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>Forge Cleric - Xanathar's Guide
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Political campaigns, lads. Love them or hate them?
>Xanathar's Guide Table of Contents
>Forge Cleric - Xanathar's Guide
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Political campaigns, lads. Love them or hate them?
>2 whole 4 hour sessions of talking to NPCs and RPing
>Session ends mere seconds before combat
>Going to be out of town next week for family stuff
Previous thread, since OP didn't include it
Combat is objectively the worst part of tabletop games though.
Its so slow.
Why do monks' bonus attacks have to specify unarmed strikes? What would it hurt if they had added "or monk weapon"? It's still the same damage die.
Only in dnd and only in editions that aren't 4th.
Nah, we have 3 players so we don't spend too much time waiting between turns, flows quite nicely.
All I want is to average one combat encounter per session, but so far we're averaging something like 0.3
>1 combat encounter every month
Not when you add in a chase scene!
That could be abused at lower levels more, since that many attacks with a quarterstaff is a lot different from one swing with a quarterstaff and a couple of punches.
Not to say that monks don't need some help, but that wouldn't be the way to do it.
is every person in your party just a huge bitch and never wants to fight or something?
Well, yeah, there's quarterstaff, but other than that? If you specify that the attack deals martial arts damage, not more?
>not enjoying building relations with NPCs, working towards your personal goals, and leaving a mark on the world beyond a pile of corpses
Speaking as a dm, chase scenes suck to run with either the normal combat roles or the optional rules in the dmg. They can be great fun, but only with heavily homebrewed rules.
Probably didn't want to get things too wordy with exceptions. And like you said, wording it that way wouldn't change much. Plus, monks are kind of known for their unarmed skill, so having the attacks be unarmed helps keep their class identity more firmly as such.
It just seems like a really minor detail to be worried over though. Maybe I'm just missing something
>caring about combat
Players are not averse to combat at all, but we also enjoy RP. DM loves RP and the campaign is very intrigue heavy which means tons of talking to NPCs and doing other non-combat stuff like snekkin' and skill challenges.
I just want the balance to be more 70/30 whereas at the moment its more like 95/5
Didn't help that a conversation with one particular NPC dragged on for fucking ever despite all of us repeatedly attempting to shut it down and move on. I'll need to have a chat with my DM about that bit specifically.
Magic weapons. You're missing 4 attacks a turn with a magic weapon as early as lv4. Don't mind that silly user.
Otherwise, my point stands. That's not how you make monks better.
Can you imagine dragon without tail? dragonborn greatest flaw.
Anons, I really want to convert some spells from 4e to 5e. Can I get some advice? For example, this was a level 1 daily spell for Warlocks back in 4e:
Yan-C-Bin's Breath (Warlock Daily 1)
Fluff: You exhale a cloud of roiling green vapor that melts anything it touches.
Close Blast 3 squares
Target: All creatures in Blast.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier Acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save end).
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for any creature other than you. All creatures other than you that end their turn in the zone take 5 acid damage,
Sustain Minor: Roll a d6. On an odd result, reduce the zone's size by 1 square. On an even result, increase the zone's size by 1 square. If the zone occupies 0 squares, it ends. Otherwise, the zone persists until the end of your next turn.
I just don't like it cause I'm playing a kensei to be an unarmored sword master and I end up having to make a bazillion kicks/elbow strikes.
Or, at the other end of the scale, this Wizard level 29 daily - that's like a level 9, in 5e's terms.
Flash Freeze (Wizard Daily 29)
Fluff: An arcane wind blasts elemental cold at your foes and freezes them in their tracks.
Close Blast 5 squares
Target: All creatures in Blast.
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 7d6 + Intelligence modifier Cold damage and the target is Petrified until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage, and the target is restrained until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. Squares in the zone are difficult terrain. Any creature knocked prone in the zone takes 10 extra Cold damage.
Ask your dm to refluff it as mordau.
You just gotta simplify it to the bare essentials, remove too granular rules, remove damage scaling from ability mods, ideally remove ongoing damage if it's not vital. Boil it down to the essential of the spell.
