Shadespire general

Just got my shadespire box early. Anybody played any games yet? Opinions?

I played my first game 2 days ago and thought it was a nice breath of fresh air from the usual long games of 40k and list building/stat checking.

Will post some rulebook pics shortly

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Yeah had it a few days allready too. Great game, good skirmish and hope to see more Warbands soon. Nice promos too!

>Mfw the greatest Khorne helm GW has ever produced is attached to a Fucking arm to completely destroy any chance of conversions.


Let's try again.

So here's both pages of the currently announced teams.

>Take Mordheim Cultist
>Cut head in two
>Glue skull on top of lower head
>Mold and copy

I'm currently reading the rules, I'll get a few free hours tonight to assemble the mini's for a day of gaming tomorrow at my local store. So hyped. Already played one game and loved it.

I'm eager to see Magore's band. Always up for more Khorne.

Skaven sound nice.

Just finished reading the rules and I have one question... What the hell is the shardfall token for?

The only new models Death will ever get

Malign Portents is literally a Death event next year.

Man I really like that skeleton and those Khorne guys. I might buy them just to have.

It's a fun game but I imagine playing the same warband will get old fast, i plan to own most warbands just for a bit of variety.

I do fancy maining undead though, I like the playstyle of being able to resurrect your downed units.


Would you mind explaining it a bit? I have no idea whats this game is about.

>take classic OOP miniture
>destroy it!

Its fun.

I already traded the stormcasts in the box.
I am keeping the khorne and will be picking up the skeles as well

I’ve never bought / played anything from fantasy, but I’ve always really liked the design of the Sylvaneth models.

What are the chances they add more war bands, finally giving me my excuse? Or will they forget this exists after the boxes sell like they do with every other game.

I know some people complain about "overdesign", and I can kinda see it, but nonetheless I am always impressed by how much they cram into tiny models.

Honestly these aren't bad. The bad ones are the main line stuff.

Watch a battle report by mini wargaming.

Basically; games last about 30 minutes and it's a hybrid of a small scale skirmish mixed with a card game. You customize your power deck and it effects how your team plays. GW are planning to make it a major game which regular releases and organized games. I know my local shop paid £60 and they get access to some upcoming events related to shadespire in 2018.

I played it; it's simple and fast to play. Everything you need is on the character card in front of you rather than having to check weapon stats etc.

Ploy card allows you to place one of them.

what does it do?

Its pretty cool. Like fantasy x-wing. Only you dont have to argue about movement

The skellie is really rad. Apparently Mantic put a lot of pressure on them in that department

I've played one game at my LGS.
Rules are super easy to undersand, game is short, dynamic and interesing. There's no such thing as boring phase where you just move models to get into position to do something interesting. With only 12 activations per game every decision matters. I'm really looking foward to it.

I had the same experience. It's fast and fun with no downtime. If both people know all the rules and cards, a single game shouldn't take more then 15 to max. 20min. Really made for tournament play, I guess.
Anyway can't wait to get my copy. I'm also very much looking forward to the Skaven and Undead.

OP here. Just finished assembling both teams and priming them both.

The box itself is nice and all the tokens inside are good quality. Looking forward to playing another game.

Eh, I have more default cultists laying around than I will ever realistically use in a single warband, anyway.

I suppose buying a head with an excutioner's mask from a bitz supplier works too.

Any word on when the orcs come out?

But you never argue movement in xwing

Considering they have setup a dedicated website and fb page for this, I can see them releasing other warbands.
Especially as it can bring more customers to larger games with all the books they released about it, like skirmish and path to glory (I have absolutely no ideas if they're good, though)

Sadly doesn't look like I will be getting it early but I am very excited about it!

I can't find the date currently, I'll post a link when I do. but I believe it it early November.

Says November 4th

Lizardmen team when?

I'm a fan of the old world and think the new setting is shit, and that box art is fucking awful, but the minis look good. Sitting at a store right now, not sure if I want to pull the trigger. Bleh

When are the orcs gonna be out for purchase?

I'm retarded. Nevermind.

I want vampires!

So I'm trying to build 2 armies to play 8th with my brother, we're both over seas and there is no scene here so we are our only opponents. We tried SW:A for a little bit but both found the rules for 8th to be much more newb friendly as neither of us have any previous tabletop experience.
Anyone who's played this think it would be good for me to pick up? Maybe I could crank out the models really quick just so we have something to play, (2/3's done with my necrons but haven't even begun other army) so it will be a while before we can play 8th.
I don't want it to take so long we both lose interest and maybe this would be a quick side project? Also I like the skelegates, but would I still need to buy the starter set to get the board/rules? Or will they have that stuff separate? I got shafted buying the SW:A box for the rules and then they came out with an updated rules separately a few weeks later and I never used the scouts or orks so that was lame. Terrain is great tho

Do it. I've still got 2 predator tanks and 2 razorbacks to buy for my army before I can play 8th so i'm focusing on shadespire. Finishing my 40k army is on the backburner for 2 or 3 months while I save for another car considering my current shitty car just died.

These cards are THICC with the protective slips on. This is just the stormcast deck.

