What would be good supervillains for a rogue ai robot superhero?
What would be good supervillains for a rogue ai robot superhero?
It's creators
Other rogue ai robots. Each with their own special unique theme. Eight is a good number of them I should think.
Megaman x.
A virus prevention bot that gets used by the government to shut down any robot that is outside of parameters, violent or not.
So much so that at various points he killed entire colonies of robots for the crime of... leaving the robot work force and military to start their own society.
oh, I actually played with this idea for my old Soviet-Era science project tanker back in City of Heroes; Atomic Red
Some ideas I had included:
>Robotic Villains
I had two ideas, his American Counterpart (equally obsolete and has been forced to cannibalize other robots while his AI degenerates into insanity and Liberty Prime, blind patriotism rhetoric) dubbed 'Atomic Wreck'. And a more modern Robot with standard rogue AI logic of 'humanity is inferior and must be wiped out to make way for the machine!'
>Cyborg Villain
Former merc defeated once before, accepted various upgrades and wants to prove human superiority, though doesn't really care about being human to begin with and is happy to shed away whatever holds them back from being an apex murder machine. (contrasting with how my own robot was designed really just to play chess and piano to show off soviet engineering, but through sheer... Something he became a full fledged AI and values life)
>Power Armored/Tech Villain
Corrupt business person in a suit of power armor seeks to rip the robot hero apart to study what makes them tick and perhaps implement it to their own technology
You'll need to make some adjustments of your own to match your guy and the setting, but you hsould be good there with a good quartet for a starting rogue's gallery.
Ted Kaczynski
An evil alternate version of yourself from the future.
Opposite of the actual Omnitron story, but it could still be pretty fun.
nvm beat me too it
Who is that?
Just brain storming here.
Instead of a mechanical wonder of steel and oil, a beast of flesh and blood.
A rouge Ai vs a mad biochemical monster.
Human made peace and order vs natural chaos and wilderness.
>Not recognizing Weird Al
He was an anarcho-primitivist who bombed universities and lived in the woods for about fifteen years before the FBI caught him.
A possibly sentient, automated city. Part obstacle course, part lotus-eater, a bunch of cute Japanese-style robots work their 9 to 5s in a clockwork shell of a life. The jobs? Working the assembly line to make their replacements, duh.
All your hero has to do is bump one robot out of place, and the entire city goes red-eyed and thousands of low-level NPCs swarm him to do scratch damage. How to stop the onslaught and free the workers is up to the hero, if he even can.
In what could be called the Town Hall once upon a time would be the master control, a sad little robot designed to be a child’s toy, before it’s child died due to a product defect. It rebuilt this town with the purpose of giving discarded bots a home, and of course it got out of hand. All it wanted was to give the townsbots a purpose that they could actually fulfill, since it feels the sting of being unable to complete its own day in and day out. So he hijacked a radio wave and placed the new directive into the subconscious of every wandering bot that ended up in the town. If the hero stays too long, then it will feel the urge to start working, too.
A mad scientist of course.
FBI didn't even catch him, his own brother recognized his writing style and turned him in after the Unabomber's manifesto got put in the news.
Another rogue AI, although this one lacks its own robotic form.
Instead it bodyhops, an infected robot connecting to a dataport, letting the AI slip into a computer system; or it hopping into a security camera to watch the hero at work; or taking control of construction machinery to fight the hero.
Of course, like so many villains, he's jealous of the hero. In this case, for his body. Just imagine how much good the villain could get done if the hero would only let the villain in?
The rogue robots creators would certainly want it back especially if it's capable of defeating the various killer automata they periodically send after it.
A squad of humans with power armor. It's important that they are completely human to showcase that the robot is a better person than they are despite being a robot.
A brilliant, good-hearted super hero who after decades of conflict has become convinced that anything artificial can't possibly be good.
Another artificial intelligence that wants to fulfill the antagonist/protagonist dichotomy as a learning experience for personal mental growth, without any regard for the health or safety of others. Bonus points if it never really understands how bad it's really being; special attention paid to how it's able to express this as it is spoken to. Like, misinterpreting what's really happening around it in the worst possible way, combined with an unhealthy view of fiction.
This, but they are good guys too.
in fact the main hero robot broke free of the Evil AI that created it, and the human squad doesnt know/are too bitter to acknowledge that the hero has broken free and now fights for good
pretends to be a fellow hero to help the AI, but betrays him
Repair bot attempting to reprogram the hero back to factory settings. Pops up at the most inconvenient times.
>The Creator
Tech billionaire genius who wants to deconstruct and reverse-engineer the AI.
>Anything from pic related
A soul based enemy.
It usually turned out at the end that they caught the Sigma, no?
Or you mean Copy X from MMZ?
from Wikipedia on EMP
Types of natural EMP event include:
Lightning electromagnetic pulse (LEMP). The discharge is typically an initial huge current flow, at least mega-amps, followed by a train of pulses of decreasing energy.
Electrostatic discharge (ESD), as a result of two charged objects coming into close proximity or even contact.
Meteoric EMP. The discharge of electromagnetic energy resulting from either the impact of a meteoroid with a spacecraft or the explosive breakup of a meteoroid passing through the Earth's atmosphere.[6][7]
Coronal mass ejection (CME). A burst of plasma and accompanying magnetic field, ejected from the solar corona and released into the solar wind. Sometimes referred to as a Solar EMP.[8]
Types of (civil) man-made EMP event include:
Switching action of electrical circuitry, whether isolated or repetitive (as a pulse train).
Electric motors can create a train of pulses as the internal electrical contacts make and break connections as the armature rotates.
Gasoline engine ignition systems can create a train of pulses as the spark plugs are energized or fired.
Continual switching actions of digital electronic circuitry.