In this case, it seems to be an AoE damage spell with a lingering terrain effect. I'm not sure if "blast 3" is a cube or a cone, but I would start looking ar existing AoE spells like burning hands, toning the damage down and replacing it with terrain effects. I would also look at existing area control spells like Evards Black Tentacles or whatever.
Can 5e even hope to handle a spell like this? I mean, what school would it even fall under? Looks like a dual-schooled Evocation/Necromancy to me.
Moilian Flames (Wizard Daily Attack 29)
Fluff: You gather shadowstuff in your hands and hurl it at a foe. As it travels, it ignites with cold blue flames that greedily devour anything they touch.
Ranged 10
Target: 1 creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hir: 3d8 + Intelligence modifier Cold and Necrotic damage, and the target takes ongoing 20 Cold and Necrotic damage (save ends). The target takes a -2 penalty to saving throws against this ongoing damage.
Miss: Half damage, and the target takes ongoing 15 Cold and Necrotic damage (save ends).
Effect: At the end of each of your turns, each enemy adjacent to at least one creature taking ongoing damage from this power takes ongoing 15 Cold and Necrotic damage (save ends).
You are a child. Combat is useful for adding consequences and attrition to a narrative arc, but it is not the point. Two sessions without combat are likely to be two sessions well spent by skilled players.
>Miss an attack
>Still damage them with it
>Attack: Intelligence vs Reflex
>Miss: Half Damage
>Reflex save for half damage
>still take 75% of ongoing damage
Probably another weird balance consideration that might make sense at first glance, but not at second. Monk weapons can be enchanted and they can qualify for Sneak Attacks, for example. This is similar to the meticulous partitioning of weapon proficiencies between classes, when it actually really doesn't matter beyond level 1 if you're using a d6, d8 or d10 weapon. No one's gonna notice the 1-2 extra damage on average, because the damage of nonfighters will be coming from SA dice or cantrips anyway.
Had another fun, successful session enjoyed by all players. Why is DMing so fun?
>implying the 2 RP sessions were not well spent
If I wanted to play a campaign with zero combat I wouldn't play DnD, a system where 80% of the rulebook is dedicated to combat mechanics.
I always prefer the heavy RP elements more than combat.
The games that are just 7 combats per session and barely any talk.... I might as well play a video game then.
Crack The World (Wizard Daily Attack 29)
Fluff: The ground shudders and pulls apart to form a deep chasm into which your enemies fall.
Area: Wall 8 within 20 squares
Target: Each creature in the wall
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is removed from play and takes ongoing 30 damage (save ends both).
Aftereffect: The target returns to play prone in a square adjacent to the wall.
Miss: The target takes 15 damage and you push it up to 3 squares away from the wall.
Effect: The wall's space on the ground becomes a chasm 80 feet deep. A creature can climb the chasm's walls with a DC 31 Athletics check.
What is the point of this?
Would I need dominate person or dominate monster to control a Drider?
>he follows the canon dragonborn design.
Pathetic, you gotta give them horns and tails and you gotta make peasants throw rocks at them in racially homogeneous villages
If you start devoting rulebook to "roleplaying mechanics" you end up with Pathfinder.
And that is just awful.
>Type: Monstrosity
And there's your answer.
Why no wings without a feat either? Are canon dragonborns the ultimate genetic cuckold?
Is it's creature type anything but humanoid?
Then yes you need Dominate Monster.
Wings would easily sling shot them to the most hated race, since that's enough for people to hate Aarakocra.
Also, why the fuck don't they have any dark vision
breath fire probably messes with their dark vision, leaving blindspots for far too long in a combat scenario
I'm away from my books, but what is the DCs for the different difficulties?
Monk, Battlemaster, and Thief are the only ones equal to casters in my opinion. Though Battlemaster is only barely. Monk has a lot of neat Ki mechanics, and Thief has bonus action item usage and the ability to attune to any item at 13th level which is just the coolest ability, no contest.
I'd still rather just play a caster, but there are decently fun martials that exist and aren't just "I stab it with my sword" or "I grapple / shove it".
Ah yes, as with the mighty dragon itself.
