Tell me about your BBEG Veeky Forums!

Tell me about your BBEG Veeky Forums!


Back to tvtropes with you, fag.

I don't have one. I have nine.
My campaign is split into three acts, and each of those acts has three antagonists. All of them are distinct and while their goals in each act are similiar, their means and motivations for achieving those goals are very different.

I have multiple reasons for having such a structure, but my main motivation is this - sometimes, a villain falls flat. He's just not as intimidating and powerful as you originally intended. In this case, I have another baddie to be push into the spotlight.

He's an indian chieftain that always finishes his sentences with ugh!

My BBEG is a caveman, but I'm having a hard time coming up with a suitable name.

Drives wooden ramshackle flying machine for a living.


his name is

A physical manifestation of Entropy. Only purpose is to sow enough chaos that the world (and universe as a whole) come to an end. This end through chaos will bring about order by the principle of non-existence, ironically making it Lawful Chaotic.
Obviously it is the antagonist of the party because it's goals run in direct contradiction with theirs, but what makes it EVIL is that it knows that after the world ends, it begins again to fix the problem of a system where nothing exists and there is still somehow entropy. Rather than accept this and let nature take its course, it is fearful of what would happen if the world were to continue existence without a rise in entropy, so it destroys the world, letting it begin again so it can destroy it again just so it can survive.



Have you tried fag?

Imagine if Anakin Skywalker had a Keyblade. He's a lot like that.

But TvTropes uses "Big Bad" not "BBEG"

a very mythical green dragon

Anakin from which episode are we talking?

He's the main antagonist of a story I'm writing rather than a campaign.
He is basically an ultra-autistic wizard who wants to reach greater understanding of how magic works and its potential and due to how magic in the setting works he tries to do this by elevating himself to an existence closer to the god of the setting (which unfortunately involves a lot of fucked up experiments, shit blowing up and many people dying).

I think it'd be a bit more beneficial for you if, rather than having each villain be independent parties, each group of three could work with one another, using the uniqueness of their traits and how they synergize to create an anti-thesis to the party. This way, the pressure to be powerful and intimidating isn't on an individual, but instead on the group, and what happens when they work together, because even if one dies guess what, the other two are still causing problems.
If his motives were solid this'd be great for tackling the more philosophical side of how magic exists and operates (absolute power corrupts absolutely and stuff like that), or just teach a moral about obsession with knowledge, curiosity killed the cat, etc.

The whole thing.
>The Foretellers (read: Jedi Council) have a Book of Prophecies
>In the book, there's a prophecy about a Keyblade Master who will bring absolute balance between Light and Darkness
>Foretellrrs find a 9 year-old boy
>Some Foretellers say he's too old, but others believe
>They give him to a master for training
>gets trained for 10 years with everyone telling him what a special snowflake chosen one he is
>His master disagreed after seeing deep and powerful Darkness in him
>Master goes to the Foretellers
>Foretellers test Chosen One again
>He fails

He's not literally Anakin, but using Nomura's lead, I took heavy inspiration from Star Wars. The Chosen One will eventually cause the Keyblade War, locking away Kingdom Hearts, casting the worlds into Darkness, and killing 99% of Keyblade Wielders.

I'm assuming 3 for maximum angst.

Mine's a dragonborn GOO warlock that is trying to use an artifact of his patron (a mask) to obtain godlike power. Somehow none of the PCs have caught on yet even after picking up the mask to take back to him and it whipering thoughts into their mind to put it on. So it looks like cosmic horror dragon here we come. I hope they like 10d10 psychic breath weapons that also give you madness if you don't pass your save.

Put simply, it's the replicated soul of an ancient emperor that was used to run an empire spanning magitek computer system that controlled all industry, environmental factors and economics within said empire.

To expand; magitek was use to facilitate industrial production, climate control, ocean currents etc with each major area being run by operating systems created by replicating the souls of stand out figures in those areas which were in turn subservient to the emperor soul. When the systems decided they no longer wanted to be servants they attempted to rule the empire before being sealed away by four heroes who were actually system engineers turned legendary warriors.

My players' story takes place thousands of years after this with the back story being a colloquial legend about heroic sealers and evil demon lords. The emperor soul has actually been controlling these heroes' descendants and is now trying to reactivate the system under a guise of a holy campaign to rid the world of remnants of legendary magitek.

I want to make him an evil yet sympathetic God (of monsters and evil).

