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It sucks that Mage Camelot won't be a Dark Era but I'm over it now. Maybe one day it'll have its own Mage supplement, since Dave intends to keep it canon and continue building it up.
No Mage Camelot, but there'll be Mage / Changeling Wild West.
Brokeback Mage with faeries, what could go wrong...?
How much do we know about Geist 2e?
It will apparently explain how the Underworld became unflooded.
Is Forgotten still a threshold
Hell if I know.
>It will apparently explain how the Underworld became unflooded.
I doubt the book will so easily answer the question raised from The Sundered World.
At best, we'll probably get theories and hints.
>Mage Camelot won't be a Dark Era
Won't be? I'm bit out of the loop, but I thought it was supposed to be.
Apparently it was never guaranteed to be Mage/Changeling, and King Arthur's Britannia has instead gone to Changeling, Hunter, and Vampire, and will most likely be about the literal historical period of 500 AD.
No, Arthurian Britain was just announced as a Changeling / Vampire / Hunter crossover Era.
Many of us were very surprised, disappointed and annoyed.
>King Arthur's Britannia has instead gone to Changeling, Hunter, and Vampire, and will most likely be about the literal historical period of 500 AD.
Good riddance. Mark my words, it will suck.
Will Til Schweiger be part of it?
I've never played a game of Changling: The Lost before, but from what I've seen of 1st edition and what they've shown us of 2nd edition, I find the Kith and Seeming system of 2e to be more interesting. Could I just transfer it over to 1e?
why not just play 2e
I thought it wasn't released yet
It's not.
Quick question, because cowboy wizards.
Okay, say you have a revolver imbued with a spell you made to Perfect kinetic energy, so that the bullet travels further, faster, more accurately, and hits harder, "tornado" bullet, whatever. And you have the trigger for the imbued spell be pulling the literal trigger for shooting the gun, so that when you fire the gun, the imbued object casts the spell. So that by pulling the trigger and firing the gun, you are simultaneously casting the spell.
That would essentially be two actions in one turn, right? Would that be allowed?
There's the playtest:
Pardon my ignorance, but what do vampires have to do with Arthurian Britain?
>Vampires in Arthurian time are from me, for instance. Previously it was Changeling and Hunter. Vampire has many ties to Arthurian times and as I said in my pitch, the muddled legends and facts of the time are a prime example of how vampires meddle with history.
- Baker who pitched it.
Not a lot, but some guy who wanted them in there paid money so there they are.
Recently bought M20. They unironically use "zir" as a pronoun and I actually feel wierded out by some of the stuff. For example they paint the Technocracy as "diverse", which it was before as well due to chinese artificers and shit but still paint it as "white-mare".
Seriously annoying, white guilt in writing.
Besides that I am unsure about the Spheres compared to nWoDs Arcana.
They seem far less defined and lack examples if interaction,but that might be me not being accustomed to it.
Entropy just feels worse than Death and Fate desu.
I'm more interested in learning about the Chthonians. Are they like the 'true fae' of the underworld? etc.
So the Technocracy is the bad guy again?
>Gaia / Soul of the World is theorized to be Rank 9 and seems to be one step above the Exarchs and the other biggest players of the Tellurian
It amazes me that no magefags took this bait.
It's only matter of weeks now really. It's 100% next book out and OPP just cleared out their Kickstater slot. It will be up by the end of the month for sure.
Meanwhile absolutely nothing is stopping you to use 2e playtest material and preview article to spice up your 1st edition games. Have fun!
M20 is generally regarded as a dumpster fire. From what I've heard, the best way to run Ascension is M20 Foci rules mixed into an amalgamation pf Ascension 2e and Revised. But I still don't really see the appeal in running Ascension over Awakening.
I believe Dave stated that Chthonians will not be in the Geist 2e corebook, but will likely be dealt with in supplements.
Hell at this point I think that only thing stopping them is that they haven't received and collected all their art yet.
They're just gods hanging out in the Underworld. Chilling.
>when money ruins thematically appropriate settings
Nah, they managed that but the book is not very engrossing.
