How weeaboo are your gaming circles?
How often do you see PCs and NPCs who are anime foxgirls or whatever like in /pfg/?
How weeaboo are your gaming circles?
How often do you see PCs and NPCs who are anime foxgirls or whatever like in /pfg/?
I don't play Pathfinder, so no, my group is completely degeneracy free.
>Implying it's strictly a pathfinder thing.
>Implying you yourself aren't a stealth weeaboo.
I don't purposely go out of my way to add anime shit, but I pretty much steal from every form of media for the occasional idea so if something happens in an anime/manga that seems like it'd be a good fit for my game I'll steal it and modify it to fit the setting my players are in.
Sometimes people play weeb shit like ninjas or samurai or whatever. Don't care about that stuff to be honest.
Played in settings with catgirls/foxgirls and other furfag shit. Definitely a bit of magical realm going on but nothing as bad as this board has shown me there's out there.
>Implying you yourself aren't a stealth weeaboo.
You're like one of those faggots, who when called out on their degeneracy, start screaming "BY THE WAY, DO YOU KNOW THAT PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE FAGS ACTUALLY WANT TO BE FUCKED IN THE ASS"
I'm literally playing teenaged half-kitsune sorceress, what do you think?
There is always one in our groups first draft of characters. Always from a guy named Dave. Always some bullshit.
Rogue Trader: I want to be the emporer's son
Forgotten Realms: I want to be a moon elf princess samurai
M&M: I made allstar superman without the magic weakness for game one.
Shadowrun: I want to secretly be a a dragon.
Every fucking game.
Honestly I don't mind weeaboo shit in my games, as long as it matches the tone.
However, in the latest game I'm running, I went out of my way to keep the weeaboo influences out of it, because I discovered that one of my friends who always played stuff like was actually a much better roleplayer when now allowed to indulge in his tendencies, and he seems to be enjoying himself more.
Everyone in my groups are weeb but nothing blatantly degenerate occurs. The interests are (thankfully) separate.
>the Emperor's son
Before most of us were into the setting, my group 'ran' a free-form forum-based Guardsman RP. It died when one of the players declared 'The Emperor's come to visit us for our success!' and the then-lorefag lost the will to continue.
I never understood ehy anyone would want to be connected to big e in any more sense than normal humans.
Yet i always have someone who wanta to be a new primarch or a secret son of the emporer. Not even for story reasons, just want the powers and abilities.
My Anima group is pretty weeb. And I'm the only daywalker who can control his damned power level.
Not much as far as I have seen. The most weeaboo thing was a team of lvl 20 characters that our lvl 3 group meet. This is despite playing Pathfinder.
I bet you wanna get fucked in the ass too, fag.
Never in 8 years of pathfinder. I DMed multiple groups and I never saw any of this shit ever. Veeky Forums just likes to hate things.
My entire group is weeaboos. we met on a forum where we talked about jap media in general (anime, manga,VNs, etc) as well as fanfic and all that other shit.
Overall, we keep shit reined in. Mostly due to the fact that we already do most of our weeaboo shit outside of the game so no one want to insert in on our games, our most recent example was a game of WoD Vampire that was all about political bullshit and intrigue, no one was edgy, no one was a special snowflake, no one wanted to be a Malkie, just animals of the night and their own little world.
We once had a "beach episode". But game took place in Victorian England.
My gaming group are weeaboo but we don't have kawaii foxgirls etc
My last campaign was a 1980s set tokusatsu campaign featuring Space Sheriffs, magical girls, Super Sentai, Ultraman, Sukeban Deka and an alien invasion by blue space elves, though.
It also had Tamamo-no-Mae, a gang of oni, various yakuza syndicates, a gang of tanuki with bad Brooklyn accents and a super robot turning up.
But it was degeneracy-free and instead full of laser blades, Nebularium Lasers, badass transformations, explosions everywhere and at one point the party got in a motor race with Speed Racer.
Exactly 50%. Me and another dude exclusively play anime girls, the other two dudes exclusively play human turbonormies. It balances out
Both of my gaming groups (IRL and online) are pretty weeaboo. I'm talking anime night, buyfag thread browsing, body pillow owning... The works.
I keep that shit to a minimum if at all possible.
