How would a Sect in the Imperial Cult that is inspired by Black Churches/Modern Gospel Choirs look?
Actually, I think it could be a nice idea for black sororitas, you know all singing and clapping hands and shit, the prioris leading the choir, while they slaughter, maim and burn trough some heretics masses.
How would a Sect in the Imperial Cult that is inspired by Black Churches/Modern Gospel Choirs look?
Despite living in the South, being religious, and being actually from the South, I have never been inside a black church.
I'd imagine just a normal black church but with a lot more gothic themes.
I haven't been to a black church, but one time a guy who apparently thought that my (Southern) church was run like a black church came to my church. He didn't seem to realize that, apart from saying "Amen" at the end of a prayer, we don't generally interject our own comments into the church service. He kept loudly saying "Good preachin', good preachin'" and "Praise tha Lord" after the Preacher said stuff. I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with doing that, provided that the rest of the parishioners are on board with it. In this case, we weren't, so he was basically the churchgoer equivalent of That Guy.
In response to your question, OP, the Sect's services would probably involve a lot of call-and-response and would tend to be more loud and raucous than most other sects.
Are you black? If not, that would explain it.
>Invite a black guy to a D&D game
>He's a great player
>But every time the GM makes a monster attack
>he calls out "Good shot!" or "Hell, yeah! You're really stompin' us now!" or "Nice damage, dude! That killed his guy!"
>The other players are really not on board with it
>but don't want to look racist so just smile politely and nod our heads
How would you clap while purging heretics with your flamer?
>>but don't want to look racist so just smile politely and nod our heads
You know, what would really prove you're not racist is treating him like you would any person doing something that gets on your nerves.
Right now you're giving him special treatment literally because he's Black.
>Are you black?
That may be why. I'm not black.
Hold your horses, it hasn't happened yet.
>being this paranoid
They already control you.
Honestly I could kind of see this working - in a setting as grim and depressing as most 40k worlds having any sort of frivolity or joy would be huge and by associating it with the Emperor you're conditioning people into the Imperial cult a lot more easily than the usually dull gray churches and whippings and shit.
Silly user, it's already begun
>Right now you're giving him special treatment literally because he's Black.
It's more about giving him special treatment out of concern he might otherwise respond violently. Because he's black.
>Everything I Don't Like Is /pol/: the Immature Child's Guide to Understanding Dissenting Opinions On Veeky Forums
This is far more reasonable.
Make me leave, snowflake.
Thats.. a fair point. I guess, some could sing, and the others burn and purge? Maybe with some mics on there helmets? I imagine it kinda, like this one page of the redeemer comic (Pic related), but it more abstruse, all them looking happy at it and having a good time.
Actually, thats not my intention. I just find the idea of black gospel sororitas pretty funny and if you would make a black sororita order I think, doing it with some good meaned self-irony would be good, especially in this times. Because you know, I am not in the "No Fun Allowed" Club, that SJWs and /pol/tards are two sites of one same coin off.
>being an asshole is totally showing them librals right guis?
gtfo alt-shit
Lol no. Black churches are silly as fuck. Their warriors would be unbearable.
38000 years from now, I don't think cultures will have survived intact. So why limit you to black SoBs? Gospel, ok. Black SoB, ok. But I'm not attracted to the combination.
May be because I'm not from the US.
I was always surprised that the sisters don't have vox operators, when they have much more money than the IG, like to bring fear into the heart of heretics, and have entire orders dedicated to chanting hymns.
They probably use noviciate/servitors/cherubs/civilians to chant while they purge. After all, seing heretics get burned is way better than a regular mass/
That's not even cultural marxism in that pic. I expect nothing from stormniggers, and yet I'm still disappointed.
>legitimizing degeneracy
>not cultural Marxism
Actual black here.
We place more emphasis on the resurrection than the crucifixion n' shieet. The miracle of Christ lies in restoring God's original plan of immortality. It's something to celebrate and sing about.
