Least favorite race

What is Veeky Forums racist against?

For me, it's elves.


White human male fighters

Humans for how boring they usually are

Halflings/Hobbits. Can't fuckin stand the whole thing with them being barefoot and having scalp-thickness hair on top of their feet. Seriously, think about how gross that shit would be

Any race that needs to shampoo their feet needs to go

dwarves and orcs

Halflings and Gnomes. I don't understand the desire for three races that amount to "A human, but short and..."

Fuck Kender desu senpai

Stormcast Eternals

Why? Those are total bro

I like Gnomes but hate Hobbits.


everything about dwarves is annoying, they arent fun to be around, they arent fun to fight, and the women arent attractive enough to rape

orcs you dont really need a good reason for, like goblins or trolls- just kill as many as possible and be done with it

Tiefling and Dragonborne being core races perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with WotC's D&D.

Dragonborn, closely followed by Tiefling.

Both make sense when they're a part dragon/demon race which eventually has all the 'magic' bred out of them in successive generations.
But as a race which breeds true? Fuck off.

They're a half-measure for idiots who want to play a demon or dragon, and who feel they need there to be an entire race for their character to have some sort of authenticity.

That isn't to say people who play half-dragons or half-demons are any better, but at least those types of character make more sense than a 'race' of humanoid dragons or 'demon-modified' humans.

Non-Dwarf midget races.

>Both make sense when they're a part dragon/demon race which eventually has all the 'magic' bred out of them in successive generations.
>But as a race which breeds true? Fuck off.
explain, what makes a race of demon people/dragon people worse than "dragon/demon people are recessive"

>For me, it's elves.

So funneh lol! xd

Humans are just boring. Everything you can do with a Human you can do with Dwarves, Halflings, or Elves. Half-races are okay though.

Gnomes. Fuck gnomes to death.

>woman aren't attractive enough to rape

You don't like Orcs and Dwarves because you're a literal psycho. Fuck off

I'm racist towards people that call species "races".

The Darkies mostly.

Dark Elves that is

you miss the point, they have literally no redeeming qualities

they arent pleasant to be around, so you cant befriend them

they arent fun to fight so being their enemy is annoying

and they arent fuckable so you cant even get the stress out of your system

with elves or humans, even if you hate them they will still fulfill 1/3 of those criteria

indeed, speciesist is more accurate.

Fuck dwarves

Mostly populations numbers and dynamics, if I'm going to be honest.

Mongrel tieflings and dragon-descendants are anomalies, they pop up in various populations in smalll numbers, when people get frisky with demons or dragons. They don't have to have an entire culture and population all of their own, and they seem to similate more into the native cultures. Also they slot into more settings and seem more authentic, given that they have to have a backstory for WHY they exist. There's always a story behind a half-dragon/half-demon.

Whole populations of Tieflings or Dragonborn require some universal bullshit story about how they all came to be. It almost always has no connection to the character themselves, as it usually happened thousands of years ago, rather than it having been 'my grandma fucked an incubus". What's more, unless they're some stupid 'Dragonborn + Human = Dragonborn" shit, they require a whole settlement, family or tribe to justify their existence. And that requires effort to slot into most settings, and frequently makes no sense.

Mongrels can fit in anywhere, are weirder, and have a more personal story. They can also be rare as hell, and still occur, requiring nothing more than a chick having fucked a dragon.
Full races require the entire setting to be shifted to include an entire fucking faction of 'special snowflakes' who somehow inexplicably came into being.


They're basically autistic halflings with an extra helping of *holds up spork*.

in dnd at least they were explained in setting

and whats wrong with "exotic" races? mongrels attract snowflakery much more

> Gnomes

Annoying-tier. Kender with explosions.

> Halflings

Nothing they are is something dwarves can't be. Hobbits/hill folk/gypsy-people is an opportunity to make dwarves more than the gruff-drunk-manly-fighter race, and halflings steal that niche, all for comparatively little payoff. Tolkien had two short people races, so there must be two short people races.