I feel like anima groups have to be weeaboo by definition, so pretty weeaboo. They're all quite capable of holding back their tendencies but they never really need to
My group is free from that cancer. We play very traditional fantasy, although the conservatism can go too far sometimes (I think the last 3 campaigns were basically the same game rehashed - the plot was/is always about stopping necromancers and drow).
I played in a group once where one player expressed interest in playing a "seductive kitsune bard" (thankfully it never came to that) and another was a stereotypical chaotic evil edgelord rogue who killed random strangers and stole from party members, so when the group fell apart I was kinda relieved. I think both of them - the edgelords and the weebs - go hand in hand and are found in the same circles.
>the same circles
I hate to break it to you, those circles are called "tabletop communities".
I bet you dress up as a foxgirl when you get your ass fucked.
That's true though.
Many of the most vocal guys against any topic secretly enjoy or have enjoyed the topic.
I mean, fuck, look at naruto.
Sounds like some weebshit would spice up your games user, then you wouldn't be playing the same game over and over again.
Oh boy.
I've played about four fox girls in different campaigns, one fox dude in a Pathfinder one-shot, an alien harpy nun in a Battle Century G campaign, and a viera white mage in a Final Fantasy campaign.
The rest of my group has played demons in kimonos, kitsune, robot chicks, a slime girl, and fairy chick.
I'm pretty sure the Final Fantasy and Battle Century G stuff would solidify how weeaboo our campaigns themselves are, but we've also played Pokemon Tabletop United, a Persona inspired campaign, a PMD-inspired campaign, Ryuutama, homebrewed an Etrian Odyssey-inspired system (that we haven't even played yet), homebrewed an SMT system and attempted to run a Pokemon x SMT game (which lasted about three sessions), and played Exalted. The only way I think we could be more weeaboo with our campaigns is if we played Maid RPG.
To top it off, our character art is almost exclusively anime styled, as all of our players frequently get our art from gelbooru and pixiv.
I don't think a game that is so... cartoony, for lack of a better word, could sustain the dramatic tension I enjoy in RPGs.
And of course there is always the matter of "why". It seems that exotic anime/anthro characters are played because of their sexual imagery or because players want to outdo each other in unique snowflakeyness in a contest of trying to take center stage. I'd be immediately suspicious of the motivations and the personalities of such players.
That sounds cool as fuck, user. I'm jealous.
My gaming circles are as weeaboo as the current game and setting being played, as it should be. We're playing some classic DnD? No fucking onii-chan lolis or milf witches who power their magic through semen. We're playing some meido RPG? Do whatever you like, only rule is that it should feel at least slightly anime at the bare minimum.
It's not rocket science, it's mere common sense.
>How weeaboo are your gaming circles?
I usually play my characters completely straight, just human features.
>How often do you see PCs and NPCs who are anime foxgirls or whatever like in /pfg/?
Pretty much all the time, all the girls I play with have some kind of foxgirl/gothic lolita mage or whatever. I'm pretty much the only one playing a normal character and all the other try to flirt with my PC because of that.
get back to your anti anime containment board
Why do you spam this fox shit everywhere?
Like you do it in /pfg/? Then you start spamming it around Veeky Forums screaming about how much /pfg/ likes kitsunes?
What the fuck is your damage?
makes sense to me, gay fags probably went nuclear when they realized how much is just hook ups, then you have the salty mansluts who wasted their life chasing pussy and hate roasties.
>how Weaboo are your gaming circles?
Very. I am the only one in both groups who actively dislikes anime. In my main group (old friends from high school) sometimes get together an hour or two before the session to watch anime, I usually don't.
>How often do you see PCs or NPCs etc.
Almost never because I wouldn't put up with that shit. One member of the group's ~every third PC could be called weebish but that's about it. Blatant fantasy tropes and ripoffs are 100% fine, but anime shit just ruins it. Aware of the hypocrisy, don't care.
>anime bullshit ruins it
Man, then you would hate it when I include jokes in game based around 4kids censorship.
Probably. To be clear, my personal issues with anime are just that, personal dislike. I don't care that my friends all like it, it just bugs me when they try and drag it into anything else. If it was subtle enough for me not to detect then it's fine.
I and a couple other players like anime, but we don't force it into games that aren't explicitly anime-inspired. Also foxfucker doesn't represent all of /pfg/, he's hated there too.
>subtle enough to not detect
No, you're going to detect the shit out of it.
