Great job retards. You literally fell into a trap set by (((them))). The central banks coopted crypto and you let them do it.
Fuck ripple. This isn't what crypto was supposed to be.
Great job retards. You literally fell into a trap set by (((them))). The central banks coopted crypto and you let them do it.
Fuck ripple. This isn't what crypto was supposed to be.
Fuck cripples
Fuck you im paying off my mortgage.
>Being a trader
>Having principles other than making money
Are you retarded? Trading is supposed to be unemotional. Ripple is just a profit-making vehicle like any other asset, be it stock or a fiat currency or a piece of real estate. You're a child.
-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.
-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.
-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.
-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.
-Ripple's share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. The company is always working on creating new partnerships and expanding XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (like Bitcoin)
-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators, more keep joining.
-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).
Nobody in Ripple is jewish you retard.
>but muh banks
Ripple is not a bank. It is a tech company that sells tech services.
>this isn't what crypto was supposed to be
Are you retarded? Banks already send money to one another. Ripple just allows them to do it faster. How the hell does this threaten bitcoin or anything else?
You kids are so fucking dumb. You're not in a Star Wars episode or something. You're not the rebel alliance. #RESIST
haha stay poor and mad, lmao
Refute a single thing I said, poorfag.
Yes, crypto was supposed to be 3 day wait times and $55 to transfer $25 worth of btc. Muh satoshis. Poo poo pee pee
>ride banking waves
>earn shitton
>invest in good tech later
what exactly is the problem?
I don't give a fuck what crypto was "supposed to be" you NEET retard need
I want money
>how to spot a bitter nocoiner
The only trap is in your head you dumbass
>only bitcoin exists
Fuck off boomer
>Nobody in Ripple is jewish
Wait a minute....
how much you guys gonna make when it hits 200 dollars this year?
market cap brainlets need not respond
You can be happy with making a good trade, and sad that crypto is taking a bad turn.
If you weren't a biz autist that is.
What's a boomer?
I bet you are good at math, trading ,playing poker.If you can't beat (((them))), join (((them))) idiot
Could pol please gtfo biz
>Ripple existing somehow threatens crypto
Can you explain how? Banks already send money to one another, ripple just lets them do it faster.
Ripple simply existing doesn't stop you from buying bitcoin or LINK or whatever stinky pee pee poo poo coin you're fond of.
In fact it looks like only banks will actually be using XRP. Normal people will probably still use bitcoin or whatever.
The crying of you freaks is going to make becoming a millionaire off this coin thag much better
>not liking central banks is strictly a /pol/ thing
Enjoy your shitcoin bags
Well you convince me, give me 100 BTC
And I delete my XRP wallet.
lol this faggot didn't buy in. What a dumbo.
Money is one positive thing that can be countered by negative thing
Drnking a cup of poison to get 11111dollars is stupid as some example
>Drnking a cup of poison to get 11111dollars
I'd do it, the number of drugs constantly floating in my system probably gives me some immunity.
you know what is stupid?
I bought in at $0.18, I'm fucking happy. Nice 10x there.
This. Veeky Forums is filled with mouth-breathing teenagers.
Do you honestly think that Veeky Forums controls the crypto market? Are you that stupid?
Are you honestly this mad about a shitcoin, just because you're not holding any and it's mooning?
Do you really think that any of us give a fuck about the ethics behind these coins? We're here to make money, and if XRP is currently giving us gains then we're gonna ride that rocket.
Stop getting so assblasted, kid
everybody is talking about ripple, I'm sure it'll grow. but banks are developing and testing their own DLT solutions right now with r3 corda and other solutions. just so you know, this is NOT an assumption.
2018 will def be interesting.
>muh ideology
>muh proof of work
>muh fees
Ripple is about to eat your lunch. stay poor.
All good poor brainlets. Lmao. Still not satisfied with the show? Wait and see
Move into Omise-go,e true future of crypto. Ones it will start rising, there's no going back. I warned you.
Stay poor faggots hahahahaha
Ripple holders are fags , you're gonna get btfo by xlm
Pajeet detected
nah man, I got in at $0.006 at the beginning of the year. Even if it crashes I'll still have made more money than you did FOMO buying shitcoins and panic-selling at a loss HAHAHAHAHA
ive never bought a single (((XRP))) but this makes sense. good shill user
I bought in @ .22 USD, so it's going to take some serious btfo'ing to get me even remotely mad
yes I'm totally gay for xrp and money, lmao
why the (((echoes)))? No one in Ripple is jewish. All-white leadership. Ripple isn't even a bank. It's a tech company that sells tech services. Do you use Windows? Most banks use Windows, are you going to put echoes around (((Microsoft)))?
xlm is the soy version of XRP.
muhhhh equality. muhhh diversity
Garlinghouse is Gerlinghaus. Dudes (((lowkey))).
hey faggot, as long as it makes (((me))) money idgaf whose behind it.
oh shit
it gets better.
Gerlinghaus is a name from Sieg district in germany.
Sieg district was where jew consolidation happened during WW1-WW2.
Dude is a heritage hider for a reason. (((they))) are always involved in banking. whether you know it or not.
butthurt because you fomo and not making gains lol
I made money off of jews. I feel dirty now
I've made a 5x profit so far, even though I got in kinda late. Pretty satisfied so far desu.
>hey guys dont mind me. head of crypto here at XRP, just a normal white anglo saxon guy. whos up for a game of polo?
OP really sour that his shitbags (Raiblocks, ICX, Link) aren't moving
get fucked you low effort pol nigger
>not siding with jews when it comes to money
I don't know about you, but we are here to make money.
im just larping as an anti semite out of boredom.
do you papa. make that money.