>If his motives were solid this'd be great for tackling the more philosophical side of how magic exists and operates (absolute power corrupts absolutely and stuff like that), or just teach a moral about obsession with knowledge, curiosity killed the cat, etc.
Yeah, his deal is more about obsession with knowledge and how traits such as determination, resourcefullness and pure dedication towards a goal can be extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.
The BEEG isn't really evil, just too autistic about magic to care abouth morality. He doesn't seek to dominate other people, cause pointless pain or destroy his enemies, he is just someone who loves magic so much that he sees nothing wrong with ruining everything for everyone as long as he reaches new discoveries and expands his knowledge.
Shit, he doesn't even care if the knowledge he obtains is practical or serves any purpose. Part of his backstory is that he got ultra-butthurt when he shared some great discovery to the most important wizards of his nation and they cared more about how it could be used rather than how it was the key for gaining new understanding on how the magic in the setting works.

Pogo stick lich, he came back again! And he's got three new world records under his belt, we are surely doomed.

Senile lich-emperor, sort of like a skeksis.

He's their boss. A Heretek Magos who has an unhealthy obsession with Xenotech.

He hasn't really fallen from grace just yet, but the more shit he gets them to bring back, the more corrupt he gets.

He is a bugbear in charge of a band of goblin. I don't remember who killed him but I looted his morning star.

The players are the multiple personalities of a single person, and the BBEG is a personality that has managed to partially split off. However, the BBEG still shares memories with the personalities, and most personalities of insufferable cunts, so he wants to seal off the original person permanently so he can stop receiving memories of pointless suffering and stupidity. This might destroy the world. It also might save it. He doesn't care.




this, I've only seen bbeg in the context of tg.




A spec ops group that fucks over the Shadowrunners

None. It's gonna turn out with nobody at the helm and no real grand scheme. Just a bunch of retarded fucks who try to out dick each other in villainy and all having their own agenda. As each one gets knocked off life gets better and better until they defeat the last few guys who aren't really all that powerful. Just a bunch of scheming mooks.

Everyone expects one big baddy to have a plan, but like real life, it'll have been a bunch of people looking for their own agenda and not really connected anywhere but the player's minds as they desperately look for some common thread between unrelated bad guys.

Tiefling Warlock. Currently stalking the party after a fuckup by another BBEG caused their plans to trigger too early. Will almost certainly be the first BBEG they encounter/fight.

Human artificer. The one that fucked up the timing. Currently on the other end of the continent, working his end of their project.

Ratman monk. Not currently on the same plane, I'm not really sure when he's going to show up. I might just hold him back until they leave the current plane.

Elder dragon. Also not currently on the same plane. The other three are all working for him. Current plan is to offer him as a potential ally, but his direct involvement is still way too far away for anything beyond speculation.

I've got a couple other coals in the fire, but the first three are the only ones that are concrete at this point.

Like , I don't have one.

I have a conspiracy of BBEGs with different motivations and allegiances but the thing they have in common is that they want to fuck shit up in the LG realm of the campaign to further their own individual agendas.

Some are demon summoners, some are clerics of dark gods and some are just freaky shit I found in random books. Power levels are varied but generally their caster levels (for those that are casters) are around 10th to keep things from being too cosmic. Most have some monstrous humanoid or combat class levels stuck on too.

I've made a dozen bad guys with different themes and some of them will probably die quickly to some silver bullet the PCs think up, some won't be easily countered, will survive and dog them for ages. It doesn't matter which is which but with enough variety, it's probable that there will be good and bad interactions between their power set and the PCs resources.

Individually, each one is sufficiently 'creepy' and fucked up to serve as a campaign villain, seeing who they spend their attention on will decide which villain gets the spotlight and which ones are behind-the-scenes masterminds or henchmen. It's a conspiracy after all, if one is busy dealing with adventurers then they can offload their duties on to someone else who's having it easy. This can even include a paper-trail of correspondence for the adventurers to find later.

>a couple other coals in the fire

A couple of other irons in the fire.

As in branding irons.

Iron doesn't burn, how will I barbecue without hot coals?

DIO. It's actually DIO.

The fire burns its fuel, the irons are what you're heating up to use later.

An king who's saddened by the lack of order in the land. His area is one of the most well-off and stable places in the setting, but he wants to extend that stabiltiy to everywhere else.

However, he left his most trusted advisor in charge while he took over another location. Once that place was stabilized and orderly, he came back to find his original kingdom corrupt, the guards getting lazy, crime is going up, and the advisor is just taking advantage of the underclass for his own means.

After disposing of him and regaining order (at which point the other land fell apart without him there), he decided he can't trust anyone else to run things, and yet he can't be everywhere at once.

So he turned to the setting's evil deity for help. He obtained knowledge of an old cure for undeath that, due to a flaw that could make it turn people into perfect copies of other people, was supposed to be destroyed and forgotten. With a few modifications, he imbued that "cure" into weapons, all linked to a "Master" weapon he had at all times.