> Elves

There don't need to be 500 elf subraces. Pick three, maximum, and fuck off. And keep them consistent between settings -- if one more neckbeard starts describing his setting with "well, in MY setting elves are --" I'm going to fucking burst a testicle. First mine, with rage, then his, with my boot.

> Dragonborn

"Lizardmen but with a human mentality, tits and elemental breath weapons" is not a good idea for a race.

> Tieflings

I don't actually have a huge problem with tieflings as a concept, except for three things:

1. The "woe is me, I'm an inevitably oppressed minority" schtick is old. In any self-consistent setting, tieflings would be allowed to live only in the most evil magic-heavy societies, and even then as playthings and enforcers, not equals. Anyone else would kill them on sight, to rid themselves of the taint of the Lower Planes. "Tolerance" makes sense in the real world, because humans are generally more distinguishable by culture than biology, but this is a universe where evil can be biologically ingrained in you from conception.
2. Make them evil-inclined or don't. Don't try to have it both ways by making a demonic motherfucker and then NOT give him a personality to match.
3. They need some way to disguise their natures, and making them all uniform brick red and horny with tails looks stupid. The whole aesthetic doesn't do the concept justice.

> Savage races

Need more love. Seriously, hobgoblins, goblins and orcs are ridiculously fun to play, are visually compelling, and handle the whole "I'm a dark-minded savage warrior" thing in a way that isn't cliched as fuck.

People keep complaining about their gypsy-like behavior but I swear the biggest fucking problem is their inability to "keep secrets even to save their lives."

You really could have just said the women are ugly instead of being "too ugly to rape", but I get what you're saying now.

>And keep them consistent between settings
>lets have meta-universal races

>orcs need love
no, they deserve only exactly the "burn with fire then defile graves until they leave" response you say tieflings should get

not to mention they encourage retard play or the whole "im the only good one trying to redeem my races violent past" schtick

>they were explained in setting
In some settings, in various others they have to be shoved in, in a ham-fisted way.
Which is why mongrel tieflings are better, because all you need to justify their existence is the fact that human/demon crossbreeds are vialbe and pass on certain traits.

Also 'exotic' races can be fine, but really if you're going exotic at least be a bit more creative than "oh hey, there's this iconic mythic creature which a gameline is half-named about, why don't we just make a humanoid playable version of them"?
And then, if you're considering them exotic, why not mention that, or at least not include them in the core book? 4e had a real fucking problem with that.

Also snowflakery is going to happen anyway, people manage it playing human fighters. I prefer to go with concepts which seem more coherent and enjoyable, and worry about the kinds of players I'm going to get afterwards.

I really don't play much D&D at all anyway.

>implying elves, orcs and dwarves aren't meta-universal races

Out of those? Probably dragonborn. I don't dislike them, I just like them the least. I tend to refluff them as tall, hawkish-looking humans who come from a long-fallen kingdom where the nobility had relations with dragons.

I find gnomes sort of superfluous so I usually make them a little bit taller and refluff them into creepy barrow elves.

If I'm playing rather than DMing, I'll probably never run a dwarf or a half-orc. I like both of them as concepts to play around with when worldbuilding, but I have less than zero desire to ever play one.

Dragonborn. They should have just been regular lizard people. The name dragonborn is a blatant normie lure.

>> Gnomes
>Annoying-tier. Kender with explosions.

Outside of Warcraft, where does this happen?

the elves in witcher or DA have as much in common with the elves in Warhammer or Warcraft or DND as they do with humans

I don't allow beast race PC's in my campaigns. They attract the four page cutting edge backstory crowd

Everything stolen from Tolkien.


The saddest thing about dragonborn is, if they were just lizardmen you can bet your ass they or other people would still claim they were descended from dragons or other mythical reptiles. It actually feels a bit cheaper to make them ACTUALLY descended from dragons, somehow.

arabs are worse

they're certainly up there, yeah, i won't even argue that

fucking this, lisardmen are fucking badass- why can they never be playable?

why cant i just have fun eating goblins as a 9 foot human/dinosaur combo?

