Work in progress general /wipg/ painting, modelling, converting, scenery

Blight-hauler will never ever be released edition edition

>Citadel Painting Guides:

>Figure painter magazine issues 1-36!0AIGDAxL!xOT6MK3oiGpBB1pQaNy5lg

>Paint range compatibility chart across manufacturers

>Painting Videos only!fkcliY4L!mhdmIs2lT3mFG3VwoLO8Qw!XEJSFDCL!9ZZKiLi6M_wguI1uTpyjPg!WUsUlSLb!556OumKLhusFd9Fw5dBMdA

>DIY Lightbox

>DIY Spraybooth

>DIY Wet Palette

>How to Moldlines

>Fuckin Magnets how do they work?

>List of mini manufacturers for converting and proxy

>Stripping Paint (yes, the ellipses are part of the URL!)

>Priming With Acrylic Gesso

>Green Stuff Casting

>On the consequences of insufficient ventilation

>WIP's own 10-point painting scale:

Other urls found in this thread: cross

So in this vid, Duncan says he sprayed the naught with Macragge Blue Spray which will 'prime the miniature'. My understanding of it was that the GW sprays aren't primer, which is corroborated by the webstore description saying it should be sprayed over an undercoat. Is Duncan talking out of his arse on this one or are the sprays actually primers?

not really, but according to a few pro painters you don't even need to prime plastic minis.

>which is corroborated by the webstore description saying it should be sprayed over an undercoat.
That's really all you need to know. Some people use the terms priming and basecoating interchangeably when referring to their first coat of paint.

Well, most pro painters don't paint the figure for gaming but for display purposes. So if you are not gonna handle the models chipped paint is less of a concern.
If you want to play games with your minis you definitely should prime.

Buying a second hand plastic mini. What's a good way to strip primer? Simple Green?

Chaos black is actually durable as fuck. Vallejo surface primer on the other hand..

Little late to the thousand sons party but working on this sorc-boi

Did you have a primer mishap? Looks a bit grainy.

Also, Thousand Sons best Sons.

Shitty phone camera prob unless you mean texture.

I’m assuming it’s a plastic mini, so depends what kind of primer they used.
If it’s acrylic use methylated spirits
If it’s enamel you’re fucked

Buying from ebay so I've no clue what it is. HERE GOES NOTHING

It’ll probably be alright, even if it is enamel (which is unlikely) hopefully it’ll be thin enough to just paint over, I’ve never had much of a problem with eBay minis 2bh

Put on some green as promised. The board is green now. Did some small details, and probably forgot some, but I went on to cut the river sheet to size. There are still some steps to the rivers completion, and I have some grass and flowers to put on the board, which are better applied once the miniatures are on it.
Also, because site traffic is different on weekends, I'm going to mention my instagran for this again: sira_haarsticks_stuff

you have some mad skills germanon, can't wait to see it comlpeted with minis on it

i quickly painted a base of crystals (ty user, the more you know...) to check how they will turnout. the foam is really shit to paint but they look like the ones already on the bases of my army so i'm happy.

Do you have a name for that type of foam user?

Been thinking about making something similar and I'm not sure what specific type to go with.

Thanks, but the painting is actually really lazy, just basecoat, shade, drybrush. And some airbrush auto blending for the river and the greens.


Not him but I’m guessing its extruded foam, that’s usually what people use to build stuff

high density insulation foam, i scavanged it from a construction side where i work. check if they are building something in your area and ask if you can check their dumpster for some. bring a sixpack as a bribe.

i'm in this hobby for longer then i want to remember user, yet those two mehish crystals are the first bits of scenery i ever completed. so everybody who makes nice scenerey is like some sort of mad professor of awsome skill to me

Thanks lads, given me something to go on.

Proper job that, what army is going on it when it's finished?

What can I use to strip paint from RESIN specifically?

Lots of stuff on the web, completely contradictory info

CSM slaanesh and nurgle. nurgle goes on the darker left side. I don't really want to mention my instagram twice in one thread, but I uploaded everything related to the project there, so people who are interested can check it out. Then again, I should start doing models tomorrow again, so you could also just wait.

np, post pics when you build something

also bump, does everybody has a social live or something?

putting a ton of work in my warlord librarian dread,quite proud of how the halberd came out considering that its my first time painting any kind of power weapon, gotta make the glow of the eyes look better

What a lovely robotic boy.

Also, /wipg/ is still Brisbane clay.

>/wipg/ is still Brisbane clay.
Anyone up for a game? I can make it into City or Mt Gravatt anytime after 10


I'd love to, but I'm busy with uni stuff at the moment. May nip in to pick up some stuff at some point.
Russell Coight is a national treasure, and don't you forget it.

thanks m8
im considering redoing the entire blue part of the sarcophagus, i did it with a blue that if i highlight properly it will look a bit too bright

>im considering redoing the entire blue part of the sarcophagus, i did it with a blue that if i highlight properly it will look a bit too bright
Blend it to dark blue.

