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how does this 2k skryre list look gents?

Allegiance: Skaven Skryre

Arch Warlock (140)
- General
- Trait: Overseer of Destruction
- Artefact: Esoteric Warp Resonator
Warlock Engineer (100)
- Artefact: Vigordust Injector
Warlock Engineer (100)

3 x Stormfiends (300)
- Skryre Battleline
3 x Stormfiends (300)
- Skryre Battleline
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
- Skryre Battleline
5 x Skryre Acolytes (60)
- Skryre Battleline

1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)
1 x Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team (60)
1 x Warp Grinder Weapon Team (100)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (70)
1 x Warpfire Thrower Weapon Team (70)
20 x Stormvermin (280)
- Halberd
- Allies

Clan Skryre (100)
Gautfyre Skorch (150)
Gascloud Chokelung (50)

Reinforcement Points (0)

Total: 2000 / 2000
Allies: 280 / 400

Inb4 Boyz and Skellies when and how much
>You’ll be able to pre-order Ironskull’s Boyz and the Sepulchral Guard expansions next week.

I hope somebody uploads it. before the weekend

Do I need the starter set to play?

Yeah, but I bet people will sell componentson ebay and fb groups. It's like x-wing - you have to buy core set for templates and shit but you can also buy them separately on the second market

Axes or Javelins on Palladors?

>implying GW's isn't going to fight tooth and nail for your shekels
Stop complaining and buy those Stormcast, goy!

I've read a lot of mixed bag here on Veeky Forums. Either AoS is doing terrible or AoS is doing great. I am tending less so towards the "Fantasy was the best and AoS SUCKS!" side of the spectrum but how happy is GW in its performance?

their stock keep going up

GW enjoys the dollerydoos that keep coming in, which is more just because of the relatively low model count to get started compared to Fantasy. You can sell people 100 models a lot easier than 300.

But as far as creatively, one of their own guys said on a podcast recently that the destruction of the Old World was a mistake and that he understands everyone getting so tired of Stormcast. He didn't say they were awful -- which, honestly I don't think they are -- but rather than the execution leaves a lot to be desired. They'd actually be a lot more interesting if they really were true Sigmarines with all the differences between chapters, as opposed to just being identical except for palette swaps.

I didn't expect a rep from CW to say that. So did they address how they are going to look at Stormcast in the near future if at all? Or even the Old World?

Ya but the popularity of 40k is pretty phenomenal. So I thought I'd ask.

Reminder there is literally no reason they can't resurrect the old world.

Anyone know how to paint that light brown skin tonne on the two reavers in shadespire box? Simply prefferably.

Reminder that there is no reason not to play 8th.

The reasons we can't go back is the same why the Warhammer World was destroyed in the first place and replaced with the Mortal Realms.

What was that again? That GW wasn't supporting 8th anymore? I thought that was fixed with End Times.

>tfw GW will never release Mantic-style army bundles at the same percentage discounts as their Start Collecting! boxes to breathe fresh life into WHFB while releasing 9th edition which shrinks down the unit bloat of 8th

As a a former-WHFB player and a current KoW player, there's every reason not to. 8th was probably the shittiest the game's ever been.

Considering how open Warhammer AoS is, I can't really see why finding a Realmgate to the Old World/The World that Was is outside of the realm of possibility.

Hell, I am amazed GW just hasn't put up a fun little "expansion" with the Old world. My main concern for GW would be this: Would bringing back the OW as a setting be enough? Or would they need to add on some of the old rules too?

Cause as of now I think the rules are fine but not sure if most would agree.

8th was fucking horrible it was marginally better than 7th

only reason to play 8th is Stormfiends

kow > 3e > 6e > 8e > the rest

aos > kow but they're very different games

Cause it exploded
Archaon destroyed the old world. That's what happened in the end times

Yeah but there should be a Realmgate allowing time travel to an "alternate dimension" or some where the Old World wasn't destroyed. Simple, especially considering how vague the new fluff is now.

