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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
>Last Thread
Okay, it cannot possibly have been that long.
It's quite a lot longer actually. People have gotten the number wrong a bunch of times but it's nearly always been by repeating the same number twice.
Your right its longer, we kept miscounting and sometimes it ends up as a lower number.
Only 201 more threads for 2017.
Maybe for Christmas?
Yeah. It's been longer.
Really give new meaning to "You're stuck here forever", doesn't it?
Does anyone have the Digimon World 3 jump? I can't find it on the drive.
>"You're stuck here forever"
No if I die first
It was a WIP, said the author.
>only 201 more threads for 2017
>only 98 threads until WWI Edition
Dear god.
Maybe every thread from this point on should be named after a historical event.
Who is the most companioned companion?
Been enjoying the hell out of it. Really great event & from sound of things a lot of characters introduced are sticking around. Plus I’m hyped about the Watchman stuff.
Let's not go that far. Just make sure we don't miss the big dates.
>can't find thread 1066 in the archives to make sure it was Hastings Edition
Im heading off into my third jump. Somebody pick something for me.
Death Note.
Generic Isekai
Righto. Off to punch Ryuk right in the apple.
The free ones. Or the challenge based ones.
I am looking for insufferable or arrogant companions to bring along with me, I already got Kamidachi and Shinji. Do you have any recommendations?
Pick up Excalibur in Soul Eater.
Pic Related.
This guy.
I'm either updating all nine of my elven at once or I'm not touching shit. Katawa Shoujo got a fix already by whomever and I will not finish Mass Effect because Andromeda exists as the final nail in my coffin of not giving a shit about that. I also just don't have word anymore to keep formatting it like I was. As I want to completely redo Corruption if I can be assed to it won't be for a minute. Most of the jumps are quite easy fixes like typos or just needing clarification. Though I'm not touching just one. All or bust. One last time under the hammer and everything should work.
Slice of Life
I thought Mass Effect was Quicksilver?
He's trying to replace it.
>I will not finish Mass Effect because Andromeda exists as the final nail in my coffin of not giving a shit about that
Just treat Andromeda as a Drawback and otherwise ignore it? Please? I really want to see somebody else's take on a ME jump.
It is. I was updating it anyway like I did Dragon Age.
No, I'm not. Nor was I with Dragon. I did not ask for it to get on the drive.
Oh, okay.
This chain is going to be a shit show, also who's this guy
Andromeda, IF IT EXISTED, would be an entirely different galaxy in an entirely different time.
But it doesn't exist, so what's the problem?
That's a pretty good question.
Maybe Jibril from NGNL via a pod? But that limits it to jumpers who bought pods in the warehouse.
I've seen Anneliese Grigobretz from Van Helsing companioned a few times.
In theory it'd be someone who's in a lot of popular jumps, so more opportunities to companion them...that would mean it's probably Saber (Arthura) from Fate or Anna from Fire Emblem.
Or it might be a drawback companion, like Morrigan from Darkstalkers or Aylith/Garm, since you get cp for taking them as a drawback.
So yeah, I'd say one of those four.
Saber from Fate.
Anna from Fire Emblem.
Morrigan from Darkstalkers.
Aylith/Garm from Valkyrie Profile.
Shit I meant this
Urkel from Sitcoms?
So I've been doing this stuff for the last 2 years and despite how much I like it I've been unable to out any real effort towards making builds or writing. I sort of want to try making a chain to put on the drive so that I have some extra motivation to actually move things forward.
I'm going to become the omniverse's most powerful narcissist. Would anyone care to read my prattle?
That's Xellos from Slayers. He spends most of his time trolling the main cast because demons feed on anger there.
As long as it's funny and obviously written as an unreliable narrator and non-jumper perspectives.
>denying the existence instead of actually coping with the pain
You really should thank Yorokonde for replacing Katawa Shoujo for you.
I mean, you don't really need to do anything about Andromeda. It takes place 600 years and 2.5 million light-years away from the main series. It effectively does not exist, from Shepard's perspective.
Wonder what does Merche thinks about jumpchain
Jump 4: Fallout - New Vegas
Origin: Scientist
Faction: New California Republic
Location: Goodsprings
Age: 25
Swift Learner [800]
Jury Rigging [500]
Death From Afar [300]
Doc Sawbones [100]
Begin Again [500]
Junk Rounds [300]
Basic Gear
Doctor's Bag
Ranger Armor [200]
Vault 13 Canteen [0]
Deathclaw Egg [50]
Almost Makes You Wish For a Nuclear Winter [200]
Guardian of the Wastes [400]
Ain't Like That Now [600]
>"I must say, youngster, you're an absolute delight to talk to!"
