Your party has been tasked with the destruction of pic related at any cost. Can they manage to pull it off?
Your party has been tasked with the destruction of pic related at any cost. Can they manage to pull it off?
Since the party is from Rifts Earth, they'll be fine. A shifter, RPA pilot, ley line walker, mind melter, headhunter cyborg, and bio-wizard augmented hobo. For them, this is Tuesday.
But I thought Old Ones and their equivalents were a "YOU FUCKING LOSE" situation for most Rifts parties user?
We've slain enough eldritch abominations and multidimensional beings, we'll be fine.
The angry elf assassin can keep it distracted while the mage prepares god killing spells and the mechanic helps direct them.
if one jobber could do it, then multiple jobbers should be more than capable
I think so, but we'll raid the Banana plantation first just to be sure.
>A Jobber.
You wut, m8?
>experienced soldier and swordsman
>dies to regular guardians the first time around
>takes more than a heart of damage from many attacks
botw's incarnation of link was a bitch
>>dies to regular guardians the first time around
A Guardians laser-blast cleaves off a whopping total of SIX HEARTS in a single strike user. Getting killed by one doesn't make Link weak. It just goes to show that Guardians are fucking bullshit.
I think he would have done alright if he'd had a shield to deflect those shots. In all the flashbacks he just has the sword.
actually there were 27 guardians in the area he died in. Plus his sword broke and he had to protect the princess
One of the players in my game is a literal reality-warping god. SO yes
Ganon is also a reality-warping God , so it might end in a stalemate.
I've never seen Ganon actually warp reality, just be a big purple cloud
The Blood Moon is a direct result of his power leaking forth from the seal he's in. It revives *everything* he claims dominion over, pools of Malice regenerating spontaneously, demons and monsters having their essences returned to flesh, his Blights having their power and influence restored, *everything*.
Well. Guess Link needs to destroy the moon again.
Which Ganondorf is sexist?
Maybe WW's if you *really* stretch the definition of the term "sexist".
He was also a guy who had just recovered from being all but dead so his going around and taking a lot of damage from shit made sense to me. His skin's prolly softer than a newborns.
Link never destroyed the moon, he just stopped it and killed the little asshole living inside it.