>Previously, in /5eg/: What do you consider railroading? Do you railroad your players? Is railroading sometimes acceptable?
Sebastian Barnes
How do you handle Tarokka reading placing the items in Ravenloft?
Last week the Tome got placed in Ravenloft, not deep at all, but still. The Tome was the first thing I thought my players "should" find to help them understand things better. The other two are in Pass and Amber.
I feel like PCs should visit Ravenloft once before having the actual fight against Strahd. How do I let them enter, discover a bit and the tome maybe meet Rahadin, while not allowing them to see ALL the surprises the castle has to offer. I feel like this could be a good Strahd encounter.
James Jackson
As someone who hasn't even touched the thing, what even is the point of CoS? Is it just him dicking around and letting some folks have a chance to "slay" him for shits and giggles or something?
Jayden Sanders
What are some neat magical abilities for a dagger wielded by Bhaal himself? It's going to be the macguffin for the last bit of the campaign so it needs to be pretty powerful.
Also if anyone has a d100 or d1000 table for weapon enchantments that'd be much appreciated too.
Brody Ross
This is how you should play out a dick ass character who doesnt fit into the group. This is what should happen. Every time.
Not just in a case like that. Any time. Had it been a Lawful good Paladin with a full evil party, they should murderfuck him when he tries to kill or sabotage them.
This is why you hold a session 0 and make sure all characters are on the in same page, and doesn't have motivations that requires killing your own party members. There is no "talk about it like adults", because the faggot who made a character that had 0 in common with the rest of the party, should know this already. He has no excuse not to. So reach him a lesson and skull fuck his character hard enough that he learns to not act like a Lord Autismo, and stops making character with directly conflicting interests to the rest of the party.
Brandon Peterson
I think I just played my last session with my current group
who knew being a WoW ninja would be a thing in a roleplaying game but my group found a way
good while it lasted I guess
Luke Hall
How's this for a houserule to stop the old 0 HP up-down wack-a-mole?
>Persistent wounds: When you are stabilized or healed from 0 HP, you reset your death saving successes as usual, but not your failures. You have to complete a long rest to reset your death saving failures.
>Exhausting wounds: When you are stabilized or healed from 0 HP during combat, you gain one level of exhaustion.
>Defy death: When you are reduced to 0 HP, you can choose to stay standing. If you do so, you take one level of exhaustion, and then make death saving throws as usual, are not unconscious, and can act as normal. At 3 failures, you die. At 3 successes, you gain 1 HP.
The last one makes your game a Hong Kong film. The first one makes it a bit more gritty and makes retreating more important.
Liam Scott
>Even more exhausting wounds: When you are stabilized or healed from 0 HP during combat, you gain one level of exhaustion for death save failure you have.
Bentley Campbell
You know the first one is how 4e does it and works out fairly well? When a player realizes they are one the cusp of going down, no matter their hp, they learn what fear is.
Ian Watson
pls explain your exact wording
Carter Rivera
The first one.
Jaxon Brown
why should an already boring role (the healer) get punished for using their whole turn to heal something from the brink of death
the clutch heal is literally the only moment those masochistfags get to feel good about themselves
Jackson Nguyen
>Do you railroad your players? Is wanting players to go through prepared adventure railroading? I am flexible when it comes to what i will prepare, but i suck and improvising, so the preparation is must. I usually try to include choices in story, but they are usually "premade" - choosing one of two options i've considered during preparation. If players come with reasonable third option, i try to roll with it.
>Is railroading sometimes acceptable? If the players will accept it... yes.
Jonathan Rodriguez
Healer's not a role in 5e Just like "guy with Detect Magic" isn't a role
Jason Cox
Austin Brooks
Why would you? Your health is above 0.
Brody Moore
If you are healed back above 0, you can immediately get back up and continue fighting, by gaining a level of exhaustion. Your death save failures are not reset, but your successes are. You can do this as much as you want, as long as you aren't dead.
As long as you remain at 0, you take death saves as normal. The moment you take another hit that reduces you to 0, you immediately gain another death save failure, and falls unconscious again. You then take another death save on your next turn as normal.
Austin Reed
2, The Exhausting Wounds sounds best to me.
Really? It is long since i've check 4e, but i don't remember this.
1. There are no roles in 5e. 2. Healing is not boring.
Carson Sanders
>other players are stacked up martial classes >no other casters in the group >be bard >multitool.jpg Shit son, both have been in my groups.
James Foster
>Do you railroad your players?
I dunno if it's railroading, but I stop them from doing stupid things by pointing out how absurd they are, or asking them leading "are you certain you want to do this?" questions because they're sort of tactical idiots and can't deal with the pressure of their plan going awry when it makes first contact with the enemy.
