There can only be one. Who do you side with?

There can only be one. Who do you side with?

A buddhist lich* versus a Tao immortal? I'd pay to see that fight

*Actually she's not undead is she? She just uses some kind of buddhist black magic to unnaturally extend her life?

The one with the bigger boobies. More hotpockets mimi!

Tao. I don't support genocidal religions.

A giant eraser to end this blight on the world.

the one that isnt a race traitor

Toyosatomimi no Miko.

The only true answer.

Race is a social construct.

The Buddhist. She makes great point.

How is this Veeky Forums related? It looks suspiciously like generic weebshit, which means it belongs on /a/.

>Doesn't even read the Lore.
The absolute state of Veeky Forums

It's been a long time since I've had to dig this one out.

A buddhist priest who wants to teach the dharma to humans and demons and wants peace between the two versus a selfish hermit who lives in her own world doing hermit shit


The beautiful one

>thinks 2hu belongs on /a/
How the fuck does someone like this end up on Veeky Forums?

2hu was banned off of Veeky Forums in the aulden days because 2hu autists spammed it relentlessly, it was the MLP of it's day. You really ought to have your own containment board, but those were different times.

One thing I will say about 2hu that does make it tangentially Veeky Forums, is all the material about it is theatre of the mind.

Because it's all made the fuck up by the fan base none of it is real or official IT'S A FUCKING BULLET HELL GAME THE CREATOR REFUSES TO EVEN EXPAND IT INTO OFFICIAL MULTI-MEDIA

That still doesn't mean it belongs on /a/. It DOES have its own containment board, /jp/. In the same manner that Veeky Forums is a containment board for Warhammer.

Oh, is that what /jp/ is for? I was always curious, since I thought, "what is the purpose of /jp/ if /a/ exists"

I feel it's more accurate to say Warhammer is a containment game for the people who would browse Veeky Forums

No, Veeky Forums was literally made way way back in the day because /b/ of all places got tired of 40k spam.

>/b/ got tired of spam
god the irony

To make sure /a/ stays more on topic basically. Lots of stuff on /jp/ would fall into the fringe category on /a/ like visual novels on /v/ or tokusatsu on /m/ where they are only there because no where else would be a good fit for them and the overlap of interests make it acceptable to the anons there.

It was a different time. But not as different as you'd hope.

Stripe "outedges his friend Urobotchi and unironically thinks his view of canon is the actual canon" Pattern and zounouse pls go and stay go

SHouldn't /jp/ be getting Toku and visual novels then?

Visual novels get discussed very differently on /v/ than they do on /jp/ due to lots of people on /jp/ being more elitist due to having played more of them while also branching out into the untranslated ones as well while /v/ sticks to entry to mid tier ones.
Tokusatsu I honestly don't know about on /jp/, I just see it discussed on /m/ a whole lot and after a quick look I don't believe /jp/ even has a thread up for it.

Not all visual novels are Japanese in origin, and I'm not just talking about Katawa Shoujo. And /jp/ does talk lots about VNs.

As for Toku, you're technically correct but its audience has much greater overlap with mecha than with shit /jp/ talks about like Touhou and idols and visual novels. It's one of the better arguments for being a little lax on moderating a board's topic.

In a 2hu RP, I had Miko fall deeply in love with Byakuren as a result of her resurrection process making her attuned to Byakuren's thoughts and motives.

Unfortunately for her, this was a Byakuren who was a super-Buddhist (as in 'took in a Rumia whose ex-Rumia form resembled a very angry shoggotj and nearly destroyed Gensokyo twice, and deliberately took a beating from a homocidal, insane Yuuka without flinching) and not interested in romance or yuri-ing it up (but all too happy to help others get hitched).

Eventually, Byakuren wound up becoming a Judge of the Dead (she was trying to redeem Shiki Eiki and a giant council of mythological judges of the dead - among others, Thoth and Anasi were there... also, it's kind of confusing but my partner had a huuuuuuge complex about the Hells and really thought Shiki Eiki and Komachi were mustache-twirling evil).

Miko (who followed her down there on an attempt to get her back Orpheus-ish-ly) wound up being psychopomp partners with Komachi... and spent their off days drinking in despair that they'll never get together with their beloved.

Also, picture related. Yes, the fact Miko had made toys of Byakuren became a plot point for Seiga.

The Lunarians. I have no doubt they will led mankind to a better tommorow.

Race traitor

>evil kaguya
Just as bad as evil Eirin desu


Also how will a tabletop game of Touhou even play let alone function

>not practicing a syncretic faith

Poor form desu.

>same series where kaguya has mokou's dad somehow smash mokou's womb
>this also somehow makes mokou prefer big dildos
>the 'kaguya is obv a psycho dick who does everything 'cause boredom' because touhou artists always have to put stupid shit into a character they don't like
>even though, in 'canon', zun claims mokou went insane mass murderer for a century

>Who do you side with

the native gods.

The winning side. Obviously.

Always two there are; no more, no less. A master and an apprentice.

Nothing wrong with that.


How can she be a race traitor if race is a social construct?

But there's an official zun written mango. It's a slow as fuck burner, that didn't even bring up damaku from what I remember. Like there was an entire chapter about remiu trying to trick a retarded person into cleaning the shrine. That was it. Based off an old folk tale.

What about the fighting games?

You can be a tratior to your race-family-country-place you work at.
It has nothing to do with the construct being social or not.

I lost track of things a long time ago so... whichever side one immediately murderize me for having a passing interest in magic?

Literally who?

Neither of them, I side with the guards and help arrest them for having a fucking swordfight in the middle of town.

Actually, neither will.

Taoists have always been alchemists, sorcerers, and magicians.

Buddhists are famous for their mystical chants, magic techniques, and enlightened will-working.

