So this could become a thing now.
So this could become a thing now.
This miniature is painted to good to be in heroclix.
Thick blut basecoat will do fine.
Two of the worst game companies teaming up? Sounds interesting
Wizkids do Star Trek attack wing and D&D attack wing, are we going to see GW outsourcing BFG and going after the X-Wing market?
I hope not. I want to see BFG, and wouldnt mind prepainted figures, but BFG is on a much much huger scale than xwing, and doesn't lend itself to the playstyle of xwing at all.
I really cant see BFG being faithfully portrayed outside of the style of the original game. Much slower and more methodical, planning ahead. I feel to appeal to xwing players it would need to play like xwing, which I dont want.
Not that user, but X-Wing but with 40k fighters and shit from different factions?
Like those box sets that GW made with 2 flyers in them.
Aeronautica. Mite be cool. but then it's too much pandering to the xwing crowd, it would seem forced. A BFG style game with BFG scale ships would make it stand out giving a different style of play.
What if they based it around Armada?
What if they based it around KanColle?
My dick would already be hard as diamonds from BFG
>dick hardness reaching critical levels
>blood density approaching that of a neutron star
>full body collapse into crotch; imminent
>This miniature is painted to good to be in heroclix.
Look around the legs and you can clearly see the photoshop.
prepare for really shitty prepainted soft plastic named characters.
Battlefleet Gothic clix. Calling it now.
>shitty prepainted battlefleet gothic plastics
>weapons and upgrades set in place, no force building other than just buying models
>antennae and nova cannons permacrooked
Dear emperor no!
Would make cribbing minis for Rogue Trader ship combat real easy, I guess?
I hope not too.
They would cost as much as the ships from the starwars games, but like mentioned with the less personal aspects.
the announcement said new board games and dice games, nothing about heroclix
There won't be 40k hero clix. they won't be allowed to do anything that competes with GWs own minis.
it'll be more conventional boardgames or other scales like BFG and or Aeronautica.
eh. i doubt it. we've had word that FW is working on BFG for after Titanicus. GW aren't going to double up on that.
Let's not forget
>Blind pack randoms with rarity
Heroclix is the thinking man's wargame of choice.
Not if they go the star wars bister route.
Now we can finally confirm that Ryu can beat a Space Marine
BFG will firmly be in the realm of FW, Roundtree was the one who pushed for FW BFG back in the day with the Tau and such.
They are going to give the RPG to WizKids
Thye made mageKnight Dungeons.
now that FFG is out, they have to make a new talisman, new horus heresy version of talisman,
and warhammer fantasy roleplay.
its going to be warhammer/AOS Dungeons.
maybe Necromunda?
40k dungeons
WHFRP is already done by another company.
there's no AoS RPG (yet)
Being done by the same guys doing WHFRP.
Fucking brilliant. They must be running out of sharks at this rate.