Tyler Flores
>If you are healed back above 0, you can immediately get back up And if you don't take that option?
James White
>why should an already boring role (the healer) get punished for using their whole turn to heal something from the brink of death >I just saved a guy from dying >How boring, why am I being punished?
Samuel King
Then you are stabilised, and wake up in 1 hour.
David Wright
>As a bonus action every turn without casting a spell using aura of vitality, you get everyone up from 0 HP >Using their whole turn
Nicholas Taylor
Don't forget healing word.
My GM hates it, but I am a fucking Bard, I am not taking some voodoo healing spells that requires touch, I am going to tell you to stop being a little bitch just because you got a flesh wound, and you are going to feel better because of it.
Brody Scott
In 4e, your failed death saves don't go away until you take a long rest, and once you tally 3, you die whenever the third one ticks.
Camden Nguyen
Healing word prevents you from casting a full-action spell, but that's mostly okay anyway. You can use it to dodge or help an ally or vicious mockery.
Gavin Carter
>Find a magic item >Think it would be good for my character and say I'll want it unless someone else really wants it >Someone else says they really want it >Let them have it >Get back to the city two sessions later >Just sells it to a shop for gold
Ethan Edwards
My players are brand new and aren't comfortable advancing the story without an NPC prompting them. They need a certain degree of railroading.
Also, I think it's fine in general when running a WOTC module.
Jonathan Hughes
You are leaving a game because you don't like a single pc?
Elijah Kelly
How badly would the balance be fucked if, at every level after 1st, PCs got 1+Con Mod (minimum 1) hit points? They still get the regular class hit dice, for purposes of rest healing, but only 1-6 or so hit points per level. I feel like this would counteract the hit point bloat of 5e, but I'm not sure if it would make them too squishy.
Jose Murphy
It's not just their characters I don't like (in game and out) but the way they conduct themselves
autistically shrieking at the dm that you "take it first" just makes me wonder why I came we all fought the battle we all saw the chest
Michael Ward
Basically. He wants a successor but finds the PCs wanting eventually. I like it because I like a campaign where you can always see the goal, you just have to get strong enough to reach it
Aiden Bailey
>Hitpoint bloat of 5e 5e characters have less hitpoints than they should have. >1+Con Mod So constitution is even more important Also means healing is even more important to get people from 0 to 1 a lot
Luke Myers
sure if you want any swinging dick with fireball to -literally- wipe the whole party in one move
Isaac Edwards
user, kindly storytime, because I am a bit lost. They argued over a chest?
Joshua Butler
>that one player in your group who only ever wants to make genasi, tieflings, aasimar, or yuan-ti
Matthew James
>I am going to tell you to stop being a little bitch just because you got a flesh wound, and you are going to feel better because of it. The chad bard
James Collins
>Have Guidance, Sacred Flame and Spare the Dying What cleric cantrip do I take? No UA
Hudson Bell
Light if you don't have it. Shit's handy.
Aaron Cox
PCs have low HP. Monsters have high HP.
Hunter Gomez
That's already the case with core rules, I mean.
Alexander Jenkins
Yup it came down to a shouting match of "No I pick up the sword first"
Jacob Nguyen
You throw off the math of the game without compensating for the new values, like every piece of poorly thought out homebrew ever. So... why didn't the DM step in?
Justin Thompson
Don't do it, that's stupid. Even more because now the wizard can have as many HP as the barbarian. Just... don't.
Adam Roberts
Do you have few dark visions on hand? Light
Though be advised, Toll the Dead is confirmed to be In Xanathar exactly like how it is described in UA
Nathan James
>Valor Bard named Coach >Arcane Focus is a whistle >Cast healing Word shouting "WALK IT OFF PARKER!!" and then attacking with his dodge ball twice.
I'd play it
James Scott
My DM is fine with us switching things once XGE does come out and I'll probably switch Sacred Flame for it. Deciding between Light and Thaumaturgy right now because both seem really useful for a Kenku
Christopher Roberts
Just make it kill niggas you fucking idiot
Jackson Kelly
That would be a Dexterity contest.
On a tie, you bump your stupid heads together and take 2d4 bludgeoning damage.
Gavin Baker
HP Bloat is on the monsters side, not the PCs side. All this does is make it so that PCs are easier to kill and does nothing about the actual source of it.