Currently waiting on some vallejo paints to do team colors (Purple 'n orange, that pumpkin was a yriel yellow drybrushes with ryza rust) and some texture paints for the base. I know i'm not the best painter, but It's not terrible and it's better then unpainted. Thoughts?

Has anyone had any experience with 3D printing figures? I have access to a 3D printer at my college that I'd more or less have free reign with, so would it be feasible to use it make shit or would that just end up being more trouble than it's worth? Obviously I wouldn't be mass producing anything, but it'd be a nice tool for making specific units or custom things with.

well it would need to be like an industrial printer for the stuff to not have a fucked texture

Slaanesh Demon prince WIP

Depends on the quality and type of the printer. If you get free reign with it I assume it's not going to be a very good one but if it's free you lose nothing giving it a try

Obviously I'm not expecting to get to the same quality as I would get from an official figure, but I think it's a good enough printer that it wouldn't be COMPLETELY hideous. I have a couple of ideas in mind for helping with the ridged texture, but if not I can live with it. Unless I'm retarded and it'd fuck with the paint to an absurd degree

I think in THEORY it's good enough to be acceptable at the very least. I haven't personally used it yet, but I've seen stuff made from it in the same size/quality that I'd want in 40k figures.

The real deciding issue is going to be finding the actual models to print.


After finishing my Primaris Agressors and Terminators, I started basecoating my Horus Heresy Novamarine Chaplain.
I know that there were no Novamarines then just yet, but I do enjoy the color pattern

The left leg on first picture from the left looks like a penis. Cant unsee

>The left leg on first picture from the left looks like a penis. Cant unsee
perfect for a Slaaneshi demon

Just search for 40k 3d models, there is plenty of those online for a test. If it turns it's good you'd have to make your own 3d models to make the best of it I guess

Ah, figured as much. Just thought I'd check on Veeky Forums in case there was some exceptionally good ones that I might've missed.

I don't see it

Finally worked up enough motivation to get started on my backlog. First on the menu, almost 20 terminators of both assault and shooty modes. Think I'll do them in squads of 5 for simplicity's sake. On top of that, I forgot how easy it is to paint my marines, which is nice, considering I've got most of a first company's worth of termies and standard vets to paint up. Might post pics if I can get my webcam to work


Oh right. The hooves aren't finished yet.

I’m so damn close to finishing this thing, but I’m up to my neck in college work.
Just looking at this on my shelf is a cocktease.

College is but short thing in the time of your life; the glory of the Emperor is eternal.

I am looking for model ranges of medieval/fantasy humans that have an 'exotic' non-western aesthetic to them, such as GW's own Haradrim or maybe even ancient mesopotamian. Preferably cheap and good quality / conversion potential of models.

Finished my first batch of flayed ones. 4/9 pictured

You may have better luck over at /hwg/ and /awg/

>celestra grey over every gemstone
>ulthan grey over every gemstone
>bit of white skull over every gemstone
>still have to do the 'ardcoat over every gemstone
what color should the sword handle be?

the gem on the sword is fuckin yes, the rest of the gems are meh, but cool.
In my opinion a blue or green sword would go along side that scheme nicely.

I LOVE that conversion.

they're supposed to be more like pearl than gems so I wanted a flat color with a gloss coat

Anyone ever strip GW plastic models with 91% isopropyl alcohol? I usually use Superclean but I’m having a bitch of a time getting this primer off a second hand tank.

Will leaving it in the isopropyl for a while damage it? My first thought would be no but I figured I’d see if anyone had any experience.

it won't damage it but isopropyl alcohol isn't as effective as other stuff.
It will ruin finecast resin and make it bendy and excessively malleable

Works fine on plastic use it all the time. 70% or 91% makes no difference so just buy the cheapest one.

If you're using the gemstone techincals from GW stormhostsilver works as a good base for them, goes on easy and is super bright. I think Dunc recommended that in his gemstone video but I might be mistaken.

The tank has been sitting in the alcohol for 15 minutes and the primer is already sloughing off. Super clean usually does the job without a hitch but sometimes I run into some mystery paint that resists it.

>I run into some mystery paint that resists it.

non-acrylic primer like enamel, lacquer, or house paint

Aren’t most spray primers lacquer? Usually super clean has no problem with spray primers. Oh well, regardless, having super clean and alcohol on hand means I can strip basically anything.

I'm working on a custom dread saurian and want to sculpt large armor plates. Does anyone have
resources/tips that can help with this idea?

Using Privateer Press Coal Black for some spot color - wash with a blue or a green wash?

This is the correct answer.

Any ideas on where I can get primaris size black templar decals for cheap? All I can find is the forgeworld sheet for Imperial Fists which is 16 euros. Way too much to just use the tiny black templar portion.

Sorry for bad photo. Trying to go old pre heresy death guard. I think I got the armor panel color down but it's a little bland. Any ideas to help it look a bit better?

Depends a bit on what you are working with and what you want to achieve.
You can use thin plastic card to do some of that. You'll have to file the texture down on whatever you are using as a base though.