Very weaboo, they're all either fucking little girls or Jojo stand users. My character is a first century BC Gaulish warrior with magical girl transformations.
Most of us like anime or at least the artstyle, but aside from one of the players drawing characters in anime styles, our games aren't really influenced by tropes from the medium. The beastfolk aren't cute catgirls, the monsters' women look about as horrifying as their men, the costumes are setting appropriate and the tone is generally closer to WFRP than anything.
So unless you count anime like Berserk or Record of Lodoss War we don't go very far into weebishness, no.
It's a classic all-culture tradition that the female monsters are hot, user.
Bruh, not even our elves are hot.
Myself and another guy are the only real weeaboos in the group, but I hide my powerlevel and he knows that any weeb concept he comes up with will be mocked relentlessly by the rest of the group
So minimal weeb, really
You say that, but elves were hot in the west WAY before in the east.
>very traditional fantasy
Very traditional fantasy, or very traditional D&D? Because a lot of "anime fantasy tropes" are stuff that was in D&D and Warhammer at the time they came to Japan (fantasy world is actually future Earth and sometimes Earthlings get transported there, heroes have weapons and armor too heavy for normal people to use, ruins have alien laser robots, rangers are swordsmen who know every kind of magic and fight giant monsters and can befriend everyone, dungeon ecologies don't try to make sense, elves are the special snowflake race with ears larger than their head), but was dropped in later editions.
A lot of Japanese TRPG groups hate elves, seeing them as blatant fetishbait and That Guy material. Not only do they have almost nothing to do with the original mythology, but their hotness isn't even an integral part of their character (i.e. tricking people with illusions), it's just tacked on to make them more awesome. Plus while a kitsune player will generally try to hide their true identity, an elf player will generally parade it and expect NPCs to fawn over them for how rare and exotic they are.
You know, you've got me curious about Japanese TRPG groups. Especially with things like obscure Japan-only RPGs like the Shin Megami Tensei ones that came out for multiple games.
Do you know of any places I could read up on the subject?
You'd be surprised where you can fit dramatic tension. Good actors will be good actors regardless.
Well I play a kitsune, but I've never shown my features to anyone. Far as they know I'm human. Which is the whole point of being a trickster spirit.
I'm currently the most weeaboo on our group, I often play small set girls and decide they are attractive even if the games Charisma is a dump stat.
One awesome Veeky Forums drawfriend drew one my characters cute as fuck and I proudly use the art even though I play with an IRL group. Pic related, it's my 19 year old Warlock who runs her own trinket stall in Sigil.
I'm a big anime fan and most people in my group are to various degrees. Despite that, no one really tries to make specifically animu characters. Sure the occasional NPC portrait might be anime styled and we'll make anime jokes during play, but no one plays lolis, kitsunes, Naurto ninjas, etc.
For me it's because I like keeping my hobbies separate and don't see the need to bring everything I love together all the time.
We get weeb from time to time, but never full weeb. We take more inspiration from music and random bits of mythology than anime.
One interesting thing is the existence of Replays - campaign journals published as commercial books.
Stereotypically someone from the US will get interested in fantasy through Tolkien and, expecting D&D to be primarily based on his works (rather than those of Jack Vance, Michael Moorcock, etc.), will get confused by characters rapidly growing in power until they can swim through lava and try to houserule it away.
Whereas someone from Japan gets interested in fantasy through Replays where stuff like "a nobody who trains against monsters for a few weeks can swim through lava" is common, and just taken as the default for how things work. Hence Japanese fantasy as a whole operates more on D&D logic, particularly when the author is going for a Western aesthetic.
They fucking love Call of Cthulhu. There are a bunch of vids on Nico Nico Douga of people basically writing stories about their favourite characters playing CoC. This is mostly popular amongst female fans and doesn't really relate to actually playing TRPGs too much, but is definitely interesting.
I knew a Japanese girl who played D&D for the first time and was utterly baffled by the idea that a character who rolled poorly in the first session was just dead. They didn't have any kind of resource they could spend to boost their luck, or be captured instead of killed, etc.
She was very confused at how a game that big could have forgotten such a major mechanic, and assumed it was a misprint that was going to be fixed by errata.
The alternative, that a GM would invite someone to take part in a story then declare they had to throw out all their plans for literally no reason, she refused to consider, because the GM had seemed really invested in helping the group earlier so she knew he wouldn't pull something that dickish.