Thank you for these quality posts, /pol/.

>in b4 hurr implying everyone who spams racist infographics is /pol/

>>And keep them consistent between settings
>>lets have meta-universal races

They're in the PHB for a reason, fuckface.

> no, they deserve only exactly the "burn with fire then defile graves until they leave" response you say tieflings should get
> not to mention they encourage retard play or the whole "im the only good one trying to redeem my races violent past" schtick

I'm clearly talking about design philosophy and popularity, not in-universe affection. Orcs should be met with torches and pitchforks just like every other mostly-evil race, but in evil campaigns they're a joy to play with.

I've also never in my life encountered someone playing an orc who did it to be a rebellious do-gooder fighting against the evil nature of his kin. Drizzt-cloning only works if you have something to rebel against, and there is no such thing as orcish society.

Drizzt-cloners also typically pick only the sexy bishie evil races, like Tieflings, Drow and Fey'ri. No one picks orcs to redeem for the same reason no one tries to redeem a Nalfeshnee, but everyone tries to fuck the succubus onto the side of Good and Justice.

dude at least the arabs enslave the negroids every couple hundred years

I like gnomes. They're the fey equivalent of "token short race" and they tend to have the niche of technology-in-fantasy
I'm with everything you said 100%.
True. High, Wood, and Dark Elves are enough. Although subraces aren't a big deal to me. You wanna be a Snow, Deep, Sea, or Wild Elf? Fine.
Not a bad idea to me, but should be demoted out of being a core race. Promote Gnomes or another mundane race (like Orcs) to take their place
With you on them too. Should be like Dragonborn and demoted out of being a core race. Maybe replace with Aasimar if we're going with your reasoning
>Orcs, Goblnoids
Hell yeah, bro.

>the PHB applies to all settings

>there is no such thing in orcish society
i meant the whole "oppressed minority thing", which at least from personal experience is the case

Lizardbolds. Japanese dogbolds are so much better.

Half-races are mutant trash and need to be burned.

Well, like I said, dragonborn aren't actually bad at all. The origin 4e gave them was solid. I just prefer not to have 9ft tall, fully reptilian dragon-men be a playable race in my campaign settings. People descended from dragons, sure, but just bipedal dragons? Nah.

I have included them as antagonists, though.

>thinly veiled elf shitposting thread does not go as planned


I'm going to go with dwarves.

In theory I have no real issue with them, but there's an obnoxious breed of dwarf fan that likes to shit on other races in the most lazy, copy-paste way imaginable. Yes Tim, you hate those knife ears, you can stop beating that dead horse any time now. It just kills my spirit when people keep pretending to be smug, condescending Scottish manlets while accusing everyone else of being smug and condescending without a hint of irony.

Just point out the irony of a dwarf talking down to someone, and that should shut them up.

But overall, I agree -- the Tolkienesque Urist McBrewhammer stereotype isn't a terribly interesting character trope, and answering the Tolkienesque elven-ubermenschen trope with one just as lazy just marks you as a lazy thinker.

You Sissies win this time, but the Orcs WILL have have the last laugh!

>Just point out the irony of a dwarf talking down to someone, and that should shut them up.

(Also Oakland looked good against the Chiefs this week)

I mean, how can Dragonborn, Tiefling and Orc by human "races".
Humans have different races, but humans are a species, same goes to these other humanoid species, Wood Elf is a race, goth cave elves are a race, but Elves in general are a species..

I think both Elf and Dwarf players should be put out of their respective miseries. The interspecies rivalry gimmick is so trite and played out, eventually devolving into screaming matches featuring unironic use of fantasy slurs.

>not fun to be around
Someone's never gotten piss-drunk with a dwarf before

Lizardfolk are statted as playable in 5E, in Volo's Book of Monsters. There are some fluff bits about them that are slightly irritating and restrictive, but no actual rules enforcing the fluff.