5 - very easy
10 - easy
15 - medium
20 - hard
25 - very hard
30 - impossible
30+ - if you're not a member of the Rogue master race don't even try
Grappling UA when
That's just Earthquake
It's F&D
Fucking D&D
Why the fuck would you play it if you didn't want to focus on tactical combat?
Why the fuck wouldn't you be playing really anything else if you wanted to focus on roleplaying?
>implying roguecucks can compete with bards, which have literally peerless skill
Oh sweet, thanks heaps, bro!
Third fortnightly session cancelled in a row because of shit with players coming up kill me already.
My sessions have been cancelled these past 4 sundays, and this upcoming sunday. I'm getting anxious. We're going to be starting CoS and I just want to fucking play already.
Have you even played 5e before?
Guys need some help coming up for reasons for my celestial warlocks abilities.
It hurts, I sacrificed my Thursday Filipino martial arts training to do my uni study thinking I wouldn't be able to do it tonight.
Going to be introducing a new group to tabletop roleplaying games soon and plan on using D&D 5e because its main mechanics are just d20+modifiers and it doesn't come with an esoteric setting
D&D wasn't my first system and is far from my most liked one either so I'm wondering if I'm making a brutal mistake in using it to introduce people to the hobby
I always understood that darkvision was MOSTLY for races that either; live primarily underground (Dwarves/Orcs and therefore Half-Orcs) or had a supernatural background (Tieflings/Elves and therefore Half-Elves).
Dragonborn fall under this weird category of *technically* being mundane beings who happen to look like dragons, sound like dragons, and act like dragons, but aren't *actually* dragons or related to dragons.
Nice blog
It's the best introduction as far as the D&D lineage of games goes. Dunno about other, more freeform systems.
Neat card games to play when your PC's want to gamble/deal with the devil?
Does a sleeping creature have -5 to passive perception, or how does hearing someone in your sleep work?
I just wanna play bloody hell. Our group is going to do Tomb of Annihilation next.
I'm this close to trying to set up a game with /5eg/
No probs user, may good games be had by all
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Eldritch Blast basically just Fire Bolt but with force damage? Playing a Warlock must be so DULL compared to wizard, I'm not even memeing
Whatever it is, it's been alive longer than you have. NEVER leave anything to chance when dealing with otherworldly entities. No exceptions.
Dice blackjack, dice poker
I know you're probably just trying to start shit, but if a DM sticks close to the DMG reccomended pattern of about 6 encounters and 2 short rests between each long rest then warlock is fine, though not top-tier. The design idea is more raw power, less situational utility.
A warlock8 would get 6 level 4 spells per long rest, while a wizard8 gets 2 level 4, 3 level 3, and a bunch of lower level spells.
So are Hexblades specifically sentient magicall weapons that have ties to the shadowfell? That seems really specific.
How should I best utilize the UA demon summoning spells? I have Conjure Minor Demon currently. How big can the circle of blood be? Just 5 by 5?
It is.
I'm changing it to sentient artifacts in general if people MUST play a hexblade, or just using their combat mechanics for pact of the blade warlocks.
RAW, yes, though I think it'd be safe to assume the 'carved from the stuff of the Shadowfell' can be dropped/changed as needed per setting.
Yeah, it's really stupid. I'll be using it for all sentient weapons, since Shadowfell is not even a thing in my setting
Dead game. Don't expect to play again
So, is Mastermind Shit?
It seems decent enough to me, but I've never been good at discerning balance.
>new campaign
>everyone is having fun
>one player goes full munchkin paladin polearm master and outshines everyone else
How do I deal with that?
Don't give them magical polearms, hit them with nonmagical weapon resistant/immune foes?
I dunno, maybe have a calm and reasonable discussion with him where the both of you explain your reasons and feelings on the matter before reaching a compromise that leaves everyone satisfied?
Also, remember they only get one reaction per round. Swarm them.
Just toss the rest of the party some magical items to balance the curve, or center the roleplaying more on the other players. Unless he's like actively being an asshole about being better than everyone, there's no need to punish him for optimizing his character
Like the other user said, boil the effects down the essentials. 5e doesn't really do ongoing damage in the same way as 4e.