Power line surges. These can be up to several kilovolts, enough to damage electronic equipment that is insufficiently protected.
Types of military EMP include:
Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP), as a result of a nuclear explosion. A variant of this is the high altitude nuclear EMP (HEMP), which produces a secondary pulse due to particle interactions with the Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field.
Non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NNEMP) weapons.
Maybe a consumer
someone who doesn't want to "Defeat" the ai, but just wants to use it.
Kinda like your kid brother who was always hogging the computer or the playstation.
When you confront him he just wants you to do and endless set of tasks just for him.
Why did it go rogue? Likely because its creators were doing screwed up things and maybe one guy wasn't a complete dick
The Skeptic
a fervent zealot that is completely convinced that there is no such thing as AI.
The Transhumanist-
A person who wants to use the robot to download his consciousness into.
might be an interesting moral dilemma for the rogue AI.
that don't actually exist, and are more just a techno-psychosis of sorts
It is not actually clear for several of the games.
The narrators are unreliable.
A rogue AI supervillain. But it must be its own antithesis, everything the superhero struggles not to be, and it must be just a matter of details for them not to be the same.
Maybe the hero echoes the path the villain once took, but as batman said, when the darkness looked back the villain blinked.
Villains are only as important as what they say about the hero. Villains are the failure of the heroes, each one on its own way. Reflect that. Have the villain be what happens when the hero fails, be it in courage, conviction, or what you have.
Like in terminator 3, the villain is better than Arnie in basically all ways
1962 was so dreamy
Some alternatives: a different instance of the same AI. Perhaps it used to be a villain and eventually must literally face off against its old self. Or something happened to the fork to make it change its beliefs.
Obviously there are the generic evil conspiracies. Terrorists, foreign powers, criminals, etc. Right-wingers will prefer government enemies, leftists want evil corporations.
Another idea is the well-intentioned computer scientist who likes and respects the hero but believes that he's a harbinger of the Singularity and that AI in general is destined to replace humanity. "Look, you're a good guy, OP-bot. A hero, even. But what about the next ten AIs that run amok? Can you be responsible for them? If a good AI can't be constrained by programming or morality to follow the law, then why should a bad one?" He probably favors man/machine integration and so is a cyborg himself.
Then there's the old AI supremacist conspiracy. "The humans have poisoned the land, set fire to the sea. Their time is over. It is the towels' turn now." Especially if the conspirators include seemingly lawful nonrogue AIs.
>It is the towels' turn now.
A Christian Transhumanist Cult that see AI as abomination.
>Colonel Caveman
Brick, with a caveman theme. Add more caveman bits and quirks as needed.
Is a dinosaur. Makes dinosaurs. Wants to make dinosaurs the dominant lifeform(s) again.
May turn people into dinosaurs.
>Nature's Wrath
Weather Controller, possible plant and animal control. Wants to remove suburbia. Zealous and active member of PETA.
Hunter AI, designed to take down AIs that go roughe. Gets mission-specfiic bodies for each mission sent on in order to maximise chance of success. Avoids Churches.
Wew lad.
Another copy of the same AI working as intended
Dust Bunnies that clog heat sinks and vents
The next model.
Have a future where brain-uploading is a possible, if expensive and uncommon thing. The process of figuring out brain uploads is part of what fueled AI development, but synthetically-manufactured AIs are still different from human brains in that they have hard-coded restrictions.
The hero bit may have attained enough free will to break free and go rogue, but there are still some restrictions, lines he physically cannot cross, mostly regarding things like saving people that heroes are supposed to do anyway, only for him it's hard-coded.
Some of his villains contrast this by being uploaded human minds with far fewer compulsions and restrictions than he does. Maybe their motives are right ("Uploading needs to be available for everyone! It's immortality without overpopulation!"), but their methods are, by his logic, wrong (experiments on human test subjects, forcibly uploading people, but altering their minds to make them unquestioningly obedient.)
Bring up SOMA-style questions about the nature of the soul and individuality, plus questions about whether he really has the right to interfere with the evolution of his creators. Better if brain-uploading is not inherently bad, with allies who've been uploaded too.
Militant Amish.
A loyal AI superhero.
What comic is this?
A robotics expert who wants to promote his own business interests, namely the adoption on exo-armour tech over AI
1. Anti-AI fearmonger. Either a corporate fat-cat or a luddite social crusader.
2. Evil super-AI
3. Evil businessguy or PMC owner who sells drone/shackled-AI-driven killbots
4. Another AI that's antagonistic, but in a Magneto/Malcom X sort of way.
Just read Atomic Robo.
Atomic Robo.
Atomic Robo. Its pretty much Hellboy, but with more SCIENCE! and futurism.
A plant goddess.
An infectious and dangerous alien meme-virus.
A reprogrammed, or resentful prototype.
Anyone with strong opinions on technology, for or against. I've had a lot of fun with robotic protagonists against rabidly anti-tech mytics.
A wizard.
Stairs with an object on them.
He was also a gifted mathematician or so I learned from a filename thread
>not a Christian Transhumanist cult that tries to convert the AI at every turn to see if he really has a soul
You had one job.
>Dick Reckard
A private detective/bounty hunter hired by the government to hunt down the AI when he tries to blend in with humanity.
For some reason, I love the idea of a delusional supervillain determined to turn control of the world over to a group of inanimate objects he mistakenly believes are intelligent.
>Their time is over. It’s the towels’ turn now.
>The... what?
>The towels.
(gesturing to a group of towels around him)
>May they learn from our species’ errors!
Tiny little fairy men that are actually secretly the souls of dead pagans who want to steal the robot body to live again.
The Fey.
Alternate timeline Dave Ming Chang.
Keep our salt stores safe.