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Has anyone looked at Phil Brucatos new book/has the pdf?
Did he scam his backers? I need to know.
Is Deviant good?
>>not out yet so who the fuck knows
"The abyssal pools that are his eyes echo the dark night skies.
The cold voice rings with death, bringing forth despair.
He of cold blood, who forsakes everything for might.
Who released this beast that knows neither compassion nor pain?"
Mage is the fucking best!
Gib Wraith 20.
I cant wait to see how Onyx Path fucks it up.
Why would they? M20 is Brucatos fault and C20 was good
Semi related question. Which edition of ascension is the one with the least of Brucato's slimy influence? Not knowing a hell of a lot I ended up getting myself a physical copy of m20 which was a mistake.
I don't know how much Bucato smeared his dick over it, but the general consensus I've heard is to go with Revised.
Revised, if I'm not mistaken. It's kind of a mess, though. Some people missed Brucato, so some of his stuff was brought back. The Guide to the Technocracy was also released before Mage Revised.
DA:Mage is also excellent.
Are there any prewritten chronicles for Mage: The Ascension?
Dark Ages: Mage, like everything DA except maybe Werewolf, is massively better than its modern day equivalents.
I will go yo my grave mad as fuck that we never got DA: Wraith, and that it wasn’t a stretch goal.
The rules shouldn't be much of a problem, GB Artificers has stuff on old technologies and the other Arcanoi could be used unchanged. Charon would still be around and I'm not sure if when he outlawed the guilds.
DA:Wraith would have been similar to DA:Werewolf in being rather close to it's modern incarnation.
This list makes me sad.
>Dark Kingdom of Ivory (Wraith: the Oblivion)
Sounds pretty cool.
Werewolves don't have souls but even wolf-blooded do right?
Then what happens when someone become a werewolf?
I recently bought all the M20 stuff as well, what would you say is the worst part beyond PC crap?
The rules seem not very updated. Also has someone experience playing Technocracy guys who are not cackling evil...except where it is fun.
I like the idea of an idealist trying to work for the betterment of the common man and shooting vamps/werewolfs instead of lounging around with wands if their ass.
Advice and stories welcome!
A part that annoyed me was the missing computer rules, which were weird when publish in book of secrets.
You run a Technocracy game with all the PCs as Men in Black. Not the Technocracy faction, just the movie only replacing "Aliens" with "Wizards".
They have ridiculous high tech, fight or negotiate with wizards, uphold the Magic Masquerade believe in science, kick ass, and look damn good doing it. Pic related is a major Technocrat antagonist in my game.
The only 'downside' to the Technocracy should be that they're too controlling and you should do a decent amount of questionable "For the greater good" stuff in the name of protecting humanity like erasing a lot of memories.
Which books are essential for a Technocracy game?
Guide to the Technoracy, and if you're running it set in the modern day the Revised Convention books.
Seconding Guide to the Technocracy its the ideal book for running a Techie campaign. The basic premise is that you're a bunch of high tech secret agents hunting down wizards, monsters, and cryptids in the name of science.
I agree MIB is very relevant, especially if you put the original comic in there as influence.
Also my beef that they split everything up to milk us more without using the saved space in M20 for fun stuff.
About what books to use, all the old source books? Jokes aside, revised editions convention books seem great.
One concept I want to play is a MIB wih totemic connection to "The Man" and how he confuses him with his Avatar.
That together with "Rose coloured mirror-shades" might be usable for many hooks and potential conflict.
I like the idea of painting The Man as some jungian archetype.
It is a fantastic book
Forgot my highly relevant picture.
The I against the collective and individuL vs common good are big points of contention with the Technocracy.
How would you run an Iteration X Cyborg?
Especially with M20, augments seem so very dangerous due to permanent paradox. I just want to play an enlightened quasi Hit-Mark.
Is asking for integrated plasma guns so much to ask?
The Chaos Factor.
Full Sam Haight.
What's the difference between an Archmaster and an ascended mage? What can one do that the other can't? How different are they in strength?
Is there a reason why ascension is so desirable?
Probably the difference between a biplane and a jetfighter for someone on the ground.
Like between archmaster and your average mage.
As an archamge you are still stuck sorta in between while with ascension you got out of jail and can start your own hot dog stand
But what can they do that's mechanically different?
Mechanically Ascended Mages really don't do much.
In fact, I don't think they CAN do much, much for the same ineffable reasons that the Exarchs don't.
Instead where they must, they dispatch Ochemata to enact their will.
>Why would they?
Because they're hacks. Aside from V20 and Demon, what good has come from Onyx Path?
What happened to M20?
VtR is fine. MtAw is good. WtF is not my jam so I hold no opinion. CtL is superior to CtD(thou as I said C20 is still a good book)
You can argue about quality of supplements but WW back in a day produced a fuck ton of garbage.
Whole Beast line is a fuckup thou
Are you referring to the unreleased 2nd edition of CtL? Otherwise I would count it as an WW book.
And you would do that because.....?