Jacob Young
Are there any neat and balanced homebrew classes you'd recommend checking out /5eg/? I wan't to offer my group a few more options than the core so they don't make me run fucking Pathfinder for them again
Connor Ward
>Even more because now the wizard can have as many HP as the barbarian. The difference in average HP per level for those two classes is only 3. A hill dwarf wizard with tough will have about the same HP as a non-dwarf barbarian without Tough, assuming they both have the same con.
Jordan Miller
>Bearbarian mysteriously nowhere to be found when we face a boss that does huge psychic damage
just get in there you pussy you have d12 hit die and we have a cleric
Levi Brooks
Since orcpub2 died today what solutions do we have available for a 5e builder guys?
Asher Fisher
A pen, paper and a book.
Brayden Lopez
What are you talking about it's still up I've never used orcpub so i don't know if anything's changed
Nicholas Reyes
[Wizards made them remove everything useful]
Hudson Cook
Ah man that's pretty shitty.
Ian Williams
All good. Healing word isn't meant for actual healing anyway. It's the 'Oh shit' button. Ally down? Are they before the nearest enemy next turn? Healing word them up -> They unprone and attack. Plus you can then use vicious mockery as your main action and yell at the enemy just how much your revived comrade is gonna fuck 'em up.
On my Bard dodging is almost useless though. At 15AC it don't matter if they enemy has advantage or disadvantage, they're hitting.
Dylan Thompson
I consider railroading to be the DM forcing the players to hit certain points of the story. Depending on the DM players may or may not have autonomy to act outside the expected scope, but even the most benevolent railroading DM makes sure that players hit Plot Point A, B, and C in order to advance the story. And to be honest I don't think that's a bad thing. I consider railroads to be a tool - you set up plot points you think will engage and interest the players and see how they get to each one.
The problem is its easy for DMs to misuse railroads. The game I'm in is on the rails which I don't mind because we're playing out of a modified module but the problems begin when the DM tells us we can't take certain actions and the reason is that it doesn't fit his preconceived path that he thinks we'll take. He isn't giving me the freedom to zigzag my own way to Plot Point A, I have to zigzag his way and that's the real problem with railroading: micromanaging.
Ryder Nguyen
Cutting Words is your bardic clutch my nigga
Liam Bennett
literally used orcpub less than 8 hours ago
Luke Sanders
do you guys announce your attack roll numbers to your players or not? I feel like I should cause I'd rather not have them be super salty about using things to make attacks miss (shield spell, cutting words, etc.) but have them not be good enough to still make the attack miss and you end up wasting a spell slot or w/e. I know I would be salty as fuck and I am sure the players would be too. At least with cutting words you can still fuck up.
Nathan Brown
L I T E R A L L Y go and check it right now, everything outside of the SRD has been removed.
Ayden Garcia
Still waiting for the DM to throw a flying incorporeal deaf undead immune to charm at us or something with how much I use cutting words. I'm sure it'll happen. We're running ToA. At that point I'll just... Shoot it with a crossbow or something. 1d8+3. Amazing.
Connor Mitchell
Not him but it's working fine for me.
Christian Diaz
>do you guys announce your attack roll numbers to your players or not? At times. If I'm not sure an attack will hit, I'll ask if X beats their Y. I don't do it all the time, I usually know the pcs essential numbers.
Aaron Cruz
The Pugilist homebrew is solid, the Oath of the Mystic Fire is a personal favorite of mine, and Mercer's Blood Hunter class is nice IMO. I wouldn't recommend his gunslinger though, it's a case of "great all the time, sucks occasionally to make up for it." Not good for balance.
There's also an artificer homebrew which turns them into 2 subclasses instead of 3 that I rather like.
Luke Clark
Have you tried a pencil, a sheet of paper, and learning the game rules? Not hard.
Brayden White
Thats all well and good but it doesn't let me throw around ideas for a new character on a spare screen whilst I work
Carson Torres
>mfw still working on that warden homebrew cause the others i find to be utter shit.
the problem is you run out of their abilities given in 4e to 5e real fast, since it was a few abilities then a slew of powers. Their big focus for my homebrew is their primal forms that was their daily attack powers.
Landon Price
So apparently we'll get the next version of the ranger UA and the UAs for mystic and artificer soon. What do you hope for?
Xavier Moore
What feats are really good on a Human Rogue Swashbuckler dual wielding a rapier and a dagger? All UA is allowed if that matters.
Angel Watson
I keep copies at all times. Any major update (usually level ups) makes me do a new scan so I am up to date. I like being able to cross reference what they are good at. It makes it easier to set up the story so their skills are properly set up to shine.
Had one guy complain about it once, and he stopped because I was "too controlling", but my other players say they are fine with it. Not sure if I am too forceful in my personality that they feel afraid of speaking up. I hope not, anyway. I muh much prefer people are honest. I didn't budge on the scan thing, which made the first guy leave, but I just feel like it is too essential to how I prepare for sessions.
