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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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I dont think so, people have used it for races we didnt even have in the past.
Why the shame bell? What am I missing?
Does Think of the Children only apply to you when in public, or is showering going to be a problem?
Did you remember to swear your vow of chastity, /jc/?
Does anyone have the Waltraute jump? I can't seem to find it on the drive.
Those aliens are lewd as fuck.
Fast post op. Real fast.
>vow of chastity
What in the actual fuck?
No because I don't let churches manipulate me like that.
I plan on dying a virgin. Does that count?
These things are not compatible user.
I remember when MGS4 popularized it with Raiden bleeding it everywhere and Vamp lapping it up.
I see absolutely zero need or desire for sex, so I imagine I did for the sake of putting things on paper.
Besides, better to look fabulous.
It's because I know the image source.
Not at all.
I feel like that would get in the way of sleeping with cute girls.
>Why the shame bell? What am I missing?
To clarify, that race of aliens has a thing where humans coincidentally look, smell, taste etc extremely attractively to them. So being around a human is like being hopped up on aphrodisiacs. This normally results in them either becoming a whore, or marrying some human to get their fix. This leads to issues because if they have any sons/daughters/single relatives, those are probably going to start trying to fuck the human too. And the original alien doesn't mind sharing.
I dont know, some junpers seem to grow out of sexual relationships. Or any relationships. They are hermits.
You know, when you swear a solemn oath to remain chaste and pure. To abstain from sexual relations outside of marriage, and to remain faithful in marriage.
That would be more like a vow of celibacy, which involves abstaining from sexual relations entirely, forgoing even marriage.
Could the Canon Companion option in Teen Titans be used to take characters from the Teen Titans Go! Comics such as Ravager or Supergirl? (That name originally applied to the show's tie in comics not the shitty remake).
Until I am married anyways
For MHA, I need a good name for the Quirk. Its a quirk marriage between Clairvoyance & Scouts.
Scouts allows me to remove a large centipede like thing from my body. It then can divide up to eight segments. Clairvoyance allows me to tag as many living things in 300yd radius & jack into their senses. Allowing me to see, taste, hear, feel, and smell what they do.
What would be a good name for the Quirk that combines the two?
Chas-titty? What is this Chas-titty you speak of?
Who are the Chas people, and why are their titties deserving of vows?
>bob just wants one damn Sunday off
>bob just wants to watch the damn game
>bob just wants to eat his breakfast in peace
Poor Bob. Never has a moment to himself.
Camera Drones?
No because Vows of Chastity are stupid in general.
>To abstain from sexual relations outside of marriage, and to remain faithful in marriage.
Good one, user. I will try to finish the Magico Jump for you.
Well yes. But it makes them really easy to control, and has less of the normal ethical problems that come with slave races.
That said it has a lot more other ethical problems.
I need to look for another race maybe. Being at war with a race of aliens that want you for sex sounds good but snusnu slaves could be bad.
Whats missing from it?
Asexuality is something loser virgins preach so they can feel better about "not actually wanting sex", rather than having to deal with the truth that no one wants to lay with them.
Get it? Cause the room is bugged?
>all these adulterous heretics
I wonder if they grow out of it if they’re around a human long term. The mom didn’t seem to be jumping on the Bob bone as much as the step-son & Step-daughter.
Ah yes, clearly you know /so/ much better than practically every organized religion ever. Have you no sense of self-restraint?
>he says, trying to stand out while being in the exact same position.
Whelp, here goes take two! Now with fewer typos
What are these aliens called? For research.
>Now with fewer typos
I'll say!
Artist is InCase.
No typos at all.
Much fewer typos! You really pruned it down!
Well, it's mostly done, it just lacking fluff and the OC companions.
I mean, Twi'leks intentionally sell themselves into sexual slavery, and consider it a part of their culture, reacting violently if someone tries to stop them. Humans don't have some kind of 'Twi'lek arousal field' going on, but willingly being a sex slave is the next best thing.
Bob is a good argument for why you don't want horny aliens or monstergirls around. You'll never get anything done.