Other than AoS > KoW, I agree with most of that. Christ, 8th was a shitshow. But like you said, comparing AoS to KoW just doesn't work because they're completely different games at completely different scales. If I want a rank-and-flank game as I usually do, I play KoW. If I want something less tactical, I play AoS.

No, no there shouldn't

leave the old world dead so the toxic filth can swim around in the ninth age, a game so alive and successful that adepticon isn't letting it in the gaming area

My point is that why would they ressurect WHFB when you can go out and play it anyway.
Plus wargame>skirmish game master race.

> a game so alive and successful that adepticon isn't letting it in the gaming area

Please elaborate.

They can only travel to places that currently exist. They're not time portals

as a man whose job is disaster management I can assure you that aos is the most tactical miniatures game on the market

adepticon has removed the ninth age from the gaming area, you're not allowed, they have no tables, there's no tourney for the ninth age at adepticon

meanwhile AoS has full GW support, prizes, best painted, and is streamed

The only problem I see with that, is after all the effort of deleting old models, and phasing things out of the setting, to then bring it back opens up so many cans of worms. Brettonia is back, but with zero model support? Seraphon are Lizardmen again? It would be a trademark nightmare again for them to go back and have possibility for third party to again make "not Tomb Kings". Or, you'd get the bastardization of all you loved of that world, with bullshit "Ogor Kingdoms" so that lines fit.

I know. I'm not saying that there currently is time portals but that they could. You know, big giant campaign. One special realm gate.

...Well, as a man whose job and education is emergency management, I disagree. And only plebs refer to the field as disaster management.

Why did they remove 9th age though?

OOOOH lah di dah we live in different countries, go fuck yourself

Realmgates let you travel space, not time.

I love tactically paying to win.

not popular enough, they want the tables for aos and 40k and other games in general

but thats wrong. It's fantasy and Sigmar is a god along with his god buddies. They can just make a new old world and repopulate it.
There is a line that explicitly says Sigmar longs for the old world.
Another thing before AoS was even released a lot of rumours about what it was like floated around many turned out to be true. One of them was that the old world would exist again the new setting.

They won't though. WHFB exists solely as a thing GW liscenses out now. And I doubt that they have much interest in bringing it back after getting rid if it. Hell, if AoS does poorly, they'll likely just kill the fantasy line entirely

>When you post an actual question just before a shit storm.

if the game was pay to win then there'd only be one tournament list, but there's a lot, there's no real mono-list armies,

in just the past few weeks we've seen SCE, Bonesplitterz, High Elves, Two 100% ironjawz lists which are polar opposites, multitudes of khorne, many different visions of stormcasts, all flavour of tzeentch

there are some factions which are booty bunk, but the current aos meta is more free and diverse than whfb has been (competitively) in a long long time

>Another thing before AoS was even released a lot of rumours about what it was like floated around many turned out to be true. One of them was that the old world would exist again the new setting.

you mean the copy pasta where they were talking about new releases every 3 months? because that sure came true

Didn't WHFB have like, two competitive lists towards the end

>Lists PTW supported armies.
>Ignores chad level armies.

At least it was a real mans wargame not a prissy skirmish shit.

Alright, riddle me this lore fags:

If the mortal realms are "near infinite", and theres 8 of them, how is chaos a threat?

how the fuck is chaos real hahaha nigga just walk away

>Feels intensifies

>high aelves

>lore consistancy
You picked the wrong thread fool

If it was manly, why were high elves the best army?
They're finite, just really big

>high elves*
Virginity confirmed.

