How do you do a rodent race besides skaven?
How do you do a rodent race besides skaven?
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Well, first thing you should know is that, not matter what you make or how well you make it, someone will call you a furry. And no matter how rat or not you make it, or how your try to present them, at least one person will be incredibly upset at them and call you either a furfag or, in the case the individual is a furfag himself, a kemonoshit. Whether or not you're okay with that is up to you and your group.
they're fine so long as they aren't a player character
Why would you do skaven?
Kamigawa Nezumi
Give them a defined place in the worlds lore and make them interesting, something that makes people go "well duh, they are furry bait but i don't care"
Maybe they are half spirits who embodie what rats are, thiefes, gnawer, a warm and bringer of disease
Or maybe, a long time ago, it was still legal for vitaicists to create their own sentient helpers and rats are dime a dozen so they took what was available.
Today it's illegal to create sentient creatures and that law is stricly enforced by the wizard police but they remain as a race trying to create their own civilization.
Skaven but normal females and trade out corrupted and evil for friendly and sexy.
Skaven actually don't really have anything in common with rats in terms of their social behavior.
Rats are playful and kind creatures that form tight social bonds, not backstabbing lunatics like the skaven are.
what were skaven like before they got their grubby hands on warp stuff ?
Sorry Todd, too busy playing Elex
The exact origins of the Skaven are not very clear in Warhammer lore.
Just some ideas...
Have them be the wizard/scientist analog in addition to the sneaky rogue type. Specifically, white (lab) rats can replace gnome's as magic tinkerers and magical scientists. You could even subvert this by having some of them be bold paladin types based on the culture of their hive/clan - honorable and not at all sly or sneaky.
Don't be afraid to make them tiny either, especially if they're not suppose to be a playable race.
You could base a whole campaign/quest around being shrunk to their size and having to navigate the complex political world of the rodent kingdoms - all just outside the village farm. Even further, sentient - but more down to earth than fey - creatures can make useful spies and scouts for any other race in the setting at tiny size.
Rats are sociopathic cannibalistic retards when not in captivity.
They make great pets but their short lifespan is a huge turnoff
>Rats are sociopathic cannibalistic retards when not in captivity.
No they are not.
I agree, the goal with any race should be to make them a, even so less, vital part of the setting and make players say "sure X is fetish fuel, but it would not be the same without X".
Go PFs Ratfolk.
Ratfolk are communal by nature, living in colonies of up to 100 adults. They make their homes either on the road in traveling caravans, in the sewers and slums of large cities, or in subterranean caves. Their warrens are complex enough to easily hide their hoards or escape from enemies. Ratfolk merchants trawl markets for intriguing items, which they value over money. Ratfolk have an affinity for all kinds of rodents, including rats and dire rats, and they excel at tinkering and alchemy. Although not known for their trickery (they take great pride in their professionalism when dealing with other races), they are not above using their size and numbers to outwit or outmaneuver an enemy when threatened.
On Golarion, ratfolk are found in great numbers in the Darklands beneath the continent of Tian Xia (notAsia), where they rule their own empire, Diguo-Dashu, in the caverns of Sekamina. These ratfolk declared war on Imperial Lung Wa in 4251 AR and seized a dozen cities before the Imperial Army drove them back into the deeps and sealed the entrances to the Darklands behind them. Other large numbers of ratfolk dwell in Deepmarket, a subterranean city located far beneath the city of Goka, and the City of Whistling Swords, a ruined tengu city in Kwanlai. Ular Kel in Casmaron also counts ratfolk among the many non-human inhabitants of its Khoretz district.
Ratfolk in the Inner Sea region are commonly found in the more arid and flat parts of human nations, including Druma and Katapesh. Tribes of primitive ratfolk live on the western edge of the Dirt Sea in the Hold of Belkzen. A ratfolk settlement can also be found in the Sellen Hills region of Numeria named Chitterhome.
Basically run them as non chaos skaven mixed with LotFR Nezumi, with a mercantile bent.
you're thinking mice
>inb4: Universe 25
I had a ratman character who was Neutral evil, partly because he got on the wrong side of a family conflict in one of the warrens. Because the GM knew how Ratfolk worked, most people expected him to be fairly nice and reasonable, although cut throat when it came to trading. They were a little surprised when his claws became like knives, and he tried to gnaw his opponents face off.
>trawl markets for intriguing items, which they value over money
>On Golarion
>chaos skaven mixed with LotFR Nezumi
Whether they are or not is heavily dependent on the particular family and genus of rat being talked about in question. Rodentia is the largest mammalian order on the planet in terms of speciation, so of course there is going to be some variation in that.
Afterall, there are hundreds, of animals called "rats" and most of them aren't even in the same family as one another
For a while I've wanted to do an urban game with a Bloodborne/Dishonored/late 1800s, early 1900s sort of feel, where a lot of crime in the city is run by and can be traced back to a rat mafia who live beneath the city, wear battered suits and hats and talk like stereotypical 1920s/1930s gangsters, see?