From the other comic, I figure it's less that they grow out of it and more that they develop self control when they get older. Teenagers, much like human teenagers, have poor impulse control and think with their libidos.
Race is Puazi.
I see you used the same spell check I did for the B99 Jump.
...today's really not my day...
Also to the user who asked about Load and Go before the Thread died. Yes, it's three per form; not three total.
>Twi'leks intentionally sell themselves into sexual slavery
They really are a disgusting race
Asexuality isn't the same thing as chastity or celibacy. One recognizes the desire, need and temptation for sex and chooses to resist it. The other claims neither exist so they can pretend they're mindset makes them immune to it. It's pathetic.
Whatever you say, user.
Twileks confirmed Veeky Forums elves, best race
>mean, Twi'leks intentionally sell themselves into sexual slavery, and consider it a part of their culture, reacting violently if someone tries to stop them. Humans don't have some kind of 'Twi'lek arousal field' going on, but willingly being a sex slave is the next best thing.
I was more worried about my citizens being captured and used as the snusnu slaves.
A present to /jc/
A google template I've built up over several months for jumping, works well for tracking MOST jumps, though some like Light of Terra or Final Fantasy XIV with complex scenarios require a bit of finagling (I've done both jumps with this system, but it became...sprawling). I left a bunch of notes on the Notes/Explanation tab.
>Whining about people on the internet.
Please, continue. My popcorn is almost done.
Have you considered that some people might not have that wiring, or at least not in any manner which would result in procreation?
Take, for example, someone who can only be aroused by marble statues. He cannot help this, those who would otherwise be is partners in concupiscence simply do not arouse him. Is this wrong, to you?
And of course, the one who looks at all those around him and feels nothing. Is it right that others should make him suffer, because he feels nothing?
>Twi'lek arousal field
God, if you locked a Twi'lek, a human, and a Puazi in a room, people are gonna get dehydrated fast.
We warned InCase likes his futa.
Most the time they’re just strippers or eye candy. Their world is just one step away from being a Death World. They have limited resources, limited living space, and very poor economics. Their world is tidally locked so they can only exist on a very narrow band between the sorching desert or the frozen wastes.
It’s best thing for them. They can’t really get off their planet without help. They don’t have the resources needed to be a space fairing civilization. Plus it seems that humans can breed with Twileks.
Don't we already have a character template?
Im on mobile what is this?
We call those people "brain damaged."
...what I want to know is what they were BEFORE they were strippers or eye candy? How does a species evolve to be that indolent, while also becoming the dominant sapient one on it's planet?
>Plus it seems that humans can breed with Twileks
Wait since when? Arent twilek brains in the tails? Wouldnt the children be like hyper retarded abominations?
Thanks, this seems very nice.
>Is this wrong, to you?
Yes, he's a fucking mutie.
They didn't evolve to be indolent, humans are just pheromonal aphrodisiac on meth to them.
Surely it is a mostly harmless mutation. Like having a tiny extra pair of horns if you already have a larger pair, or having a sixth finger on one hand.
They were always like that. They are a genetically engineered slave race.
Also, if I do log out and avoid the plot, are there any other dangers I should know about?
I bet the Rakatans did this as a joke
But that other user said humans don't have an arousal field. I'm confused, should I jump Star Wars just to get an arousal field?
Blame Disney, and yes the children look awful. They have viteligo basically.
Sorry, I got confused and responded thinking they were talking about InCase literally porn aliens.
My fault for not following the chain of posts.
Twileks are a genetically engineered slave race that is.
Surely that holds no moral consequence.
Impressive. This is a really good way to sort things. I doubt that I'll personally use it, just because I'm too lazy to be organized for things I don't have to be, but someone who had the wherewithal to be neat and tidy would definitely benefit.
>violating the august form and function of humanity
>of no moral consequence
Wew lads we got a mutie lover in here!
To my knowledge there was just the word doc one in the how to jumpchain folder. Nothing that offered any sort of assistance to the process anyway.
Come now, user, you're not the =I=nquisition.
