What has been your favourite story in a pen and paper game?
For me it was that time we blew a cave full of bats up.
What has been your favourite story in a pen and paper game?
For me it was that time we blew a cave full of bats up.
Failing to acquire the rope necessary to tie up a captive, we just put boulders on his arms and legs so he couldn't move.
After he bit into a suicide capsule, we rushed to stab him to death before the cyanide took effect, purely out of spite.
so in an urban setting we let our orc take care of interrogating this dude, it plays out something like this
>Party goes out to get supplies and goodies, including beer
>Orc is alone and is about to interrogate the shit out of this guy
>Threatens to kneecap the dude if he doesnt give info
>Guy tells him to eat a dick
>GM:"Right Im shooting him"
>GM demands a roll
>Orc dude rolls a 1d20
>Fucking 1
>GM:"Ok, roll for luck"
>Fucking 1 again
>Keep in mind we need the dude alive
>GM:"you hit him in the groin, he bleeds profusely"
>Orc panics, starts trying to stop the newly castrated guy from bleeding to death
>Party arrives to the scene of Orc trying to save the dying dude
>Dude dies
>We clean up the mess, get rid of the body and any stains and have to do a few perception rolls we miss one, the rest are like 15s and upwards so we assume its fine
>Party's employer later comes over, finds the remains of the dude's penis under a counter next to the place that we missed the roll
The time I got a trained group of crows to drop flashbangs on a group of dudes.
>one off episode
>playing an evil wizard for lulz
>says ominous things then cackles like skeletor
>in a nominally good party
>eventually LG wizard gets sick of my shit
>sets me on fire
>my wizard jumps out the third story window and starts booking it
>ranger crits me with an arrow, hitting the back of my head and killing me
>paladin brings me back to life because i didn't DO anything evil
>just cackled
>wake up from death
>cackle again
>wizard just fucks my shit up senpai
>group has a good laugh about it
My druid hotboxed a mausoleum.
We were doing our second DND campaign for 5 of our 6 people, with some of us being more familiar with the game mechanics than others due to 2nd hand exposure. The campaign was set in a metropolitan city with all sorts of big bads, and we were quickly swept up into a mad search for a McGuffin that belonged to a particular evil-by-indifference alchemist. After a few sessions we had found said McGuffin and it was spirited away from within an inch of our grasp by a crashed biomechanical airship (which was crashing because our team monk was polymorphed into a dragon and acid-spooged it out of the air while viciously skullfucking its sister ship out of the air). So we go looking for the McGuffin like it's a fucking Dragonball. This takes us to a mausoleum which is filled to the gills with necromancer fodder. Guess what we find...
We walk into a large chamber to interrupt a ritual. We are devastatingly outnumbered, outgunned, and blocked off from escape by dozens of zombies. So my druid, being a junkie, whips out some potent hashish, casts a grow spell on it, and tells our caster to fireball it.
Apparently zombies are not immune to THC. Neither is the party... My druid has been around the block a few times though. He quickly rounded the party up and led them through the escape route and their respective trips.
Our DM was very permissive of rule of cool, and I was good at cobbling together "this shouldn't work, but you can see where I'm going with it" plans. Sprinkle in some nice dice rolls, and we had an adventure on our hands.
I had a dwarven bard who tried to be a comedy performer, but he was absolutely awful at it. The campaign didn't last long, but the one time I actually rolled to perform comedy, I rolled a 1.
>we rushed to stab him to death before the cyanide took effect, purely out of spite
>playing Shadowrun 3rd edition, about 15 years ago.
>Previous run didn't go as planned, Lone Star has found our safe house and is on the way.
>Everyone makes a clean getaway except the Dwarf. Who just happens to be escaping in an armored van filled with a literal ton of plastic explosives.
>Lone Star doesn't know about the explosives, sets to chasing the Demo Dwarf.
>After a long car chase through downtown they eventually manage to take out the van's tires.
>High speed chase is now a low speed chase.
>Manage to get the van blocked into an intersection with road blocks. Dwarf proceeds to drive around in circles for a bit. Lone Star content to wait him out.
>Dwarf gets an idea. He parks the van in the middle of the intersection and runs into the back to start setting charges.
>Pauses every now and then to jump back into the drivers seat to drive a lap or two to keep Lone Star on their toes.
>The whole time he's doing this LS is trying to get him to surrender over megaphone.
>Fuck that.
>At long last his magnum opus is complete. Dwarf parks the van over a manhole, opens the escape hatch and bails into the sewers.
>Legs it to minimum safe distance, whips out the detonator and pushes the button.
And that's the story of how our Dwarf topped the Most Wanted list.
Our troll leveled Buckingham
Go on....
>DM tries saying you're the first one who attacked
>A player agrees with DM
>DM seems to forget the part when those "poor innocent lost souls.png" took a fucking attack of opportunity on you when you past one on the way to the party and saw the fucking seed launch by your god damn face.
>I'm the monster, not the head-crab zombie looking mother fucking half lings shooting projectiles where their heads used to be.