I guess he might have been worried I would exploit it or something, like targeting his weakest saves or something. I have met a few GMs who were dicks like that.
Brayden Hughes
there is a feat in kaladesh planeshift that gives you a servo familiar.
why was this not core for artificer? makes more sense than the animal companion.
Nathan Campbell
dual wielder and defensive duelist
Joseph King
Fellow DMs, let me pitch you an idea
Passive investigation for when a player isn't quite living up to that 18 intelligence and isn't quite getting it but you feel like his character would work it out
useful way to drop a hint if there are no other options
Samuel Price
One of my PC's just contracted lycanthropy and has consciously refused treatment from the cleric because they like the idea of being a wererat.
My question is how to handle the transformation part of it. Experienced wererats can shift forms at will(though they usually stay in rat form) but the character in question has just accepted his curse the day prior. I'm thinking of having him roll every morning to see if he wakes up changed or not until he gets a better grasp of it. Good plan?
Eli Richardson
How broken would a sword that did more damage as the player had more money on them be?
Henry Ross
Carson Rodriguez
We actually had a weapon like that in my last campaign. Mammon's Horn gave a +1 damage bonus for every 100 gold spent in a sacrifice for the attack. there was no limit to how much could be spent but it had to be on your person or within arm's reach.
Luis Price
Looking to run a campaign in a custom setting wherein the races aren't all that different from each other, mostly just variants of Human. So I was wondering how I should lay out the stats and stuff for each. Should I shove each subrace into their own niches, or just have them all pick Variant Human from the getgo, and chose subrace depending on how they wanna roleplay their character?
Gabriel Ortiz
Very. Did you miss the memo about not buying magic items?
Lucas Cooper
I think that's actually in the PHB somewhere.
Kevin Morgan
What would a reasonable cap for damage be? +3?
Nolan Phillips
Depends on if it's for attack and damage or just one or the other. Cap at +3 if attack rolls are involved and make them have a ludicrous amount of money on their person to get that. For damage only go fucking nuts. I like this user's take on it but I'd make it so it only deals damage at all if you spend money and you have to spend money on every attack.
Noah Perez
On the plus side, every other time it comes up you can and should hold that over their heads.
Gavin Anderson
>I guess he might have been worried I would exploit it or something, like targeting his weakest saves or something That's exactly what it was.
Gabriel Long
+3 weapons should only be given out at ~15 level.
Mason Ross
If you do this, remember that Observant gives +5 to Passive Investigation as well as Perception.
Luis Gutierrez
What is a good module for 3rd level characters and first time players?
Landon Davis
I was thinking just a bonus to damage done. My players will be at a fairly high level when they get it, and they need to kill an ~14th level fighter whose using it before they can have it.
Sebastian Morgan
That's +3 to hit and damage, +3 damage is more like when you get +1d6 fire on your sword.
Cameron Murphy
How I run it is that during the first full moon after being cursed, the PC transforms and acts on animal instinct. After that full moon cycle ends, they can transform at will, and on future full moons they get a save to retain control. With a wererat PC, perhaps he could wake up untransformed but in strange places. Tavern pantries, or even deep in a local castle's cellar. Almost like a blackout drunk "what the hell did I do last night" thing.
Anthony James
So my next game is falling on the 27th, so the closest out of our 2 DMs to Halloween. I have a spoopy idea to throw at the players but I need a bit of help fleshing out. The base idea revolves around a group/town/small village entirely comprised of intelligent humanoid skeletons who need the players help with something. Letting them pass on? Destroying a horrible nearby creature? Solving a haunted house mystery? What do you guys think?
Adrian Walker
Too bad. I cycle through all the saves whenever possible, and I either roll dice or go for the "you hit me first or you are closest to me" target selection.
Shame to lose a player becuase of that.
Tyler Wilson
Them trying to pass on is good, especially if it's because they can't actually die until some curse is broken. Makes it spoopier.
Hudson Morris
>Letting them pass on >Destroying a horrible creature nearby >Solving haunted house mystery
All of the above
Julian Lopez
>My Tabaxi was kidnapped from his homeland and was a slave for all his life >Finally escaped and ran into the party that helped him >Kill some bandits and goblins, go to a big city >Find a Wizard who offers me a free trip back to Maztica so he can live with his people >My character was thinking about going >Party for no reason at all go to a Zhentarim outpost and threaten the leader >I'm the only on who died in the fight Fucking 15 years as a captive and 20 days after getting my freedom I fucking die, god damn it