Because CtL was published by WW?
I remember someone here mentioning Critical Role playing VtM. Is that true? What episode?
In theory. Same people worked on 1st edition of nwod for ww that now toil under OPP(well ctl2ed guy got a boot)
Figured your OPP includes it before it split off. Did Rose join before or after that happened?
Didn't the authors of GttT intend it to be satire, but had the book take a life of its own and run away from them? Or am I thinking of something else?
I just realized I started playing WoD 20 years ago.
>Tfw old.
Yes according to Dave it was meant to be obvious that book itself was Technocrat bias but it flew over people's heads. This is why Seer book doesn't even try to make them sympathetic.
Both Guardians and Libertines inherit technocratic traits (as do Seers and Banishers).
So, Assholes, Idiots, Tools, and Morons?
Why did the nWoD fail?
I think I made a mistake. Rose worked since 2007 on V20 and vtr/vtm supplements not one the 1st ed core.
It did not for me desu, but the age of PnP seemed to wane..right?
Pen and Paper
It was unnecessary. Just give it a new brand name from the start and don't present it as a substitute for oWoD. Don't stop producing oWoD with an apocalypse but instead start slowly producing less and less while the new one gets more. In conclusion, just don't antagonize your old fanbase.
Not when you consider that Archmages are effectively immortal and very hard to kill, so that number has most likely been building up for centuries, if not thousands of years.
How good/enjoyable are CofD Chase rules? Could they be used as fun replacement for less grindy combat?
It's because the new stuff was really lame. I don't think any of them really made an impression, except for Hunter and maybe Changeling the Lost.
I mean, I'm reading Beast now, and I'm wondering exactly who the target audience is supposed to be. It honestly seems that Heroes are the people you're supposed to be playing, empowered to kill murderous Otherkin and sociopaths.
What about Demon? I recall it also being very liked.
Thing is I havent seen anyone playing owod since the 90s. Might be fandom died out around here
Beast is easily the worst game. It's fluff is terrible, it doesn't know what it wants to be, and there's just no point to the game. Some people say it has redeeming qualities but it doesn't. Even if you salvage any of the half-decent concepts like Lairs and Heroes, you're still left with a pile of pointless, directionless crap that has to offer a unique and focused enough experience for you and your players to be wondering why you aren't playing Werewolf or Vampire instead. Werewolf easily covers the idea of being the top hunters in a territory, while Vampire makes you a predator with a savage supernatural thirst. Although I suppose some people might just like the idea of playing a different splat for the sake of playing a different splat, which I think is dumb but people can do what they want.
Judging CofD based on Beast would be like pointing to the dumpster fires of oWoD and judging it based on them.
Beast just seems to be Snowflake the game since it is based on Crossover.
See crossover is bad but what is worst for me is this moral high ground that the book is trying to sell. Heros bad because we say so and beasts good because we also say so
I do not even understand that one, but I guess they tried to make a sympathetic angle. But monster being such an ambiguous term doesnt allow for mythologisation of reasons for being "monsters".
A vampire or werewolf is also a monster, but is way more defined.
By the game-line name alone it really is way to open.
The Crossover bit is really awful. People think Mage appropriates and crowds other gamelines, but at least it doesn't come right out and say "Everything is from the Supernal!". Just the opposite, it hammers home the point that purely Supernal Mysteries are the minority. Meanwhile Beast is saying "Yeah, you're all from the Dark Mother, mmmkay? But not Demons!".
That's also bad. I recall rolling my eyes so fucking hard at the bit that said that only low-Integrity Heroes hunt Beasts, and I recall another thing from Hunter or something that said a group of Hunters regarded Beasts as mostly harmless, and instead thought Heroes were more dangerous, iirc. People say that it's fine because it's all presented from the perspective of Beasts, but a) it's not, and b) it's still really obnoxious.
Beast will never be canon to any of my settings.
>I recall another thing from Hunter or something that said a group of Hunters regarded Beasts as mostly harmless
This. I cringed hard at this. So something that torments humans daily and causes psychos to spawn is harmless but other splats are fair game for hunters
By 2 People
Also even if Changelings have two courts that go out of their way to provoke humans (Autumn for thrills and Summer for anger), they are extremely careful about their methods and tend to freak out whenever they meat ANY other splat thinking it's another True Fae ploy. So Beasts who are amoral assholes who torment humans and their dreams, get BONUSES to interact with them!? Seriously!?
OWoD is the most played franchise in my club by far. Then again, most of the people is 35+ and I think that my country is a bit more conservative than others when it comes to this kind of stuff.
>freak out whenever they meat ANY other splat
>Evening gentelman I was sent by the Prince to.....
>Aaaach he was sent by the True Fae! Aaaach
>Umm no my name is Irving and I'm Knight of...
>Aaaach he is True Fae himself
>Umm MIller come here.
>Hello. My name is Miller and I was sent by the Hierarch....