For a rough American equivalent, imagine rolling a cleric and trying to cast a spell, only for the GM to declare "The monster eats you because God isn't real".
I am weeaboo as fuck but until recently the campaign has been more western style with a few big exceptions (Guyver knockoffs, Trigun references, Youkai, ect.) but it was mostly knights and shit.
Recently I took over a buddies campaign that was full of superpowers and shit so things have felt more anime since then especially now that it has moved to not! Japan.
As far as PCs go I don't allow Kitsune or catgirls, or sexy monster girls in general as PCs in my games but if they want to play something like an Oni or something that is fine.
When I play I tend to play as normal human warriors or scummy western style demihumans.
my current group: pretty weeb. not obnoxiously so, but most of them are big JRPG fans and watch liberal amounts of anime. character art is borderline anime-y. our party coincidentally also has 0 humans in it.
>>Implying it's strictly a pathfinder thing.
The ones that try it never leave.
Good riddance.
>heroes have weapons [...] too heavy for normal people to use
That was from individual miniatures using two different to show small details.
>and armor too heavy for
That wasn't a thing back then.
>ruins have alien laser robots
>dungeon ecologies don't try to make sense
These were the tits.
>rolling a cleric and trying to cast a spell, only for the GM to declare "The monster eats you because God isn't real".
Well, there are stories similar to that going around on this very board...
>to take part in a story
That was her first poor assumption.
I'm playing Kamigakari right now. My guy's basically a shounen protag, one of the party members is descended from a kitsune and another is descended from a lucky cat and his best friend is secretly a reverse trap with a crush on him.
You tell me.
Pretty weeb, we've all watched whatever the flavor of the month is, at least. We've had our magical girls and such. We've played our MAID one-shots.
Some of it would pretty well pass under a western lens though
The group I DM for is not very weaboo.
>rogue player is almost certainly not a weaboo, barely makes jokes about it
>fighter and bard both like memes and Jojo's references
>rogue 2 is a member of the anime club, knows some Japanese, is straight up going to Japan next semester. He doesn't ever bring it up himself, though
>warlock used to watch Naruto, I think
Conveniently, this means that I can plunder some of the good manga I read for proper nouns and plot hook inspiration and things. As it happens, the party right now is making their way through two regions roughly inspired by China and Japan, so I stole a bunch of names from shoujo manga as names for cities and forts and things like that. Next up is going to be a major plot element. I always get a little thrill from knowing that I'm getting away with shit like that. Fingers crossed my luck holds out.
My last group was made from fellow students of Far East Studies. Amout of weaboo stuff was non-existent, but amount of (completely unfitting for the setting) buddhist references was so overbearing I ended up talking with them about it and making an ultimatum: either they drop this shit or we simply change the game we are playing. It's kind of hard running fucking late Roman Republic setting when PCs are busy spoofing tantric concepts.
We ended up doing both, going for generic medieval fantasy while they've stopped doing the constant inserts from lectures to the game.
4kids references are a special kind of magic that you will always notice, user.
>reverse trap
The fuck it even means?
Girl that looks like a boy, the reverse of a boy that looks like a girl.
One of the PCs is a "catgirl sexual maid", who is treated as annoying IC because she has a Charisma score of 7, but never disrupts the group and OOC all the players think she's funny. The comments from people confused about this are hilarious, as are the GM's replies:
>In Japan, a sexual humour that comes out in these videos is a thing at the same level as the comic that the boy reads. However, there are a lot of people who do not like it so much in the sphere in English either.
>I tell a secret for her honor. Rizel player is realy a woman.
What about a reverse reverse trap.
A girl that looks like a boy that looks like a girl? Or like rule 63 of a trap.
>A girl that looks like a boy that looks like a girl?
Then you get Shakespeare.
Pretty much. We rolled for the character's gender, somebody jokingly suggested that we should make girl (male) and boy (female) an option, and the dice gave us a Naoto. The backstory is that she pretended to be a dude so she could be friends with the character when they were little kids because he thought girls had cooties, and then she never actually told him the truth so now it's all just spiraled out of control.
>The backstory is that she pretended to be a dude so she could be friends with the character when they were little kids because he thought girls had cooties, and then she never actually told him the truth so now it's all just spiraled out of control.
PC-chan wa onna no ko!