Other than that, it's just an issue of terminology:
>Warlock Daily 1
That would be a 1/long rest power in 5e terms, which kinda skews this. Technically this would be a once per long rest invocation, like the polymorph.
>Close Blast 3 squares
Close Blast 3 is a 15ft cone, approximately.
>Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
In 5e terms, this would be a Con save vs the Warlock's spellcasting DC.
>Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier Acid damage and ongoing 5 acid damage (save end).
5e spells don't really do ongoing damage or add modifiers to spells outside of certain circumstances. So I'd just drop this to 2d6 damage.
>Effect: The blast creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. The zone is difficult terrain for any creature other than you. All creatures other than you that end their turn in the zone take 5 acid damage,
5e would basically just cut out the references to zones. So something like:
Effect: The area affected by this spell becomes difficult terrain for any creature other than you. All creatures other than you that end their turn in this area take 5 acid damage,
I'm also not sure if a 5e spell would do flat ongoing damage, but also it's not a huge deal. I would keep it, personally.
>Sustain Minor: Roll a d6. On an odd result, reduce the zone's size by 1 square. On an even result, increase the zone's size by 1 square. If the zone occupies 0 squares, it ends. Otherwise, the zone persists until the end of your next turn.
This would be partly replaced by a concentration tag, and partly replaced by a clause saying something like:
At the end of each of your turns, the area of difficult terrain is reduced by 5ft. When the area becomes 0ft., the spell ends.
but throwing unhittable enemies at players sounds like no fun at all, but resistance might be something to deal with it at least for the next few sessions
I will do that, but the problem is, that this particular player really seems to enjoy powergaming for the sake of it
>Unless he's like actively being an asshole about being better than everyone, there's no need to punish him for optimizing his character
Thank God, he's not and I'm afraid of giving him the feeling of being punished for his kind of playing, but throwing magical items at the rest of the party feels exactly like that.
I can cast fireball and then cast shield as a reaction on the same round, right? If I'm a sorcerer can I Fireball, Quicken Firebolt, and Shield as a reaction on the same turn?
Inquisitive at least gets a way to get free sneak attacks, similar to swashbuckler. Mastermind only gets to give advantage to allies as a bonus action. I dunno, it might be useful if you have someone who has a lot to gain from advantage, like SS/GWM.
Then again, I feel like none of the rogue archetypes are amazing, most of the power is in the main class features
Is it possible to put air into a bag of holding?
Maybe you should have a talk with your other players as well, and see if they actually care about him "outshining" them. If none of them do then it shouldn't be an issue.
Turns and rounds are different things
There's plenty of spells that deal damage again the following turn, just have it do that.
Sorry, I meant round for both.
Fireball, Quicken Firebolt on the turn, Reaction Shield sometime during the round.
Would be cleaner to have the damage tied to the affected terrain than the creatures
>I'm afraid of giving him the feeling of being punished for his kind of playing, but throwing magical items at the rest of the party feels exactly like that.
Better to passively punish him for a while with a lack of magic items while the other party members catch up in power than actively punish him by saying "hey stop having a good character" y'know? I want to read it in the most feel good experience possible. has the right idea too. Also, like I mentioned, give the other players more opportunities to shine in roleplaying. Some dudes build their characters around being sub-optimal in combat but great at skill checks and RP and thats okay, just try and balance the amount of screentime everyone gets.
Because Dex is already really powerful and finesse is basically just for rogues to sneak attack with and to stop archers being useless when Grok the orc starts punching them in the face.
Because Dexfags are cancer and you deserve it.
Cause they trigger sneak attack
Cause they can be used with DEX
Cause DEX also gives you AC, a good save, better ranged weapons, and skills, while STR only gives you skills and heavier armor
There's a saying I know from way back in Everquest. The mark of a true warrior is not maxing your weapon skill. It's not in maxing your dual wield skill or double hit (or even triple hit) skill either. The sign of the master warrior is that you always press Kick on cooldown. So the saying goes, "A true warrior never misses an opportunity to kick."