>and the women arent attractive enough to rape
And just like that, your opinion no longer has avalue.

In character ? Elves,orcs and gnomes

Out of Character ? Dragonborn and drow

but they arent the fun kind of drunk either

they arent refines drinkers, they arent fun to have barfights with and they tend to be the "loud singing" kind of drunk- and having some midgets belching out whatever passes for culture among drwarves isn't pleasant either

are you suggesting she dwarves/she orcs are fuckable?

I could say the exact same thing about elves. I don't even play elves, but I recognize that lazy writing/roleplaying exists in abundance from both perspectives.

This dude right here. If anyone in my game wants to run a dragon born its lizard man or nowt.

>they arent refines drinkers, they arent fun to have barfights with and they tend to be the "loud singing" kind of drunk
I get what you're saying, but you're coming across as that guy who sits alone to eat his cheeseburger while watching DOTA streams on his phone.

I dont like Elves, aesthetically or flavour-wise, but at least they're normal enough to fit in so the meme feels overblown.

Tieflings, are just the worst. I can't imagine any scenario where I could enjoy a tiefling character over something else. Tieflings are just a pure quality sinkhole. 'Magic' races in general, like Aasimar and Genasi too

Kobolds are okay but I think people overblow how cool they are. They're basically just goblins for furries

I don't even know why Dragonborn or Gnomes exist when Lizardmen and literally anything else already does

except elves at least get some variation, sure its not much (arrogant ubermencht, "our glorious empire" screeching or "the wise sages") but if you were to swap the elves from warhammer with the elves from DnD or WoW things would change a fair bit

dwarves however have one variant, and are mostly interchangeable- you could swap the dwarves from DnD with WoW/WFB or LoTR and basically 0 would change

You know what?
Yes, yes I am.


nigger, girls like this dwarf exist irl.

Oh come now, you know you like it.

>Kobolds are okay but I think people overblow how cool they are. They're basically just goblins for furries

But... they don't have fur?

Anyway, tieflings I feel deserve less hate. I'd probably never play one, but as a DM, I feel like best best parties have just one one member of an exotic race in them (IMO the perfect party composition is three humans, two core races, and one exotic race), and tieflings are one of the strongest conceptually, with lots of pre-built hooks and assumptions woven into their nature.

still disgusting abominations

short is fine, dwarf isnt

no, its as bad as furry porn

Great taste

>Dependable Tier

>Okay Tier
Half Elf, Elf

>Allow to live far away from us Tier

>Kill on sight Tier
Half-Orc, Orc

Place Elves directly beneath Tielfling and I'd agree with you entirely.

You've heard of elf of a shelf
But have you heard of Kender in a Blender?


No clue if you're being sarcastic or not, but I absolutely would.
I like you, user.


gnomes are so much more lol random than any other race, and nearly always thematically clash with settings

>lol random
Sure, if you allow your sole perception of Gnomes to be shaped by WoW.


Elf (High and Wood)
>Fuck off

>le scalies arent furries meme
Yeah fuck that noise too

Dragonborn because they're so obviously made to appeal to 13 year olds.

never played WoW, the fluff of annoying hyperactivity and hilariously wacky inventions is enough to show that they're the most random = funny race. Along with the midget=comic relief trope

i don`t think you are the only one OP

I tend to play my gnomes as deadpan snarkers and vitriolic douchebags. Subverting the party's expectations can be hilarious, especially if they aren't anticipating your acting like an asshole.

What if the person plays it as a cute dragon girl?

Vitriolic douche bag characters I'd rather not play with, but deadpan snarkers are just fine. I'd take assholes over hyperactive shitty random humor any day though

200m is too long. I prefer 100m.

Of that list mostly just dragonborn, but I also hated the 4e take on tieflings. Shardminds and warforged also annoy me since them being player races feels like it prevents them from being more well thought out

Fucking gnomes. Little bastards always get underfoot.

>blatant gnome-baiting
No guns for you