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/cyoag/ - CYOA General - Hand Fetish Edition
I've got a new project nearly ready. Expect it in the next 3 days.
I know I promised a mercenary CYOA next, but I felt I wasn't ready to continue on that.
>Mercenary CYOA
nvm I miss read that, thought you said merchant CYOA.
Let go tok.
That could be fun... Once I've wrapped things up with the ghosts, I may go for that next.
to rosanon in last tread
comparing the WIP and the old one side by side, I notice that entrance methods are missing, was that a concious decision or simply not implemented yet?
otherwise it looks pretty good, I'm looking forward to the new edition.
Do you have anything fresh planned, or it going to be more or less the same but with a new coat of paint?
what would you like to see in a "be the magus" CYOA?
Liminal is my favorite, he often combines 'be the little girl' with lovecraftian horror themes, or at least dark fantasy ones. That combination really appeals to me.
Familiars, lots of flashy spells, cool wizard pad, no sense of right and wrong.
>no sense of right and wrong.
you have no idea about how much of this there is
sort of
>lots of flashy spells
noted, but how adverse are you to minmaxing/specializing for these spells?
>cool wizard pad
same as above
I feel like wizards should have at least some general utility spells, one of the cool things about an old wizard is how he can just flick his wrist and accomplish all the mundane tasks he doesn't want to do so he can focus more on studying or violating the laws of nature.
>studying or violating the laws of nature.
this part is there- its like 99% of what magi do, albeit more as a goal
but just how easy should the utility be do you think? personally i feel like things like prestidigitation and mage hand would cheapen magic from reality breaking hax to just another superpower
cute girls
Disparaging references to an unbelievably petty wizard council that is like a homeowners association from hell. Shit like whether "Warlock" is an acceptable term or not, if animated objects like brooms are to be considered proper familiars or not, and the minimum age a mage is allowed to present himself as in polite company.
define "girls" and your ethics about acquisition
I dunno man, I've never seen a setting with phenomenal cosmic wizards where they couldn't just flip a wrist to accomplish any mundane crap that might distract them. I mean, otherwise, that wizard is going to have to stop raping physics to do CHORES, and that's no good.
its a bit more "serious" than that, but there is a bureaucratic mess of a generalized council/association
>I mean, otherwise, that wizard is going to have to stop raping physics to do CHORES, and that's no good.
Why do you think wizards always identify farmhands and stableboys as the true heirs to the throne, who need to be trained? Nobody else is going to tolerate doing menial tasks/chores for some magic geezer who could do it themselves.
but if you minmax enough to get that PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER, do you really want to waste space with picking minor options for utility?
Well it's either that or have a ton of sla-familiars.
That's why I think minor utility options should be free for all.
how minor are we talking? because at lower levels the magic is going to be VERY minor (magic missile/ summon minor creatures)
Doing chores.
the capacity to ''be the little girl''
So because other people in the last thread were posting their hands, I've decided to post mine as well.
Rate my hand guys!
free range or made to fit?
Fellow skelet- I mean skinny human detected.
cut your nails user
whats the point of being an amoral monster if you dont indulge your deviancies?
Good point.
You've been dosing on crystals, haven't you?
>tfw handposting made me insecure of my hands
>tfw I think everyone is secretly watching my hands all the time thinking how horrible my hands are
My autistic sense is tingling!
Building a powerful greedy Miser
>Starting point
Goblin Sewers
If Goblin Slayers manga have taught me, it would be the dangers of these roaches. Weak on their own, but hot damn they are resilient as fuuuuuck
Path of the Zealot
1. Map of the dungeon
2. Hidden house
Obviously so that I know the way back into the base and store the goodies I got on each level. Most importantly is that this place gave a little comfort, although not safe from monster ambush. Hopefully the golem standing guard is strong enough to ward intruders.
1. Old Man and other adventurers
2. The acnhorites
Having more people in this vast perplexing maze means more chance to survive compared to being alone. Not to mention having the old man means having the access to many access points with locals. The contact that I necessarily must have is the healer in case the old man or all of the members down and need healing.
The hags
One of the members is actually the hag masquerading as friendly. Should have known when she sneak out in the middle of the night from the hidden base "just because she is a woman and she has something a woman must do alone in secrecy."
Holy shit i didn't need to remember that.
A fellow human in arms!
Never even heard of this syndrome. It actually makes some sense though. Thanks user!
Is this supposed to be disgust?
Okay I guess?
Winners don't do drugs.
Cheer up user! I'm sure your hands are just fine.
Wait, so it's not drugs, but some other reference I'm too stupid too understand?
It's ok user, most of the time in daily life people aren't looking at your hands nor caring about them, even if they might be horrible stubby sausage claws.
Did someone say...
>Wait, so it's not drugs, but some other reference I'm too stupid too understand?
Google misty pokemon crystals.
Is there any bnha cyoa?
>Is this supposed to be disgust?
I doubt it, that character is a serial killer with a hand fetish. His hand fetish is even so great it's actually more notable than that the phrase "groundhog day explosion based secret keeping" makes sense when it pertains to him.
how's the cyoa going?
