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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:
What's your favorite Legacy, Lodge, Bloodline, etc.? Either to play or that you just think is cool.
>5th edition cliffnotes
>New Deviant preview
/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General
>What's your favorite Legacy, Lodge, Bloodline, etc.? Either to play or that you just think is cool.
I love the Timori. Stealing arcane XP or Gnosis is just hilarious. I'm going to try and play one in an upcoming LARP.
My favourite conspiracy is VALKYRIE.
>hunter shit
No naturally nobody cares for your opinion
Best Compact is Scarlet Watch.
I'm a big fan of the Autumn Court, considering I typically play cowardly characters who try and turn their fear outward.
But unnatural nobodies do?
>Day 3 of 'No Camelot Announcement'
>Magefag mental state already starting to deteriorate
>Subject lashes out when confronted with awareness of other game lines
POWERCHORDS - Magic, Music & Urban Fantasy
Has anyone looked at Phil Brucatos new book/has the pdf?
Was it a scam? It seems a little scamy
At this point I'm starting to question your motives.
I thought this gen was gonna be chill
Didn't think fags would be arguing over which game was better
I have nothing better to do and haven't found a copy to see what he did. Its not like anything new is out from OPP.
It can be chill, sometimes. I will say this, definitely one of the most helpful generals I've seen in regards to helping people understand the material. Lots of people ask questions and get good answers.
>Favorite Legacy
Motherfucking Forge Masters.
I especially like their focus on Perfected Materials, and Platonic Forms.
>Lots of people ask questions and get good answers.
Most of those people are false-flagging magefags.
How do I into mega now? It just shows me a blank screen
Really? Even all the people who ask questions totally unrelated to power levels and capabilities, or even questions that aren't about Mage? Damn. They got me good.
What is the best Compact to actually do good in and not be a pawn who makes everything worse?
Network Zero.
Uh oh. You better run, user. They've found you out. They're coming.
I mean I guess if you think it's 'doing good' to be Blair Witch victims
You know, that new Beast book (Tooth and Nail) had the dumbest idea for Hunters ever.
Like, there's this group of survivalists who found a monster egg. When the Beast shows up at the compound and starts slaughtering everyone, a Hero with a no-shit flaming spear shows up to fight it, and manages to kill it. The survivalists gun him down, and vow vengeance on all Heroes.
This seems actively retarded to me. If I was expecting the Rapture and a fucking demon attacked my bunker, I would be like "THE LAST DAYS ARE UPON US, PRRRRAIIISSSEEE THE LAWD!". If a guy with a sword of light showed up to kill it, I would go to my knees and ask him "...Are you *Jesus*? Have you come to cleanse the world of homosexuals and black people?"
I certainly wouldn't shoot him and blame him for everything.
Does anybody else find the White Wolf PDFs horribly formatted to the point where they are unreadable?
I think it's just the usual, now. They're more readable than the 4E Core Books, but they're not great.
For some reason the text, no matter what you set the zoom at, has virtually no space between the words.
Is mega broke on mobile or is my internet shittier than i thought it was
Addressing the much bigger problem, how the hell does the Hero wind up as the villain in that situation when he literally does a heroic thing in killing the Beast that was slaughtering everyone?
That is exactly what that user is addressing.
I mean in general, and disregarding anything about the Rapture or Jesus or whatever.
Exactly, it's pretty unambiguous. If I see a man with a spear of light fighting what appears to be a demon, I am immediately on that man's side. It's just human nature - Man with sword, good, horrible demon, bad.
Obviously I start shooting the demon as many times as I can, while shouting "GET THEE BEHIND ME, SATAN!"
It's you. I just checked, and the site is up and running.
Which hunter compacts team up best together?
Long Night and Malleus Maleficarum.
>Addressing the much bigger problem, how the hell does the Hero wind up as the villain in that situation when he literally does a heroic thing in killing the Beast that was slaughtering everyone?
If you're dealing with religious crazies, then they could view it as being a thing akin to Ammut or some Beast Of Revelations bullshit where they felt the thing came to the world to winnow the sinners and prove their superiority and worthiness over all others.
Crazies gonna crazy.
>My favourite conspiracy is VALKYRIE.
>Task Force: America, Fuck Yeah!
>No doubt controlled by mages...
>>Task Force: America, Fuck Yeah!
Is this an accurate portrayal of Task Force: Valkyrie if you replace terrorists with monsters?
It's vampires you retard
It's explicitly stated to be vampires
Is there actually a Hunter faction controlled by vampires?
It's where like 99%+ of their budget comes from
Vampires from Requiem?
>TFW vampires don't realize that mages control everything.
