>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android: >Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations mega.nz/#F!bF0ExS4D!_XaMECn0K9HiJKUFSopJLA
loyalists defeat themselves, don't even need chaos
Chase Garcia
What's the largest thing you've ever played with/against in a game?
Oliver Thomas
>space weebs
lmao fuck off
Daniel Ross
Where's the best place to go to look at actual game strategy? All the shit coming up is shallow 1d4chan and various articles (3++, BoLS, B&CS) from May
Chase Robinson
>shitty op image >meme video >retarded top 5 squigs meme OP is a fag
Angel Morris
Reaver titan
My terminator assault squad kicked his ass by beating his legs.
Adam Hall
no one in my old LGSs has owned anything larger than a Monolith or Land Raider
so largest thing would be my mother's absolutely ancient 2nd edition Exocrine and Malefactor duo
Aaron Mitchell
here you can spot the salty imperiumfag
how's your corpse on a golden toilet ?
Asher Sanchez
>Look how brave I'm with 1 ton of best armor and gorrilions of Space money in top notch biotechnology in me
Brayden Bailey
So Comissars get trigger by cowards and use an autopistol in full when executing cowards?
Blake Wilson
>inb4 they dont release a codex for Dark Angels, Blood Angels, or Space wolves resigned to using index only rules Are you ready to get the SoB Treatment anons?
Mason Hughes
a mobagame guide is easier to make than more abstract tabletop game. idk what you're really trying to learn
Alexander Thompson
Back in fourth (?) Edition the Imperator class titan had rules, we had one guy with a scratch built one that we ran double its points into, we all got smashed into dust. Super fun either way
Caleb Gonzalez
Kek, never going to happen
Brayden Reed
How is your shitty empire that is slowly fracturing?
Josiah Hall
I'm looking to make some less-boring Primaris Marines, what kits have the most useful/interesting Marine bitz to use in this endeavour?
Henry Stewart
i don't know what about yours ?
Dominic Carter
Get FW shoulders and some beaks.
Daniel Wood
that is some top-tier lore discussion.
Tyler Gonzalez
It's doing fine.
Ethan Howard
Well I never thought GW was going to squat Marines with super marines. But here we are
Ryder Thompson
So this is basically FIRES OF CYRAXUS FUCKING CONFIRMED right?
The rules for the primaris tank will be in it and The Red Scorpions are the chapter in FoC so it makes sense for him to debut in the book.
They must have jiggled the date of the fight to after Gillman stops napping for there to be Primaris shit though, unless it's actually some ancient Mechanicum thing that got mothballed in the vault and Cawl just put his name all over it and claimed it was totes his idea.
Ian Butler
>needs to smell leaders farts to exist >doesn't even use melee
Brayden Cook
What do people reckon are the odds that Chapter Approved lets astartes use their sub-faction bonuses on their tanks?
Hunter Barnes
do you think so ?
>implying melee is for fag anyway superior firepower is GOAT
Thomas Perry
Chase Perry
Leo Rivera
nope, it's not coming out yet. never ever ever
Xavier Gray
>needs to smell leaders farts to exist Do holograms fart?
Anthony King
are there any recorded instances of dune tier personal force fields existing in 40k?
James Perez
>Needing other races to do your melee for you
Leo Cruz
melee is rad and suited to fighting in confined spaces
Ryder Jones
Seems like they might just be releasing bits and pieces of it, maybe to tide people over and so they have some actual releases.
Lincoln Hernandez
More or less They Saved (Space) Hitler's Brain?
Michael Peterson
RG would be pretty broken, -1 to hit on all your vehicles would be pretty much an auto-take.
BT would be stupid unless you gave them an entirely different tactic for vehicles.
WS are pretty much the same as above.
UM I'm not sure about the Pred rules but can't they already fall back and shoot?
And Sallies would be alright but not great.
Gabriel Brooks
Better than your expeditionary fleet.
Henry Hall
We'll see how you feel when your entire "Empire" is a pile of skulls at the great throne!
Jose Jackson
Questions time, tg: What is your faction? What are you working on? When do you have last game? And how was it? When do you plan next game? And hard question say something nice about faction you like least
Noah Morgan
>tfw i've had this happened to me when carnifexes couldn't get T7 anymore lol
Daniel King
>t.Xenos Faggot
Parker Torres
imperium imperium last week, imperium won next week, imperium is people
Jack Jenkins
Ayden Green
>finally find stats for the Saim-Hann relic >mfw Jetbike Autarch with Laser Lance
Hunter Wood
how's cadia btw ? i've got to concede this don't you have octarius to win ?
Jacob Richardson
>implying we won't enjoy it
Christian Lewis
>no nuadhu out
Angel Morris
Show me the new Space Marine releases all those Manlet marines models GW just release.
Even fucking DG got Chad marines
Isaiah Martin
Are you kidding? Most inquisitors have personal Refractor fields on their person. There are a few different kinds available for wargear in Dark Heresy at least.
Matthew Lee
Shouldn't talk shit when your Emperor equivalent ethereal was killed by a single assassin.
Jaxon Gonzalez
>666x666 No.
Parker White
Imperial Guard My first models (bought a day before codex, all according to keikaku), a Cadian command squad haven't played a game yet, plan on doing it on a sunday as that's when my LGS does beginner games Tau may have anus faces but they got nice guns
Nolan Hall
Chaos DG last week, fun though I lost friday, against orks Tau are a nice shade of blue
Carson King
you're saying refractor fields are even close to dune shields. read a book
Leo Hill
-Tau -some pathfinders and a devilfish -i didn't played any game in my entire life -i plan to play next week maybe SoB does have cool lore sometimes
Dylan Stewart
I hope your game is nice, user! What are you arming your Command Squad with?