And the whole "speaking in tongues" thing fit well with the African idea of being overcome by spiritual forces during ritual. We usually observe the whole "women should cover their heads" thing in church too. We're not really into the OT so much unless it's about Moses or Elijah for obvious reasons.
Among more rural folks the Bible itself is a source of divine power and can be used to assist in calling down miracles.
>can be used to assist in calling down miracles
So that's the reason so many preachers are depicted brandishing open books at the enemy.
Cultural marxism is about countering capitalism. It's a form of warfare between to ideological blocks.
This pic is just about cultural imperialism. As in the dominant ideology smothers all the others. Those are two very different things.
Go read a book, nigga.
There are a shitload of convents. The military ones are just one sort of them.
Regarding skin color: the galaxy is a big place. Cadians all have purple eyes. There's a planet of people that need to eat poison. There is a whole subsector of Dorf mechanicus.
As long as humans stay away from chaos and don't get to comfy with xenos, everything goes. There even are planets where mutants are not treated like shit!
>We usually observe the whole "women should cover their heads" thing in church too.
I've always wanted to see Sororitas with habits.
Maybe for some less armoured troops.
Cultural Marxism literally does not exist anymore. It was a little school of though once, never got much traction and vanished again.
The term is now just an indicator of /pol/ution trying to sound smart and political incorrect despite, as usually, being neither.
Marxism is comonly seen as critique of capitalism. The cultural thing was a sub group not the overarching one.
But user, there already is effeminate faction wearing robes - the Dark Angels.
Then what is the correct term to describe notions usually labeled as "cultural marxism"?
>Actually, I think it could be a nice idea for black sororitas, you know all singing and clapping hands and shit, the prioris leading the choir, while they slaughter, maim and burn trough some heretics masses.
That's a wonderful idea.
>Gooooo tell it on the mountains, that the Emperor wants you fucking deeeeeead
Do black sororitas still have white hair?
Probably my favorite moment in Empire (the most densely plotted show on TV right now) is when the Cookie “bougie is many favorite insult” Lyon goes to see an aria be performed at a gala with Taye Diggs. She’s listening to the music, she starts to feel something real, and in the middle of The Big Held Note she stands up and shouts “YES SING IT BABY” in the middle of a crowd of ethnically diverse stuffy rich folk (the singer was herself black).
It was a very real moment, that not only cemented the fish out of water situation Cookie was in and her distrust of anyone who wasn’t raised poor, but also showed a moment where a character who is obsessed with being “real” but isndecidely ingenuine has a real moment outside of herself.
More important question: do they still have manfaces?
Even more important: are they plastic?
Go back to your containment board
If it’s a black gospel church, it’s hats, not habits. That shit gets fancy.
Disagree about the call-response thing. My theory is that it’s a descendant of slaves not being taught to read or write, so oral tradition gets even more entrenched. Notice how in black communities, speaking well is a sign of weakness. Perhaps because the slaves taught to speak well were the ones taught by masters to preach to keep their fellows in line.
I hope your thinking about the added greenstuff cost required for sculpting all those Sunday best hats.
A broad spectrum of positions ranging anywhere from actual marxism through left democracy, liberalism, conservatism, and reactionary social opinions.
It's a super-broad vague notion that red herrings lots of different opinions as being leftist to scare Americans.
Black people are way better at being Christians when it comes to music, praisin the lawrd and generally acting like they mean it when they worship Mr. Christberg, so I bet they would be cool as a basis for Sororitas.
Tie them as an ally to a Buffalo Soldier style Guard regiment, some Salamanders, and some Techpriests who excel at installing rims on Leman Russes and you've got some pretty awesome My Guys.
>>he calls out "Good shot!" or "Hell, yeah! You're really stompin' us now!" or "Nice damage, dude! That killed his guy!"
I don't know why they do this.