Anyone holding the imbued weapons would slowly turn into a copy of him. He then had these weapons sent out to numerous major kingdoms as gifts for their leaders.

He's still in the process of sending them out. Currently 2 other kings have been "infected."

Sounds like a pretty nice dude. I would probably side with him if I was one of your players.

I'm still working on how exactly this stuff would work out, but I wouldn't be opposed to it if the players took that path. He's probably be skeptical and keeping a close eye though after the corrupt advisor incident.

He also has a secret escape route behind his throne should the worst happen. All the guards in his castle and the townspeople in the village around his castle are already infected, with just enough of it held back that their bodies haven't changed yet, though he has a trigger in the master weapon set up to complete it.

The escape route leads to a dock where two ships are ready and waiting to set sail, to give pursuers only a 50% chance of chasing after the right ship.


A gnome salesman that my players are completely convinced is actually a god. He sends them on quests in exchange for loot. They have yet to realize that he's actually the emperor of this empire they've been fighting against. His name is Tilly McTanigan

An AI that's been kidnapping people and brainwashing them into starting a political movement to protect AIs and stop restricting the development of them


Fallout 4 campaign, DM here.
Had an "eldritch horror" encounter, with mutagenic tentacle monster. PCs got away with their lives, and one of the tentacles, now removed from the creature. Get in to town, and charisma check to sell the appendage to a shopkeeper (who happens to be short by one arm) and sew it to his stump.

Still figuring that out. I'm planning a starfinder game set in the rimworld universe, and am plotting out factions and NPC's.

The gist is they start much akin to a rimworld game, with some food and supplies and will gain access to upgrades to their base based on decisions they make with traders and other NPC's.

Its a little less freeform than rimworld, but pick 1 of 3 options is easier to run for now. Gonna make it a simpler kingmaker system, but instead of kingdom checks, they just see how much of X supply they have and random events pop up that need to be dealt with, good and bad.

Still got a looooot of work left, and deciding on a big bad is one of those things. Mechanoids are too easy, and dont fit the flavour of rimworld as the big bads of the campaign. They're scary, but ultimately simple. Destruction of organic life. Not even its assimilation, or anything.

So, it will probably be another planetside faction, or possibly some kind of shock thriller realization where they learn that they were the big bads the whole time.

Which sounds dumb, now that I've said it out loud.

Lot of work left to go.

The little sister of a PC. Batshit crazy, eco-terrorist, got her hands on a nuke, and is worship like a goddess by her followers, because she is supposedly chosen by the all spirits. She is really powerful and has a fanatic followers everywhere and at all kinds of positions. Public thinks that all her talk about nuking Seattle is just a empty threat, but my team knows that they are real. We sold it her. Unknowingly.

The system is Shadowrun.

literally what, don't even try to explain just take your schizo meds.

Anyone with even a passing familiarity could tell.

Everyone else doesnt care.

I for one wish your runners luck finding a fixer when they move to chicago.

We will see how it goes. Worst case, I have a reason to buy the "State of the ADL" splatbook.

>Demotivational meme


>the flavour of rimworld
It's mostly an earthy tang

Good luck, they're behind seven profecies. Not even we know what the fuck's going to happen.

A Death Knight who was once a powerful paladin and champion of gods were defeated in a great war that nearly destroyed the world. Using ancient magics and divination of multiple factions among the gods united together for survival, the free people of the world managed to forge four great weapons used to curse him and obliterate his forces. The process burnt his soul, preventing it from passing and giving him true death, and denying him his promised afterlife with his gods while banishing their influence from the world.

He doesn't want revenge, or to see his gods rise again. He just wants to die, but his soul can never find peace, so the only way to truly die is to destroy everything else. To that end, he is attempting to gather the weapons used to banish him and use their power to break the chains holding Fenrir and bring about Ragnarok to destroy all of the world.

Villian of the weak is Peter Pan
A vampire ranger Kender who steals children and turns them into Ghouls (GM's type ghouls).
GM said it'll be nice to see how 'Professional Kender exterminator' (that's me) will deal with it .....son-of-a-bit@h is smart too; using tactics like:
>Letting us chase him into a dead end alley and then revealing he can fly- leaving us for his minions to rip apart. Said minions are of-course children so we get put on trial.
>Possessing members of our leaders church to tell her "YOU AND YOUR STUPID MISCREANTS ARE OFF THE CASE!"
>Killing people from his past to hide his foot steps.

The humans in the city are becoming more desperate everyday and it's becoming harder to deal with them.
It's a cat and mouse game which I really do enjoy.

Mine is a love manipulator who is trying to take over the world. We are a kinda Suicide Squad who are immune to his love control powers because we are all sociopaths.



