fuck off guardfag, I'm playing the three flavours of space elves and you can't stop me.

When the fuck will I get a Celestine that isn't packaged with Cheese Daddy and Voldus?

No, wait user, yours are great as well !
Might be a good idea to try the dipping trick for them. Shading is the only thing they lack to look amazing.

New thing, if you haven't seen it yet.

Whaddya think?

Dude yours are way better. I fucked up my "tacticool" scheme with the luftwaffe grey trying to keep in line with my guardsmans weapons

shadowswords are actually really fucking good at killing super heavies. if your enemies bringing heavy weapons its your duty to bring one.

"Both Windriders and the scatter laser have seen considerable points reductions, making them highly efficient choices in a Craftworlds army list."
Ah the good old days...


well she's already not packaged with voldus

Pretty you've been proven mathematically wrong for Shadowsword last thread already.
Also: beer games are best games and everyone disagreeing is a WAACfag
Prove me wrong
Protip: you figuratively can't

That... is really good. fuck.

>Vypers are bikers now
>mfw I can zip around 20" a turn with full accuracy bright lances


>Just waiting for some DE love
>while the Craftworlders get the spotlight again
Bunch of cheap whores


>biker units don't suffer


wonderful, I missed using my scatterbikes/sarcasm

they were OP in seventh so I never used them anyway. its hard enough finding a game for bikedar without being overpowered.

>Thanks to the Biker keyword, Vypers benefit from the Saim-Hann Craftworld Attribute and, as such, make superb heavy weapons platforms.
That's what I was hoping for. The vyper's my favourite 40k model, so a little buff is nice.

Fuck, the Inquisitor then.

>highly efficient
>in an age where AP and S7/8 is the most important thing
>and a full unit can't even kill 15 guardsmen
Yeah, no!

Yeah, it's a great kit, best of it's decade easily.

Do you think Deathwatch will get some Land Speeders and Whirlwinds or some other new units when the new codex comes out ? It's a bit weird that they don't have more light but mobile firepower to support their small but elite numbers. Luckily we have Forge World to last us until then.

wait what. forget what I said. this is amazing, time to dust off my vypers.

I know what you mean. I want to buy Celestine again without doubling up on Carfax and a cyborg I will never build twice. But maybe, just maybe, I can make a super Inquisitor Carfax by fusing her with 2 Cawls.
Thank you! I'll have to try shading and some highlighting to make them look nicer. They are my all star unit after all. Beef squad alpha.
Thanks! I think your scheme is great looking, no fuck up.

How modifiable is the baneblade kit so that you can swap parts for the various loadouts? Shadowsword, banesword, stormsword, and doomhammer. Same for baneblade and hellhammer. But it doesn't seem like you can get the storm lord to mix with any of them

>Both Windriders and the scatter laser have seen considerable points reductions

Thanks but Emperor was not Turkic, or Hatti or anything like that.
Hittites lived at that area at 1600 bc and Turks arrived at anatolia in 1071 with the battle of manzikert. And they were not ottomans. Ottoman Empire formed long after that era. They were Seljuks.
Since he was born in 8th millenium bc it is at aceramic neolithic era.
Meaning people did not even know how to make pottery at that time.
The most probable site of the emperors birth is at Asikli Hoyuk or Nevalı Çori.
And since we cant exactly say this or that society lived there we cant say Emperor belonging to a certain ethnic group.
Just call him Aceramic Neolithic human

It is so funny to see people in the 31st millenium arguing about the actions of a guy who lived for 39000 years. Seriously, he knows what he is doing.

This seems pretty cool. How does it compare to a re-roll?

You can make a hexblade/octoblade or whatever it's called very easily
Literally you just have to glue some spare sprue to the inside of the hull, snip one little piece, and you're golden

Fuck yeah, shoot'n'scoot is back!

It has a completely different application. You can use this to fire short ranged weaponry and still make sure you don't get charged, or move in and take an objective after you've cleared the enemy of it.


You use it to go one side of wall, shoot, jump back so you can't be shot again. Just like you've been doing for editions now. The only redeeming feature is that you can only do it on one unit instead of your entire army.

More reasons to have artillery!

Can a Leman Russ be part of and have their doctrine ?

That's the nice thing, instead of every unit jumping around walls for free it's one unit that does it for a CP that I steal on a 5+
It means they can pick one unit to be hard to get a hold of, seems much more balanced and fun

Read your fucking codex for fuck sake.

People who post unironically skimpy women so that their post gets more attention should be shot

Lol, get rekt Eldarfags

Not so sure on that, most artillery is pretty trash these days. Guard especially get fucked by lots of -1to hit shennanigans

I wonder if the person running the Facebook page audibly sighs when they see a post from an Eldar or necron player


>artillery is pretty trash these days
Guess that's why everyone and their mother who can takes earthshakers, basilisks, manticores, and mortars

I dunno champ, that's still pretty good. Literally an upgraded version of those advance and rapid fire/no -1 to hit things and now it's letting us shoot and scoot with heavy weapons too. It's not like 7th, but it's still really solid

Basilisks and manticores really aren't trash. And I've not maths'd it out but I suspect wyverns are pretty good against jetbikes even with -1 to hit.

>Pretty you've been proven mathematically wrong for Shadowsword last thread already.