Have them live in a red abbey with a huge badger bro
Try other rodents? Tapirs or capybara probably could translate into a race not too unrealistic (i.e. not features of a small body plan scaled up to unreasonable sizes) they don't have well known behaviours that people will call stereotyped, or conversely, unfitting.
For instance, as capybara seem kind of pig like I would make them into a good aligned version of orcs, nomadic/wild people who primarily forage and live rough, but tend not to be warlike and are vegetation. Could have druidic tendencies, but that's treading on Firbolg territories, so maybe they're more like family friendly gypsies who tend to provide land enriching magic to make areas fertile in echance for money. That way their foraging grounds remain viable, farmers are compensated and they make a nice little bit on the side from local communities. They don't care so much for wildlands so much as simply fertile lands, making them more amenable to civilization and creature comforts. Rogue members of their society probably reject the nomadic lifestyle but likely still settle down to farm. Let's give them a racial bonus to swimming, cos hey, they're capybara, they might prefer to congregate around hot springs mostly and value cleanliness. As they're already been made to contrast with orcs, lets give them a racial hatred of orcs for some story hooks.
Is that an example you're looking for?
boggling and bruxing
While technically not rodents, you sir now have me hankering for a fantasy setting with ferretfolk.
Frantic, nervous, obsessive compulsive, flighty, maybe a little greedy but friendly and social, hates isolation.
I've wanted to use rat-folk in my setting for a long time now but I'm not so sure. The flighty little thief race archetype could be taken by a LOT of races and I feel a "good" setting should only have one beastrace in it, and I was already pretty dead set on sheep folk so...
Hmm, ok. Ferrets obviously are going to be tall, obviously flexible and known to be prone to kleptomania. They're definitely going to be a race heavily involved with smuggling, gambling (they're playful animals after all), and with their disarming appearance likely con-men to boot. That's actually a compelling niche to me, it opens up a story-telling area for a race who are persecuted and mistrusted (wrongly or otherwise) not for being physically threatening like half-orcs but more because they are perceived to be duplicitous and insincere, but people still keep falling for them, prompting rumours and superstition about their magical abilities and cult dealings (which are in fact entirely unfounded). That doesn't leave much opening for good aligned characters, luckily though, ferrets are fantastic predators meaning that although disadvantaged they make excellent law enforcement personnel, especially when acting undercover. Their gifted flexibility and speed also allows them to track down and pursue more elusive and slippery prey making them well suited to both bounty hunting and acting as hitmen, especially of the smaller races such as halflings and gnomes, as well as mages with their tricks. Personalities would probably seems lackadaisical to outsiders but charming, bonuses to charisma and deception likely, as well as bonuses to getting out of binds and squeezing through tight spots.
PS: So much furry art for these, holy shit.
I've always liked this too, but I feel it's a little too gonzo. Rats are less weird.
Fantasy races that are just intelligent anthropomorphized animals with a culture built around their animal's IRL stereotypes is fucking cancerous. It's one of the quickest things to turn me off of a setting.
I LOVE rodent races!
Mice, unlike ratsz are civilized. There is a reason why mice are found in homes, and rats in sewers. Mice prefer the comfort, and make their homes in the homes of others. Mice are remarkable tailors. They make all their own clothing and can be convinced to make articles of clothing for bigger folk, provided there is payment in cheese and wine. This isn't to say they won't shank you. Just their blade may be a kitchen knife or sewing needle, and they'll apologize beforehand. They're also too cute to kill.
Do you actually have any hard examples of that? I've seen a shit ton of the "approved" style, but almost nothing of the "disapproved."
>Tfw ferret fursona master race
Roddun. Good(ish) ratfolk mafioso; completely different to the Skaven.
Otherwise, Burmecians, Ysoki, PF's Ratfolk and Legend of the Five Rings' Nezumi are all great ratfolk cultures.
If you want to do something really unusual, Shin'hare are a great race of evil bunnyfolk. Or you could do Ratatosk as Norse-ish squirrelfolk in the forests, sort of a more Viking archer-themed replacement for wood elves.
Both of these answers are the correctest answers.
It's incredibly common for males to be monstrous and females to be cute monster girls. To name just one example in an MMO, in Perfect World beastman males are hulking tiger/bear men and females are cute 30% furry monster girls.
Who is Amily?
You don't want to know.
As the supertech race.
Come on, how bad could it be? It sounds like the name of a girl next door.
Keep them small
question: would it be considered more or less furry if you had a setting similar to redwall
I see you too are a man of taste.
I fucking love the lemurs in that comic
F Hookturn
In one of my settings I have a species of mouse people who are mostly farmers and live in small communities alongside humans
That would one of the settings that purists fags laud.
Mouse Guard or how actual rats act, they're empathetic and social creatures. Kinda similar to how we operate, they'd make similar societies if they had the capacity to. Though they might be a bit untrusting at first.
Humans are aggressive sociopathic raiders without civilisation that pre-emptively attack other groups of humans. About 40% of cavemen have been killed by other cavemen, not nature, IIRC.