Happy to be of service, doctor. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting such a...warm welcome, considering what I dealt with before finding this place.
>"Oh, nonsense! I'm just happy to have someone come by and visit."
The Giant Robo-scorpion was a pretty good welcoming committee.
>"Oh...did I make that?"
Maybe. It's fine, I just shut it down with a gizmo I brought along. I don't think the others know I'm here yet. I did want to talk to you about something.
>"Aaah, so you had raisins to come here, my friend? Well, go ahead, speak your mind!...your brain wasn't removed or anything, right? Goodness, that would be embarassing."
...not exactly. This might be a bit out of left field, but I have a solution to your Think Tank problem. In return, I want to ask a favor of you.
>"A flavor, you say? Well, what sort of flavor did you have in mind, my friend?"
There's nothing to cope with. There is no Mass Effect game called Andromeda. It never happened, so I don't know why people keep bringing it up!
And that's how the Big MT was taken over by a much-despised and much-overworked doctor, who had given the good Dr. Mobius a better synthetic body and some brain restoratives. Never quite got over the Mentats addiction, though, which necessitated having several bottles of detox on hand. Quietly, the young man in a lab coat looked over he wasteland, a juvenille deathclaw munching on cooked rat meat and a much-more enthusiastic scientist marveling at some Old World artifacts.
I don't know if this is the right thing to do, but it feels like a good start. Even senile, the good doctor was of enough moral fiber to trap his former colleagues and protect the Wasteland. That sort of mind and character is a good first step as any to assembling a team.
Podded: Dr. Mobius
Warehouse and Bodymod will be in the next post.
He would try to destroy Veeky Forums as a whole to get rid of it and "save" us.
Probably something like:
Is Merche the ultimate weapon against NEETS?
user, come back to our timeline. Read my lips and come to grips with reality. It happened, it was terrible, people paid $60 for it, the models on release were worse than the trailer, /v/ was even angrier than usual.
The sooner you rip this bandaid off, the sooner you can get back to normal.
A baby deathclaw and a Mental addicted addlebrained genius.
That poor multiverse.
Maybe Evo's Gaia?
>any real effort towards making builds or writing
So what have you been doing for these two years?
I'm not even trying to be mocking, I just don't get what you would be doing other than those two things and still count as "doing this stuff".
The only alternatives I could think of is that you just filled out the jumps like stat sheets and just kept it all in your head. Is that something people here actually do? That, or you just really like reading the jump documents.
It's just weird to me is all.
Pick unrelated to my point, but still topical.
>TFW just backspaced like a dumb cunt and went back to the catalog losing everything I just typed
What I was trying to do speaks for itself if you look at what I have. I don't have Word anymore also so I don't really wants to fuck with it anymore and that was also increase the jumps to fix to ten and I don't want to fucks with that.
I did say I was grateful. Worst by far. Glad my 'tism made someone else make a better one. Not that me making a bad one is good in the first place.
tl;dr: Would've kept this in the other thread but wasn't paying attention because was having a tired wank. Goodnight.
Not him, but I'm in the same boat.
Mostly, I just dick around and talk about whatever the thread is obsessed with at the moments that it's not Fate or Exalted.
Also, shitposting at Tera, because fuck that guy
Capitalism, my dear boy!
Not him, but I do builds in my head and never put them in paper
Wasn't there some princess who dies a lot?
How can you even keep track of progress then?
I can relate to having disproportionately efficient memory when it comes to my passions, and especially my stories, but I feel that's just taking it a step beyond.
Elodie? The Long Live the Queen gauntlet used to be really popular but it's hardly ever mentioned these days.
Yeah that one.
>Wasn't there some princess who dies a lot?
How the Hell does that work? I don't know squat about the source material, other than a quick skim of the jump. Is there some kind of immortality thing going on? Or do jumpers just really not like her?
It's Princess Maker but literally everything is trying to kill the girl. Poisoned chocolate, falling off the roof, her own magic, everything. Have fun replaying.
Probably best to hand off Dragon’s Dogma off to someone. Valeria would be great.