>Start new job
>Two weeks in
>Quick get together on lunch for dual birthday party
>Little cakes for each of them and a card
>We sing happy birthday
>Only black girl goes 'WHOOO' after every line
>She is sweet, kind, strong minded and intelligent
>Can not get over adding 'WHOOO' to Happy Birthday
>Still think about it every birthday
Veeky Forums, this is just sad now. You've become /pol/s whipping boy
You got me confused with other user
I'm talking about speaking in tongues
>Negro Spirituals about purging xenos
Old black ladies are hilariously catty about the elaborate hats
>Mmm...hey Mrs. Rose!
>Ya hat is so...unique...takes a lot of courage to wear somethin' like o' God no less...
*passive aggressive smiling*
>Not Penal Regimental Choir is a gift, bro. I'm autistic by black standards but the idea is that you should be enthusiastic about almost all endeavors.
I'm just gonna say that /pol/lution is a really slick way of saying it.
Life is a gift, I agree. Which is why we celebrate our birthdays with a song. Shouting 'WHOOO' really loud in a quiet room of a dozen people is odd.
Sounds like he's fun and encouraging.
It could be a lot worse.
They didn't read or write in Africa either, so it wasn't something new. Call and response is much older than American slavery.
Someone please make art of this.
>They didn't read or write in Africa either, so it wasn't something new.
They did, it was just a sign of privilege and wealth, and the people who were taken as slaves were not privileged or wealthy.
Niggas are crazy, don't know what to say. You're considered a weirdo for not shouting random shit.
Nah. The folks of the Sahel & East Coast were literate. And the Igbo were headed down the Chinese route of writing.
this, but with flamers, and exorcist tanks.
possibly a few more gold skull encrusted pauldrons.
fore shame...
Yeah this guy just sounds like he's getting into it, politely ask him to maybe tone it down a little bit. If he's new to the game maybe give him some pointers on how to better get into the mindset of wanting his friends to succeed. Maybe try not to foster the whole "DM Vs Player" Preconception a lot of outsiders get.
>We place more emphasis on the resurrection than the crucifixion n' shieet
Would these be borderline heretical cults that preach the resurrection of the Emperor, kinda like some of the radical branches of the Inquisistion?
Same. I grew up United Methodist, and while I had the chance to visit one during Confirmation, I was sick that day. I heard it was fun, though.
Call and response is a huge part of gospel that carried over into some other black oratory art forms, like rap.
Whenever I go to church the pastors are constsntly saying, "Can I get an amen?" Or "Isn't God so good?". In earlier rap songs there's a bunch of "Can I get a X". Hell you could even say jazz used call and response between the musicians as when it started jazz was mostly freeform.
Its probably a part of how her home sings happy birthday. When I first attended public school I was baffled at everyone yelling "cha cha cha" in beteeen verses.
Or its being considerate of a small cultural difference that doesn't matter much.
Pretty much ogryns
If you wanted to try to get a black church sororitas thing going why not do something where some !Africans were brought to the light of the Emperor and a lot of their own religious rituals were mingled with the imperial cult. Not only is this a common thing that happens but is something that happens in real life as well.
You'd imagine the early slaves fresh from Africa being made to practice Christianity and then a generation or two goes by where old beliefs and new beliefs are being mixed together except, in this case, the Sorortias didn't have to be made slaves and are far far more enthusiastic about the worship of the emperor.
Hell, if anything Voodoo would be a more appropriate thing to work off of since that has alot of cathoilc imagery in it.
>Able to read
>he calls out "Good shot!" or "Hell, yeah! You're really stompin' us now!" or "Nice damage, dude! That killed his guy!"
Sounds like a fun guy desu.
>gospel ogryns
I've always pictured ogryns dancing around like in a peasant bourrée, but that's cool as well.
The imperial cult is basically pray the emprah and mankind above everything else, we'll leave the details up to you. There's no "canon" worship.
Sounds like a retard
He'd make a great bard tho.
I have no problem picturing the DoW priest as black