Eldar Craftworld Creation Tables

It's a Sunday afternoon and I say it's time to roll up a new Craftworld.


First off, roll 1d10 for when the Imperium first encountered this Craftworld.

Other urls found in this thread:


Rolled 2 (1d10)

I'll roll.

That puts us as being discovered in M33.

Next roll is 1d8 for the Craftworld's Biome.

Rolled 3 (1d8)


3 is Ice/Tundra. Looks like someone left the AC on and liked it that way.

Roll 1d10 for the most common Path in this Craftworld.

Rolled 6 (1d10)

10 get

>Path of the Mariner: Eldar on this Path make up the crewmen of the Craftworld's ships.

Looks like we've got cold seamen to spare.

Roll 1d10 for our Military Strength.

That's six, sorry. We're still Mariners, I just typed in the wrong number.

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Ok, time to get serious!
10 get!

>Below Strength
Owch. Could be worse.

Roll a d8 for our favored tactics.

Rolled 4 (1d8)

come on give me an 8!


With our military below strength, stealth tactics make sense.

Roll a 2d10; One for our favored units, and another for our favorite Warrior Aspect.

Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d10)


Dire Avenger.

Can't beat the classics.

Someone give me a d10 for our Craftworld Hero. Then someone else can roll a d10 for that hero's Deed of Legend.

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 9 (1d10)

Our hero was a Farseer...

Shit, that was actually a d8 for our Deed of Legend. Free reroll on the house for my fuckup.

Rolled 6 (1d8)

There we go.

>Our hero was a Farseer who fended off an Imperial invasion of the Craftworld, personally slaying hundreds of Space Marines, only to fall in a doomed raiding party to exact vengeance.

Now, a d8 for the poor bastards that think we're their allies.

Rolled 2 (1d8)

>Imperial Guard

Well, that's impressive. We've managed not only to get the Imperium off our ass, we've also convinced the Imperial Guard that we're friends now.

A d10 for our most bitter enemy. I'm hoping for Imperial Guard or Space Marines. Maybe both.

Rolled 4 (1d10)

Minor Aliens! Now roll d100 for who these little shits are and maybe we figure out why we hate them.

Rolled 39 (1d100)

>The Uluméathic League

I had to look these guys up. They got mostly eaten by the 'Nids, so I don't see why we're their enemies. Eh, whatever.

This is what we have so far.

Imperium's First Encounter Date
Craftworld Biome
Common Path
Military Strength
>3:Below Strength
Favored Tactics
Favoured Units
Popular Warrior Aspect
>1:Dire Avenger
Craftworld Hero
Hero's Deed of Legend
>6:Fended off an Imperial invasion of the Craftworld, personally slaying hundreds of Space Marines, only to fall in a doomed raiding party to exact vengeance.
>2:Imperial Guard
Non-Slaanesh Bitter Enemy
>39:Uluméathic League

If anyone wants to make sense of this, be my guest.

Do we want to maybe re-roll that last one?

>Hey, dirty xenos. What about our reinforcements?

Sure, what the hell. Reroll for our bitter enemy. If it's some literally who again, we reroll until it's someone impressive. We're Eldar, dammit, and we deserve better enemies than everyone else.

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Fuck yes! Double enemy time!

Two people roll me 1d10, one for each enemy. If it's another 10, ignore it.

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

SPACE MARINES! Finally, something that makes sense.

Dark Eldar. Not a big shocker there, but we can aim the Guard at them and not have them wonder why they're fighting their own allies. We're all Xenos to them anyway.

It's likely that the IG doesn't know we're eldar at all, we're just manipulating the fuck out of them. Say, we've got a Lord General under our sway somehow.

No need to go that far, isolated IG regiments can be very pragmatic, for the sake of survival.

Let's say you have a 'defensive pact', kinda of.

To sum things up, this Craftworld (name pending) was encountered by the Imperium in M33. Relations got started off on the wrong foot, because they sicced their Space Marines on us. It cost us number of our forces, our Craftworld's automated systems, and our heroic Farseer to drive them off our home.

To make up for losses, our people have changed. We prefer stealth tactics, our Dire Avengers making use of modified Jetbikes to enter and exit combat without making a single sound. We have more Mariners than most Craftworlds to make up for the systems that were irrevocably damaged by the Imperium's forces.

The Space Marine chapter that we first fought has taken their losses very personally. Someone feel free to pick out a chapter that hates us with a fiery passion.

When possible, we make use of the Imperial Guard and other human forces to fight our battles for us. We have an alliance with a Lord General, brokering a deal that the humans can keep any worlds they liberate from the Dark Eldar that we have no use for. The local Kabal has seen through this secret alliance and have declared us their personal enemies for it.


