Could your party defeat Pennywise the Dancing Clown?

Could your party defeat Pennywise the Dancing Clown?

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Currently fighting a shameless ripoff in my campaign so I hope so.

>Demon feeds on people
>Kill all the people first
>Demon starves

One of us is a Warforged with no emotions.

So yes.

You'd have to kill the entire population of the universe.

Only if they get to sex the loli too.

Pennywise never leaves the town though, so you would only need to kill a town.

Probably not, his Deadlights form is too OP for 5 lvl 3s.

>Space Marines feel no fear

Anyone of them could just casually walk up and smash his head in with their boot

Didn't he only feed off people for fun though?

Nah, he needed their essence to survive. He just found he enjoyed playing with his food first because he never had real parents to teach him not to.

Paladins are immune to fear effects, so yes.

>some demon shit
>against a group of lvl18 murderhobos

If he can be killed by pumping him full of 7 62 rounds then yes. But rather not.

Only if there is a teen orgy involved.

Some stupid kids managed to do it, right? We'll figure it out.

What the hell did he eat in the millions of years before the Homo Sapiens even appeared, let alone migrated to North-America?

>A party of 4 master stalkers
The Cheeki-Breeki will be heard in the noosphere

What would it do to scare a Stalker? Turn into an empty vodka bottle?

Turn in to... Siderovich!

They didn't manage to kill him, only weaken.

They all have Unshakeable Faith, and have plenty of priests with them. And the regiment considers comradery and loyalty to one another to be a fundamental principle upon which their entire organisation is based.
So I think we might be okay.

That being said, last session 2 players fucked up a Fear 1 test when confronted with the brutal take-down of the Psyker and fell unconscious.

Fucking pussies.

Honestly, the zone has no end of things to imitate. I imagine a lot of Stalkers would not react well if they thought they were surrounded by Bloodsuckers.

iirc It was hibernating for a very long time. Then it wakes up and the 27 year cycle begins.

I cast Banishment.

Im a Paladin, fuck yeah I can and will.

>sky turns red
>sirens begin
>PDA lists closest shelter as just barely within sprinting distance

there's a girl in our group so we can just gangbang her

>in corner of your eye: the glint of a scope in the storm drain
>you do not have time to scream

It takes the form of what the target fears but also takes on the weaknesses of that form.

We are a party of """professional""" monster slayers from a Dark Souls + Nosgoth dying world infested with Legacy of Kain style Double Vampires. Double Vampires are all there is left to fear.

They are vulnerable to silver and silver alloys, garlic and to a lesser extent other onions and sunlight.

We habitually dress in silver alloy chain, carry silver alloy edged weapons and have flasks of garlic water with high garlic diet.

We've also started ingesting silver compounds to become poisonous even if the party now has started looking like heavily armed smurfs.

The party does not run from what it fears. The fear reflex is to charge forwards screaming.

Pennywise is not going to be able to dance his way out of this.

Nice job, genius. Now he's spread across three different worlds.

Temporarily, perhaps. But not kill it outright, just push one of its feeding cycles back.

Reminder that the "if you don't fear it it can't hurt you" is a movie thing. In the book it could murder you even if you didn't believe in it.
It's real weaknesses are the fact that it is vulnerable to the same weakness its current form has, can't shapeshift as long as the people watching it see it as a particular form and that if you believe hard enough you can use its reality warping powers against it (for example, in the books Eddie hurts it by believing that his inhaler shoots acid, which it does when he uses it against Pennywise).
Even then, that would only hurt its physical form and force it to flee. The only way to kill it is through some weird ritual that involves friendship, biting its tounge and astral travel.

It's a Hunter group who have been working with TCG

I think they're manage and then take it in for research.

Pennywise can, apparently, control the perceptions of others. You'd need to be able to defeat illusions, as well as fear.

I doubt it.

I was under the impression that it was more about what people believe can hurt it instead of the weaknesses of the form its takes (i.e. the kids believed that a werewolf would be hurt by silver so it was, the inhaler hurts like acid because the kids believe it will work like that.) To that effect, pennywise is pretty easy to kill, because the average person would have no reason not to believe a gun would be lethal to whatever they fear, unless it was something like a ghost.

If you mean the one from the book, I don't think anyone can.

If you mean the one from the new movie, yeah. Kinda confused how that one hadn't been beaten up a long time ago.

We are currently in possession of a suitcase version of the deathstar. So yes.

Mechanically anyone in Mutants and Masterminds can beat him. If they don't have the 'fearless' advantage, which makes them immune to fear, they can get it by spending a hero point.

So if Pennywise transformed into a vampire, punching it directly in the nose would defeat it?

Better question. Can Pennywise take me on when I can cast triangular gate?

As long as he's not in mine

Could your party have an underage orgy?

Do remember that if IT thinks that It's prey is too "tough" to digest normally, It'll just send them hurtling straight into the Deadlights. Most parties just wouldn't be able to react in time before having their souls destroyed by IT.

Oh, but they do feel fear. They fear the Warp, the corruption that is ever present and pervasive.

Which is represented in fullest form by IT.

