How would you make a world focused on /k/ gunstuff?
How would you make a world focused on /k/ gunstuff?
Just set the story in a military conflict of choice?
Seems like a no-brainer.
Ak47 Republic?
Mush Ameriburger South with Ukraine and you're set.
Only War.
This is pretty much the route I went.
Be a cheeky breeky Stalker in a world-encompassing Zone. Anomalies everywhere: Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, Beijing, Detroit, Cayenne...
Twilight 2000
Or Merc 2000 is you prefer Rhodesia to post apoc Europe and US.
>parts of it are irradiated shitholes like real-life Chernobyl.
>parts of it are m y s t i c irradiated shitholes like Stalker
>in those few areas where nature fluorishes and man hasn't settled beyond a few huts here and there, cryptids abound
>civilized areas have, for the most part, plunged into civil war
>the Middle East exactly the same as real life
>Serbs are at it again, the Balkans are at war again because why not. The EU is fighting itself and the woods are full of skinwalkers and shit, might as well drop a few shells on the Croats for old times' sake
Basically a post-societal collapse world with bullets flying everywhere, some minor atomic damage here and there, a handful of /x/ stuff sprinkled around to keep player on their toes, dragon dildos are used as currency AND melee weapon, and the best hopes for humanity's survival are neckbeards with cheap shit weapons speaking in broken russian. Ave Nex Alea.
>slavic war songs
>uncomfortable milsurp clothing
>thorough reading of
Stalker pretty much.
Alternatively robots fighting robots.
Fuck, that sounds cool. Like a Metro 2033 style apocalypse, or you figure like a "colonial era population spread" and anomalies in various exotic areas.
Anybody still have a link/pdf of Trigger Discipline?
Enter the Gungeon
I want to live in that world
Fuck that sounds awesome.
trips confirm, OP if you ever make a /k/ world, use this
posting my /k/ stuff
This is the first thing, I got better stuff inbound
Alright so this thing shows /k/ devolving into some sort of subterranean race of tunnel dwellers...
whoops forgot attachment
Make a big fucked up cross between America, Mad Max, and STALKER.
The underground communities fall between the kavemen and the bunkermen.
The bunkermen are just barely civilized and can be bargained with.
Kavemen are scary and opportunistic.
Salamanders are the common currency and salamander breeding is a humble and respectable profession.
This is completely accurate, holy trips confirm.
That said, you're missing the anachronistic assholes running around in old-fashioned uniforms blazing away with everything from Lee-Enfields to Kentucky Long Rifles. Because let's face it, a decent portion of /k/ is jackasses like me who really wish one old war or another had gone a different way.
some types of guns bring about insanity in their users
case in point
That's all I got I think
Stat him
Ancient wonders of steel and fire litter a broken world. It is said every remnant slumbers until its appointed time when its chosen crew returns. For its skin to be stripped of the rust. For its organs to fill with fire. For its destructive roar to be heard once more.
Naturally the party finds one.
Cheeki Breeki 10
Personally, the closest I imagine I'll ever come is Night's Black Agents. However, if I got a perfect group of players and enough Gunpla 1/444's with their various weapon attachments? I'd run a straight /m/ e /k/ ha campaign, with the players as a paramility roaming around the setting in their highly detailed robots.
Somewhat related,
Can someone roughly describe what an operator type dude would wear in an urban environment? Suited up, assume apocalyptic scenario. I don't know what other contextual info to give since I have no experience with /k/ shit. That and there's no context, this is just pure curiosity.
Alternatively, what would an operator as fuck dude never wear or do?
Helmet/bodyarmor the best you can get.
I find that grenades into buildings are a good way to go about things.
Remember cover is your friend.
You know those anime that have a certain gimmick the entire world revolves around? Like how in Yu-Gi-Oh everyone on the planet plays a children's cardgame? Or how in Black Clover everything revolves around magic or grimoires? Or how you're a chump if you're not a ninja in Naruto?
I'd do it like that, but with guns. Including the coming of age ritual where fifteen year old boys get a rifle to prove their manhood. And of course one of the major antagonists is a literal sniper slut. I'm think tight, formfitting, high cut, deep cleavage red dress and a sniper. Oh, and she's half-French or half-German to justify her badly pronounced foreign words. Or maybe half-Finnish, the Nips seem to love Fins for no real reason.
Chills all over user. Thank you for that beautiful description.