How about the Flesh Eaters for our enemy Chapter?

Sure. The Flesh Eaters would have still been new about that time. Nowadays the Guard would probably trust Eldar more than they would maneating Space Marines.

I'll offer up the name Mar'lann.

A single isolated regiment is utterly meaningless and only barely effective. You've gotta understand the scale we'd be talking about for usable allies.

If no one else has anything, sure. Mar'lann it is.

Are there any other Veeky Forums-made Craftworlds, or is this the only one?


What if the Guardsmen the Eldar are allied with were a group that the Craftworld rescued from Dark Eldar slavers? They would be indebted to Craftworld Mar'lann and view the Imperium in a bad light due to abandoning them to their fate.

There is one that yet survives on 1d4chan. I don't know if there are more.


>You've gotta understand the scale we'd be talking about for usable allies
Like a sub-sector wide isolated defense force?

Because that's what I was thinking about, and those are quite common.
Could be the case. Reinforcements that didn't manage to reach their destination, so unexpected alien aid turned out to be their only hope of survival.

>Because that's what I was thinking about
That's not what you said, though. Especially when such a force would indeed be under the command of a Lord General, which you said was much too far.

I think its more that both imperials and craftworlds are being ravanged by the local cabal
so the craftworlders tell the imperials where the kabal is and how to get there relatively safely and secretly and the imperials do all that fighting and dieing stuff for the craftworlders
good deal on both sides

I just think that the Eldar being straight up with the Imperials is just kind of daft. Why would they do that? Just manipulate them into doing their will. You know, like the Eldar are supposed to do.

Yeah, them being open seems very non-Eldar like. It's more something they reserve as a last resort when all other options are no longer viable.

who says they're giving the info openly

Going with the "Flesh Eaters screwed up our Craftworld" story, the Eldar might be desperate enough to forge a fair alliance with the mon'keighs.

Or this.


>When possible, we make use of the Imperial Guard and other human forces to fight our battles for us. We have an alliance with a Lord General, brokering a deal that the humans can keep any worlds they liberate from the Dark Eldar that we have no use for. The local Kabal has seen through this secret alliance and have declared us their personal enemies for it.

It's literally the basis of this current line of thought.

having a ranger pretending to be a spy for the =I_ could be a way to filter info to IG or maybe "droped" orders a'la Special Order 191

I swear to God, last time I saw one of these threads for a craftworld creation I could've sworn we got these exact same results.

manipulative =/= dickish

They could have a friendly stance, while upholding second intentions.
Hmm, last one I saw, the craftworlders were basically 'tundra night elves'. The rolls were similar, indeed.

Who said it was dickish? I'm just saying it's almost completely out of character for eldar to ask for an alliance with lesser beings when they could just as easily manipulate them. Considering it's a bunch of guard, it should be easy as pie to do so. In fact, their reticence to do things on the level has led to their downfall on my occasions, and it is rare indeed when they are on the level.

Craftworld Mar'lann was beautiful, once. It's exterior was sculpted by the greatest artisans. It's inside, a diverse forest of life. We lived in harmoniously and peacefully, but not decadently.

That was Mar'lann before the Imperium. At first, we regarded the the savage mon-keigh as below consideration. When they invaded our Craftworld and laid waste our paradise, we were taken by surprise.

We would have been exterminated were it not for our Farseer. He brought death upon the flesh-eaters, causing them to retreat before they could rip more holes into us. With the Farseer's last breath, he envisioned that the people of Mar'lann would take from the Imperium to fill the holes they bit into us.

With our Craftworld a damaged, cold husk of what it once was, we had become hardened. The Dire Warriors are always reliable in times of need. They soon adapted to striking without warning and leaving just the same, gliding across the battlefield on Jetbikes that made no noise at all.

On a supply stop in Imperium space, we happened across a Kabal whom had enslaved a nearby mon-keigh planet. With the resources we intended to acquire already taken, we made the first strike. They were not granted the chance to retaliate.

Foolishly, the armed forces of the mon-keigh had expected their Imperium to save them. Instead, they owed a debt of gratitude to us. We now knew how the "holes" the Imperium bit into us would be filled. In an act that would give us the divisive title of "Tamers," we brought the mon-keigh aboard Craftworld Mar'lann as our auxiliary and servants.

Our people have proved that the mon-keigh can be taught. They can be taught to repair our technology. How to fight for their generous leaders. How to channel the Warp with care. How to hate the treasonous Imperium that left them behind. When they pray, it is not to their dead Emperor, but to us and own Gods worthy of worship.