You can read Japanese? I'd be happy to let you take up KKK then. I definitely want to have some of that cool stuff appear in jump form but if you're willing to do a full jump for it, that'd be totally awesome and I'll make sure not to include anything specific from it in DI. If you don't want that, I'd also greatly appreciate any help or suggestions you have.
It's a trial-and-error Princess Maker.
Elodie has the fucking universe out to kill her.
Is this like a super popular game that I've just never heard of. Or is this firsthand knowledge coming from people who checked it out after seeing the jump?
You're still here? What a shame. I'd have thought you'd at least take a few days' break after yesterday's debacle, but I guess not.
I mean it's not like I've done nothing, but for the last month or so I haven't done even a quarter of what I normally do. Normally even waifus would be a decent enough topic to write a solid 20 pages on general slice of life stuff but it's just in me since I've done this for so long with little payoff.
Also I think a lot of people keep most of it in their head. I don't, personally.
So to kinda give myself a kick in the ass to get myself going, I'm gonna let you guys choose my fate.
1. Hero BBS
2. Batman: The Animated Series
5. King Arthur
6. Fire Emblem: Archanea
7. Fire Emblem: Awakening
Trying to keep it pretty low powered for the first ten. Fill the rest however it please you all.
Checked it out after seeing. It's not super popular, but it's on Steam.
Long Live The Queen is a sortof Princess Maker / Dating Sim style game where you guide Princess Elodie for her task to become the next queen after her mother has recently died. There are many ways to do this, and the game has a cute artstyle to back it up.
It's also filled with cutthroat politics, aristocratic intrigue, war, a plot to destroy and annex the kingdom, and there are many, many, many ways to die. It is in fact harder to stay alive than it is to die, which as it turns out dying is very easy. Elodie has no idea what she's doing without proper guidance, and everyone is out to either get rid of her as an adversary or use her in some way to their advantage. So that's pretty interesting.
>I'd be happy to let you take up KKK then.
Different user, but still, that's one hell of an acronym.
>letting us choose
You fool. Foodfight.
All of those but Batman could be considered "mid-powered". Especially Hero BBS if you're not trying to actively limit yourself.
Castle of Puzzles and Factorio.
You could almost say it's the dhahahaha. That is, the dhhfffff. The dpfhahahahaha, The DA-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
I can't even type it with a straight face,
someone finish the meme.
Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor Gauntlet. Do it!
Penny Dreadful, Dungeon Siege 2, Mathew Reilly.
Hey Val, how's Monogatari coming along? Do you think you'll finish it this month?
Sorry for being so annoying about it, I'd really want to include it in my chain for Nanowrimo writing
Honestly, I take the ability to give her my perks every time and I still feel the need to roll at least a 16 to win.
A Certain Scientific Railgun
Sacred Stones if you're gonna do Fire Emblem stuff.
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Realised I'd never seen it as an adult (all I could remember was being really into Nancy when I was 12) so watched it again the other day. It is a legit classic.
>Dream Warrior
>16 years old
>Dream Demon 800
Did you hear about that kid who got carted off to a nuthouse after he started saying Freddy was going to get him? They say he killed himself in there but even the doctors couldn't figure out how he'd gotten the cuts all over his body while he was sedated and restrained. Some of the parents on Elm Street are starting to look strained as well, tired even, and a couple of them have even discovered that they're not the only ones dreaming of the same dead, bleeding teenager every night.
>Sugar and Caffeine
>Dream Mirror 1000
Probably going to blast Freddy with this. Mostly to help out Nancy and partially as I've got to maintain my spooky narrative and it'd become a bit more difficult to make people scared of me if Freddy is doing the same thing in a much more on the nose and killy way. If it seems like it's all going to be difficult to continue scaring the shit out of all the idiot parents every night I'll just kill Johnny Depp's dad or something to get that soul nourishment as he's a real shit.
>Companion Import 1100 - Ramona: Nightmare, 18 years old, Tell Em' Jumper Sent Ya, Inventive 100, Nightmare Fuel 300, But I Found the Key 600
I guess we made friends in the mental hospital which makes sense given I was and hunted then killed by Freddy and she is some sort of social pariah given her background. Most of Springwood wants her dead so it'd have to be pretty bad. - currently going with she burned down a nunnery. I imagine she'd escape without my help given But I Found the Key but I'll break her out anyway so she can act as my herald in the waking world and spread some terror in my name.
>Institutionalized 1000
The aforementioned nuthouse. Being dead is probably harder to explain than my escape.