>necron royal court

Where do you get that from? Why didn't he do it to the kids?

>Where do you get that from?
It's from Deviantart

>Why didn't he do it to the kids?
IT did it to Billy near the finale, but Billy had Capital G God to back him up.

One could, he's a kid. Tough one too.

He's basically a slightly above average Raksha, so I'm sure a circle of Exalted can do fine.

>He's basically a slightly above average Raksha
Nope. He's genuinely worse. When God Himself needs to intercede just to give the ones facing you the strength of will to not *shatter* into peices, you are worse than anything Exalted could ever throw out.

>beaten by some shitty kids
of course, they wipe the floor with it

We have a gang of misfits and outcasts, the best 80s training montage music, a wise and slightly loopy mentor, a cute pet and the power of friendship.

It is possible that there isn't a thing in any universe that could do more than slow us down for a while.

I'm gonna add him in my pathfinder game, going on in a desolated asylum for the insane in Ustalav. Lets see if my good to nothing players can survive.

I'm in an AdEva campaign that's about to wrap up, and the GM is a huge Stephen King nerd. It would not surprise me in the slightest if a kaiju-sized Pennywise showed up as part of Third Impact.

but he wasn't facing a circle of exalted, so I guess he's not that bad

A solar Dawn Caste, Zenith Caste, and Twilight Caste. A Lunar Waning Moon and a Sidereal Secrets.

Pretty sure the Zenith could handle this on his own, throwing a Dawn into this would be a fucking nuclear bomb to hunt a fly.

Ah so that's why the empty boltgun hurt him

So are you finna tell me that if I'm terrified of the Greys, he'd become a Grey?

So I could just punch him and break his scrawny neck?

no. they're all fucking idiots.

Guess which part of the 'fight or flight' reflex happens when your scared of something you have phobias about?

Protip: It ain't the fight part.

Yeah, I'm sure he's not *that* bad. I'm ean, how terrifying could IT be, right?

nigga you don't know me

Fuckin alien clown starts flexing on me I'd pop him

based nigger

My most recent party consisted of three robots and a human hacker in power armor going through a secret experimental lab that had in inverse relationship to resources and sense. Half of the stuff in said lab was nightmarish on its own. Computer viruses with sapience and holographic projections of their cyberspace selves. It being there wouldn't really phase us all that much. Would just be an exceptionally strange thing in an already exceptionally strange lab that a very, very jaded and angry group of assholes have to deal with now. Plus only one of the group has a soul, and she's the most jaded and angry of them all.

The biggest concern would be that It is now aware of this horrible, horrible place and the people who made it. Even worse would be if It became aware of the Party Tunnel incident.

>I never read the book but I know all the memes!

The gangbang came afterwards, when they were escaping the sewers. TO escape the sewers, in fact.

>IT did it to Billy near the finale, but Billy had Capital G God to back him up.

Wait, like actual God or Billy's belief in God?

Scratch that, IT sounds like a pussy. If you believe in something that can hurt it and you believe in an almighty God then IT will just get rocked every time, doesn't matter what form it takes.

It's implied God himself is intervening in favor of the Losers at many points in the story. If you want to tie it with the Dark Tower stuff that's most likely the Turtle but it's honestly better the other way round

>Wait, like actual God
Actual, Capital with a Fucking G God, aka Gan/The White. He was aiding the Losers through manipulating fate/ka in order to give them the willpower to endure against IT. Gan's counterpart, Dis/The Red, was also manipulating things in favor of IT devouring the kids (IT is in fact just a sliver of the Red), and would have succeeded had Gan not decided to intervene when he did.

Well my character has never encountered anything that a big ass bomb or two couldn't kill, so he has pretty much unshakeable belief that his bombs would work.
On the other hand he's claustrophobic.
Good thing my party has so few moral qualms they wouldn't object to me blowing up the whole town to get the clown with the bargain.

>Gan the White and Dis the Red

Nani when did killer clown movie have such deep lore and cosmological implications?

Dark Tower series. There's also a stand in for himself that has to continue writing the stories or the multiverse ends or something. I sincerely think he did that to convince himself not to commit suicide; if im not mistaken he was still pretty deep into drinking at that point. I dont actually read his stuff out of the occasional short story though, so take it with a grain of salt

Dark Tower is a hell of a ride user. I just wish the movie they released didn't suck ass.

From the last game I was in? Heck no, we're just normal nobles aside from one dude who big enough to swing a greatsword in one hand. Even with him, we're all dead men.

The game before that? We've got this. Run-ins with extradimensional monsters don't scare us. We've fought gods before and won.

One of our guys happens to be an exorcist that seals away demons by ritualistically binding their bodies into his own, which incidentally allows him to use their powers.
Before you ask, he plans on self-immolating in sacred fire when he gets old.
So he'd probably do fine.

>Could your party defeat Pennywise the Dancing Clown?

>pennywise kills himself

>teen katsuragi
do want


The party is made of eunuch cyborg super soldiers, armed with incredible weapons and advanced armor, sent to perform suicide missions that are impossible to succeed without them, their breed few and elite. It would be a thrilling piece of cake. And that cake is filled with knives.