Who here got the limited edition holographic character cards? My store had some from GW for the first 20 orders, I was lucky enough to get some.

I got some. Tbh I don't really like them, there isn't much distinction between inspired and normal sides. I'm also kind of worried some cunt will try to pinch them.

On that note, this will be my first fantady card game and I'm kind of paranoid about people stealing my cards. I'm having flashbacks to pokemon card days when cunts would try to pinch muh charizard all the time. How common is card theft?

Do we know when the skellyboyz are dropping? I kinda dig the look of this as a jump into AoS, and I like skellingtons.

4th nov for skellies n orkz

Depends if ur playing with Skets or trustworthy people.

If you are that scared, don't share your warbands. Theres no reason for anybody to touch your cards if they are using their own warband.

I'm bringing down my box today as it's release day (I got my box early) and i'll let people I know and trust use my warbands in games with me, but after today no sharing.

My club is adult only though, i wouldn't trust teenage plebs in a games workshop.

>Dwarf squad is Fyreslayers

Though I suppose Dwarfs are dead now, we just have shortstack robomen or astronauts or these armoured orange fucks.

>Honestly these aren't bad.
These are indeed some of the cleanest, and as such best looking, models I've seen out of GW maybe since AoS dropped.

All of them are pretty good.

I just wish they'd quit the fucking monopose shit.

>nuh-uh, that wasn't perfectly flush with the base, and it was a little bit off centre, you should be 2mm and 1 degree to the left.

My storeowner told me GW intend to support shadespire fully, it's a main game like 40k or AoS rather than a side piece like shadow war. Next year theres gonna be organized tournaments by GW.

My store owner paid £60 and he gets a bunch of shadespire events next year to hold in store (hes an independent gaming store) as well as special prizes for said events. Expect more factions beyond what's listed there.

My concern is that the headline Dwarf faction is orange'n'sparkles, suggesting that they will get the most focus.
I hope that, as you say, there will be a good level of support for all factions as the release schedule broadens, but GW has always had a habit of picking and sticking with its preferred factions to get the lion's share of releases.

I'm looking forward to it. I like the idea of being able to pick up whichever warbands interest me for a nice cheap price (RRP is £17.50 if I recall), and try out a bunch of different painting projects rather than slog my way through a whole army in the same scheme.

Maybe the models will look good. I never had a problem with fyreslayers, except for the subpar models and the pricetag for that quality (of design).

is that a fucking ork space marine

Fyreslayers look good outside of their basic bitch units.

Things like the Grimwrath berserker are cool as shit.

Nigga it's a Black orc.

>Dwarves who are literally fueled by gold

Because they draw their heritage from the Slayer cult.

It's not really a race name, but a nickname for their cultural branch.

Sort of like how Khadaron Overlords isn't really a name for them either.

Depends. Do you play with the box or the minus?

>tfw you live in germany, but you prefer to have rulesets and stuff in english, so you can't just walk into a GW store and pick up the game, and you get everything that contains rules a week after everyone else

Welcome to AoS


Just finished the first game after hurriedly putting the miniatures together.

Its hard to say anything about balance or how it'll play in the long run, but we had a lot of fun once we got the rules down.

I played the boys in blue and liked how they had a sort of slow start, but once they got rolling started to really power up with synergies and turn into monsters.

Overall impressions are that its a very fast paced game, that, once we get familiar with the rules and cards, will play very smoothly.

Only point Im a bit undecided on is the Power step sequence - It slows down the game a lot right now, going back and forth between players, and I'm not sure I like you being able to basically play all of your power cards.
I need to play more games though.

Its very fresh and its nice to play a game thats been game with a new take on design to the stuff GW normally puts out.
Really looking forward to more games, and to seeing how it feels when more warbands are available.

That's best interation of Orks ever done.
Too bad my painting skills are so bad that I can't do them justice.

It has the classical black orc armour

but yes


just remove the bunny ears from the blood warriors heads with a similar skull face m8

>Fyreslayers look good outside of their basic bitch units.
I don't think so at all, even a little bit but I'm willing to accept that I'm probably just grogging about it.

I actually quite like the apparent split between the newer-age, more mercenary, CREAM dwarves and the more traditional dwarfs, but I can't get past teh silly cartoon Fyreslayers bling armour and Pantene Pro-V hair.

Of the four teams they've shown the undead are the only one I don't hate the minis for. The others all just look so boring and samey, funny how the faction where half the units don't have unique names is the only ones where they each have memorable appearances.

Just played my first 4 player game of shadespire

My only comment is: Awesome

1 v 1 is fine and it's a fun little game; but holy shit 4 player free for all is so much fun and thats where the game really shines. It was a good laugh when most people decided to target the shop owner from the start and fuck him up for most of the game.

People are talking about 2v2 now; I think that could be a rather fun way to play.

So far I'm at 5:1 win loss ratio.

Lost to a friend of mine who I just showed the game to. Guess that means I'm just that good at explaining the rules, so I'll count that as another win.

I also have reached an agreement with Angharad. I cut off her highheels and in turn I'm allowed to paint her delicious abs as skin.

