Is Yu-Gi-Oh discussion banned on Veeky Forums?
Is Yu-Gi-Oh discussion banned on Veeky Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Zombie Zomb
Is there some reason why it would be?
No, but knows more about it and responds quicker.
Given that they banned Wizard guild and Guard Equipment Checks, you can never tell nowadays. nu/tg/ bans whatever doesn't have any political discussion.
quests belong on the quest board
>roleplaying belongs on the quest board
Fixed that for you, nu/tg/ faggot.
>using new nu/tg/ unironicly
it's like you want everyone to think you are retarded
anyways, it's not banned, i just dont think many people like it much and it;s mainly used as a exemple of how not to make a TCG
Could you explain what you mean by how not to make a TCG?
>quests belong on the quest board
Those threads he listed aren't quests, though.
The difference between board-related content and off-topic content is currently "whether or not our mod is interested in it".
No, we discuss it here sometimes. It's just not that frequently talked about. Because of:
>go to traditional games board
>want to get into YGO
>make a thread asking how to get into YGO
>get directed to Veeky Forums instead
Man, this place is pretty fucking trash when you get people unironically linking people to Veeky Forums for Veeky Forums discussion.
Why does this place still exist?
For Warhammer and MtG Shitposting, duh.
A lot of people don't like how Yugioh has no resource system and has insane powercreep. The no resource system is part of the game's charm, but I agree with the powercreep part. They're better about reprints than most games though, but have a really shit rarity policy in the TCG.
Quit being such a nancy. Veeky Forums is very Veeky Forums, but yugioh actually has competent and functional online games, hence refering you to Veeky Forums. Weebs don't particularly feel welcome here.
Having functional online doesn't matter it not a card game. Legend of the Five Rings gets discussed here, and it's a weeb game. Also, Veeky Forums is garbage and I don't wish it on anyone.
Veeky Forums is only as garbage as the general you choose. Is cuhraaayyyzzzeee games general still a thing?
>Werewolf Werew
>Mummy Mum
>Ara ara, you've awakened me from my tomb!
Card games tied to particular media franchises tend to be discussed more where their primary franchise is. YGO has more of its audience in /v/ and maybe /a/ due to being a show first, card game with a strong online presence second. It's the same way WIXOSS is mostly discussed in /a/ since they are about the anime behind it.
Both are still allowed here, but the audience is elsewhere on the site.
>Also, Veeky Forums is garbage and I don't wish it on anyone.
Rude. roguelike general are probably the highest quality threads on Veeky Forums.
>playable archetypes in the meta change every few months
What's the point
Konami has, through bans and powercreeps, functionally created a rotating format a la standard without actually rotating anything.
>Veeky Forums is very Veeky Forums
>this is why we're referring you to a VIDEO GAME GENERALS board instead of discussing shit here.
>Card games tied to particular media franchises tend to be discussed more where their primary franchise is.
>let me guess another censored card
>go to check
The only reason YGO is on Veeky Forums is because for some stupid reason DN was considered /v/ while MTGO was considered Veeky Forums. By your logic, YGO should be /a/ as it has always been an anime and card game, before it was a video game or online simulator. Similarly, your logic would mean M:tG may have to move to /v/ or Veeky Forums if MTGO players outnumber paper players.
Vampire Amp?
Technically the same is true of Magic in Standard, though I guess it's more like every year.
You can argue until your fingers fall off but at the end of the day it's not a rule, it's simply how things turned out. There's nothing stopping you from making YGO threads on Veeky Forums but you just won't get much discussion because most players don't come to Veeky Forums to discuss it, they go to Veeky Forums.
I went through a YGO phase for a few years until I finally gave up on Konami's horrid game balance. The whole focus on Archetypes really ruins the game for a lot of people, myself included, as it really cripples deck variation by forcing players to buy into whatever flavor of the month Konami decided on in their weekly board meetings. It's almost impossible to build a deck based on a theme or archetype you actually like and remain competitive.
Pic related.
At least Magic's up front and honest about it.
And have other formats for playing with older cards.
The other formats are garbage.
>paying $1,000 to have a deck that can compete in Modern locals
>Paying $5,000 to have a deck that can compete in Legacy locals
>lol no vintage fuck you we can’t hurt “””””investors”””””” with reprints!
Yeah, nah, fuck that noise. MtG can’t crash soon enough. They even got rid of rewards and promos, so why not just play some card games where I only have to spend like $20 on Chain Burn and can still compete locally?
More like vampire tramp
>paying a grand to win Modern locals
Nigger are you serious?
I didn't say everything about Magic was good, now did I?
Just that they're honest about the lifespan of cards.
You can think one thing a company does is alright without thinking EVERYTHING they do is good. Wizards does a lot of shit things, yes. The situation with the secondary market and reprints in general is, indeed, one of the many shit things.
I really like Yugioh, I've got quite a few decks and I used to play with friends regularly. But now that my friends who used to play have stopped, I don't really get to enjoy it much anymore. Playing with people at game shops is godawful cause they all play competitive decks that can win in one or two turns, and like said, Konami's focus on archetypes is really lame. MtG sucks, imo, but Yugioh is fucking unplayable irl unless you play with friends and everyone agrees to play reasonable decks.
I play maneater bug in face-up attack position! Your move, user!
Kinda wanna make a train deck
Maybe you're just shit at the game. I was able to beat shit like Zoodiac and True Draco before the September banlist with Zarc Magicians. I was able to consistently beat ABC, Kozmo, Phantom Abyss and whatever other deck was meta at that time with pre-Structure Deck D/D/D. Tier 1 decks are beatable if you know what you're doing.
But what's up with the crosses?
It's a Japan thing.
Yugioh is the sonic 06 of card games.
No but nobody cares. Play a real game.
Your face is the sonic 06 of faces.
But Yugioh is the realest game out there.
It has a resource system, it's just not as obvious as it is like lands/mana in MTG.
The problem is moreso one of resource conversion.
I want Gagagigo to cum inside me.
The game would have been a lot better if the creators had the foresight to limit you to one special summon per turn.
Yeah, because the Goat Format had so much variety, right?
"Vamp" is a slang term roughly equating to a femme fatale. Usually they're narrative characters that exist to be sexy and use that charm to trick somebody out of stuff or information.
The name is saying "This is a vamp that is also an actual vampire", and the Japanese literally cannot follow through with a pun like that.
Veeky Forums quality varies immensely depending on general.