Inaugural Second Rite Edition
>Points List
>Database of Commonly Played Cards
>Database of Popular Decks
>Tread Question
What's the best card you're not playing?
Inaugural Second Rite Edition
>Points List
>Database of Commonly Played Cards
>Database of Popular Decks
>Tread Question
What's the best card you're not playing?
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So I'm working on a Rakdos Midrange list at the moment. Any spicy top-end creatures you guys could reccomend?
So far I have Thunderbreak Regent, Bone Picker, Flametounge Kavu, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Bloodline Keeper, and Desecration Demon as my 4-drops.
FOr 5-drops, I currently have Stormbreath Dragon, Goblin Dark-Dwellers, and Kolaghan
the only ponited card in m list so far is Mind Twist at 1. I guess I could throw in a Sol Ring or a couple of tutors to fill some slots.
is Hypnotic Specter a better Aggro or Midrange card?
I think I'm gonna get a Blood Moon and the Magus when I get some money saved up.
maybe I should have put this in the general
*edh snowflakes whining about a format they've never played*
Hey man, it's like pauper. If my LGS supported it, I'd play the hell out of it (Looks really interesting with the point system). Unfortunately my LGS only has Standard, Modern, and Legacy.
what kind of deck would you play, if you had the chance?
If the Canucks gave us one thing, it's a sweet format. Damn shame that nobody plays it. I started this thread to see if I could give it some traction here.
I'd like to play either Reanimator, Workshop Battlebots, or Azorius Control.
can we talk about dope midrange cards?
I'm brewing Boros Burn, Rakdos Midrange, and Izzet Counterburn myself.
I like playing red beacuse it's so damn cheap. Hard to afford Force of Will and Mana Drain y'know. Then again, som many of the best blue cards are also penneis on the dollar.
Charms are pretty damn good in this format, due to the singleton nature of decks. It's good to have something that can do several things.
To be fair that "budget" video they made didn't really help things.
>hey, just play this 40 dollar card instead of this 200 dollar card! budget!
Heartless capitalism koan here.
If you cannot afford your hobby
It is not your hobby.
Nice try Liam.
Olivia Voldaren, Hell Rider, Avalance Riders at 4.
Thundermaw Hellkite, Ob Nixilis Reignited, Liliana, Death's Majesty at 5.
I only own a Sol Ring. Can I play?
Bruh, glorybringer is the hot potatos, my nig.
>make an edh deck
>its also CH legal
too bad my friends only ever heard of edh as the only singleton format. i had a conversation with a judge the other day that edh was a 100 cards singleton format and not 99 with the commander having special rules while floating wherever like a sideboard would. Also anyone running two commanders and 99 other cards is an illegal 101 card deck.
Didn't they also give us tiny leaders?
Fuck tiny leaders.