>Troll was a neo-anarchist unbeknownst to the rest of the group
>Has an unhealthy obsession with explosions blew a hole in a factory wall large enough for a tank a couple of runs ago
>Group gets hired to go into the sewes in London, lay some explosives that will collapse the buildings on the Thames so the Johnson's employer can do some "renovations"
>Charges and map left in a deadrop to be collected a few hours before the run
>Troll collects them
>Swaps map with one from his contact
>We all head into the sewers to plant charges, no problem getting to the location on the map
>We all place the explosives and get the fuck out while the Troll stays back to rig them properly
>He moves a few around and adds some more charges
>We gather on top of a nearby building to watch results
>Push button
>Buckingham dissapears
>Troll laughed and explains what he did asking what we thought of it
>Mage says this... while casting levitate
>we rushed to stab him to death
The GM I assume?
I have one that's pretty cool, an old character of mine named Harvey Coalburn had some pretty unlucky rolls, but the times he rolled well were character defining.
>be me
>Urealms Season 3 edition
>Kobold Outlaw Erratic Bandito (cliche class but it worked with my background and how I wanted to play the character)
>hired as a mercenary
>climbing a mountain because there are reports of monks not coming back
>meet up with the team
>the backseat gm/"that" kind of player
>the powergaming new player
>the GMPC with a companion that prevents a FAILED death roll every COMBAT
>the only interesting player
>his character is a schizophrenic with personality disorder
>we're about to climb the mountain when we pass a shiny rock
>meta level we all know that rock is not to be touched
>schizophrenic touches because shiny
>everyone forced to deathroll unless they can dodge out of the way
>I ask "hey GM can I jump into my hat using an anytime"
>"Okay user, but even if you get in you won't be able to get back out..."
>nat 20
>"Alright you just jump in and prevent the deathroll"
>Luckily nobody dies except one guy who's saved by the OP companion
>We continue our climb and kill some wolves uneventfully
>I try to capture a wolf to try and tame but the GM kills it because I can't have nice things
>Next fight is some lore thing that I don't know about because I'm new to the group
>Just start throwing molotovs everywhere to stop a mob of elves helping their friend
>roll a 1
>set myself on fire and die
>except I don't because the OP companion strikes again
>newcomer player is getting mad he can't come up with rules on the fly
>attacks the party
>Newcomer leaves so GM decides to waste his legendary spell scroll on me
>"I'm gonna jump in my hat again"
>"user you still need to roll high and you could just dodge to help your party"
>nat 20
>Jump in my hat until the fight is almost won
>too easy
>Final fight with a whelpling
>Backseat gm forces a deathroll on it
>GM rolls and 1 and it dies instantly
>"Okay three smaller ones spawn because thats fucked"
>As the erratic character I am, I try to assert my dominance, knowing that op companion will save me
>stare down whelpling, roll 19
>the whelpling is more confused than anything
>try again next turn
>roll a 1
>dragon swipes me off the cliff
>deathroll with two dice accidentally because kobold, one is a 1 so GM counts it anyways
>saved again by companion
>still falling from a cliff so will die anyways
>"GM can I roll to go into my hat?"
>"You rolled a 1 and you're injured so you'll have to roll high to get in
>you know what roll it was
>GM amazed, I enter my hat and fly away in the breeze
>Character now known as Harvey Coalburn the Realm of Holding Hopper in my campaigns
>be me, wizard who just got granted a lordship for saving a princess
>about to head out and tour my realm, finding out what's up and what needs doing, standard stuff
>party are mostly doing their own thing in the downtime
>I ask our fighter/sorc to train the town guard, since they're pretty shite and he knows his way around a sword
>He's cool with it, so I head off while he starts drilling the guards
>because of houserules regarding movement-assist/concentration spells out of combat (they're less taxing when people aren't literally trying to kill you, and you can keep them up for longer), I get where I need to be pretty quickly
>Talking to some town chief about a baboon that's been harassing the townsfolk (or something like that, it's been a while)
>Meanwhile, our sorceror's training these guards
>He did something or other that triggered a wild magic roll
>It makes him invisible
>He sees nothing wrong with his current situation and continues sparring with, or perhaps more accurately beating on, a very confused guard
>Wild magic triggers again
>Due to some impossibly unlikely sequence of magical events, I sense what's going on
>tip: i am so fucking mad
>These two temporary magic foci, one temporary and wild and the other controlled and measured(tempered with mild amounts of extreme rage), somehow interact
>This manifests as me being yanked from the road I was running along and appearing behind him
Something I should probably explain at this point is that my wizard's fighting style is fairly melee-centric - Thunderwave is pretty much my signature spell, which I cast by punching shit
>by this point both the sorceror and I are losing our shit
>I cast Thunderwave, he fails the save
>He goes flying across the courtyard
>After he recovers from the concussion, I tell him to go do something else and get the barbarian to take over training
>After this, the DM ruled that "Angus(me) appears" was now a possible roll on his wild magic table
Gm sounds like a shit.
I'm fairly sure that he was no older than 15, as is most of the Urealms fanbase.
At this point, it's tied between a test session involving the party getting imprisoned in a dream and subsequently getting out because the god of sleep's daughter threw a temper tantrum, and one very recent one about an artificer saving the party from the villain's airship armada and getting the Four Horsemen after their asses with a single shot from a gargantuan experimental spell cannon they'd stolen earlier. Bonus points for getting the party vampire hunter ticked off at him while he was at it.