>Aaaaaaach he must be loyalist! Aaaaach
>Umm give us a moment
>15 minutes later mage and vamp bring a beast with them
>Oh sure we will trust this disgusting murderhobo you brought us. Looks like a good guy
To their defense other Splats tend to demonstrate same narcissistic sociopathy so universal to the Gentry that tormented them. It's just that Beast is arguably biggest offender and gets freaking bonuses.
Is that image related to the book? It's an obvious Sisters of Mercy ripoff.
>Whole Beast line is a fuckup thou
Will you fucking shits stop being so hard on Beast? It's a good game.
Drown yourself.
You're a bad person.
Guess he needs a Beast to come teach him a lesson.
You're probably right.
All right, I'll bite. What do you like about Beast?
So why do the Technocracy support white nationalism and the alt-right in M20? Shouldn't they be the global progressive conspiracy that these types rail against?
I mean, just dipping into /pol/ and reading shit like:
>Because it's the misbegotten child of the age of reason and the enlightenment, and gave birth to the left. Because it degrades morals and locks people into group think while making them question conservative and religious authority. Because it has displaced divine right and religion, and was the worst thing to happen to the human race since the Great Flood. Because scientists are usually communists and buy into all the marxist rhetoric of equality, not to mention that many of them never worked a hard, honest day in their life. Finally, because scientists are the footsoldiers of the global elites (like Soros) to try to pacify, degenerate, and destroy Western society.
sounds more like something a Tradition mage would say (excepting the jab at multiculturalism) than a faction that the Technocracy would be backing or recruiting from.
Dude, it's White Wolf. They're not know for their consistency. With the Technocracy, it's basically just "throw in whatever movement they don't like, even if it doesn't make much sense with their overall motivations or ideals."
I don't know if it's okay to ask here, but might as well.
Can a Tzimisce use fleshwarping to add new limbs that can move and grab things, like tiny tentacles?
This is oWoD, I don't know anything about the new one, I just got the V20 rulebooks from the mega, with zero experience with tabletop, I like reading the fluff.
Because those lunatics are currently supported by status quo. It isn't quite as much behind them as they like, but truth is the rightwing has done excellent job sliding Overton window on their side. Technocracy being the big bad of the setting is intended to be the force that decides which way window goes. So if they are sliding right, Technocracy wants it to be rightwing.
Pretty sure the answer is yes.
Yet the majority of real world technocrats, scientists, and engineers, along with the major centers of technology (like cities) have all shifted left. Except for the Syndicate and possibly Void Engineers, all the other conventions are very "progressive." Just look at how much they're freaking out on issues such as climate change. Also, why would the Technocracy want to dismantle the global order that it spent so much time, resources, and lives on? Why would they support a bunch of people who hate expertise opinion, and distrust education?
You can craft them from your own body, but that means that something needs to be removed to be used as the tentacles
If you wanna attach new arms you need graft life to life, which is a 6 dot vicissitude discipline
They are the safety vent. You have retards spewing conspiracy theories with in turn makes average person less likely to believe it. Because why would you trust some inbreed retard living in the middle of the woods?
Realistically speaking Technocracy is nonsensical villain in this day and age. It is indeed the centrists' and reactionaries' boogeyman of those nasty people with big complicated words that have come to steal our children and churches away.
But since they also represent stasis, status quo, attempt to bring them as supporting force behind current one doesn't make any sense.
Just to make sure that we are on the same page here, do you agree that current status quo is rightwing?
Tzimisce make great antagonists, no matter what splat you're playing. Fleshcrafting is straight horrifying.
And in the same breath they cite how diverse it is. Chinese high artisans, more races in the MIB etc.
The guy who wrote this is just pushing to much sjw stuff in there.
I felt insulted by the high amount of blaming whites for shit and I found no other viewpoint shitting on specific other ethnicies.
What happened to trying to be neutral?
This superficial historic crap glosses over the cruelty of other cultures.
I'm starting to get nervous.
White Colonialism is definitely one of the biggest destructive forces that has caused current status quo and it has been White Supremacism that caused Civil War, Second World War, and current disastrous political climate.
I am gonna pipe it down now. I personally enjoy discussing politics, but I do tend to get little bit heated.
Other cultures are like children, innocent and ignorant. Only whites are truly capable of evil, and they near universally are.
Oh fuck it's this time of the day!
Caine can totaly beat the archmages
I really hope I didn't sound like that...
>Just to make sure that we are on the same page here, do you agree that current status quo is rightwing?
It's complicated. The right are dominant, yet at the same time, they're being attacked by people even further to the right. In mage terms, this would be like the Technocracy being assailed by a bunch of white power Odinist.
Second off, I see the Trads as being both more conservative and more liberal than the Technocracy. Many of the same anti science, anti globalist views are pushed by both the far right and far left (which is where the Trads would be).
It does in fact make much more sense for Good Guys and Bad Guys come in "healthy mix" of full political spectrum.
>Bad Guys
Sorry, "light grey" and "dark gray."
Or would you prefer Romanticism vs Enlightenment?
I would prefer for you all to shut the fuck up about politics.