Theron is basically the Judeo-Christian deity, and he was defeated by the Exalted. The Wyld, the Deadlights equivalent in Exalted's multiverse, is easily contained by Adorjan the Silent Wind, and she can be defeated by Exalted, too. For these and many other reasons, the rules actually recommend making Exalted fight other Exalted, else it wouldn't be a fair fight.

To beat Pennywise you need a middling knowledge check (to dream up something to be his bane) and conviction. If you're totally emotionless/checked out he can't hurt you (directly) but you won't be able to hurt him either

Current party has a sorceress who's a super proactive chaotic good, an extremely chivalrous knight, a kind of meek cleric, and a dwarf barbarian whose stated character traits include a firm belief that everything can be solved with judicious applications of axes to the face, core, or other notable point of the problem. We'd probably struggle if IT decided to quite clowning around but I feel like IT really doesn't want to see a divine caster. I'll call victory possible, but far from assured.


>Theron is basically the Judeo-Christian deity, and he was defeated by the Exalted.
I *highly* doubt he's in the same ball-park as Gan, though. Let alone the Red itself (which IT is but a tiny part of).

No, he would be above Gan. The player characters themselves are collectively Gan, for the Exalted are rigged to eventually fall into evil, but this creates stories where new Exalted will rise to defeat them, perpetuating a cycle of narratives similar to how Gan created Stephen King's multiverse to interact with our own universe to continue the journey of the Gunslinger. Exalted was created with the old Chinese concept of history repeating itself and the universe conspiring to make it so, and that there's nothing wrong with that.

Pennywise takes the weaknesses of the forms it takes. Clowns are vulnerable to swords, so yes.

Urod Blyat!

>To beat Pennywise you need a middling knowledge check (to dream up something to be his bane) and conviction
>Current party has... a dwarf barbarian whose stated character traits include a firm belief that everything can be solved with judicious applications of axes to the face, core, or other notable point of the problem
So, if said dwarf barbarian were to face Pennywise...

It sort of makes me wonder how he'd do against /k/, if his pattern of killing got noticed by an autist on /pol/ or /x/ once his 2017 killing spree got started, and some /k/ guys decided lock and load and head into the sewers to put an end to him.

space marines know no fear. So easily.

literally every party that isnt composed of cripples beats him, considering literal kids could do it with a sling shot

>muh stephen king cosmology
if were introducing that were also introducing the turtle or whatever god it was that helped the kids, so once again- pennywise gets stomped

The Wizard could solo him.
>High-level Anima Beyond Fantasy Wizard
>Full Synchronization with Erebus, Gnosis 50 GOD of Dreams and Fear.
>Magic Resist out the ass(260, where the average "high" save is 120-180)
>Becomes a Gnosis(spiritual presence) 45 Demigod outside of reality/in a supernatural realm like the Deadlights
>Also has Conditioned Arcane-level Ascension set up for when/if that happens, so he goes from Gnosis 45 to Gnosis 55, making him an Overbeing on par with Gaira or C'iel(while outside of reality, anyway, because Reality has a Gnosis Hardcap of 40).
>Provokes IT with pic related, gets sent to Deadlights, proclaims "NOW YOU DUN FUCKED UP!"
>Sets up his own vacation demiplane within the Deadlights, with a copy of every book he's ever read.
And that's how the Black Library happens.


This thing can be made vulnerable by belief.

We do not need to go /k/ommando.

We need to go /k/atholic because it's exorcism time.

Deus Vult.

How does a gangbang help you to escape sewers? Did this happen in the first part when they were kids? Or when they were adults?

Does Chris need to visit King?

nWoD hunter that emotionally checked out around the second time he died and was forcibly resurrected against his will.

He's a good natured guy who makes it a habit of buying everyone a round of whatever after a mission, but his fear instinct has more or less been burned out by years of monster hunting and he responds to anything that startles him with a the "Fight or flight" response permanently broken on the far end of the "fight" spectrum

I can see Pennywise trying to scare him resulting in a dozen rounds of assorted 12 gauge shells directed into his physical form, then whatever hole he crawls into will have a literal ton of high explosives dumped into it then capped of with cement until we can research exactly what it is and how to permanently kill it.

>Shows symbols for excommunication
>Talks about exorcism

The emperor's holy inquisition approves of this solution


I'm playing a 16 year old fighter who is highly emotional and susceptible to seemingly random phobias.

He's good at going beastmode against physical threats but is really bad against mind games which the CE rogue in the party exploits to no end, particularly the time when he got spit roasted by a group of elven women

Whenever he is in deep shit the party tends to hang back and wait until he is almost dead or severely traumatized before moving in to save him.

I don't see this ending well.

>If you're totally emotionless/checked out he can't hurt you (directly) but you won't be able to hurt him either
Pennywise is the limb of a much larger metaphysical creature. It can still affect the physical plane and shapeshift into whatever it wants to harm you.

However it wouldn't see the point if you aren't afraid of it because it won't get any sustenance from you.

It would be the equivalent of a human trying to grab a lit firecracker to eat. when there are ACTUAL crackers (easily scared children) just on the next shelf