>DM starts making Monty Python and the Holy Grail references
DM starts making Monty Python and the Holy Grail references
As long as he's obeying the Rule of Five, he's good. That is, as long as there aren't more than three references to it in a single session, just groan and move on.
I'm not just shitposting, I actually had this happen in today's session, when DM bused out essentially the Black Knight, who appeared out of nowhere, challenges one of our PCs to a duel and then adamantly refused to admit that he lost.
I've had worse
Mid-late in a campaign, I gave the druid player a single-use deus ex machina device. It was basically a grenade made of magic wood that can obliterate unnatural things and can kill basically anything in existence, once. It had an inscription written on it in druidic, which of course only his character could read, so I handed him a note with the inscription written on it in a gothic font so other players couldn't read it at a glance.
It was the instructions for the Holy Hand Grenade.
>DM starts making Monty Python's Life of Brian references
>DM is an unoriginal pandering faggot
>I Hate Fun: The Post
>Starring user
>And featuring the 87 cocks he sucks
>In stores now!
>>BBEG was the Spanish Inquisition and no one expected it
They always gave a one month notice.
>starring a faggot
>it's you
>kill yourself
>game is set in the Roman empire c. 10 AD
>players immediately drop the plot in favor of trying to kill Jesus
>hating fun
>rehashing shit is fun
>watching adults autistically spout old movie references is fun
>if you wanna be funny just tell the same joke repeatedly
You belong in a cringe compilation with this guy:
Would calling it the Rule of Five count as one of the references?
Hey when you're done with all those dicks can I borrow them? You mom needs her hourly delivery of several cocks
>Players have made their characters based on Blackadder characters
>y-your mom!
Got em ;^)
>act pretty much the same regardless of setting
>be dicks toward those lower than you, snark behind the backs of those higher than you
>constantly wind up in an unnecessary level of shit due to your own plans backfiring
I mean...
>GM makes references to silly walks and the fish-slapping dance
Unironically have a cunning plan for a character right now.
>unironically about to steal an entire character, add a small change and call it mine
This is the thread for you.
I was planning on using the mechanic thing of "each successive incarnation gets one aspect more flanderized", as opposed to directly ripping a character, but if you want to be a presumptuous prick you can keep doing that if you like.
And yeah, I acknowledge that even then, it's not my own idea, but tell me one utterly original, uninfluenced piece of writing by anyone. Protip - you most likely can't.
>Not letting them
>Not sticking kung-fu Christ on their asses
He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy.
I'm sorry I have trouble reading posts written by people with more than nine dicks in the asses at the time of typing; can you please get Trevor out of your ass and resend that post?
You dont like monty python and the holy grail?
Oh god, have you gone to the doctor yet?
You know, it would still probably be less obnoxious than the time that the campaign randomly segued into Mad Max the week that the DM saw Fury Road.
I made a Lord Flashheart chaaracter in Rogue Trader and no one ever realised. I even made him look exactly like him.
>When your DM think's he's being subtle using references from many different sources and you know them all, but the rest of the party is extremely excited because they don't recognize where the DM is getting his material from and because of this you have to sit back and clench your teeth because you know -exactly- how every scenario in the campaign will play out because you've read all the books they were ripped from
Whats the Rule of Five?
>When you're almost certain that all the players feel that way and are only still in the game because they're humoring you but they all tell you that they're enjoying it and can't wait to find out what happens next and you just don't know any more maybe they're telling the truth but it all feels so empty now and you wonder where the joy went
I've never met someone neurotypical who quotes Montypython unironically
>watching monty python with my SO
>he starts making warhammer references
This actually happened
>Spaceballs the shitpost comment!
Three, sir.
Just call him a boyfriend you fucking faggot
What if he quotes Blackadder?
You can just say normal.
Nah, autists feel the need to be very specific.
>What if he quotes Blackadder?
The Epic of Gilgamesh
It's a compilation most likely
It's beyond tired at this point. It is well into cringe-territory. If you are going to reference something, at least reference something that is a bit fresh and hasn't been beaten into the ground a million times over.
What, like an internet meme? A Simpsons quote? A line from the latest MCU film? Fresh references are even more cringeworthy and even less funny than old stuff. Case in point: Pic related.
I would play this campaign..
So your counter to cringe is that other things can be just as cringy or worse? Well... that's true I guess, doesn't really make a difference to my point though.
>not using athronges and his brothers as your antagonists
I tell him that he has Patrician taste.
Baneposting is still fucking hilarious, hothead.
>It's beyond tired at this point.
It is not, you pleb. Python and D&D go together like peanut butter and jelly. They grew up together. You can't have one without the other.
>>The Epic of Gilgamesh
Atra-Hasis would like a word.