Implying that you don't abuse elf cucks until they are too scared to come into you LGS

go take this cuck elf shit to wfg

no the leak that accurately described the new setting cuckface

in aos the aelves are big black chads who fuck women

Alright, follow up-- riddle me this fluff fags:

If Sigmar is all so mighty and powerful to the point where he snatches warriors from the mortal realms just before they die and reforges them into Sigmarines, WHY doesn't he just banish chaos from the mortal realms by snatching them up?

i swear AoS has the worst fucking fluff to the point where I just outright ignore it

Elves* are cucks*

the chaos gods hold domain and sway over the souls of truly loyal chaos worshippers so sigmar can't snatch them, instead he has to ride out and slap them with thunder and lightning

Because there are four other beings who a) don't want that and b) are more powerful.

I mean for fuck's sake this is basic Warhammer knowledge, the Gods of Chaos have been more powerful than the Gods of Law since when, 2nd edition, 3rd?

Players can't make "your dudes" with stepping on the toes of something canon. Age of Sigmar have no such limitations.

The metallic core of the World-That-Was is an important piece in the creation of stormcast, as well as other pieces like the huge ass splinter of the Oak of Ages in Ghyran.

Pieces of it are spread out throughout the Mortal Realms and its inhabitants are utterly dead. It's possible, but it wouldn't be a very intelligent move for their worldbuilding.

>stepping on the toes of something canon
Shit reason try again

go back to your containment thread

Nothing that you have said dismisses the possibility of a new old world.

>says age of sigmar has no limitations
>but wait you can't do that!
How does it feel to be this much of a brainlet?

gw won't do it because it would attract retards to their great game

Not an argument.

They are very, very large but nowhere close to near infinite. Chaos is a Multidimensional invading force with a really large force.

Just Khrone's Daemon Army has been given number in AoS and is ridiculously huge.

Reforging requires taking the soul and remaking the body around it and the forces of chaos protect their claim over the souls of their worshippers. It would be much easier to just send lesser, invisible manifestations around and smite their foes with lighting, which is a thing Sigmar could do as shown in the latest book preview "Hammerhall & Other Stories".

Only the Celestant-Prime wielding Ghal Maraz can snatch the souls of chaos worshippers that have a hint of redemption in their souls, sending it to Azyr to be purified and reforged in stormcast.

>Implying this isn't a containment thread.

What would be the point of it? The factions that represented them are dead and what succeed them are nothing like them. The Map? They should invest more energy in making better maps(like shown in the image) for mortal realms than having to redevelop the old one into a pale parody of itself.

>GW destroys old world on purpose
>Retards think they'll bring it back in any capacity

>Floating continents

God damn I know it's fantasy but for fucks sake they need to stop this shit. It was annoying back when we had the annoying bad maps when AoS first came out and said we'd prefer top down view maps so we can get a better understanding of the realms. Then they do top down but still add floating continents to further piss me off by making the maps pointless because of a god damn floating continent that may or may not be there tomorrow is floating over this area on the map

>GW does a retarded thing
>this retard thinks they can't do another retarded thing

>GW does a retarded thing


>The Old World has Total Warhammer 1&2, Mordheim, Man-O'-War, Vermintide 1&2, and another untitled RPG, with no sign of stopping as developers have a grand time making games in the beloved setting
>Not a single AoS vidya in planned or in the works, and no-one gives a shit about the lame He-Man setting

>GW doesn't have to work on Fantasy anymore
>Gets money from the Fantasy grognards anyway


You know GW 'victories' are almost entirely 40k and specialist right?

imagine how much money they would have made if they continued the old world and re-released all these games after the video games.
Truly GWs hates money.

You can imagine that to be the case if you want.

Is 8th edition really as bad as people claim? Or are people speaking of when it first came out?

every time people discuss the tabletop game when they're talking about the video games they're like "wow, this shit is too expensive!" these are people who complain about their triple a video games being 60 dollars, what do you think they'll fucking think when a unit of 10 spearmen is 50

they're making plenty of money just off of the IP, no need to drag along a dying ttg with it

But if they came from those settings and saw WHFB bundles along the lines of the Start Collecting bundles but upped a bit to be more akin to Mantic's starter armies. Maybe even keep an incredibly basic $85 that includes an infantry hero, a small cavalry unit, and 30 infantry. Much like Start Collecting bundles, it works more or less just to hook people. Then $150 for a bigger, more legitimate starter that hits roughly 1500 pts.