Yep. Most of VALKYRIE has no clue, and even if they did, what are they going to do? Refuse the money and directions? Leave those monsters to run rampant and terrorise mankind?
Try and go without? When the Govt. doesn't want to give them shit?
You only tend to see Christian or neopagan stuff. What about other religions?
By proportion Wikipedia gives:
1. Christian
2. Muslim
3. Irreligious and Atheist
4. Hindu
5. Buddhist
6. Taoists/Confucianists/Chinese Traditional Religion
7. Sikhism
8. Judaism
9. Spiritism
10. Bahai
Other religions for what?
I hate all religions so all my games are very fedora centric.
I still want to see how the Judeo-Christian everything from VTM ties in with the God Machine.
The God-Machine isn't in the OWoD, user.
House Seo Hel for mage and Yagnatia for vampire
Hmm from what I recall there is 1 Hindu Nosferatu and 1 Muslim Gangrel bloodline in VtR but that is it
Long Night and Night Watch.
You also have a Muslim clan and a Hindu Ventrue bloodline
Night Long Watch or Long NIght Watch or Watch (porn) Night Long?
Aren't they specifically controlled by that Vampire Covenant who was friends with Ben Franklin from TYoN?
Body of the Nation? Well I guess you could go with that but werent they only mentioned in aTyoN?
On the other hand there is this uber-patriotic-cowboy vampire in department of defence described in Immortal Sinners
Which godlike being is top dog in CofD? There's so many.
The Abyss
Exarchs, God- Machine, Gaia if exists, That thing from Promethean
Either the Exarchs(and other Ascendants) or The Principle.
The Exarchs.
>Below the Archigenitors and the Iron Seals that represent the Arcana, the Seers of the Throne populate choruses and legions of lesser Exarchs. They speak of 8 million recorded gods, seven legions of Arch-Ascended under every Seal, ruling 77 ochemata and 777 secret masters of the world, and even universes within each Exarch’s soul, huge enough to spawn infinite avatars.
If a Solar Exalted were dropped into oWoD and told to clean it up to the best of his abilities, how far would he get?
The same as NWoD. It would get eaten by Archmages and Celestines.
>fundies and Catholics
More likely to go awry than work.
No. Please, please no.
The last time this got asked it ended with the Archmage copying everything a Solar Exalted could pull off and improve on it.
You don't mess with Template manipulation. Archmages don't fuck around.
So could archmages just make their own Exalted?
If they were inclined. Archmages don't just waste their resources.
Try a different browser. Sometimes MEGA shits the beds when I use it in Chrome, but works well in Firefox.
Solars are golden Mary Sue's who's gimmick is being super human, the best at everything, and getting all the cool toys that belong to other splats like SMA and those Charms that grant Abyssal and Infernal Charms.
If a Solar can do anything a human can do, but better, and Mages are human, then it stands to reason a high Essence Charm exists that allows Solars purchase Mage shit like dots in Arcana, thus allowing them to become Archmages.
I really, really, really, like these images.
Yes, let's re-launch WoD with 100% muslim setting influence. That will surely not crash and burn spectacularly (perhaps even literally).
>What about other religions?
Well, VtM had the Ashirra, the vampires that live in the Middle-East and who often follow the Muslim faith, and you also have the Ravnos who are heavily inspired by Hindu in terms of reincarnation and all that.
There are also several bloodlines, like the Serpents of the Light and the Samedi, or the Danava, or even the Tlacique.
How come that doesn't happen normally in OwOd?
rememer he was asking about owod, not Nwod.
Which embeds and exploits would make best "Contracts of God Machine?"
I'd like to raise Wyrd as one of the contenders. It might as well be "the Occult Physics."
The Wyrd is more of a semi-living force than an actual entity. It's weird(wyrd)-physics.
That's... fair argument. You are totally right.
Because aforementioned Hero set fire to the compound and didn't care about friendly fire. It's pretty unequivocal in the text, if you'd bother to read the damn thing.
And before you accuse me, it's still a Beast supplement and therefore shit.
t. Syndicate operative
>cue theme music:
Yeah, but the Beast was there to kill everyone. Why blame the Hero? When a man with a fucking spear of light fights a gigantic harpy, obviously there's going to be collateral damage. Hell, he actually let the survivalists shoot him, and just shrugged off the bullets while he tore into the enemy.
How could you NOT rally to a man like that? I would be cheering his name as he stood victorious on the broken body of his hellish enemy.
