Is DaArchive dead?
Other urls found in this thread:
It hasn't been updated in a while but the PDF Share threads are being archived by the archivers anyway so YMMV.
BTW probably blind can't find a pdf share thread as well
Nah, Da Archivist mentioned near the end of the last thread that he was working to update the pdfs for the next thread. The thread rolled off before he was done, but that shouldn't be a big problem.
Just wait a bit and I imagine they'll get it sorted and make a new thread with new PDFs in the OP..
Well, by any chance someone around has any rarites from 0one games?
Like 7 avengers campaign (3 adventures) and stuff?
Post the appropriate shit at least
Well since this is here, i'm searching for Bestiary of Equestria, the bestiary for Tails of Equestria and the GM screen for the same game.
Anyone got Openquest?
No but he is pretty lazy about making new threads sometimes. If it's close to the weekend he hardly ever makes a new thread. I usually end up having to make the new thread since most people don't themselves. I remember the longest time without a request thread was almost a week and I said fuck it I'll start one since Da Archivist hasn't.
However people like this faggot exist to bitch and moan that you don't copy the archivist's wall of text when the goal of these threads is just to give, receive and answer pdf requests, not repost an archive. I didn't bother making a new thread yet because i already got the new releases for this month.
>the goal of these threads is just to give, receive and answer pdf requests, not repost an archive.
I think you have different definitions for the goal of the thread from me and the others.
And that "wall of text" keeps the dumb questions down, not posting it means we get dumb questions that have to be answered, sometimes more than once, every thread. Is it really so hard for you to CTRL-C, CTRL-V? You don't get to call other people lazy if you can't be arsed to spend a whopping three minutes doing a basic copypasta.
I'm not arguing against the wall of text, but even with it, we still get dumb questions because most people ignore it. Shit, some people don't even know the archives are pdf files.
So, anyone got a copy of Project Simian Ultra X?
That's true, but I think every bit helps. It might be gambler's memory on my part, but I'm pretty sure I see more people posting copyrighted pdfs to the thread when that pasta isn't there saying "DO NOT POST COPYRIGHTED PDFS DIRECTLY TO THE THREAD."
Plus when they do, it's nice to be able to just point them to that part of the pasta and not have to type up an explanation of why every time. I could also go back to a previous share thread and copy/paste that one, but that can be even more trouble than just typing something up on the spot if I have to go back more than one or two threads to find one that actually has the pasta.
Does anyone have a copy of:
Robert Kuntz's Garden of the Plantmaster? The original 1987 version not the 2003 release for 3rd Edition.
The Dark Eye The Vampire of Havena
Green Devil's Face #6 (Hah)
Vacent Ritual Assembly #6
The Storms of Yizhao (for Godbound)
Heroquest Eleven Stars
Mythras Classic Fantasy Expert Set
Runequest Classic Pack: The Sea Caves
from Humble Bundle:
Maelstrom Domesday
Malestrom Gothic
OSR Stuff I've never seen:
Swords & Wizardry WhiteBox Compendium
Raiders of the Lost Artifacts
I will eat my hat if anyone has this tier:
The 3 Volume "Unpublished Senarios and Source Material set from the Runequest Classic Kickstarter
The 50 book print run, Gencon'15 preview of Runequest 6: Adventures in Glorantha
I've been posting this in various forms for over a year, I might be getting desperate.
Wormskin fanzine, anyone?
Anyone have any Wargames Illustrated magazines? Any issues really.
>I think you have different definitions for the goal of the thread from me and the others.
They were PDF requests before da Archivist came and they will be PDF request threads when he's gone. Not everyone give a shit about the archive in and of itself. They want to download pdf files.
And the archive helps people to do that.
The archive improves the thread. It's far better now than it's ever been, largely due to the efforts of Da Archivist and friends. As the other guy says, it's a huge help for finding things.
I'm not gonna say that you have to care about it, but you should respect that other people do. If you can't do that, then stop making the threads and let people who will make a decent effort take over.
>I'm not gonna say that you have to care about it, but you should respect that other people do.
Why do you think I post the main PDFs in the previous request threads? Of course it's a resource people use, I make sure to post it in the thread not only as a link trove but as the common thread OP image so people see it in the catalog, but who gives a flying fuck about his wall of text. Most people don't read it anyway. As said, we still get people asking dumb questions with or without the wall of text self wankery.
FFS. 7 hours of bitching. Get over yourselves. Anyone who doesn't like how OP did it is welcome to do better. Some threads are better, some are worse. Can we be grateful there is one now and get back to it?
Kindly requesting Battle Century Z, the expansion for Battle Century G.
looking for all of the savage worlds Weird Wars books, from rome to vietnam. also looking for Black Ops:Tactical Espionage War-gaming.
And I'm not really sure if this is the best place to ask for this, but does anyone have detailed maps of mystara?
Sorry, couldn't find it. Gimmicklabs has the SRD free to download. Hope that holds you over until it's liberated.
Damn... I was really hoping to get it ASAP without spending money to see if I like it and, therefore, spend money on it.
users cloud dot com
I love you user.
One Grung Above
Star Trek Adventures: The Next Generation Starfleet Deck Tiles PDF
Ghosts of Dathomir
Please and thank you
>As said, we still get people asking dumb questions with or without the wall of text self wankery.
And as I said, the "wall of text" improves the situation. Just because it doesn't work 100% of the time doesn't make it worthless.
>self wankery
Oh, go fuck yourself.
full thread