Do it while shifting the scale of the game down from the the swarms of hordes it had devolved to in 8th, and you're good.


I'm also waiting for this - someone asked the Warhammer TV team on their Facebook page, and they said "soon". My guess is all the Duncan videos this week will be Shadespire related so might be in luck

I'm still amazed that people think GW will bring back WFB.

The number 1 entry barrier for most people is the cost. AOS solves that.

The number 2 barrier is time spent assembling and painting. AOS solves that too by giving more dynamic, larger models.

>Just Khrone's Daemon Army has been given number in AoS and is ridiculously huge.

Dude, only the number of BTS in the 7 hosts were given a number. The BT grunts in the 8th Host and those outside the 8 hosts are unknown.


number one entry barrier against WFB was the inaccessibility of the rules. 1000pts of WFB is still cheap and easy to make - provided you have access to the faction books. But no advertising for the books and resulting lack of education for new players = weak sales.

second barrier, assembling and painting = bullshit. a lizardman saurus is going to be much more fun to assemble and paint than a stormcast.

in short, GW sold their rules for a simplified play system and a quick buck.

Yes I find the Start Collecting boxes to be good value for money - it's a shame that the AoS rules are so limited compared to earlier editions.

Yeah, no.

The new factions are just as costly if not more, for the same points value.

>time spent assembling and painting
Yeah, also no.

When you're painting models to be ranked up, you only have to really detail the first rank, since the ones behind are obscured.

>Thread gets turned to shit by WHFB grogs shitposting

I should be use to it by now but god damn...

>delusions of grandure regarding AOS success
>thinks the shit tier game is good
>reads garbage lore while machostiticly defending it
Autism alarm! Autism alarm!

As far as WHFB goes it was pretty meh (IRL mixed feelings with lots of onlone shitposting) but it's still infinately better than AOS.

>AOS solves shit tier complaints for children.
Oh well AOSg you sure showed me how wrong I am!

All in a days work for a groggy grognard on the grog.

The game is good, the models are good, the lore is garbage but hey it's not like its had 30 years to develop.

You can do fun little things like this for campaigns, narrative games or just for fun:
>The Fortress of the N’Uln
This old fortress in hidden away deep inside the realm of shadows, protected by a bubble of aincent magic. It’s origins are unknown, but many speculate that it is a huge relic of the world the was. Inside there’s said to be schematics for aincent and powerful weaponry. The warband or leader that can get hold of even a small schematic can greatly increase in power

Bam! Instant narrative in AoS with a relic of the old world. See it wasn’t that hard

I know.
It's fucking frustrating.
We could actually be doing something productive, or helpful. We could be developing fanlore, building up a unified setting, making up some nebulous new piece of shit to focus our efforts on, but no. We just HAVE to shitpost. We just HAVE to let petty grudges get in the way of greatness.
>inb4 dwarffagging
It's fucking petty and you know it.


Example: We could be doing shit like that, fleshing it out and working out the kinks. We could be having fun worldbuilding, and we squander the opportunity.

Now what are we going to do about our seeming lack of good sense? I say we act upon it. Let's reopen the paper mill and get cracking on something.

On a serious note:
>Simplistic skirmish games are bland and will never ascend to wargame level.
>The models are overdone and look silly. It might look cool on a hero but tonned down hordes are where it's at.
>The fluff gad a stupid concep the begin with. To use an old phrase: you can't polish a turd.

The problem is that neither side wants to budge and the two are too far apart to unify. It's like asking infinity and warmachine to create a game together, you can't because they are completely different.

You're looking at painting for a person who knows how to paint. To a NEW PLAYER, stormcasts are better since they're big with lots of flat surfaces that make them easy to paint.
Also, let's not forget the last barrier to entry to playing WHFB. WHFB players