Girls und Panzer
What's you favorite perk or ability that's not primarily intended for combat or the furthering of related abilities?
Jump 5: R-Type
Origin: Researcher
Age: 29
K-Type [900]
Bydo Lab Chief [700]
Renaissance Man [400]
R-9A Arrowhead
R-9JC Custom
Launch Bay
Bydogen Supply [0]
>"Who, him? Yeah, he's one of the stars of Research and Development. Works with this weird crackpot Dr. Mobius - who acts like a senile crackpot all the time despite looking, what, forty? Dude creeps me the hell out. He hasn't spent a day on the battlefield, but he's always got this dead serious look on his face, and almost never leaves his lab. I'm not sure he even sleeps. Apparently, he worked on developing Force devices that didn't rely on Bydogen, but I don't know if that really worked out or not. Some people say he was just another egghead until recently, and took his work a lot more seriously now. Some even say he stares at the moon and points at it, no matter where in space he's working at the time. Creepy."
Body Type: Athlete [500]
Dexterity 4 [300]
Speed 2
Sense 2 [200]
Endurance 4 [0]
Flexibility 1
Metavore [400]
[Cosmic Warehouse]
Utilities: Electricity, Plumbing, Heat/AC, Forcewall [100]
Structures: Shelving, Medbay, Housing [60], Terminal [40]
Misc: Food Supply [50], Stasis Pod x2 [0]
The Cuphead of visual novels
It's pretty great for making things awkward.
Well...I was going to say no, since I was trying to get Medaka and SSEG out but...I should probably be able to get it out if I cut some corners. Still struggling on getting sufficient items but if I just made a general pool and then filled out the last two Vampire perks, I could get started on writing now and probably get done before the month ends. Though, the Araryagigi origin would only get two perklines to choose from as opposed to everyone else having three (Though that is with the caveat of just two discounts out of three for balance).
You cheeky git.
How's Dies Irae coming along? I want to fight Reinhard.
>if I cut some corners.
Eh, would rather you just take your time, unless you're planning on updating it later/just releasing a jumpable WIP for preview.
I feel like I'm kinda late to the punch about asking Medaka perk questions, but do you plan on adding any perks based off Hanten? Namely, It'd be interesting to replicate his less skill focused feats, like forming an entire village out of his own descendants to keep a single ancient dude around, or his logic defying ability to inexplicably always have his back to the "viewer".
Say what you will about the skill to create skills, but these two things are undoubtedly his most impressive demonstrated feats, imo.
Whoever told me to do Death Note next? You're awesome, just for the Just As Planned perk.
The Dark Souls of visual novels?
I'd love it if you could make it but don't overwork yourself or release something you're not happy with.
What origins still need items?
I don't ask for shit, why should someone else? Beyond they'd have the thread's favor and I wouldn't in either case. I just do things. If someone does before, or if I don't get around to it, the discounts need correcting because what the fuck was I doing, the 600CP Drop-In perk needs changing (I have an idea but it escapes me), the weapon and armor needs changed to being one thing and your choice of set under the assumption it's Gold Rarified, and the improving part needs clarified better that it's only improved by, if I recall correctly, 80%. An undiscounted 600CP Godsbane was something I was thinking about too. Also something to do with the pawn that escapes me beyond needing clarification that it will eventually turn into you whether you like it or not. Also to give the Noble origin CP to spend on items. Maybe I'll never touch any of this. Maybe I'll do it all. Maybe I'll do something else. I did Dragon Age because I stopped by a thread because I was bored after haven't for like a dozen and while quickly scrolling down simply saw someone mention it. I don't know. /jc/ is shit. The jumps are shit and everything is broken or will be. People say "well you should get everything from the jump" when you know damn well there is probably only less than a dozen jumps that truly do their settings justice and where you can actually get everything you need from them and those jumps are probably for shit setting anyway which actually lack a REAL setting to begin with. IDFK. Actually goodnight.
Perfect Communication from Worm. Honorable mention to the hugs cure mental illness perk from Nechronica.
No further than yesterday.
It'd be fully jumpable and I may end up needing to do this with items anyway but...hmm, I'll see if I can't quickly make another 4 perks for Araragiiiiii.
That's already a drawback actually, forcing you to always do things with your back to them.
There's also an item based on his descendant village, though obviously more adjusted to your purposes.
Araragi needs a 600 and Oddity needs a 300 and 100. This is just for 3 items each too, as otherwise everyone would need another 200 or 400.