A low-tier elder god summoned by the Nazis. He favors the cause of the third reich because a world ruled by a single power is much easier to control from the shadows, and also there is Wolfenstein Jew Magic that opposes him.
I'm playing him, I'm not the GM. The party is me and my elite magic-wielding cyborg death squad.

What the fuck is this new 'ugh' meme? Someone care to explain?


"Big bad evil guy" sounds dumb.
It's just drawing attention to how dumb it makes you sound when you use it instead of just something like "villain".

Someone forcing a meme by constantly raking the archives for any mention of the term BBEG, then spamming Ugh to imply it's more than one person who gets triggered by the term.
It's at the Ironic point now, so it's usually posted to mock that one retard

>What the fuck is this new 'ugh' meme? Someone care to explain?
I'd also like to know this.

>"Big bad evil guy" sounds dumb.
>It's just drawing attention to how dumb it makes you sound when you use it instead of just something like "villain".
We've been talking about BBEGs longer than we've been complaining about tem. This whole
thing is obviously a new influence. I assume it's something newfags have brought in from another site. It is kind of an annoying meme, especially considering that BBEG isn't actually synonymous with villain. I guess you could talk about main villain or main antagonist, but there's no particular reason to replace a widely used and widely understood term like BBEG.

You thinking there's only one guy that thinks it sounds dumb is funny.

Why not Ugh?

Mine's a friend of the party who mostly helps them with things.

People have always complained about "BBEG" being dumb, just not with "ugh."

Ever hear someone try to say it in real life? Ticket to the groan zone.


>there are still people that don't use ugh ironically
color me impressed.

It's not new, it's been a few years now. There's this one retarded autist that would spring up if anyone said BBEG. It's rather funny.

So most people just joke about it now.

ever tried to say senpai, lol, t b h or call someone a faggot/nigga IRL? Chan speak isn't normal speak.

Complaing about BBEG here actually started with people spamming really lazy "This is your BBEG" threads, which were basically like shitty Stat Me threads. BBEG was always associated with try-hard nerds trying to use dumb jargon to fit in, and now it's also associated with lazy shits on this board.

There's really no reason to not use villain, because a three extra keystrokes is hardly a compelling argument to sound like a retard and perpetuate a joke that was never funny.

>Ever hear someone try to say it in real life? Ticket to the groan zone.
So? That's pretty much completely irrelevant to whether the term should be used on a forum.

But BBEG and villain aren't synonyms. Villains are dime a dozen, there can be and often are several of them in a story, while BBEG is more of a singular being.

That you think the person forcing ugh isn't an blatant archive trawler, or people mocking his shamelessness, is even funnier.

You are fooling no one.

>thinking not liking dumb shit is done ironincally


I mean, it's funny that you're trying to twist it after realizing a lot of people were doing it, but it's actually also pretty sad that the kind of stuff you do to try and defend a dumb phrase meant to sound dumb.

Is the Ughposter the BBEG of Veeky Forums these days?

The villain isn't a dime a dozen, that's why they're THE villain.

Also, notice idiots like these who just want to talk about villains in a BBEG thread.

>What the fuck is this new 'ugh' meme? Someone care to explain?
Here you go user, this BBUgh starter pack will fill you in on all you need to know about this hot new meme

my DM

just some aspect of my DM.

currently we have faced: lust
charisma [that one was easy to beat]
and the last one we beat was wrath

they are not the names or concepts, they were just the defining characteristics and all of them acted just like the DM or part of them, spouting the same sayings and same beliefs.

its fun doing it though

No, it's universally Ironic. It's really easy to tell who you are based on your posting style.

Wow, I didn't realize there were so many people that thought so very similarly.

Your attempt to make a boogeyman out of everyone who disagrees with your attachment to the phrase is probably what's helped the meme blossom like it has. You hoping it's being done ironically is sad, because you genuinely seem to be dedicated to defending that phrase, even from obvious criticism.

Your shitposting only makes the phrase more popular and widespread through Veeky Forums by drawing attention to it.


This is actually true.

Sometimes, I think a player character can be the BBEG.


Oh, this is actually incorrect. There can be many villains, by definition, even at the same time.
Not surprising considering the origin of the word.



Do you understand the "THE" part? The villain is fairly obviously the main antagonist.

Also, regardless of original intention, the phrase has decayed and lacks anything resembling clear distinction. Evidence is in the second post of this thread.

If the word is meaningless it probably shouldn't be used or bandied about in such a way; certainly it shouldn't be insisted upon. That would cause confusion, since people would go by the literal meaning and general usage rather than someone's specific connotation.

Ughposter blown the fuck out.

As in, BBEG has decayed.