He's just the lead programmer, not the CEO or anything. But I knew there was something kikey about him
stop samefagging faggot
>David Schwartz
>Huge nose
>I knew there was something kikey about him
Good job Sherlock
that was me but on a different computer. I wasn't trying to samefag but I wanted to add a pink wojak, but since I already added the jew nigga I couldn't do the thing
He posts as "Joel Katz" on a lot of blogs. I've never seen his face before now, just read a lot of his posts.
>im just larping as an anti semite out of boredom.
hahah never change, biz
I'm here to make money so I can gas the Jews.
OP should worry less about ripple and more about using his gains to do something in the real world though.
>yfw Satoshi Nakamoto was actually Saul Neichbergenstein.
>muh principals
Grow up, Veeky Forums is for adults
I know that I am wasting my time because your problem is not with me but it is something personal in your life, but, I can take a few minutes to entertain yourself.
I have two trades for Ripple. How come you missed them?
What we are doing here is day trading. We are day trading to make money.
We do not care about your "fundamentals". We look at the charts, read the signals and TRADE based on it. We are making money, exactly what we can here to do.
So think about this for a minute, please do so, I know you can.
I want to make money. People that read this trades want to make money.
We have a money making opportunity and we take it.
Me, and the people that read this, both make good money. So we all accomplish our goals.
We want to make money and we make money. So we are happy and we get to buy a new house, leave our jobs, etc.
So why is that bothering you? You do not want to make money?
You want to trade Ripple? Please do so.
Do I have to trade the coins that you like? Or can we trade what we like?
Do you understand how this works? I do whatever I want, and so the people joining these trades. It is so simple.
While you hate and complain, we trade and get paid.
Your reply was perfect except for the pajeet greeting at the end
what the fuck those tits that cant be real
nice try rakesh, almost had us.
So fun watching these low iq pol brainlets throw another temper tantrum
What a sad angry bunch of entitled manchildren
fyi your autism is showing
Follow me on tradijg view alanmasters.
her titties are not that big
i bought like 4k at 3 cent. another 3.5k at 10-15 cent. sold at 30 cent. i should kill myself. also sold 21 eth for 16 dollar from 6-8 dollar. honestly... hodl anything will make you rich in cryptos..
bitcoin pump and dump group
pump about to start. join to know when to sell
(((Steve Ballmer)))
Ripple provides one frictionless experience to send money globally using the power of blockchain. By joining Ripple’s growing, global network, financial institutions can process their customers’ payments anywhere in the world instantly, reliably and cost-effectively. Banks and payment providers can use the digital asset XRP to further reduce their costs and access new markets.
>Banks and payment providers can use the digital asset XRP
>CAN use
Banks don't need the coin to use the network. Most won't use it at all...
fuck that kike, we /pooinloo/ now
Ripple Labs is a company. An old company at that. XRP is the currency. There are something like 100 billion XRP. All of them mined by the Ripple team. Right now, 30 billion are in circulation. The rest is "held in escrow" by Ripple Labs. They release 1 billion XRP every month.
Now...ask yourself, how do they release it? Where do they get their funding from?
They sell it off and flood the market. They keep all the money for development, salaries, etc. So they basically artificially constrict the supply of XRP... And by doing so they increase the price.
But wait! Banks are working with Ripple and are supposed to use XRP!
No. No bank worth their weight would do institutional money transfers on something heavily traded in exchanges. What they ARE doing is developing proprietary software like XRP so banks can transfer among themselves.
Current literal XRP is literally a hype train. Its simply a source of income and liquidity for Ripple Labs.
>fuck principles, money money money
Peak boomer posting. It's not surprising from the generation that sold their kids to the shekelbergs for a few pieces of silver.
>muh /pol/ boogeymen
Stay good goyim. Worship your masters' commands you filthy pig slave.
>Prop up bubble coin for years on end
>Put it on a wheel chair and put shades on it and hope no one notices it's a piece of shit incapable of doing anything
>A cryptocurrency that actually works arrives and the banks want to use it
>"OMG WTF???????????"
everyone knows ripple is NOT blockchain
Pretty much this. If you're just angry that XRP is actually usable and Bitcoin is not, blame coretards. They're the ones who keep rejecting every single upgrade and fork that would have made it more usable. Were they perfect, no, but they were steps in the right direction.
Decentralization is cancer. "Power to the people" doesn't work when the people are retarded. Now we have an absolute shitcoin that is literally worthless for digital transactions, can't scale for shit, ridiculous fees, and isn't even useful as a store of value because you get raped with fees when you try to move that value around.
It all gets made redundant as soon as a decentralised crypto creates a low fixed fee and instant transactions. They can only do it because if centralised networks with hubs run by big clobsl corporations. They are a middleman that won’t be nerves in 2-3 years when they will be made redundant. Banks is indeed what crypto was designed to replace and the same will be true for fintech ones once btc or Monero or something gets its act together. Or chain link solves the oracle problem ofc.
These people are going to get rekt when it dumps (again). Biz has a short memory
You faggots became normies fomoing into pumped major coin
Adopt late buy high sell low
Good goy
Talking about short memory, do you know or remember, why genius skeleton did this?
>join them
There is no joining them. They are parasites bent on the destruction of their only competition: whitey
>hurr durr short-term gains are good! I don't care about longevity
This is how I know you're a 23 or younger pajeet
I'm going to be able to pay off my new jeep wrangler sport unlimited.
you said the same thing at all previous highs
the rocket is just warming up
exchanges have 100k signups per day! millions of people waiting to get verified to buy ripple.
FUCK OFF RIPPLE SHILLS. If we wanted to play with the big banks and old elitist fucks we would never of gotten into crypto in the first place.
The rest of you KEKS who are riding this wave need to get the fuck off and start supporting the real movement that has served us so well. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS SHIT.
Hahahahahaha i love this shit. You lost fag.