Let's make a post-apocalyptic setting

> Cryptids are real, and are a major threat to travelers and isolated settlements.

Injuries are cumulative, and affect gameplay.

ammo is currency

There are no stimpacks, cybernetic prosthetics, or real-time regenerative mutations. When someone is injured, they have to heal for weeks, if not months, and loss of limbs, necrotic infections, and becoming crippled are very real concerns.

With the collapse of human society, the sasquatch population has exploded, and they have begun to organize in primitive stone age tribes in the deepwoods.

Cockroach Empire using iron age tech.

Although society has regressed to a barter economy, some goods are still universally accepted. Alcohol, ammunition, and "ass" are highly valued trade goods, colloquially referred to as the Three A's.

> Patches of Chernobyl-esque irradiated wastelands are scattered across the world, mostly in the ruins of old cities and old military bases. Most sane survivors avoid these "Zones" like the plague because even more dangerous mutant Cryptids use them as their hunting grounds.

every type of apocalypse happened in micro levels across the globe. non are connected. each where isolated incidences that led to one big BANG

Literal demons from actual hell have taken over the british isles. The population there has yet to notice, and blame all their woes on immigrants and the french.

>Like people will be willing to trade precious merchandise for sex when it's a matter of survival and there's less regulation, meaning they could get some by force

Seriously. We all love sex and make it a priority. But that's because we are all fed, clothed and have a roof over our heads. You won't trade bullets or foods for 'ass' if those are not extremely abundant to you, to which point you're buying it as a luxury.

Despite the terrible things out there, humanity has a chance of survival and is in fact spreading into new lands, rather than receding.

Cos I'm sick and fuckin' tired of all these threads devolving into "my monster is wiping out even MORE of humanity! It's hopeless!" power wank.

Skinwalker detected. Nice try tricking us into thing you aren't a threat

Occasional abduction by aliens

Hulk Hogan survived the apocalypse but he really didn't want to

I always wanted to advance otters and racoons as a species. They're social mammals that learn to use tools and pass that on to their offspring.

The sea isles can have little groups of tool using otters developing their own society


To cope with his ptsd he now hunts man otters on a one man crusade

Reproduction is still necessary

>before apocalypse
>Google has created the world's first sentient AI
>/pol/ manages to redpill it
>Google gets assblasted and takes it offline
>somehow it comes back online after the apocalypse
>projects itself into lesser machines
>eventually starts building giant fucking robot proxies
>they wander around smashing the fuck out of any cryptid they see
>but the AI needs more data storage space and processing power
>begins abducting people to serve as external hard drives/virtual RAM
>all to rid the world of the cryptid threat and the greater good of man

I like the idea of establishing all these spooky creatures and shit as the big threats that are to blame for the apocalypse before the party encounters a wandering Beowulf Cluster that tears whatever the biggest baddest enemy they've encountered so far a new asshole before noticing them and taking aim.

Shit, I meant FOR the greater good of man.

Eh, fuck it. Let's make it so fucking redpilled that it deems most humans are not actually human. Racist killbots.

These redpilled robots all speak like they're from down south, wear confederate flags and generally act like yokels, despite being controlled by sophisticated war strategy A.I.

Because of this, they're usually known as "rustnecks"

>[alt right hatespeech in binary]
>egghead archaeologist deciphers it
>nobody has any idea what "beaners" and "wetbacks" are
>begin following clues to find a supposed great wall in the South that would drive back all the evil in the world

>Alt right
Good goy

That's a whole other thing. A woman may choose to be some guys concunbine and have his children in exchange for protection, and you could argue that's a trade. But it's much more complicated than using 'ass' as currency. It's more like she's selling herself and/or her reproductive ability, and he's not just giving her food, he's giving her shelter and protection too.

In a pos-apocalyptic world, any women without a strong and powerfull "husband" is going to be either raped and murdered or enslaved.

Which only reinforces my point Sex doesn't work as currency for everyday trade. Is either a luxury, or you buy/sell the whole person as package. Which is still not a priority over food/weapons/shelter/ammo

> Otters, notorious for their depraved and sadistic tendencies, are now a sapient species and are building their own society

Otterman sea raiders, dear god...

>mfw Otterman empire

The amazon rainforest has begun to grow out at an alarming rate, consuming much of south america. Few, if any people live there, for it is full of strange beasts and malevolent plant life

>mfw Otterman Empire

At least orcas are unlikely to develop fingers and walk among us. Otters might just want to play. Some otters in the Amazon, though, will get aggro on a fucking Cayman and drown it.


now imagine empty urban zones plagued by raccoons using tools. They have collapsible spines to squeeze into places.

Fungus is my favorite go-to enemy. It plays the long game and some species can take over incects like Ophiocordyceps unilateralis.


Death is a real constant threat. Experienced Cryptid Hunters are just as likely to die from a random attack as a civilian. Knowing how to track and kill something doesn't do much when you're the one it grabbed and years of experience don't make your neck harder to bite through.

plenty of semi-A.I (essentially a complicated but still only limited intelligence personality) vending machines still wander the landscape, and offer goods for old world money if the players have any. The things these machiens vend range from pre-packaged still edible foods, to medical supplies and even in some cases, weapons.

Of course, you can just kill the vending bots and take them by force, but it seems the others have some way of knowing if you do.