Pic related shows up on macragge...

pic related shows up on macragge. Assume his natural resistances include immunity to chaos corruption and gene-stealering.

What happens?

a thread died for this

But it was at the bottom of page 11 and hadn't been bumped for several hours.

He punches everything to death.


He continues to kill everything in one punch that gets in his way. The imperium lose many many lives trying to get him somewhere he'd be useful, but he refuses to move or be moved.

>immunity to gene-stealering.
Bullshit, it's just a matter of deploying right kind of agent for the task.

>Caped Baldy
>killing humans

Try reading the manga sometime. It's pretty good and will show you that he never kills humans.

He could handle any threat. The biggest problem he'd have would be the same one Superman has, namely: there are billions of people who need helping and he cannot be everywhere at once.

He'd probably wander into the warp to fight Khorne
I don't think an upper limit for him has been established so I can't say if he could, but he's probably wipe out a few legions on the way

>implying he couldn't punch out all the tyranid hivefleets at once

Only gork and mork are on saitamas level.

Gork and mork are a meme, and not even a good one.

Name one time, in all of 40ks timeline, where the existence of Gork and Mork actually impacted the outcome of events.

Actual Grots matter more than Gork and Mork.

Iirc there isn't because it's making fun of mangas and anime where the hero is always unstoppable

The word of Gork and Mork, and to a lesser extent their prophet Ghazghkull (peace be not upon him), inspire the boyz and ensure they stay the exciteable, happy-go-lucky creatures they are, without Gork and Mork they would just devolve into a depressed, nihilistic mess.

Just point him at the biggest hive ship in orbit.

So if you just wrote mentions of Gork and Mork out of the lore, literslly nothing changes? Good to know.

jeah, but if theyd send space marines or kriegers or anything at him, that is "monstrous" in a way, it'd be fair game. As for guardsmen, he probably wouldnt even be bothered. Only question is how far he'd be willing to go to prevent an exterminatus.

>that is "monstrous" in a way, it'd be fair game
I think it's an open question whether they'd count, and whether they'd sufficiently antagonize him. Caped Baldy doesn't even kill every monster he sees; he tends to let them go when they aren't really threatening. He also refuses to kill the monster-fanboy human guy, despite the latter being a legitimate threat to the human race.

If he met human resistance which could actually impede him, he'd probably just knock them out, damage their weapons, or otherwise disable them without carnage. If he's in not-serious mode, he'd probably just comply unless they were trying to actually kill him.

I think a sufficiently freakish-looking mutant would definitely be far enough on the "monster" side of things to be liquefied though.

Yeah, like if you wrote the Emperor out, because all he does is be ded and help guide some space ships and shit

He didn't kill Garou, so I don't think so. He'd probably beat Space Marines by shattering their armor.

yes, and?

By Ghazghkull behave yourself or you will taste my shoe.

He hears about this 'Corn' guy and decides to go looking for him because he sounds like a good fighter.

If I remember right author half jokingly said that Saitama could one-punch half the universe. Only half because the other half will behind him.

He is not that interested in appearances. He does spare some monsters that don't try to kill everyone left and right. Many imperial space marines, and say inquisitors would easily fall in monster category while looking more or less human.

he punches the tyranids and then chaos to death

>>Trayzn puts him in a tesseract
>>OPM punches out of the tesseract
>>Trayzn's fw

Kills the big 4 through time and space.

It was going to die no matter what.