Furry = animal-like man-thing drawn/made with the goal of fantasizing sex with it. Usually has overblown sexual characteristic like shark tits or something else. Big burly gay bears. Fapbait, created with pleasing The Dick in mind.
As long as it ain't that and could comfortably show up in a children's book's artwork, you're golden. Man I fucking love Redwall; the author's made it for blind kids, that's why he focuses on scent, noise and atmosphere more when describing locations, a good lesson for gamemasters aspiring to get their location feel in order.
And yet it is also one of those settings furries like, and draw lewds of too, despite the ramblings of the people who somehow think furries are only the very human looking ones. Heck, one of the better online artists who draws the characters is a huge furry.
It doesn't matter. All setting that contain anthro animals, in any way, is something furfags will like and do lewd stuff with. Seriously, i'm a furfag and grew up reading those books, along with my nonfurrry brothers. Just do whatever you think is fun, and try to find people to share that with.
eh as far as rodents go if you don't make them skaven they end up being a copy paste of something else, and skaven are borderline a copy paste of goblins
Like most rodents are feral fucking creatures, hamsters and meerkats have vicious gang wars with rogue male hamsters busting into dens and slaughtering them all
In this regards skaven is the most rodent-like of any fantasy race, with constant betrayal and treachery, even emulating how rats behave communally, able to coexist and dependent on teamwork, but get them alone together and someone's throat is getting ripped out.
if you were going full rat-race and tried to emulate their bonding personalities you'd just end up with humans with animal features, rats are intelligent, clean, respectful of their human master and as that regard they'd end up fairly human if you were going for that angle.
Which would be boring as fuck.
If you're fine with just copy pasting rats onto another race then kobolds work well
Rats are communal so long as there's enough space, when they get into one another's territory it will end in a fight to the death.
They're more human than human in the sense that they love groups and need to be communal to survive (or else depression can kill them) but they're extremely selfish and territorial. Put two male rats in a cage and one will kill the other
is this fucking thing bipedal?
Are you retarded, user?
Who decides the fate of animal?
She's from Corruption of Champions.
>tfw Nobody mentioned Mouseguard
Well, I'll be; people are still talking about my creation? How about that.
Rats and humans have about 97.5 of their DNA in common.
Why not have a very diplomatic/charismatic Capybara that walks on two feet? Even the lowest cha of them have some kind of charm about them. And they are predisposed to being friends with others.
one day when i have friends i'll play it user
Naturally altruistic, strong hierarchies, decent trapmakers and good diplomats. Unfortunately got a raveneous hunger.
In my setting they're a society of paladins and homeless shelters.
Rats, just normal rats.
>Rats are communal so long as there's enough space, when they get into one another's territory it will end in a fight to the death.
That's literally every animal on the planet though, even humans.
Stress is the true killer.
It was mentioned twice, one time with a picture from the comics
Skaven crossbred with the Rats of NIHM. It's what I did.
They're 3 feet tall, ugly as hell, and incredibly prolific with a strong culture of mimicry, national identity willing to change while still remaining Rat, and exceptional race relations. So they're a comfortable niche in society an part of the fabric, while also being fun as bugfucky mad.
They were dwarves.
Would anyone happen to have the artist on hand?
Post some more pictures of adventurer rodents
That sounds a lot like pic related.
i would fuck the girl fighter mouse
also just use Kenku
It's a gerbil not a rat dumbass.
As spec ops operators.
Well, not a game but pic related is a particularly striking example.
Is there a risk of most or all of the group turning on you, or even of your local reputation in the hobby being damaged? Is it worth even trying to make a part-animal character, or is it too risky?
That game any fuckin good?
>everybody talking about rats and mice
>no rabbit-hobbits
>no beaver-dwarves
>no squirrel-elves
>no capybara-trolls
>no nomad prairie dogs
>no sluggish guinea pigs
>no night-stalking hamster wizzards
>no sage chinchilla shamans
It does do a good job of portraying mice as genocidal purist who enslave other vegetarian animals.
It really shows it was made by the gothic dev team, the controls are awful and everything is clunky.
I prefer my mouse-people to be actual mice. They just happen to stand on their hind legs and have dubious opposable thumbs. Redwall, I think?
However you want.
>tfw you fail reading comprehension and look like an asshole
>Rabbits are rodents now
Just proves nu-Veeky Forums gets triggered about the most insignificant of shits.
If you actually were from Veeky Forums and not from some reddittumblr-cancerboard you would care more about how their culture or society works and is different fro humans and not whether the females appeal to your furry-fetish.
>failing reading comprehension makes someone an asshole
Are you legit autistic?
>capybara trolls
Guinea pigs and capybara are the best. The best!
Not Veeky Forums in the least, but it's somewhat of a case in FFXIV. Voidsent and Primal females are invariably beautiful ethereal goddesses, where Voidsent males are terrifying or hideous monsters and Primal males are usually bestial and inhuman.
And no fucking nutria-goblins ever or I'll have ya hanged
He's still operating under Linnaean classification, user.
>no naked mole rat goblins