What's a good system to use for a game centered around car chases and races?
What's a good system to use for a game centered around car chases and races?
Old Veeky Forums has the answer.
What if I don't like lesbians?
I do like cars, though.
>What if I don't like lesbians?
Then you're too gay for car chases.
just came in to plug this
back when Veeky Forums got stuff done
>What if I don't like lesbians?
Lesbians are gay, though.
True, but you are gay if you don't like lesbians.
Lesbians are weird like that.
Car Wars
For when you're out of the car, GURPS
I miss the old pinup style art
Have never seen real lesbians...
Also probably have never seen women naked except through a screen.
GURPS, it also has decent rules for plane dogfights, horse races, jiu jitsu, rocket launches, and etc.
Wrong, see pic related.
Also lurk moar newfag.
How would the mechanics for a race game go?
>A bunch of fat swetty dudes roleplaying females that are lesbians at a hobby store
>ACKCHUALLY, real lesbians are not as attractive as Hollywood portrays them
Lol what a faggot
Obsessing with what 'is gay' instead of just doing whatever gives you pleasure is the dumbest shit ever.
No, I'm a lesbian, and I can honestly say straight girls are definitely prettier 9 times out of 11.
Unfortunately, they are also straight.
Tits or GTFO.
>Select all images with mountains or hills
I don't lower my personal standard based on where I'm posting and neither should anyone. Veeky Forums users tend to have a very low opinion of Veeky Forums users and therefore they all dumb down what they want to say, or say things they don't really believe in becase "where do you think you are". And then they read dumbed down things and take it as confirmation they are right.
Just say your peace, don't be sheep.
that is the point of an anonymous board, if you wanna try hard to fit in you might as well go to tumblr/reddit
I'm also a lesbian, pls gimme (you)'s
I know that girls specifically mentioning that they're girls is usually a retarded cry for attention, but this time it was actually relevant to the topic. Kind of. Not "her" by the way.
If you don't like lesbians then don't waste my time.
Spoken like a newfag.
In all seriousness though, your need for validation and distinction in an anonymous board is ridiculous.
I'm not the biggest fan of the system, but Savage Worlds actually has a really good chase system using a combination of skill checks and drawing cards. It is used for all types of pursuits and also for dogfights, and is probably the best mechanic I have seen for simulating that sort of thing.
Aces&Eights has an interesting chase system using a deck of cards. It's designed for horse chases, but could be quite easily remade for cars. It's probably not good enough to carry an entire game based on that, but could work well for individual chase scenes in modern settings
Devil's run highway 666 and autokill by game mekanics
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