If you want to carve details into it like the GW model use something like milliput. That dries rockhard and can be filed or carved like plaster.

if you only use putty make sure to use something that holds sharp detail, if you want straight edges.

After several months of lurking and putting together a visual-arts studio in my basement, I finally started painting a mini. Just a little Reaper Bones skeleton with Army Painter paints, but it feels great to start painting. Incredibly cathartic. Probably because I don't actually play any table top games. I just enjoy painting. Photos this weekend.

Its gonna look hecka cool once you get the river flowing. Nice work so far!

I love this user. Punctuation correct. Your river really is starting to flow. And suddenly there is life and movement! There's always a critical point in huge pieces like this where shit stops looking like trash glued together and starts looking like a real landscape. The green really drives it a long way. Keep posting.

Found an old catachan officer and decuded to make him more fitting for my army. Still need figure out what weapon should he wield.

>Any ideas on where I can get primaris size black templar decals for cheap?
Aren't the Primaris ones the same size as regular Marines?

Anyway the Maltese Cross is not exactly an uncommon symbol. You can get some generic transfersheets with that anyway.

You can et them here in red, white and black cross

These are just the first three results I got by googling maltese cross decals.
The Grinfitter listing specifically mentions the fit on SM pads and fallouthobbies also carters to 40k players, so it's a fair assumption they'll fit too.


Respectable sculpt, user. Tasteful.

First time I've ever tried to do greenstuff for real. I wasn't totally successful, but the guy in the center just needed an anchor point for a canteen and pouch anyway.

What I do need are *names* for the two on the right, as well as color scheme advice. I'm going with tan armor plate and green robes for the dudes on the left, as well as the ones not pictured. But I'm not sure how to tie the dudes on the right in, since they're supposed to be augmented slaves marshaled into combat, pit slave style. Any suggestions?

Lemme just TOTALLY miss the image. Wow.

How about Castor and Pollux?

As long as you paint something on them in the army colors it's gonna work I think. Maybe use the green on their pants/loincloth.

Green there could work, yeah. I figured the shoulder plates are crude forgings that probably wouldn't even be painted, and shoulders are usually where I do unifying marks. But that makes sense.

At least the left one wears the standard issue helmet the other guys have. So you already got the right colors where they matter most.

You could try to make the armor look like it was made from some scrap metal from a broken down tank or something like that though. Would be a decent excuse for them to have right colors. Would still make them look a bit more 'orky' but gets the point across that they are part of the army.

Work still ongoing on Doomrider. Valhallan Blizzard is a godsend

Hm. That could work.


Do any of you guys have shaky hands?

I've been told that the more I paint, the steadier my hand will eventually get, but so far it hasn't gotten any better.

How do you deal?

Potassium and protein. Do hand exercises too. Get a couple of stress balls.
Also when you're holding the mini and your brush, press the heels of your palms together.


I usually brace my arms against my body. Slightly hunched over, elbows against ribs. Then I hold the model in my left hand, index and thumb, with the edge of that hand set against my right at an about 90 degree angle. If the model is large enough, I can set one of it's edges against my right palm. For me at least, with normally very shaky hands, that makes everything as steady and secure as it's gonna get. This sounds like a no brainer, but try to steady your breathing, painting when you breath out. That should help too.

I hate doing marble

Just wash the whole thing instead of those targeted washes. Mix in different colours too. Then highlight back up to the bone colour you've used already.


How to strip resin without destroying it?

I've used lots of Dettol on plastic, but the one time I used it on resin it ruined it.

Methylated spirits have worked even better for my needs on plastic, and I have some at home currently; is this going to ruin the resin?

Honestly, if your mini painting posture DOESN'T look like you're trying to use the tri-beam you're probably doing something wrong.

Looks beatiful user

cool head

we need more crocks and such in wargaming

Void Bringer/Samus/A E S T H E T I C marine user here. Not really satisfied with my random roll from last night so I tried to brainstorm a few ideas for my 4th Hellblaster, possibly my 5th as well. Any opinions?

>Imperial Fist with his left arm painted black, a trophy from a defeated Iron Warrior
>above but the chapters swapped
>marine wearing plundered Alpha Legion armor
>roll randomly on that d100 chart again
>some random color scheme for a non-specific chapter

Also, where's a good place to buy a shit ton of Grey Knight infantry helmets? That shit's sexy but I've never bought from bit stores before

I have used Halfords Matte Black spray paint, which is not a primer, for priming. It’s better than even airbrush primers at not coming off the model.

It’s fine, and the GW colour sprays are better then gesso, which the OP should really remove as it’s a years old meme and any actual model painter will laugh at you for using.

It’s in the OP retard.

Check out perry miniatures

How would you go about converting regular space marine units to primaris size or similar? Primaris units are tactically inflexible as of right now but my tiny tactical (blood angels tacs are fucking short) look like children next to them

I was thinking of using their legs and torso but they seem too static

>How would you go about converting regular space marine units to primaris size or similar?
Google around for truescale conversion. You should be able to find more than enough inspiration.

Simple, dont use chad marines at all.