I like Awakening a lot, first edition that is, but I really like the Technocracy.
That stuff is great, some of the Ascension lore is amazing, especially Dark Ages stuff with muh pillars.
But Dark Ages has allways been, feels wise, the spiritial predecessor to nWoD.
At least latet Editions.
I always assumed the Exarchs would be *at least* rank 9 or above, being literal representations of the Arcana they represent.
The General *is* gravity, fire, magnetism, etc.
Ps: Enoch and the sect of Mages there are really cool as well.
Do you have any favourite groups of cWoD mages?
Them mixing historical stuff can be bad, but pretty nice as well.
How the Technocracy rose, the cabal of pure thought being kicked to the curb and how the traditions are potentially shitty dark ages would be tyrants that want to keep humanity at the foot of their magical Thrones.
The Techies share, thats their main goal. A nice point in favour of civilisation as a net gain even if individuals suffer under/in it.
I love the Exarchs and how they are portrayed....more like Sauron and his gaze and less Evil Overlord (tm).
They are in the Wind, in your best friends words. In the "Bones of the World", really subtle but powerfull all the same.
A 1st ED seer, even second ED with mystery commands, is amazing in meshing fluff and crunch.
>The Seers book has amazing art as well.
I've never gotten into Ascension. The main road blocks being that I'm spoiled by Awakening 2e's system, and the system for Ascension being so success and ST reliant is a turn off. And as for the fluff, the super science and the Consensus are things I'm not interested in at all.
In the spirit of "Take this, leave that" that's the standard MO for oWoD, anything I want from Ascension's fluff would probably be more enjoyable for me if I just adapted it to Awakening.
I'm entirely new and interested in the Mage gamelines, both the Ascension and Awakening. What are the first few things I should get to learn about it?
Awakening 2e and then Ascension 2e and Revised, I guess.
Get into Awakening.
Ditch Ascension.
It will only give you a massive headache.
The Order of Hermes and their crazy history is really interesting to me, is there a similar tradition in nWoD?
What's the Order of Hermes like?
The closest thing to the Order of Hermes would be the Mysterium. Probably.
Dave had mentioned previously that 6+ Templates are only a possibility if it makes thematic sense regarding the line itself.
What lines other than Mage would make the cut, lorewise?
nMage setting is nothing like oMage setting.
Maybe Mummy
Maybe even Geist
What about PtC?
They're working towards humanity...?
>Dave had mentioned previously that 6+ Templates are only a possibility if it makes thematic sense regarding the line itself.
Rose made the same comments, and emphasized that's why A Thousand Years of Night was absolutely never going to be the Imperial Mysteries of Requiem.
Apparently there are no 6+ vampires if ATYoN is anything to go by.
But that Theban guy seemed like the Archmage equivalent of Vampire.
Wasn't a Thousand Years of Night hot garbage? What was even the intended purpose of the book?
Divine Fire and its Agents? Whatever they were called?
>implying the Theban is not an archmaster and the backer of both vampires and Tremeres
>Wasn't a Thousand Years of Night hot garbage? What was even the intended purpose of the book?
Storytelling flashbacks. Lots of gay, angsty flashbacks.
I keep seeing this, but there's literally no evidence to jump to that assumption.
>Lots of gay, angsty flashbacks
Lots of trans and gay angsty flashbacks.
Is the Mysterium book anywhere in the pastebin? I'm having trouble finding it.
It's in there, in the nWoD mega.
kay wod general I need your vampire ST advice. I've set up a scenario where there are four artifacts in the city. The antagonists need all four to complete a ritual. Earlier on my players acquired one and handed it over to the Prince. Is there a good way to have the Prince lose ownership of an artifact? Is it a dick move to effectively undo a good play by my players?
Help me wod general, you're my only hope.
Saw that Art of Mage just came out. Anyone got a peek into it, whether it's actually worth the dosh or even a download when someone shares it eventually?
And does it include art from Technocracy books?
Nevermind, puta. I found it.
Maybe that's why Dave wrote him in. It was released the same year as Imperial Mysteries.
That's out dated and not going to make it to 2e. Thanks Rose.
