Honest Question here; Have Primaris Marines failed? Not in a lore point of view, but rather, in a meta point of view. Marinelets are still the face of GW, and are considerably more useful and powerful than the Primaris.
What went wrong?
Honest Question here; Have Primaris Marines failed? Not in a lore point of view, but rather, in a meta point of view. Marinelets are still the face of GW, and are considerably more useful and powerful than the Primaris.
What went wrong?
This is only the first step of the transformation.
GW decided to take slower approach re-shaping face of 40k (vs radical approach they did for WHF -> AoS) we will see more of Primaris Marines.
GW wanted to avoid "OP new models you have to buy" accusations? That's what it feels like to me.
This. They don't want another clusterfuck the scale of AoS's initial release.
I think the should just have made a new set of armor and equipment, that would be fitting, so that Marines would be replaced by Truescale Marines. As it is, they are two seperate classes.
In 1 or 2 years the Primaris are going to replace normal SM.
Honestly I really respect the fact they didn't make primaris marines balls to wall op
I actually really like the looks of both Primaris and the original marines, so it's all fine with me
They haven't failed, but they weren't the massive replacement success GW wanted.
Financially, they were a blowout, so GW is going to keep pushing them and FORCE the marinelet veterans to like Primaris whether they want to or not. They even have FW making Primaris superheavies instead of getting their studio back on track.
If Gdubs walks the walk on their new attempt at balancing, wait until the ork and nid codexes come out for an errata to bring them up to par. Once all the major horde armies have their codexes and dominate the tourney scene, they should have the situation screamed at them loud enough to get it in their heads to balance them.
Nothing, everything is going as planned.
Primaris Marines are being introduced gently, and various new types will continue to be released with new Space marine codexes.
The Primaris take over will truly begin next edition, when the units people are now acquainted with beginning to outshine their old marine counterparts.
>Primaris Marines are being introduced gently
Just rip the bandaid off nigga
Or maybe they're just a shitty limited sub faction. Not everything is a conspiracy to destroy your precious space marines.
The amount of manlets in denial they're being squatted is hilarious I must admit.
But like, we all know how {{{Games Workshop}}} is, so why would they just discontinue marinelets when they've got all of those molds for them? Do you honestly think if there's still a dollar to be made off of marinelets that {{{GW}}} won't try to milk it?
Do you think they'll go full AoS and make it so marinelets can't have Chapter Tactics, and if you don't make a pure Primaris army, your Chapter Tactics turn off?
Because that would be hilarious.
Nothing went wrong, normal marines are here to stay but primaris are babbys first army tier (solidly middle with easy to understand options). There was an all primaris list that recently won 2nd at a big tournament and was only bested by a marinelet army featuring bobby g and the asscannon parking lot
Primaris are an attempt by GW to draw in the homosexual playerbase for lsm. Space marines are gay, but not that gay. Now both lsm and csm have legions of gay men ready to do battle.
I assume the same; still curious if it'll be 'all Marines now have Primaris upgrade', with all models switched over to the Mark-Whatever, or if they'll somehow just change marines to be, I dunno, even more elite?
40K sales are UP UP UP and Primaris are selling like hotcakes. So no.
Have you not noticed Games Workshop has fanfiction writers in charge of everything now? That the quality is as low as it has ever been?
Well, I like everything about the models besides the pointlessly disproportionate rifles and the kneepad rims as standard, other than that I think they did a good job capturing the aesthetic of every other power armour mark, though there's no studs and the Beakies aren't so much represented.
I think they should try making a new Indomitus terminator armour kit that's basically a Primaris-scale remake of the original bulldog terminator armour, and fluff it as the original kits being up-sized.
Female guard is for the gays though
It's that gay economy at work.
So it's gay to associate with women, but it's not gay to play with and associate exclusively with men?
They're over costed this edition.
Next edition/codex update their power levels will likely be reduced slightly, but their point costs will be reduced by a lot, likely bringing them inline with space marines, and people will praise the change because their new models will now be useful, instead of Geedubs getting flak for releasing ultra ultra marines that are better in every way then ultramarines.
Its either that or next edition severely nerfs hordes, which is the big meta cheese right now, now that templates are gone and basic guns don't ignore 4/5+ armor saves anymore, thus low count high value elites will be more useful.
>next edition
I think we're stuck with the 8th rules forming the basic framework for the next 10 years of 40k, seeing as how 3rd edition and its descendants survived for almost 20 years.
Good, 8th is unironically the superior ruleset
Yes, but within those editions/codex updates (Probably the latter, since that was the goal of indexes, effectively updatable erratas) we can see point cost reductions.
We've already seen index point costs get reduced in their respective codex's, so I don't doubt we won't see something along those lines at some point.
What an awful fucking loadout.
Yeah, they just need to get their faction balance right and then slowly modify the core engine to bring back more variety without affecting balance too badly.
>Have Primaris Marines failed?
No, they have very much succeeded in their mission of making a fuckload of money
i already started caring less for space marines, both dadbodmarines and classic marines, and i used to be a huge fanboi.
If they make them a bit more powerful, seeing as how the things they are meant to replace aren't exactly broken in the current meta, then I'd buy more of them. I grabbed a couple of squads and characters because I like the cool of them (especially the edgelord Chaplain) but they don't exactly do anything amazing that Tacticals wouldn't. Maybe the fancier ones do but I don't like the models so they would have to be pretty strong to lure me into buying them.
say it with me:
>counts as primaris
This. They;ll just say your regular marines can counts a primaris
you could even make it part of your fluff - ASIAN CHAPTER!
How do you judge that? They're selling like hotcakes last I heard.
while I like the primaris models, I have a massive collection of babby marines gathered over decades. I don't really know what to do with it.
>not in a lore point of view
Fuck off
Likewise, but that doesn't mean I didn't buy Primaris. Sure I'll probably keep on buying normal marines since they fit my army better and are actually more poseable, but from a business point of view, GW succeeded in making loads of dosh.
What I really want are dedicated CC Primaris. Reivers are still too light for me. Hard to play Primaris when you play Carcharodons, since we have sucb an emphasis on close combat.
Look up the secondary definition of blowout
what gets me on the primaris marines are they have so many close-but-not-quite designs
the gravis armor marines, both on foot and in the air desperately need some asymmetry in their design. This could be something as simple as putting both weapons on the same wrist/hand, then a sword in the other hand. That change alone would do wonders for these models.
the short bolter was one of the iconic things about space marines and since it is a gyrojet how exactly would lengthening the barrel give it a longer range anyway? This is more minor
some of the new vehicles just don't do it for me
One thing I actually do really like though are the tacticool bolters that the reivers get. I didn't expect to like them, but I do.
In our case, the 4th one?
>implying Primaris weren't a lavish feast for the discerning Astartes gourmet
It's called growing up, user
>those tabs