At my local shop we only played 2 v 2 and it was pretty fun, I have not played 1 v 1 so I can't compare it but playing with someone else while semi drunk on wine made it feel more like a splinter cell match.

Hoping we get a proper dwarf warband but I doubt we'll see old stuff. I think seeing something old like the skaven and how they look will tell us what might be coming down.

That said how do the warbands play? They feel different enough from each other so far? Mainly looking at the skellies but orcs looks pretty cool too

If skellies get 7 guys, I wonder how many skaven we will see.
I really would like one of each clan in there. One sneaky fast assassin, one slow, durable monk, a tech-crazy acolyte (who may end up killing himself), a buff rat ogre, maybe two shitty clanrats and a stormvermin as a leader.
Seven guys, but I think even with the clanrats being extra shitty, that might be too much.

max for a warband is 7 since every board side only supports seven fighters

I could see it though. Skaven, depending on how the fireslayers look, might be my favorite. As long as it’s not as naked looking as the deathrunner

So far there's three oficial Dwarf/Duardin faction in AoS:
>Dispossessed old dwarfs that ran to azyr after their holds fell, which is basicly the old whfb faction.
>Fyreslayers which are naked duardin from Aqshy we see here.
>Kharadron Overlrods which are the aetherpunk/steam punk skyfaring duardin from Chamon.

We've also been hinted at two more possible duardin factions:
>Furnace Kings which are may or may not be chaos dwarves.
>Root-kings which are shy duardin that hide really deep in roots of Ghyran the realm of life. Instead of smiting they do woodcarving.

Skaven will likely be Skaven Verminus faction only. So no Skryre or Pestilens stuff.

Funny enough I just started the spear of shadow and read about the root kings. Didn’t think them mentioning stuff like that may turn into armies. That’s dope

>Doubt we get Real Dwarfs
I know, I know.
I guess I'll counts-as some in place of the Fyreslayer shite, since I assume the CREAM dwarfs are going to have jetpacks and plasma grenades and laser guns.

>Root-kings. Instead of smithing they do wood carving.
Fucking what?

I assume you mean hinted at as in "have been mentioned to exist" rather than "rumoured playable faction with their own models"?

Vavguely related:
>Stormcast and Dark Elves

>Furnace Kings

I want that so fucking bad.

Its ideal for treassure and multiplayer play. It's essentially adding more objectives to the board who work differently. I expect they will continue upon that more later. As the initial design is very muched tournament play, 1 vs 1.

It's a Skirmish Miniature game played on board and with cards to aid in battle. If you like these types of smaller mixed media games youll love it. It smells like FFG design from the getgo. X-Wing fans who wanted a fantasy skirmish variant will love it, likewise will just general dudes who like the Age of Sigmar minis but cant bother do paint and collect a whole army.

That is a badass fucking model

My best guess is that you'll see 6. It means that initially Death and Destruction fans still get less as Order and Chaos fans but the cool thing is that it's less of an issue because you can't mix Warbands.

Other Warband size guesses:
- 5 Fyreslayers
- 3 Blood Warriors + 1 Fleshhound
- 3 Vanguard Hunters + 1 Aetheriwng (see above art)

Judge me.

Played a few games with the my local GW's manager and then taught anyone who was interested how to play it.
At first we both kinda thought it would be shit until we started realising that since you only get 12 activations you have to be incredibly tactical with shit.

Also thanks to trade for leaking it early so I got to play it early.

I can dig it user.

I'm just torn about what to do about the helmets. I've never liked the designs behind sigmarines. If anything I'd do a headswap and paint all their armor metallic silver so they just look like beefy paladins. Not sure.

On that note, not a fan on how the khorne guys have clothes that looks so...clean. No dents or dings, I think I saw one guy with tear in his pants. Idk, for being a bunch of battle worshipping psychos, their clothes are annoyingly nice looking.

At least paint the belt buckle properly, you faggot.

I dig the overall scheme a lot. What color did you use for the armor?

>Primer: Black
>Base: Rhinox Hide
>Layer: Doombull Brown
>Drybrush: Gorthor Brown
>Drybrush: Ushabti Bone
>Shade: Agrax Earthshade

Also fuck your gay ass.

Feel the same about the helmets. Think a FW white scars helmet would look too out of place? I have one of them floating around here somewhere but I cant remember why.

The middle ones look like they got a big ol' grin.

Honestly man I would just rather have heads without helmets, or something not quite so flashy.

On the topic of heads, wtf were they thinking using that fugly ass box art when the artwork on the same guys card in the box is far superior?

If you swapped out the head for something unhelmeted I think it could actually look like a pretty fun and memorable character.

I like the pubic hair stuck to her halo

I wonder if it'd be possible to put a small light inside the cowl of that dude and greenstuff the wire down into the base, might look pretty good

I don't deal in pubic hairs that short.

look stupid and gay.

Preordered mine, got shipped on Thurs, praying for it to arrive Mon or Tuesday.

Super excited for this game, it's been a long time since I've been this excited about a new game, let alone a GW release.