But you don't understand. Heroes are oppressing the poor sociopathic, stalker/serial killer monsters who just want to be left alone to sociopathically talk and serial kill
Anyone who witnesses this is overcome with pity for the snowflakes and wants them to be free from....common human decency
Scarlet Watch, Night Watch, Long Night combo: a fundamentalist Christian from the ghetto whose grandpa hunted Vampire scum. The Long Scarlet Night Watch
I like the gameplay concepts for Beast but the writers for the lore are buttfucking retarded. It's stupid. I'm fine playing an unambiguous bad guy, stop trying to tell me 'but ackshully the beasts r good'
Because Gothic horror is heavily influenced by a Christian view of the world
Still looking for an answer with this one.
By the way, What do Angels use instead of Primum for their Embeds?
Art of Mage MEGA when?
>>Magefag mental state already starting to deteriorate
I've long dreamt of time when Mage development fall into the hands of a person of a wide vision and knowledge like Greg Stolze.
I knew it would never happen.
CofD doesn't have much of that because they focus on "write what you know", and they have all the religious diversity of a fucking Bible Camp Cookout.
But OWoD?
Muslim stuff abounds in the OWoD. Dark Ages had "Veil of Night" as an entire guide to the Middle East - factions, bloodlines, common words and concepts, the works. Fucking phenomenal book. "There is no God but God, and Caine is his curse". Hunter the Reckoning had Holy War, which paled in comparison. Mage the Ascension had the Batani and the Tuftani, flying carpets and genies ahoy.
"Irreligious and Atheist" describes the typical Technocracy member. Their hyper-scientific outlook fits that to a T.
Hindu ideas fed into things like the Ravnos and their ideas about what vampirism meant for reincarnation, and the Euthanatos from Mage are clearly a Thuggee cult by any other name. They're based in Calcutta, for fuck's sake. Muslim and Hindu beliefs worked a little into Wraith with the Dark Kingdom known as Swar.
Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism were handled very well in the Dark Kingdom of Jade supplements for Wraith - handled equally badly in Kindred of the East and the truly awful Hengeyoki.
If Sikhs were represented, I haven't found mention of them yet. They should have been mentioned with Swar, but I can't recall exactly now if they were or not.
Judaism had a Craft in Mage, a group of Hunters in the old VtM supplement Hunters Hunted and a mention in The Inquisition, and their symbols were always included for examples in the use of the True Faith trait. Lillith is taken from Judaic legend, albeit with a Byronic spin.
Spiritism; see Mage in general, Werewolf in general and the Wraith supplement "Mediums".
Bahai are the only faith yet to score.
A: They make their Embeds with clean Character Sheets
>Judaism had a Craft in Mage
Not any more.
>Brucatto and hist far-left fans are antisemites.
What do we know about Deviant?
>is more of a semi-living force than an actual entity
Like Exarchs, GM and Principle themselves.
>What do we know about Deviant?
Dave posts a couple of spoiler blogs and dropped a few very small tidbits, but we really know very little. The outline was only recently approved and it's still in the early stages of first drafts.
The Exarchs are very aware. The not only communicate with Prelates, but send fully sentient (and terrifying) Ochemata to deal with things in the Fallen World.
Is the Wyrd really a force rather than a power source?
That would be like trying to rank the Supernal.
Hey, I've got a rules question.
When it comes to Style Merits, the blue books says:
"Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next in its sequence. So if a Style Merit has a three-dot maneuver and a four-dot maneuver, you must purchase the three-dot version before accessing the four-dot."
Does this mean that getting all levels of a five dot style merit costs 5 merit points or 15 merit points?
There's a few things to consider here.
First, White Wolf explicitly said that Beckett's Jyhad Diary will be the last OWOD product handled by Onyx Path. It literally hands all new products off to White Wolf and their in-house development team, with Elricsson calling all the basic shots on creativity. If you don't think Elricsson will revive a potentially controversial religious-based hunter group for his "Second Inquisition", you haven't been paying attention.
Second, M20 is a train wreck. The Technocracy AND the Traditions are a Nephandi plot? The Crafts and Orphans are the new heroes and author darlings now? There are special cultural areas where the local paradigm allows more flexibility for specific Traditions, but the dominant Paradigm for the Technocrats is still failing everywhere else? These are just setting problems, the full list of issues runs for days. They literally can't force you to use it; When you consider it's obscene price and poor production values, M20 will go down as the least used edition of the lot, behind 1st.
Third, Brucatto is not an antisemite, that is hyperbole. What he is, what he has become, is the white guy who claims he doesn't "give a fig" whether he offends anyone with his opinions, but still stammers to the African-American barista about how he'd like his coffee.
>"I'll have a coffee, thank you, wh- um.... not.... not so dar-.... um..... milk, can I have milk?"
No idea.
5 merit points.
its 1 exps per merit point after char gen. for each level too.