/jc/, which side of the Marvel Civil Wars do you stand on? Both of them, that is.
A porn artist called InCase. Be warned, their stuff has a lot of trap and futa elements in it, so if that's not your thing you might want to go elsewhere for slutty aliens.
Neither. Both have good ideas, but both always go about them in the wrong fucking ways.
Marvel civil wars are stupid.
Of course I'm not, Inquistors aren't this tall
I'd ask which one is in favor of a mutie genocide but I know that's the Inhumans and fuck them so I'm solo
I swore no oaths, but once I got married? Sure, I'm plenty chaste. I only have sex with my wives and husbands. No philandering for me.
Be careful with that, many oaths have proscriptions against polygamy.
The "fuck it I'm saving the universe with Nova" side
Man, buffing can get really crazy with Holy Hexes from KonaSuba and (boosted ) Master of the House from Fate GO. Add in something like Off to the Opera from Waltraute... And damn. Buffs which scale to your powerlevel, are multiplied several times over, and then transfer to your allies based both on their base power in comparison to you and the power of the applied effect. Add something like Infinity from SDS to make it indefinite, and Jesus Fucking Christ. Maybe a magic booster or two to multiply the base effectiveness even further?
What else would be worth adding?
I stopped reading Marvel well before Civil War 2. I don't actually know what was going on during that one. I hear it was something stupid, but that's kind of a given with Marvel these days so I don't know any details.
As for Civil War 1, I'm with Cap. The idea of registration and holding superhumans accountable is a good one...in any world but the Marvel universe. There is a 0% chance that the registry will be used for the reasons it was meant to, it is only a matter of time before some supervillain gets their hands on it and uses it to do evil stuff. And that's not even being genre savvy or whatever, that happens often enough that it would take an idiot to have trust in the government to protect the registry. No one with even basic pattern recognition skills should have any faith in it. Hell, Norman Osborne was in charge of a government agency at the time of Civil War, that registry is going to be abused before it's even made. Throw in the often skeevy acts the pro-registration side did like the Negative Zone prison or forced enlistment of peaceful superhumans to the military, and it's impossible to side with the Registration Act.
There's a perk in Mage:the Awakening that makes your spells immune to antimagic or countering. So toss that on and people can't get rid of your buffs, either.
Not like we're going to a Christian minister for all this, so no worries.
Though I think I've been ordained a couple times. At least twice, but at least one of those was as a nun. So I sure violated those priestly vows.
Shame that InCase is now officially burnout, we're not getting any new stuff in foreseeable future.
Link to the comic(s)?
I think Thousand Master from Negima is still one of the best all-round magic boosters out there, and Soulfire from Dresden Files could give buffs the potential to improve based on your intent and the circumstances they're being casted in. Once you've got a good buff set up, you could also use By The Hoary Fucking Hosts to set up a feedback loop to call on other people's own power to improve the buffs you cast on them.
He said we WILL be getting new stuff, just not more halfling shortstack porn comics.
Dude, just look up his stuff on danbooru, sankaku, e-hentai, hentaifoundry, InCase's tumblr or blog.
Yeah not the guy you linked here but as the original guy they have a really neat aesthetic even without the sex thing.
Only burned out on the comic thing he was doing, he'll still make different stuff.
No, he said he's taking a break from Alfie but he's still going to do other stuff. Go read the linked blog post.
>Thousand Master
Nope. It's been supplanted.
What are some good races or civs to import as rivals in the Civilization jump?
I'm in late chain and I want a challenge.
>At war with the Twi'leks
>The Twi'leks' grievance is that you tried to ban slavery
>The Twi'leks' demands are that you immediately legalize slavery and buy all of them as slaves if they win
>If you win, they'll still try to bargain themselves off to you for a better deal
I love that scene where Nova comes back to Earth after the Annihilation Wave has been defeated and spends the whole issue being disgusted and fed up with Earth's heroes for being too busy fighting among themselves to help with the cosmic threats like they normally do.
High CR D&D races, cosmic comic book races, and Floridians