Tbh he's been proved right.
The only way this model could be considered half decent was to compare it with the hottest garbage in the game

I cry every time I see something about Magnus, all he wanted was to cuddle with his daddy.

Shouldn't have rekt mankind's webway then.

Fire and Fade seems pretty awesome, even if your guns are 12" range.

Fire Dragons jumping out to pop a vehicle or monster? Move another 7" away and provided they aren't faster than M6 they can't charge you.

Guardians can even stay away from any would be chargers while getting a volley off.

I'm liking the Stratagem and the Powers far more than the WTs.

He didn't know and he was so worried about papa, let Magnus embrace his daddy one more time and the Thousand Sons would gladly stop fighting and allow justice to be dealt to them if it means Magnus can embrace dad one last time.

I wonder if they get confused about no plastic SoB existing with so much demand for them in every post

Yes, militarum tempestus are a valid regiment and you can make any unit with the keyword in to

Even mortar teams can.
Even a stoemlord full of 20 mortar team can be militarum tempestus.

I mean, yeah? Playing RG tactics or Stygies and I can seriously fuck with Guard backline gunning, hitting on a 5/6 on the move is really pretty trashy, as of yet I haven't actually seen anything die to a basilisk, d3 damage don't so shit when you're getting like 2 hits max.

Manticore are good though, I've seen them tear up all sorts of stuff with the damn catachan rerolls and some other buffs. But still playing a dreadnought and assault heavy army they just don't do a whole lot, one exception was some serious cockblocking (i.e. all five dead) on a lucky 12 shots at my shitty little primaris bubble. But yeah, when you can make your opponent have the BS of an ork it's a pretty solid time, it's the other things Guard do that are too much

What should I name my Salamanders Primaris successor chapter that I'm painting in bronze and green?

Da green kangs

Flaming la-la homo boys




I'd like to expand on this guy's suggestion and say The Raging Flamers.

Too on the nose, man.

Already naming all the characters after dead rappers. Make way for Brother Dreadnought ODB


>artilery are shitty

>no they aren't

>they are when you run a faction that counters long range shooting

Void Serpents

To be fair, earthshakers no longer can cookie cut a squad of space marines.

Brazen Drakes.

They never really could, you got 3 if you hit and your opponent knew not to bunch them up when facing template weapons.

Isn't that redundant with the Saim-Hann faction trait? Unless of course it doesn't count Heavy weapons in Battle Focus.

Rapid repositioning Dark Reapers could be scarier than Warp Spiders.

I wonder when their promised rules questions section makes its entrance.

Its no fair for the clueless PR hype interns having to deal with the groggest of the community ity.

Flaming Raging tube-snakes

They're like salamanders right?

Hey 40kg, where are my GKbros at?
Im playing with the idea of running a purgations squad with incinerators in an Asscan razorback. Is this setup any.good?
Also, why the fuck didnt GW give us any Stratagems to use on Incinerators?

I expect so, I mean they have access to all the Primaris gear other than Ancients and Lieutenants already. I expect they'll rectify that and give them access to conventional armoury. It's kind of silly that these super elites don't even have predators or scouts

And then as I post it, it's been answered.

>tfw no flaming rager to handle my tube snake

that's mostly pretty true, got lucky a bit here or there with direct hits, but they cant mulch up infantry at all anymore, well they sort of can but i've had plenty of times in the past at the FLGS where 3 earthskares mulched up space marines among some lighter infantry like guardians and guardsmen, seems like the big arty like earthshakers is only good for monster/vehicle hunting in my experience in 8th so far.

Anyone got some cool ideas to admech up Ogryn? I want to have some variance in my army so I was thinking of using them as my kataphron destroyers but I can't think of much apart from sticking some wires and new guns on them.

Also if anyone has some ideas on how I could spice up Sicarians I'd appreciate it, I'm fucking clueless about it.


T-tyranids are gonna be great again, r-right guys?


Anyone got a link to download Ruinstorm? After Damnation Of Pythos I don't want to waste money on something that could very well be hot garbage.

I pray everyday for He-who's-name-shall-not-be-used to stay away from their book.
They deserve better. Also, give us back infiltrating/outflanking stealers, ffs.

Well, Primaris are meaningless to those that picked up Deathwatch because they like the fluff (so most of the DW players) until they give them special ammunition. Until then they will be glorified objective campers.

And rather than normal scouts they should give us some sort of Kill Marines, 1-5 models per unit, power armor like normal vets but with stalkers, camocloaks and infiltrate base, able to attach to a Kill Team.

*Shoots your Farseer with 2+, rerolling snipers, wounding on 2+s.*
Nothing personal, Aelfdari


>coming soon to a hive fleet near you

>He-who's-name-shall-not-be-used to stay away
>current Warhammer 40,000 OVERLORD

Not mine, I've just bought some Rat-Ogres to do the same kind of thing to, but here's someone who's just slotted all the parts together pretty neatly. Apparently it took minimal greenstuff work and it looks good.

Going to cut the heads off the Rat-Ogres and replace them with cables and lenses Datasmith style, so I guess you could do that if you run out of gasmask heads for whatever reason.

He is incharge of 40k now.

Bronze with black skin? Seems risky for a color scheme. Unless that's just the trim.