Traitor to humanity vs selfish asshole?
Have to go with jap royal here since she is less wrong.

>Have to go with jap royal here since she is less wrong.
She called Jesus Christ a False Prophet.

Hijiri Byakuren is the only correct choice

I bail and see if the SDM has need of an assistant groundskeeper/emergency ration.

If I'm forced to choose, I go with the Buddhists, as they have cute echo puppo, klutzy tiger that's an avatar of a literal God, and no-nonsense mouse. Also for the occasional appearance of adorable umbrella.
And Byakuren's got a pretty boss motorcycle.


>there can only be one
It's gonna be me, nigga.

Me, duh.

we need to conquer the moon

The one that isn't a revived undead abomination and that also left humanity behind for some sick gains.
Also because big titties and motorcycle shenanigans

>having shit taste in fanon

Then who?

>Says while posting Ran


Best girl and righteous one at that.

Good choice

>Because it's all made the fuck up by the fan base none of it is real or official IT'S A FUCKING BULLET HELL GAME THE CREATOR REFUSES TO EVEN EXPAND IT INTO OFFICIAL MULTI-MEDIA

That's completely wrong though. Touhou has a highly detailed setting that's unlike much else out there, spread over tons of media. It's just that, because of the language barrier, the franchise is a magnet for the most insane variety of shipper - the one who reads only fanfics and hates the original works because "the writer is lying".

Byakuren is a magician, basically a witch with yokai properties that include agelessness.

It's actually mike who is closer to a lich, but rather then the object (in her case a sword) being the part that lives by holding the soul the sword died in her place with forged paperwork and the guys in charge of the afterlife can't seem to tell the difference. Also, it gave them a new body with sex change somehow, cuz 2hu.

Byakuren is a youkai magician, meaning she turned herself into a youkai by using magic to replace some of her vital organs. Magicians are about as close to human as a youkai can get, but what she did is still utterly heretical for a Buddhist who's not supposed to fear death (particularly since then went and spent a ton of time researching magic that could restore her youthful beauty).

Miko committed mortality fraud and transferred her soul into a sword, causing the sword to transform into a nigh-immortal version of her old body while her old body transformed into a sword. She's still fully human - the immortality is something any human can achieve through training, and the sword was just a stopgap measure because she didn't have time to train while she was ruling a country. This didn't turn her into a woman - in Touhou, Prince Shoutoku was always a woman, but propagandists recorded her as a man after her death.

Basically Byakuren sees Miko as a sociopath who looks down on everyone else, and Miko sees Byakuren as a hypocrite moralfag.
Also Miko is kind of pissed at Buddhists in general, since she only introduced the religion to Japan because she thought pacifists would be easier to rule, but then some monks sealed her inside her tomb in the middle of her corpse-switching ritual.

thanks for the rare ragathol pic, old user

Okay Veeky Forums, answer me
by some bullshitery the still alive Holy Emperor was swapped with the Crown Prince, and no one took notice.
What would be the Consequences?

What's /the/ views on wraiths

don't raid the fridge and we are cool

She's less of a wraith and more of a phantom or a ghost I think. She's just glutton and instead of draining life she drains the winter's food reserves.
I like how chill she is, but after 1200 years of intelligent undeath anyone would be.
Would have tea and snacks with/10

She killed herself, and non-magical humans that spend any length of time near her lay down and die from losing the will to live. Secondary.

>Would have tea and snacks with/10
>non-magical humans that spend any length of time near her lay down and die from losing the will to live

That's the Saigyou Ayakashi, not Yuyuko.

Yuyuko "doesn't use her power lightly", though she's been known to put poison in her guests' tea for shit and giggles.

>calls people secondary while fucking up Yuyuko's background
>isn't aware grimderpers citing canon may as well be secondaries with how wrong they get canon

Y'all need better taste in 2hus.

Don't mind me just siding with best girl.

That's not Hijiri.


something is off...

Tewi a shit. Flower master is far and away a better choice.

horus' blade would miss cause he's aiming two/three feet higher in the air

I choose the one that lets me learn from /besthermit/.

What did she mean by this?

Your girl is not even in the top five

>popularity dictates quality

t. koishitter

The people have spoken

But they are both Liches.

How does Veeky Forums Reconcile the fact that Touhou is Dystopian once you scrutinize it?

>She's just glutton and instead of draining life she drains the winter's food reserves.
But food is life.

>What's /the/ views on wraiths
She's not a Wraith user. She's a Necromancer





>zonouse and stripe pattern fanon fans pls go

Humans are nothing more than Cattle for the Youkai.

Any humans who try to improve his or her life is dealt with.

Human Leaders have to be subservient or else they will get killed.

The list goes on

Is this one of stupid stories where human village gives out children as sacrifice or what

The official backstory is somewhat better, if not by much; Yukari goes and grabs people in the middle of suicide and vore fetishists and feeds the youkai population that way.

>The official backstory is somewhat better, if not by much; Yukari goes and grabs people in the middle of suicide and vore fetishists and feeds the youkai population that way.
So we have been told yet never shown. For all, we know she could just grab regular people from the streets and they say they were in the middle of suicide

If the author comes out and says that's what she does, there is little room for discussion.

Zun has said that Gensokyo is in otherspace realm connected to Japan, but for all we know it's actually in Grand Central Park and everyone are actually cannibal zionists who get in gunfights with the local police, and then the army rolled in and everyone's dead.

Because clearly what the author said can be assumed to be false.

doggo, tiger and mouse are absolutely adorable. Umbrella too. Byakuren best mom.

what happened with based nosferatu was bullshit
but that does not justifies zounosefaggotry on /jp/ or even here. ther's nothing wrong with enjoying doujin but please separate your fanon and canon.