Best board game coming through.
Best board game coming through
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Do you allow a kitty to accumulate on Free Parking?
Why does no one use the rule where if nobody buys the space, bidding starts?
Because nobody actually reads the rules of monopoly. A game should never take more than 45 minutes.
Does anyone know a game better than Monopoly that is as easy to teach and less than an hour? I keep seeing suggestions that either have way more rules than Monopoly or take over an hour to actually play.
Fortune Street.
Literally a better version of Monopoly, with stocks, districts and shit.
The correct answer is Dixit
Looked it up, holy shit wish this was a real board game. Monopoly with stocks looks fun, too bad I don't really play video games.
It's a great game that makes you rage like Dokapon Kingdom (another classic game you should definitely look up) because everyone is being a scummy douchebag in order to win, but unlike Monopoly, there's actual depth to the gameplay that makes you actually think and strategize.
It's a shame that the only non-Japanese release of it was on the Wii, and the Wii online multiplayer is long since discontinued.
Playing against randoms was so much fun.
I never really understood why people think this game ruins friendships or whatever. I always thought Monopoly was kinda boring.
If you want to ruin friendships, get drunk with the wrong person and play Jenga.
After a certain point in monopoly the winner is pretty much locked in and the rest of the game is just going through the motions until everyone else loses.
This is especially true with some popular but stupid houserules. Most people ignore the bidding rule. The free parking pot is a popular house rule. Both turn a ~45 minute game into a ~2hr game, but usually the winner is clearly visible after 45 minutes anyway. And the winner inevitably doesn't want players to concede before they technically have to. And since being forced out of the game might result only from a really unlucky landing point on the map, it can go on a long time with people secretly hoping they'll finally land on that one fucking developed property so that they can declare bankruptcy and stop already.
Basically, it's a poorly designed game because the point at which the likely winner is evident is significantly before the end of the game, and it's a slow grind to victory from there.
It's also just poorly balanced in general. Some properties are worth vastly more than others due to the prevalence of random movement mechanics (i.e. the spaces after jail are worth far more than their face value because players are more likely than average to land on the spaces just after jail due to getting moved there.)
We all know the game that truly ruins friendships.
I always go for the cheapest properties first because they are the fastest ones to set up hotels on and if you can get a few landings on those, youre on your way to snowballing to victory.
It's not entirely up to debate or theory, user - autistic people have mathematically demonstrated the likelihood of landing on any given space and found the properties before and after Free Parking and the property right before jail are the best value for the money.
Get a load of this pleb. You want to lock up houses so no one else can build. Keeping 8-12 houses out of circulation and under your control is better than getting 2-3 hotels.
Back in March I was at a family get together and they decided to break out Monopoly. When I insisted that we play by RAW with no houserules, everyone was pleasantly surprised how quick it moved towards the endgame. Though my sister about had a shit fit when she realized I was hoarding houses and doing shit like intentionally staying in jail for three turns to stall. We were done in just over an hour and a half.
Even if you play monopoly as written wealth is added to the game much faster than it is removed. It can take four hours easily. Unless you get insanely lucky and get all the greens or oranges in the first 2-3 trips around the board there is simply no way to complete a game in 45 minutes.
It's mostly because Monopoly brings out some people's inner Jew and they start doing things like lending money at ridiculous interest rates or in return for favors, either in-game or sometimes OOC as well.
>doing things like lending money at ridiculous interest rates or in return for favors, either in-game
That is literally an intended part of the game. The auction rule is literally intended to cause these things to happen, because it's highly unlikely for any person to ever get a set without making deals with other players.
out-of-game meta play is just poor sportsmanship, though - what happens in the game stays in the game.
Or Dokapon Kingdom if you include vidya, though it's basically a board game anyway
Best Monopoly variant coming through
>tfw played this with my grandma New Years Eve, 1999
Mah nigga.
>It's a shame that the only non-Japanese release of it was on the Wii
It's a pretty simplistic board game, it doesn't NEED to be in English to easily understand it.
pic related ruined an actual friendship for me
>Does anyone know a game better than Monopoly
Yes, it's called "any game that isn't Monopoly".
Lending money and allowing people not to pay rent is against the rules.
Played the Ultimate Banking Edition for the first time tonight and it was complete shit. The electronic banking unit makes things convenient the board was fucking awful.
