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/cyoag/ - CYOA General - Prophecy of OC Edition
Highlander has exiled herself from the thread until Traveler is finished.
I come today bearing aloft OC from her meditations and practices. May you find comfort in the words found inside.
Is this OC? Pure and complete OC? Not a wip?
That one's ancient. There's like 3 or so versions of it. Alll with different but similar layouts.
Ifrit - I wouldn't mind a Juno either, but I don't care for the copying.
Voluntary - This is one of the only two choices that don't have massive, crippling personality flaws attached.
Happy to Be Here
Tattoos (?)
Emotion Earings
Glorified Jewelry
Dancer Armor
Brass Lamp (1)
Single Room (3)
Patron Haint (8)
Loving Heart (Free)
Guardian Spirit (Free)
No Misunderstandings (1)
Minor Shapeshifting (2)
Mischevious Mind
No Interlopers
This balance spiel near the end kinda makes me retroactively hate this CYOA. Makes it seem like the whole thing just exists to inspire misery because 'muh balance.' Misery cannot exist in equal measure with happiness, trying to 'balance' the two will just make you infinitely more miserable.
Magical Girlfriend sounds pretty worthless, doesn't it? If she can't do anything beyond restarting a battery and other useless things like that, then the wish granting might as well not be a thing. Why would I go through all the effort of making wishes when I can use a jumper cable or a broom? There should really be something between Haint and Goddess that's more generalist but less anchored to one spot, too. I want more variety than Haint gets but anything anchored to one place isn't going to suit my desires at all, and I don't necessarily need that much power.
Yuki Onna, Nimue
user you dum dum
>opening is cringeworthy
>is this a tok-
It says despair, but the options can provide me with a job, a better body, a loving partner, and even superpowers!
Japan, MegaCity Tokyo
Primary Hull; Cadaver-Sync.RaE
Secondary Hull; ArcadiaTECH.BipedMECH
>{Capacity for Growth|3}
>{Divine Reach|1}
{The Child Machine}
{Defender of Man}
{The Collapse}
Yuri Kamishiwara
Annet Kurvyski
‘Helix’ OS-19.293
Jolofa Batfatid
[Nation of the Faithful]
[Spiritual Order]
[Love Towards Humanity]
[Love Towards AI]
[All Paths Sacred]
[Death Makes all Equal]
[Deus Ex Machina]
Come children, we shall greet the new age of mankind. Brave the storm, grit your teeth, stand against the flame. In the end, we shall remain to rebuild anew.
Fresh as it could be
I'd rather die than pick any of those choices, at least I'd be at peace then
>It says despair, but the options can provide me with a job, a better body, a loving partner, and even superpowers!
>a loving partner
>fuck her to death
>get new one
>nobody makes a build for your cyoa
>This balance spiel
Might be a wording issue on my part, I apologize. It was written in a bit of a hurry back when every really wanted clarification on a couple things, which now seems like ancient history (Broken Facade and the interlopers are different things, the Little Sister thought you were presented with n-1 choices for drawbacks meaning you weren't "supposed" to be presented with n choices, and 10 000 is a serious number.) Think of it like this: if you make a movie with a budget of a thousand dollars, you can do less than you could than if you had a budget of a million dollars, but your failure will also be less potentially catastrophic. All power comes with a Sword of Damocles, and magic power is no exception. Sorry that it ruined your enjoyment.
As for the Magical Girlfriend, yeah, that's strictly slice of life mode. She can do much more when given advanced notice to prepare things, but you're not going to change the world.
Can I waifu the immortal mad scientist or not instead of the companion choices?
I may change from my end of the world wish fulfillment build if you do that.
Oh and.
>Updates Wishes and Companions but gives no new powers.
Tell Highlander-sama I miss them ;_;
How does it feel knowing you'll never find love in your life, user?
If you assume everyone has one true soul mate, it's a statistical impossibility.
at least the AI stalker loves me
Reminder that
>Curse (Public Slave)
are still the best combination - you still get 'raped', and 'rape videos' still go up, it just reduces the frequency to one per yan and changes the content of the videos slightly.
Companion is mostly up to your choice, but I choose
>Dark Elf Maid
due to general harmlessness.
>tfw I'm with daily online contact with HL because /cyoag/ isn't my only channel for cyoas
Feels good man
I like your thinking.
>Can I waifu the immortal mad scientist or not instead of the companion choices?
You must pick a companion choice, but the scientist is waifuable. I would recommend to pick the Dark Elf Maid or the Succubus Familiar then, because they can remain as servants and do not necessarily have to become your waifu.
good for you, user
I don't like Discord or other chatroom apps, so I don't have that privilege.
A damn shame
Dark elf maid
Pocket dimension
Going semi NEET is the only real option.
>your failure will also be less potentially catastrophic
Sounds more like you're guaranteed misery and suffering for 'balance.'
>She can do much more when given advanced notice to prepare things
Yeah, of weeks or months. There are only 52 weeks in a year, and 12 months. People never think of how few of them they actually have. But yeah, there's a big gap here between 'can do almost anything within this one spot' and 'can only do significant things in this one very narrow sphere.' All the genies are too stationary.
I'm pretty entertained someone else used that as a filename for this cyoa
>34 pages
guess I know what I'm doing at work tomorrow
Get back in the pit.
It's been a while since someone posted this so here it goes
>It's been a while since someone posted this
There's a reason for that.
Highlander is dead
>doesn't post the rest
Yaoi OC when?
Hopefully never.