The other Craftworlds call us the Tamers of Mar'lann. We call ourselves the Masters of Man.

All of it involving humans is shit. That means most of it.

The writeup I did earlier just summarized everything on the tables. I thought I'd put a spin on things to make it stand out more.

The idea has potential, I think. But needs something more. Ought to be something more that the Craftworld wants, or rather they don't want the Kabal to have. If it's just general supplies, it'd be more pragmatic to search somewhere else.

And? All of the spin you made involving humans is utterly antithetical to the Eldar's opinions and modus operandi. It's shit.

Nice, until they decided to bring the humans aboard. Y'know, that doesn't happen outside extreme circumstances.

Make their dealings more indirect. The Eldar want to appear as their true allies, but all of it at leash distance.
What did you mean by being an obnoxious little shit?

Maybe they were after a Maiden World so they could settle down like Exodites, but it was rendered barren from warfare by the time they reached it?

>Y'know, that doesn't happen outside extreme circumstances.
The reason I described their Craftworld as damaged and their numbers low was so that the Eldar would have a reason (besides irony) to use humans as their servants. Make up for lost infrastructure and make living in a crappy ship more tolerable for the lifeforms that matter.

A lot of Eldar see Humans as going down a path of destruction. Why watch and wait when you can make them be civilized?

>What did you mean by being an obnoxious little shit?
I'm saying it flat out. The writer has no understanding of what the Eldar actually do if he thinks there would be any sort of direct alliance with what they perceive as little more than animals. That it is antithetical to their way of thinking. No, Eldar don't behave that way. It's been completely misinterpreted, and thus is an awful representation of an Eldar Craftworld. He's throwing out everything about the Eldar for it. In what way is that not shit?

Not the guy you're talking to, but what would you do to make these guys more interesting? Instead of the interpretation above.

You are presuming the Eldar as a single mindset.

Some want to exterminate mankind, some want to be left alone and some would be willing to help humans in order to achieve their objective, or to stave some greater evil. We have examples in the lore for all the situations above.

It sounds more like a master and slave relationship than a direct alliance.

Depends on your definition of interesting. Too many of these threads fall prey to the idea that you have to make things unique to make them interesting. For example, most of the Veeky Forums Chapters are special snowflakes, even putting aside the obvious jokes like the Angry Marines, Pretty Marines, and whoever the sleepy marines were. My opinion on how to make things interesting- instead of trying to force an idea through, focus on specific events that happened. Give them interesting surroundings for their individual foibles to come into play.

For example, we have made an enemy of a Space Marine chapter. Let's try and think of an event where we crossed paths. Perhaps the Space Marines had something we wanted in their fortress monastery. Perhaps that was even on a ship. In order to draw out their forces fomented a conflict on a world to draw their forces out of position and lessen the defenses on their fortress monastery, which we then raided, slew many of their battle brothers, and stole a prized trophy of the chapter which they had taken from the Eldar hundreds or thousands of years prior. Perhaps we slew most of the defenders, with the handful who survived swearing bloody vengeance against us. One of those marines would go on to become Chapter Master and, centuries later, return the raid in kind, raiding the Craftworld itself, which would explain our low numbers.

Obviously, that's just the rough outline of an event, but focus on things like that. Expand them into mini story arcs. Short, normally self contained narratives that tell about who we are and what we've done.

I'm not presuming that, it's outright stated in the lore, and any exceptions are indeed exceptions, done when there is no other choice. Eldar are a proud race, and their pride is often their downfall.

An unequal alliance is still a direct alliance.

>Too many of these threads fall prey to the idea that you have to make things unique to make them interesting.
If it's not unique, then it's just like everything else and won't stick out in our minds. It probably wouldn't even get a 1d4chan page, for what little that's worth.

What do humans do with captured eldar soulstones?

I would ransom it back for elday booty.

They probably keep/sell them as war trophies without understanding their worth to the Eldar.

>If it's not unique, then it's just like everything else and won't stick out in our minds
Bullshit. This is the logic that makes people play Mary Sues. The originality of an idea doesn't matter, but rather the quality of the execution. Superficial uniqueness doesn't matter. This is why I suggested you focus on events that the group does. You remember the story of the events, not how extra special and unique they are. And no shit it won't get a 1d4chan page. Less than 1% of them do.

Usually, it's as says.

>eldar booty
It can be a flurry of shuriken to the face, or something of your heart's desire.

But normally, it's as said.