>make a couple Life of Brian references
>if he doesn't get them, bail on the game
Jokes on you, I play King Arthur Pendragon.
Had players try to kill Hitler once, had him be a lvl twenty bard who kicked their lvl 5 asses back through the portal.
As I explained it to them, he has had a lot of practice with random murderhobos attacking him out of nowhere
>be DM
>start making Monthy Python references
>no one gets them
i mean, i guess it's british humour and we're all ESL, so it's not that surprising.
>on second thought, let us not go to Bretonnia - tis a silly place
I'm ok with it. I'm not British or American so while Holy Grail is well known, it isn't quote that much now.
Fucking uncultured frogs.
That's because Lord Flashpan is already basically a typical rogue trader.
>"Yes, here we are, the capital city of [city name]."
>It's just a drawing.
>"Oh hush."
>when you run a campaign where admittedly everything is stolen from somewhere else, then the players start to complain that they don't get the references
People's Front of Judea > Judean People's Front.
To be fair, there are far more cringeworthy references they could make.
Even that is based on previous Oral Traditions
>making references is bad because other people did 'em before
I'm sorry, what exactly is the amount of times a reference can be made before it's forbidden to do it anymore? Does anybody have the exact count? Can I ask someone around to tell me what is or isn't allowed to quote at any given point?
>mfw my party
Then he has good taste
>running a Delta Green game
>everyone takes about a week settling things for their characters
>an old anthropologist who saw something moving in sky, pointed to by monoliths
>a Marine who's platoon encountered a moving city in Afghanistan
>a doctor who treated a bunch of people who received physical and mental trauma from a play
>an FBI agent
>who's sister disappeared when he was 12
>and he's pretty sure it was supernatural
>and got his degree from Oxford
>and is friends with a bunch of conspiracy theorists
>and joined the FBI to investigate the unexplained
It almost got past me, but I read his back story a second time and realized he made Fox Mulder. We're now seeing if anyone else will notice.
How old were you when you grew out of Monty Python?
That's where the references START.
Things get... out of hand from there.
>DM starts making Monty Hall references
The DM had better put some change into the "Monty Python reference" jar, then.
That's golden
My players once came across a restaurant that only served spam
That's actually really clever. You can also use it to dodge trigger-happy tumblrites who flip their lid at the word 'normal'.
Because there's still uncertainty over which of the three possible doors your first choice was. Both goat doors result in the game master finding another goat door to open, meaning that for both possibilities of your first choice being a goat door switching would land you the car door, while only one possibility of your first choice had it be the car the first time and makes switching it a goat.
Think about it this way. The opening one goat door and giving you the opportunity to switch is guaranteed to result in you getting the opposite of what your your first choice would have been. There's two-thirds chance that your first choice was a goat, so switching it means there's two-thirds chance you'll get a car.
>I found this clever trick to dodge sjws
>you do what they want
>trust me, they'll never bother you again
Another way to explain it is this:
2/3 doors contain a goat. On a random guess, you most likely picked a goat. The door you picked most likely contains a goat.
One goat door is revealed. The door you originally picked still most likely contains a goat.
The thing that I always trip over is that the two unopened doors exist in a vacuum until they're opened. The car could be switching between either door infinitely until the door is opened, and it shouldn't matter, because at that point it's a 1/2 chance of opening the door.
Obviously I understand that it changes from a 1/3 choice to a 1/2 choice after one of the options is taken out of the equation, but I don't see how it actually manages to happen that 2/3 times you switch you get the car.
It should literally just be a coin flip by all possible logic.
Stab him.
The number's irrelevant suppose there are not 3 but 1000 doors. You choose a door, therefore you have a 1 in 1000 chance to have picked the correct door. Monty then goes ahead and opens 998 doors each with a goat behind, there's one door remaining. So here's the question user are you going to stick with your door (1 in 1000) or switch to better odds of 999 in 1000?
great show, but I don't remember any particular quotes
>half the group joins in
>the other half ragers at the trite bullshit of it
Best part is noticing that it's not always the same people joining and raging.
Did you not read my post at I made it as simple as I possibly could. The two unopened doors don't exist in a vacuum, and switching the car infinitely does make a difference.
The door that opens isn't random.
>not switching
1-in-3 chance you win.
2-in-3 chance you loose.
Win if you would have lost.
Lose if you would have won.
What did you do if you won a goat but lived in an appartment or something?
I'm okay with this.
I've refused to Heal another player's character over this. Their butthurt was healing for me, ironically.
It was getting a bit cringe in the 90's to think the meme exists in RPG groups in 2017 is just really shameful.
They did. Gave everybody time to rat eachother out.
>It should literally just be a coin flip by all possible logic.
Have you considered you might be bad at logic?
>its just a flesh wound XD