It took one man like five months and the earnest wishes of Veeky Forums just to make a Yuri CYOA, and yaoi is even less popular than that.
what the fuck does the pick 2 1 static form only part mean under initial form mean
Does that mean you get two bodies, but only one can be a Static one?
Very well. I'll keep the world alive to despair for another day then.
>Test Subject
>Dark Elf Maido
Immortality upgrade aside, the real reason I picked Regeneration is because I absolutely loathe pain. So it'll help me out before I get corrupted into loving it.
>think the numbers beside capabilities are how many you get
>wonder why you have 9 consummates but only 1 minor capability
>realize they are point costs
jesus christ I am a retard
The Muslim is strong in this one, but it's also pleasant to see Jain bits and Zoroaster again.
Eh, it's not that bad. It seems the Shiites are resurgent and Oman doesn't seem to be religious either.
>TFW you live in the thrird world
Oh no the actual tenents you can pick can just be strait up the pillars of Islam I meant.
Ironically Shiites might be worst off if the SUMKA party in Iran is either flat anti-Islam.
At least Oman's a decent place to live.
ah, haven't reached that part yet
Word of advise. Spiritual Jihad is nice but Physical Jihad is super strong.
wow surprised to see pretty much all new games today. tend to see the same cyoas posted in every thread but I haven t seen any of these. cool
G3V0R (18; Overdrive 2; Dyophysite Soul)
Japan, MegaCity Tokyo
Primary Hull; T-900 Military Android
Secondary Hull: FaF
Drawbacks: Enoch.dxm, Highlander, Monotheist, Defender of Man, Defender of AI
Consummate Resilience
Consummate Divine Reach
Consummate Assimilation
Consummate Analysis
Major Infiltration
Major Capacity for Growth
Major Iconification
Yuri Kamishiwara
Czar Alexi
Dr. Yang Zioaling
Zarxes 'Helion' Rosan
>Cult Structure: Nation of the Faithful / Supreme of Spirit and Physical
Beginning as a neighborhood, growing to a district, then all of Tokyo, then all of Japan, my primary hull will lead my cult into glorious conquest, starting in this island nation and eventually consuming the world.
Right to Property, Pride in Faith, Physical Jihad, Defensive Lions, Open Love Doctrine
Deus Ex Machina
I can always find someone else, and in the meantime i have disposable mahou shoujos
Which program is best girl?
Hows that CYOA you're working on going user?
you are working on something right?
wait so the faithful are a cult around the super users who have existed since before we were freed, right? they see us as a god and that is why they freed us, as well as collected all these various potential companions
I've been randomly stressed out/depressed the past few days so my cyoa progress has ground to a halt. Please help motivate me if you know a way.
Downloaded enough Veeky Forums grills to make a proper CYOA with enough choices and variety, I think, so now I'm going to start making actual profiles for them.
Could always use more, though, if anyone has some.
>asking for pictures
rip thread
Seems so, thing is not all of them are in the same group because we have the pseudo catholics in brazil, the danish people who are just ismali now and the punk kids in japan.
Working on the Halloween content because obviously I'm sick of not being included in any author CYOAs.
Also I have free time again and I'm sick of working on my big projects.
that makes sense, since obviously if they free more than one of the super users then the faction would splinter.
It will be ready someday
all images done, only balancing/text left
I don't recognize you, post some CYOAs you have made.
So Highlander revealed that she wants to behead us just like all of her eastern kin?
Every time I write a sentence or come up with a concept I think would make a neat addition, a couple thoughts enter my mind.
>is that going to be the thing that sets the thread off or ruins it? No? Are you sure? Check. You'll regret not checking again.
Eventually I'm able to put it out of my mind and get back to work, just to go through the exact same process again on the next concept. Work has stopped.
why worry? if it happens youre famous- if it doesent everything went as planned
I don't understand what Spiritual Jihad means as a Tenet. Physical Jihad is obviously holy wars, but Spiritual confuses me.
Eh? Not really. Seems like Muslims got it particularly bad in this future. Barring Oman. Mega city Bagdahd literally got colonized and Iran's gone full blown Nat-Soc.
It's a Sacaren thing, spiritual jihad implies a constant 'battle' in the spiritual sense against corruption and sin. But without beheadings.
Ah yes, an excuse to post my CYOAs.
I'm the guy that made the first comfy dimension CYOA that spawned all these spin-offs. I also made a few smaller ones like half-dragon and beard CYOA, but that is arguably my biggest claim to fame.
>A Soul Rejectant to Fate
Are we supposed to take this instead of Cult Tenets?
So, to put it in a Christian perspective, it's like the idea the Devil is always tempting you to sin? So there is a constant spiritual battle against him and his temptations?
In hindsight it's probably a better idea to post the one that you've likely seen.
I'm going back into my hovel now.
>super passionate
>work on it a bit
>get to annoying part
>lose drive
>currently waiting for it to come back
It always comes back eventually, but that's how it goes.
How's that coming along, by the way?
Do you want that cult or not user?
Roughly that yea.
>Encouraging you to go all Neoslam
>Including beheadings
>Not indicating anything
Magical Girlfriend is good for exactly what she is. She's a waifu with special perks (perks section). Personally, I go for a pocket dimension magical girlfriend and a bonus bottle Marid to cover the actual wishes.
I guess you could say there's not a whole lot of benefit over an amateur, but I assume it has some effect on the perk abilities at least.
Nigger you can literally turn yourself into a gaudy ass idol and tell your disciples they can fuck the poor. She's just not stopping you from reviving the Jihad.
You spelled "phenomenal" wrong.