>And no shit it won't get a 1d4chan page. Less than 1% of them do.
That's a shame. Someone should be recording more of these.

>The originality of an idea doesn't matter, but rather the quality of the execution. Superficial uniqueness doesn't matter.
So you want them to stand out by doing what every other Craftworld does.

Why make a new craftworld if its going to be the same as the rest? At least Eldar with human pets is something new.

I want them to stay consistent with established lore on the faction, yes. Why make an Eldar Craftworld if they're nothing like real Eldar? Fuck off, cunt, I bet you like your purple haired aasamar characters.

>Why make an Eldar Craftworld if they're nothing like real Eldar?
They're still arrogant and hold humans in contempt. Don't know what your deal with is with this.

>Fuck off, cunt, I bet you like your purple haired aasamar characters.
I don't, actually. Stop projecting.

>Don't know what your deal with is with this
Because having a blatant and extended alliance with humans is flat out retarded for the eldar and completely unprecedented. You want it because you're so obssessed with the idea that they NEED to be completely unique instead of trying to make events that make them interesting. No shit I don't like it when you do that.

If you want to fluff out something different, be my guest. This thread is just two people arguing anyway.

What would be some good colors for Craftworld Mar'lann? I'm thinking some blacks and dark blues to go with the stealth and tundra theme.

My feeble human mind thinks that is the right choice.

BTW, I think I may have an alternative to the humies pets that does not rustle the jimmies of the eldar!Carnac:

>IG is getting killed by DEldar.
>Mar'lann saves them for [insert reason here]
>Most guardsmen think they are Stormtroopers. The craftworlders roll with it.
>Had the IG failed, their Lord General would had be shot by incompetence. Mar'lann decides to blackmail him/her with the knowlege of xenos saving his/her ass.
>Now [insert IG army here] are rumored in the sub-sector to persue a mysterious agenda like the Dark Angels, when in reality the Lord General keeps the silence of Mar'lann by killing other xenos or heretics at the eldar's orders. The guardsmen think this is their General is trying to become the next Macharius or Creed.


I'd insert psychic fuckery making them seem like stormtroopers instead of guardsmen being dumb. Possibly make the psychic fuckery involve the DEldar in some way. Obviously the DEldar weren't the cause of it, but they might be trying to steal/destroy an artifact and Mar'lann wants to protect/take for themselves.

I can go for it, but we should try coming up with a more solid reason for why the Craftworld intervened in the first place.

What kind of artifact would be worth the risk?

Perhaps a remnant from the pre-fall Eldar. Perhaps an artifact which causes mass mind altering as a side effect. You see/feel what you want to see/feel. For the Guardsmen who were fighting for their lives, they'd see a bunch of stormtroopers coming to save their asses and fight for them. The DEldar want it either to use it or to destroy it because they think it's a threat, or even because they think they could sell it to someone else for an exhorbitant fee. Mar'lann wants it to turn it down and use it for its original purpose, which might just be a psychic amplifier, or they might want to destroy it for themselves (and possibly take the remains with them so no one could fix it) and they don't trust anyone else to do the job properly, which they might have foretold. Or they just don't want anyone else using it.

Magical Eldar shibbledibble what can kinda-sorta replace a slowly failing system aboard the Craftworld.

Right, so either a mass-hallucination/psychic battery device or an engine thingamabob that will make an inhospitable Craftworld "just" very uncomfortable.


Do not perish like a mon-keigh!

It could be that Mar'lann attacked the DEldar Kabal because their Craftworld needed vital parts and the Kabal's ships were compatible. Saving the IG's ass and making their Lord General indebted to them was an unintended side benefit.

Now the Guard is Mar'lann's strike force against the DEldar infesting the area. Mar'ann's Dire Avengers will come down, thin out the enemy forces, and then leave before the Guardsmen get there as needed. The Lord General gets the planet and credit while the Craftworld gets the technology.

The rank-and-file soldiers think they're protected by angels, while the Lord General thinks he's been damned by the arrangement.

Sounds like the Imperial Guard just switched out one set of bad bosses for another.

That's grimdark for you.

This is a thousandfold better than the convoluted and lore-raping über artifact and human cattle fuckery above.

Should we roll up an Imperial Guard Regiment for the guys Mar'lann pulled out of the fire? Or the Kabal and Space Marine Chapters they fought?

Sure, let's do it!

>Regiment Classification d10

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rock and roll.

Imperial Guard: A true regiment, drilled and competent in their service.

>Recruitment Criteria d100

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Gangers: They fought each other in the slums, now they fight a true enemy.

>Nature of Recruitment d10

Rolled 9 (1d10)