Yeah it's that kind of game.
So... like Yuzuru?
That actually falls under trap territory? Wouldn't even think about it this way. I mean... tomboy, hello?
good taste
A tomboy is a girl that acts in a masculine manner, but still wants to be treated as a girl. A reverse trap is a girl that actively pretends to be a boy for whatever reason.
Ever played Persona 4? Compare Chie to Naoto. That's the difference between a tomboy and a reverse trap.
Ushio to Tora, Devilman, Shiguri, and Dororo are goldmines for easily pilfered Manga that most people won't recognise references to.
More like Itsuki from Heartcatch Precure.
As a player its a group dropper for me. I want no truck in weebisms
Ed was my first anime waifu.
Good times.
The joys of language barrier - your explaination makes absolutely no sense once translated, since both situations are covered by equvalent of tomboy in my native language.
I mean I see the difference, but I just point out it doesn't translate at all.
Worst we have is an elf that uses Japanese themed gear, but that's because they are from a far realm that's totally not!Asia.
I'm totally fine with it because I was a samurai and Japanese history fan before I was into any anime.
Full Weab and never because we have standards dammit.
Yeah, language is fun like that.
Both are indeed good. In all senses.
It's the difference between having some boyish behavior and having only boyish behavior.
>Posts on anime imageboard that is completely degenerate
>Is part of the group
user I got bad news.
We had a player who didn't exactly get the memo a fighting monk with asian vibes PC isn't going to fit into Witcher setting, but we decided as a group to let this fly after much deliberation and few beers. Our GM managed to spin a metric fuckload of funny situations around the whole deal of "funny foreigner", so it wasn't as bad as everyone expected.
Still didn't fit the setting in the slightest, but we had our fun.
You can tell a tomboy is a girl if you look at or talk to them.
You can tell a reverse trap is a girl if you see them naked.
Extremely, extremely weeb and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Nah, a trap is a character who viewers mistake for a girl; a reverse trap is one who viewers mistake for a guy. They don't need to be doing it on purpose.
A tomboy is just a girl who doesn't act girly.
Not in my language. As long as you are female and exhibit any sort of male behaviour, you qualify for tomboy. It covers anything ranging from being a girl and wearing pants and ending with trans people.
As the other user said, language is fun like that, since on the other hand there are like 20 diferent names for different types woodland that English just covers all with "forest".
My IRL group isn't really weeb. My online game is much more weeb, but in a funny way.
Two out of three.
Interestingly, neither one seemed interested in playing dragonborn or kobold even through dragons (and thus those races closest related to them) are basically Japanese.*
*it all happened because when I was designing Dragonborn society for the setting I realized: "wait, I got a bunch of lawful types who want to continue their duty to the dragons and SERVE. And I have another half FLOATING listlessly but abandoning their ancient duties which they feel have been missed? Samurai and Ronin?"
Before I brought up that last part, one of the group members pointed it out too.
The other members of the group watch mostly battle shounen stuff, but don't really bring it into the games.
I watch mostly space and mecha stuff, but don't really bring it into the games (it wouldn't really make sense if I even tried).
I summoned a vulpinal agathion to play the flute for a kid prince at one point, and that's about it.
The only people I can play with in my area are either metalheads, above 50 or clueless about pop-culture in general.
And I fucking hate that, because there is a shitload of stuff I'd like to play, but there is nobody to play with. Including running an animu one-shot for the fucking kicks of it.
Instead my choice boils down to Warhammer Fantasy autism, 0D&D and completely random stuff with the clueless. But they usually end up with minds blown by most generic and cliche scenarios (some of them directly ripped off), making them useless for spoofs.
If not PBFs and Vallheru, I would probably quit the hobby a decade ago, if not more.
Reverse traps are a proper subset of tomboys.
All reverse traps are tomboys, but not all tomboys are reverse traps.
Like I said, I understand that without any problems. I just point out it's nonsensical once translated into my native. If it helps you at all, my language doesn't see difference between sex and gender, too.
One of the joys of being able to operate in 5 different languages (none of them really fluent) is ability to notice completely different patterns shaping concepts for their users. Sort of like lite version of Sapir-Whorf, as it's never as extreme with their study over Hopi language.
Middling, I guess.
We basically never have anime foxgirl characters (the closest we got was my eagle-bro), but we have had mecha in our game.