Art before a kickstarter? Nah. Mostly likely it will just sit at that stage after the kickstarter for months caught up in layout.
We never saw Rose's playtest material to be fair. It might be cool, from the look of it they kept a lot of Dave's material and juggled it around a little.
>Is it a dick move to effectively undo a good play by my players?
Mostly, and if it happens, the players can, will, and have every right to, roll their eyes and call you shit behind your back who needs to unmake any success the pcs achieve for muh epic storyline.
It might be Kickstarter art that is missing. At least that's what it says in Mirthful Mike's Monday Notes.
>A Thousand Years of Night was absolutely never going to be the Imperial Mysteries of Requiem.
Its also not a book that provides any meaningful illumination into elder play. Only a small few cucks wanted tier 4 vampires. I just wanted some elder powers that had at least seen play testing and tips on how they survive with their increasingly rare blood needs.
>. It might be cool, from the look of it they kept a lot of Dave's material and juggled it around a little.
They neutered it just enough to not pay him.
And seemingly nerfed every single thing he wrote to be weaker and less thematic.
I found the characters inside more compelling then anything in imperial mysteries. Kinda the problem with doing power that high in a game that is so much about the setting, it just starts to all get kinda bland
Yes, I know about them trying to wiggle out of paying him and it honestly sucks.
But nerfed? Made less thematic? I have honestly failed to notice that, please make examples.
The contract changes and pledge changes seem to nerf any hope of Changelings being deal makers for all aspects of their lives now. It completely removes any IC creation aspects and places contracts into the hands of Keepers as semi-exclusive powers.
All of the powers are noticeably weaker and the affinities have less flavorful less cool options, same with the merits, the magical ones no longer seem worth the investment compared to mortal merits, as they are all weaker than even a mundane fighting style.
There is other stuff, but I'm too lazy to do another comparison of going over bad material.
You are definitely mixing Vows with Contracts there from the sound of it?
Those aren't Prometheans...
>Is there a good way to have the Prince lose ownership of an artifact?
Have it be stolen by someone. If it's supposed to be an artifact of power, then clearly people will want to obtain it. And if it's not an artifact of power then it'd be considered useless and giving it to the Prince could be taken as a direct insult (aka, "here, have some trash").
Face it. No other gameline will receive a tier 4 template. Mage is spessshhulll.
What's really funny is that the only reason Archmasters even exist as a concept is because of a typo.
Elaborate, please?
That may be the case in OWoD mage, but that's not what anyone is talking about. Learn the difference between the games plz.
Except you're fucking WRONG fuckboy vampires hvae archmage tier vampires they just don't have rules
Pretty sure it's the case, period, because Awakening Archmasters might operate differently, but it's no secret that the concept of Archmasters was made by accident in oWoD, then snowballed until it persisted into the next line. Awakening didn't come up with Archmasters.
>exist as a concept
Learn to read plz.
No, The "typo" was the six dot thing of Porthos.
Archmages have always been pivotal in Ascension lore.
It started with a typo involving Forces 6. Brucato never wanted the Spheres to go beyond 5, but people wanted to know what Forces 6 could do, what the other Spheres could do at 6, could they go higher, etc. Brucato made a whole long rant about it, how it was an accident and something he never wanted and how WW ran with it against his wishes, blah blah blah here we are.
Nothing brucato claims about the lines or anything in its origins can be trusted because hes a fucking liar who takes credit for other people's work while blaming them at the same time for failures that were his own fault.
You seem mad, friend.
And what are Archmages, if not Mages with Spheres/Arcana at 6+?
People seem to hate Brucatto around these parts. Seems to be at least partially justified.
People hate Mage in general
1. They're the strongest
2. They receive the most love
3. The dev actually converses with the fans
>Archmages were literally a mistake
but mages aren't the strongest
>2. They receive the most love
They didn't even get Camelot.
isn't playable?
People hate Mage because of Magefags. That's why people hate the game, and as unfair as it is, I don't blame them. Even Dave admitted that Magefags give Mage a bad name.
what are Magefags?
Dark Eras 2