What's your BBEG's relationship with children in the setting?

What's your BBEG's relationship with children in the setting?

Do they fear him? Do they look up to him? Do they think he's a cool guy?

Peter Pan LOVES children.....to death....and then to undeath.

Yeah he's a Kender vampire ranger who can fly and reanimate people as Ghouls.

Forgot pic

They worship him as a hero (mainly because he IS a hero). He uses them for fucked up experiments because wizards.

More info?

Calm down, Best Dad.

Okay now i have seen pic related so often that i gotta ask, what the fuck is his deal and why does he look like a fluffy raptor with a science degree ?
And what is with all those family references ?

Possibly the only thing that the "Wizards first rule" book did well was establish the evil overlords specific antagonism against children. Making all red fruit poisonous (Because children love ripe, red fruit), using child sacrifices to perform divination (with a method that involved the child being forced to swallow molten lead after being told it was porridge)

Because he got turned into something that looks like it was once human but has been merged with a fluffy raptor, and his sense of scientific curiosity is one of the few aspects of humanity he has left. He also has very very many daughters who are very devoted to him; see though.

He's from Made in Abyss, aka Uncle Lovecraft's Funtime Murderhole. Long story short, people delve in the murderhole looking for treasure and artifacts. There's some good shit down there, from shiny baubles to things that can resurrect the dead and turn people superhuman. Problem is the murderhole has a field that makes it hard to escape. Higher levels, minor nausea, mid levels, bleeding and internal damage, lower levels, autodeath. Bonedaddy there runs a research center in the murderhole at the autodeath barrier, and is trying to study how to delve further and not die. He also used an artifact to divorce his consciousness from his body, and become immortal. From his personal Byrgenwerth, he brings unwanted orphan children down and experiments on how to avoid the autodeath. Most of these orphans melt into inhuman blobs of flesh that know only fear and pain. But it's okay because they did it for science. Everyone thinks Byrgenwerth is a horrific place - that's not entirely true. Bondrewd isn't evil, just divorced from emotion and ethics as a result of becoming a bodysnatcher. He is part fluffy raptor as part of his experiments on avoiding the autodeath curse.

I think that explains it.

He is from the manga Made in Abyss.
He is a legenderary explorer who carries out fucked up experiments to find out how to counter the curse of the hugeass pit everyone is exploring where you can go down but if you go up you can suffer effects such as hallucinations, bleeding from every hole, turning into a blob or outright death depending on how deep you are.
He does shit like turning little girls into living containers that fight the curse or turning them into blobs on the chance that one of the might awaken a special ability.
And he looks like a fluffly raptor because he suffers a transformation due to curse-related shit while fighting the good guys.

They don't really know of his existence. Invisible wars man.

Jesus rollerblading christ, that sounds pretty fucked up, might read/watch it.
still want to touch fluffy raptor rail tho

He is not from a campaign but from a story that I will probably never finish writing.
He is known to the public as a powerful wizard who once was part of the "Four Heroes" who fought during the final war between the two superpowers of the continent (with said heroes' nation coming up on top and unifying the known world except for a few shitholes). Unfortunately, all the other heroes (with one of them being a prince) except for him died during the final battle in the enemy nation's capital when the enemy choose to blow up the whole place rather than admit defeat. Now he is a somber and cold man due to said event.
Of course, that's a fucking lie. He is actually a super autistic wizard who is hellbent on obtaining greater underestanding on how the magic in the setting works and what new heights it can reach, not because he wants to improve other people's lives or rule the world but just because he has a huge magicboner. He was actually the one behind the death of the other heroes (though the truth is that only the prince died, the other two heroes fucked off after failing to stop him) and the explosion that fucked up the enemy nation's capital.
And he uses children for experiments because he is trying to use artifically enhanced humans to discover how to elevate his soul into a god-like state in order to surpass human potential and become a magic god with no limitations. Of course, he doesn't care that doing this might potentially destroy the entire world or how much suffering he causes to do it, not becuase he hates the world or is cruel but rather because he gives 0 fucks about anything that isn't realted to magic.



Sorry I'm like 10 years old when it comes to things like that.

But yeah....wizards are assholes, and being a "Hero" should give him some immunity. I can dig....

What about the kids though? where is he getting them? How does he keep the parents silent?

The war left a lot of refugees and orphans so getting himself some children isnt so hard. He also can create them kind of artificially but those are extremely rare so it's not like he can mass-produce living beings.
I also forgot to mention that he is kind of the highest authority when it comes to magic research (think like the Headmaster of the Mage Society or something like that) so he has a lot of resources, not to mention that his nation turned into a corrupt and fascist shithole after the prince died and the emperor got so depressed than he left the administration of the nation in the hands of his shitty council.

That looks like a demon of Slaanesh

>mage society
Like a normal bureaucracy isn't enough, dealing with wizard bureaucrats can give anyone levels in Barbarian.

Sounds good.
You don't wanna make it into a campaign?

I really want to write the story (even though I suck at writing) so for now, no, but I might consider making a campaign in the setting in the future.

Damn, that nigga looks badass

If my memorys right he has kids and is liked by them for being a good guy. Did I mention this guy is leading a Black Crusade composed of khorne berserks and Nurglites. Also I should mention hes a demon prince and is a parent.



Kill yourself faggot

It's a meme you dip

All three of you are fucking leafs

No, it's cringing at someone clearly of a tvtropes mindset.

My bbeg is a power hungry Half orc Cleric. He's incredibly powerful already and doesn't know when to stop. He's not an asshole tho he has a soft spot for kids so he routinely let's the village children into his Mage Tower to escape abusive parents or to just ask questions/chill. All the city guards that he sent in to take over and replace the islands cities routinely carry fruits for hungry children should they see any.



> when the Slaaneshi cult stops giving a shit about subtlety

Shh, sweetie, the original “BBEG Ugh” user got banned a long time ago. You really don’t need to take up the mantle of his shitposting just for the sake of tradition.

My BBEG (Blackguard who conquered his own nation) has a rule that in his lands, nobody may harm a child (parental discipline is fine though, but if you do shit like deal drugs to children, make child soldiers, use them as slaves, as pleasure concubines, or anything like that, you're fucked). If he catches them, he throws them into a prison demiplane to starve to death.

This is partly because he genuinely likes children, and partly because he's trying to safeguard as many as possible so when they grow up they'll know he protected them with his laws and will join his army, swelling his forces further.


>replying to your own post just to necromance your shit thread


They all love and pray to him. Like all good god loving children.

Too bad God is the lord of the underworld in disguise.

they think he's just something made up by the resident crazy guy


I love how all the children are looking away from the creepy clown lady.

Current BBEG is a child lich. I would imagine children are afraid of him, but they’d warm up to him after getting to know his pet dire beetle “Mother” and subsequently being turned into meat puppets.


I can't believe you managed to fuck the meme up.
It's just two words.

Is no one going to acknowledge the ugly ass he-witch reading a book to children?

Just me?

Dude, it's just 40k cosplay.
Slaanesh is really popular with kids and the cosplayer crowd.

>Your penis when the BBEG (UGH SO PROBLEMATIC MEIN BRUDERS) is actually a mob of particularly stupid and self-important children crammed into an evil wizard-robe dedicated to getting a rise out of the PCs