Honest, thank you. There was extremely little though and work put into this system. I saw some user at OSRg make the base 1d6 mechanic.
Sorry, didn't write that maximum (minimum?) stat is 1; a quickgen PC has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 array with being extremely great at something and utterly shit at something else, or someone going 100%average 3, 3, 3, 3, 3.
Also, Dex isn't everything, it's traps/reflex/ranged attacks (most importantly, dex isn't initiative or AC), int covers hiding and spotting (regular rogue deals), and faith covers prayer that works (+1 to all rolls for 1 round) and miracles. Int casts and resists spells, Fth casts and resists miracles (which are the same thing).
The only God-stat is Toughness, someone exceptionally tough is gonna be unkillable and I have fucked up; especially with armor that's a flat +1 tough vs. phys damage.
>GM with a rather abundant pool of common sense.
This is my cop-out for "i have no fucking idea what I'm doing make rulings not rules have fun kids".
Oh, about ranged weapons, they attack fewer times when classes get involved with Warriors and Fighters having passive Cleave, especially when dual wield is accounted for, and can't use shields for "hurr instead of me take damage, shield take damage and get broken". I think it's a valid trade-off but I might've fucked up. So ranged shoot less more chance to hit, melee swing more and more possible damage/enemies taken out.
Also, you can't inflict debuffs with ranged attacks only damage unless you're some fancy class like Inquisitor. Debuffs are pretty big because they ignore Armor bonuses, and can inflict a -1 to any roll until cured.
Sorry about the classes they're more like perks, say you're a Warrior Thief Barbarian, you get all three class features (cleave 2 foes, +1HP, roll twice take better result for shooting, ignore trap/1pday, rage - any weapon you use is counted as a big one letting your onehanders make enemies roll twice and take the worse result and +1 HP).