Over the last few weeks the incidence of posting sexualized images is on the rise.

All I do is sit around and either jerk off to porn or watch/discuss crypto.

It's a fine balance, and seeing nearly-naked sluts being posted on Veeky Forums is upsetting the balance.

We need to be focusing on investing, not being distracted by flesh of lesser-than females.

Theres a reason crypto is 95% male. Because we are the only sex capable of handling the pressure and risk associated.

Stop posting fucking naked girls around here and distracting us from the focus on the market.

4 weeks ago it was a different board. You can tell the influx of nocoiners from /b/ trying to get in has lowered the quality of this board by a lot.

Other urls found in this thread:

I agree. No Fap 450+ day master race. My aryan, future mother of my children is sleeping in the other room. This slut posting is for vermin.

Ok low test soyboy

also, don't want to spend spares cash on hoes. will hodl till moon for that

Keep jerking off you toast It's fucking your body
No pun intended

This is porn to you? Where do you live? India?

would be great if hoes accepted crypto


Do you want dicks hanging out of suits?

Fucking degenerated homo

Literally top-performing athletes abstain from jizzing for days before a big game because nutting keeps you weak and relaxed. That primal desire to perform pushes the body farther.

Sources on this are everywhere.

>Stop posting fucking naked girls around here and distracting us from the focus on the market.
Well, thats your opinion. In my case I think "damn that ass, I better work harder if I ever want to have that!". A clear goal helps you to focus. Unless you are gay of course.

Veeky Forumspol/biz/ or death

The field of finance is a highly masculine area. Along with the high testosterone come all the nuances such as name-calling, hot women, high risk, infidelity, etc. If you can't deal with it then perhaps this is not for you.

Is this allowed?

I agree. I’m tired of it. And it doesn’t get people’s attention any better


Didnt she quit? Also why the fuck is she the most shooped whore ever. Her face is atrocious.

Yes it does

nice, found this old pic in one of my folders and had a good laugh

>Have the determination of Tony Montana, no time for despicable whores and flesh distractions. Only focus is to climb higher in this world.
>Have the weak spoiled mentality of Jordan Belfort. Distracted by flesh. Literally left his wife for better looking whore who screwed him in the end. Fucked hookers and polluted his mind and body with disease. Easily distracted by what other men had.

No thanks. I'm gonna push it to the limit.


Yes, only full-naked girls allowed on Veeky Forums starting 2018


I know her irl

Agreed. Post half-naked guys instead for us Veeky Forums faggots.


-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

-Ripple's share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. The company is always working on creating new partnerships and expanding XRP's marketshare.

-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (like Bitcoin)

-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators, more keep joining.

-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).

She's 15. This is the FBI you're under arrest

How heavy are your bags?

You are weak if the pictures make you want to fap. I'm still just doing my regular one a day and I'm on this board all the damn time. All those asses just inspire me to make more money so I can start plowing 10's every day.

whole point of Matthew Mcconaughey's role in wolf of wall street was you need to KEEP fapping, to stay cool under pressure. Nofap would KILL traders.

Lambos inspire me.
Big houses inspire me.
Nice fitted suits inspire me.
Rolexes inspire me.
Financial freedom inspires me.

Second-tier flesh does not. Women are subhuman trash. Even niggers got the right to vote before women in the US.

>see pic
>miss the mooning of a shitcoin
feels bad man

Yeah I've already relapsed into fapping twice in the last 2 months from being triggered by these pics
Veeky Forums don't care
have to be stronger than them
plz let me moon so I never have to come back here


Instead lets post fully clothed waifus.

How about this

I decided to check out VR porn to see what the rage was all about.

Broke my 100+ day streak

Lambos, big houses, fitted suits and rolex are all huge wastes of money. Even if you make it you're going to squander your gains away on bullshit.

If not cock tease shilling, then what would replace this? I'm not saying it's good, but the problem goes deeper than that with all of the coin shilling threads and pink wojack shitposts.

Im not saying dont jerk off. Im just saying, jerkoff time and market time should not mix.

Posting bimbo sluts mixes these two. Which distracts from the aim of market discussion, which is to discuss markets.

Trading big bucks is going to test your psyche harder than any no-fap or slut could.

>not jerking off 16 hours a day while daytrading crypto

I make fat trades every day, thousends of dollars every single day while holding on to my huge cock.
Fuck off OP, you clearly don‘t have the Balls to stomach big trades.

2/10 wouldn't bang
and yeah she quit.
no fap is really fucking easy since then

I'll just leave this here...

fuck you you fucking faggot

>Men can't help acting on impulse
>Men are more likely to act on impulse

I agree with you with everything, but then

>95% male. only sex capable of handling the pressure and risk.

Then you just show your virgin side and fuck everything up

0/10 taste, plastic surgery monster faces


its just pics and people shilling. Get a hold of yourselves oh wait thats the problem

You know what a Hazza is Frank?

what are you, a faggot?

I was banned for posting this shit.

Whats the matter user, dont like getting rich and having sex?

Does it say ICX on the cup? If so, I am buying another 100k

Bruh, you can literally see the lines of her lips. Definitely lewd at the very least.

She has pretty weird face



But user she likes you.

typical greedy whore. she hasnt even finished her hamburger and shes already looking at the dessert menu

>not on Veeky Forums

i need sauce

fake, no one survives that long!

They are sagging like boobs of an 80 years old bitch who had E Cups in her 20s

Unirionically this. We should just start posting images of Christ in all those threads.

If you're not nofap, you're literally killing yourself with dopamine overloads and giving yourself erectile dysfunction because you fell for the Jewish trick.

These people want you dead, your children raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

fuck off nigger

>not on Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums, and /an/
You're not gonna make it.

Sauce on this? Are we Italians or something?


the male form has much more potential for aesthetic beauty than the female form

I agree. It's jews spamming that shit, they are degenerate.

>No Fap 450+
And link will be 1k EOY 2018

This. I'm usually lurking while at work - been having to use my phone because this shit keeps popping up

Agreed, we need to stop posting nasty sexual shit and start posting cute, pure anime girls. Preferably lolis, as they are the most pure.


Please switch to posting hentai so the board can become SFW

Pedo faggot

Rubbing one out is a necessity when you’re trading

>aesthetic beauty
lmao. looks like you're projecting, mate


People who post them are fucking stupid and either ask the dumbest questions or advertise the scammiest coins

If you look at charts and numbers a day, you will be stressed fappibg is a great way to relieve stress, so are drugs.


at least shill a coin with the whore, faggot