Feminine hand. Also quite aged. There's sign that you are quite active in physical labor/jobs, although the smooth skin and lack of tan suggest otherwise. Indoor activities, like sport or hobbies, or can even be houseworks.
I'd guess you are female in her 30-50s who does housework by yourself. Maybe also not married yet too as your ring finger is velvety and has no usual ring mark.
ZBG's clone like in the previous thread. You manlet.
Pretty cool hand user!
Oh, okay, so basically you just spent a bunch of time trying to progress. Yeah I can imagine that sucks a lot.
Yay! My hand makes the best waifu! Not even SDA's butt can compare! (obvious joking)
My hand isn't really aged. There's no wrinkles on it. What you're seeing actually happens to be bone. I actually happen to be in my young 20's. (Also rings are generally ugly on hands, but you're correct in that I'm not married.)
>Oh, okay, so basically you just spent a bunch of time trying to progress. Yeah I can imagine that sucks a lot.
I don't think you got the right picture.
Or user found the right picture but the sanity loss was too much.
And I just found the picture...
Well that's pretty disturbing and also gross.
Yeah the image's kinda blurry. It's not the wrinkle that makes me think you are aged, but rather the crack. Drink water more, eat vitamin E rich food like sunflower, wheat, mango, and hazelnuts, or use hand lotion.
>I know I promised a mercenary CYOA next, but I felt I wasn't ready to continue on that.
Well too bad, i want it now.
Or are you some other form of undead?
I really hope that one user makes a hand cyoa.
Sorry, but that's a bit too pale for my liking. Then again that might just be the lighting.
Forge of the Final battle seems like the best starting point. Plenty of food, lots of great gear, and mostly weak enemies.
Druid, they're dope
Bonfires, Monster book
Adventurers(duh), the anchorites(also duh)
The dark knights seem like the easiest to handle
Need more sun.
Take the hand shit to
Might be the lightning, but damn you are paler than a corpse.
Cutting your nail short, but at closer inspection, wasn't done neatly. Well-fed but not fat, lack of hardship and labor works, smooth skin, However, afew small black spots and wrinkle suggest you are starting to age.
Male, 30s, single. About to sleep too.
Wrong about my age (22) but still impressive.
>misty pokemon crystals
>use google and bing
>safe search off
You guys are making shit up, I'm not finding anything remotely disturbing.
jesus fuck that art
and why does misty look like a badly drawn asuka?
What the fuck is this shit?
I thought you were all talking about some side-affect of Crystal Meth.
Handposting huh, sure I'll join in.
You have very femenine hands user
>That's supposed to be Misty
Is someone actually going to make a CYOA out of all the hands posted in this thread and the previous one?
Supposedly it's a coping mechanism for the "artist" to deal with something happening to a friend. Personally I'm just glad that I'm able to forget this kind of thing, in a few hours I won't be able to remember it again until the next time someone brings it up.
Supposedly this is good. Why?
At this point I'm not sure if you're overreacting or I'm just too jaded. It's just bad art to me. It looks like something a seven year old would draw.
I've had one niggling nitpick criticism for this CYOA since i first saw a WIP back in early August. Every fucking time I scour the threads for this one to be posted, the thread's died in my sleep. In a world where there's so much art of a Shota admiral, how this crime has gone unpunished for so long is completely beyond me. There are TWO old man photos in that first section. I think there's plenty of room for a cute boy.
I am be overselling it a bit, and while there's more than just that image, it's just the bad art and how perplexing the thing is. It doesn't help though that the art reminds me of that thing with the bad spelling, bondage and deli meat transformation.
>that bending at awkward angle index finger
Your hand shows obvious sign of physical labor/activities. However, the smoothness level suggest it isn't from regular job. So, sport related. From your pinky finger, I'd guess... Basketball? It might explain your index. A jammed finger.
Young male adult. 17-25. In the bathroom.
nobody cares, pederast user
To not cater to waifufags or comfyfags.
To be about me not some character eg like in Battlemage
Why does everybody here have less aesthetic hands than me?
Here's your (You) faglord.
Good I guess, been working on the design and pushing ms paint to the limits. But also been working on a update for my despair CYOA and it takes priority, but I suspect the despair update will be finished today.
why is the MTG emblem the background?
Show us them then, Pretty Hands.
Can't wait to see your take on Fate
What program is that, Gol?
Premise is a bit off, since not much wrong has happened to me. Freebies are nice, the sentinel seems like something I'd turn off though.
Fuck you, hardwood is great.
>ethnic as fuck
So it's sort of a catch-all for every culture that's not generic American/American-influenced? It seems like most of the options one might actually want fall into either this or Other. As for me, I'll pick it for Spanish-style home, standard stone construction with a courtyard in the middle.
/out/ option is a given for me, and I have a hard time imagining who wouldn't take it.
Not sure about Auto-Veeky Forums, it obviates the joy of cooking, but per Room Esentials you only get a kitchenette and not a full kitchen. Both options aren't really want I'd want. I guess I could cheat and design a room to include the kitchenette and also have other counters and stuff, but...
You asked for feedback, dude.
>Why is the MTG emblem the background?
I like references and the fate logos always have some mystical symbol in the background.
I already did.