The early Mario Party games were far, far, far too random. It was far too easy to lose everything due to a bad die roll, or for a bad player to suddenly win just due to luck. Also, the AI cheated like fucking crazy, even by video game standards.
I played with a bunch of 10-11 year olds I was babysitting and they fucking nonstop fought over the rules and imagined stealing. My strategy was to buy up trains and utilities because they looked different from the other places and one kid read the description on the utilities, thought it was overpowered so he gave me all of his money for it and instantly lost. haha fucking retard.
>itt people who don't understand the point of monopoly
Monopoly is played to go alongside conversations with other people, mainly family. A lot of people find it easier to talk with other people while doing something, like eating, driving, working etc. For that purpose monopoly is one of the best boardgames because it's sophisticated enough to not make you feel retarded, but practically plays itself so you can talk to grandma without feeling like you should be moving around or doing something.
It's still shit at that, though. I'd rather play something like Ticket to Ride if it's literally just something to do.
Ticket To Ride is too complex for a conversation piece, the game has to be less of a focus than the people sitting around you.
>Ticket to Ride
Have you ever played the game? I could teach it to a child in less than five minutes.
Because people are too dumb for auctions
Teaching difficulty isn't a measure of complexity in the game, the measure of complexity is the thinking you have to do to play it. Monopoly requires no thought, you just roll dice, move the piece and chat. Ticket to ride requires strategising and forward planning which takes away from the conversation. Your Great Aunt isn't going to talk to you while deciding if she wants another card or not, or at least not as much if you were playing monopoly or another simple game like rummy or yahtzee. So as a conversation enabler it's shit and if you actually start playing that a family reunion no ones going to think "wow this game plays great I love how simple the rules are but how complex it is practice" they'll think "why is my autistic offspring getting us to play something where we don't talk to each other and just put down little blocks. Oh great he won because he was trying too hard... again and can't realise that winning (or even playing) isn't the point of why we're here".
You seem like the sort of missing the point faggot who if invited out fishing tells other people to shut up because they're scaring away the fish.
Because that's a shitty rule
That's not the point of Monopoly. Monopoly is (a stolen clone of) a political game, designed to showcase how terrible monopolies are.
Yeah and the point of Warhammer 40,000 is to make kings into military geniuses and show them the best ways to win battles, right? Fuck off.
>nobody manages to complete any rows, they are all split among the players
>nobody is willing to risk anyone else finishing a row and building houses and won’t trade with anyone unless it is absurdly weighted in their favour
>just go round and round the board taking pennies off each other until everyone gets bored
>It's a pretty simplistic board game, it doesn't NEED to be in English to easily understand it.
True, but I don't enjoy moonrunes in my games.
I mean, after years of watching anime and playing games I can easily discern the meaning from the audio and even can read a bit of kana, but actual moonrunes? No thanks.
>True, but I don't enjoy moonrunes in my games.
I can't play them any other way now
And you seem to be vastly overestimating how much strategy and thought Ticket to Ride actually entails from turn to turn. There are long periods of drawing cards as your turn that are conducive to conversation. It's not fucking Go.
No, it's a great rule because it forces players to act quickly and communicate and bargain. The lack of this rule is one reason houseruled games take forever.
>literally communist propaganda with the actual moral taken out
You want something fun and so simple your grandma with Parkinson will get it? Tempest is the way to go. You want something with insane repeatability? I'd suggest Neuroshima. Something easy, fast, relatively fun and a classic? Carcassonne.
>The correct answer is Dixit
Completely different demographic and brainspace
Dungemme wrong, I love dixit, but that's an alternative to like... apples2apples, or charades. Not monopoly.
That's pretty autistic, my man. When you're playing board games with your family, that kind of metagaming can ruin an otherwise fun night. Save your power level for your NEET friends. Normal people don't deserve that kind of treatment from you.
Owners Choice. You all control one pawn, you move it over different stocks/companies. You can buy sell stocks in those companies. Whoever has the most stocks is president and can roll a special dice for benefits. One lap around the board and it's over. 45 minutes and you're done. Good game by Z-man games.
>Yfw Capitalism can turn even commie propaganda into a game that shows how fun it is when you win in a capitalism
Please user, we know it's not meant in figurative sense. Choose better words
It's a shitty, poorly-designed game. Honestly, playing it like that, as intended (no house rules), is a favor to those people. They SHOULD learn to despise it and hopefully never play it again.