Would cortés be a PC or BBEG
Would cortés be a PC or BBEG
When the other guys are the Aztecs it's pretty hard to be the BBEG.
I’m leaning towards PC. He kind of just did his own thing even when the Spanish crown (the QM) and others told him not to.
>left in search of riches
>met and married a tribal princess
>rallied the oppressed lesser tribes against the Aztecs
>sold everyone out in the end
He was PC as fuck
There is literally nothing wrong with sacrificing people's still beating hearts to the gods though.
Neither, he's the quest giver.
This. Among the religions practiced at the time, the Aztec religion is basically the most tame you can get. I don't understand why they get this much shit.
It's not like the OP's talking points haven't been done to death, but we really don't need to go down this path. There's so many better things to shitpost about
The other Mexican tribes would like to have a word with you.
They constantly raided other tribes and empires for slaves purely to sacrifice
They where hate dby everyone in the region for a reason
>other Mexican
The Aztecs were the Mexica though. The dudes getting pillaged weren't mexican.
>All of Mexico was Aztec
What the fuck are you talking about
Don't forget building literal towers of skulls taken from women and children.
Mexico the Country was defined after the Spaniards conquered the Aztec Empire, so of course not all of the geographic range that makes the country of Mexico was Aztec. The Aztec Empire was founded by the Mexica Tribe, so there were no "other mexicans", they weren't Mexica.
What kind of faggot says "big bad evil guy"?
Depends on the setting.
How new are you?
He might not have been the first PC, but he was the best one.
>Would cortés be a PC or BBEG
Bonus: The whole "Aztecs" thing
4 for 4: he's the BBEG.
Neither. He's an npc that gives the party quests. Possible twist ending where he betrays them after they find el dorado or whatever the fuck this guy wanted
Neither. He's a quest-giving NPC.
Aztecs also forced their neighbors to give them female "princesses", who the would skin alive, cook alive, and then eat.
You build one skull tower and that's all that anyone ever talks about. You're forever known as skull tower guy. Sheesh.
PCs are the BBEG...from a certain point of view.
>Old D&D
He's a European dude who hopped onto a ship to explore an unknown world filled with riches. He's a PC.
>New D&D
He's a FUCKING WHITE MALE who hopped onto a ship to oppress an unknown world filled with diversity. He's a BBEG.
I want to laugh at your funny joke, but then I realized that the regressive left will probably unironically say this at some point. Hell, we already have some fuck writing for The Independent who believes Islam could've prevented Harvey Weinstein.
>skull rack was 112 feet high and contained some 60 thousand skulls
Aztecs were one of the most unapologetically hardcore civilizations in human history.
>Bwaaahh aztecs were bad hombres who ritually sacrificed people and oppressed people who allied with Cortés as sidekick underdogs
As if not every mesoamerican (and even aridoamerican) culture practiced human sacrifice.
As if no other cultures opposed Cortés.
As if precolumbian america wasn't a complex city-state political shitfest akin to medieval europ.
As if the alliances with spaniards weren't meant for political profit.
He would be your classic Rogue Trader.
It's *Ugh*, you pleb.
Or to take their skulls.