Ayden Thompson
I saw someone make a ransom letter clip out meme for Tyberos like they have for the Pale Nomads and Primarchs in 30k but I don't have it on me. It had him on a surfboard.
Ethan Lewis
>Tyranids >Finishing my backlog, I've got two Zoan/venoms left, plus the stuff I broke apart to rebuild and magnetize >My last game was about a week ago, and I got destroyed. Tau are a bitch to fight... >This coming weekend, I'm fighting my brother's Eldar for the first time in over a year >The overtones of Orwellian nightmares in the Tau Empire make me love it a lot more than I did.
Evan Robinson
what's attractive about chaos ?
Tyler Nguyen
>How's Cadia btw ?
Which one heretic? There's tons of Cadia's, any planet in which Cadians are recruited is Cadia.
What "Legion" are you from? The tribe that lives in the magic space vagina? Or the other one that lives in the magic space vagina?
Jace James
>RG would be pretty broken, -1 to hit on all your vehicles would be pretty much an auto-take. Like AdMech and CWE are pretty broken?
Sebastian Cooper
It would probably take personal void Shields for something like that. I'm not aware of any, although it certainly seems like something AdMech or Necrons might have somewhere. The most reliable field in 2nd ed. Was actually the displacer field.
Dominic Wilson
>Magic space vagina Looks like she got torn from cunt to asshole recently.
Cameron Perez
I just like nurgle.
Wyatt Allen
So, got any wishes for your upcoming codexes ?
Deathwatch: >kill marines: veterans with stalker bolters and camocloack base, infiltrating >more mobile firepower vehicles that would match them, like land speeders and whirlwinds >Apothecaries, Techmarines, Champions, etc fluffed to be specialists from FF deathwatch >Primaris get special ammo >special ammo is an upgrade and can be used with storm bolters >bring back one model units >a customizable watch master (the current one should be a named character), add some of the characters from DW novels as named characters to round out the selection
Dark Angels: >special deathwatch Dread and Land Raider upgrade >chainsword option for Tacticals, blade of caliban option for anyone that can take a power sword >...that's it I guess, just don't make the codex boring and let me play them as knights that want to hit stuff with swords
Jack Thomas
Sisters of Battle Ryza Kataphron Destroyers two nights ago against Thousand Sons. Was close, went pretty well. Iunnuh. Space Wolves' ice themeing with a lot of their weapons is pretty neat
Jose Wood
Man, I just watched an Eldar game and their psychic abilities make Thousand Sons look like amatures. Rerollable manifestation, bonuses to deny, 2+ save vs wounds from perils. I hope TSons gets rules as good as those.
Colton Edwards
>Which one heretic ? i don't know the one that exploded because one of your emperor sons got played like a fiddle by Chaos and his right hand men want to destroy the Imperium
although calling me a chaos worshiper is really funny because i'm Xenos all the way baby
Jace Richardson
Admech gets it on 1 very good medium durability tank and the two flavours of chicken, 1 you would never take because it's shit and the other is never more than 12" away when it doesn't get first turn.
And yeah, CWE have always and will always be broken.
Gavin Hughes
any good units for orks that can rip and tear space marines?
Wyatt Thompson
Wyatt Carter
Boyz. Lots of Boyz.
Kevin Richardson
Nids: >tons of biomorphs. And I mean real good shit like stuff that can give fight/shoot twice, fight first, no penalties for moving and shooting, synapse, advance and charge, can eat a model to regain wounds, fnp etc. not just stat modifiers. >warriors need to be s5 t5 >fix the big bugs >OOE goes down to 9 wounds >traits represent different stages of invasion rather than just different hive fleets >unfuck the thropes >stratagems which represent things like a bioshock brood and the like.
Anything I missed?
Carson Lewis
Whats the best way to run a Wraith-heavy Eldar army? Ulthwe? The FnP seems pretty helpful for my lords walking up the board. Plus I get access to Eldrad if I want to use him. Do we know what the Ulthwe relic is yet?
Camden Price
Disgusting degenerates.
Thomas Anderson
Death Guard Some cultists to add to my Death Guard Death Guard versus Tyranids. I won. Thursday or a small online thing. Sisters of Battle deserve plastic models.
Isaac Garcia
Being a filthy Xenos is implicitly worshiping Chaos by not being a pure human able to lend your efforts to the destruction of the great enemy.
You're either a stupid Ork who can't do shit, Eldar who are currently going back to what they do best, namely creating Chaos gods or Tau who exist through plot armour.
Sebastian Cox
But world eaters, Tau skulls aren't worthy
Levi Robinson
Ayden James
What's it do?
Dylan Richardson
ulthwe all the way, 6+ fnp is good for multiwound models
Brandon Lewis
It matters not where the blood flows from or what color.
Jeremiah Adams
Eli Jackson
Ulthwe Relic is a magic hat with "+1 to psychic tests when manifesting Smite" for whoever's wearing it
Hunter Rivera
Anyone found a way to keep a tank Commander warlord alive to turn 2? Or should I just buy a platoon Commander and have him sit next to the tanksas a pseudo old-grudges warlord?
Samuel Russell
Iron Warriors Warpsmith, marines and a new landraider. About a month ago, played Imperial fists first game and Tau second. Won both, felt great. More heavy support with havocs armed with lascannons. Also helbrute with two helbrute fists. Amazing in CC. Tau are kinda cool but gay.
Jaxson Bailey
Does anyone else hate Typhus's model?
Charles Walker
Leave The Wild Riders to me
Colton Gray
in shooting, it's a normal Laser Lance with twice the range.
in melee, it's Str +2 AP -4 D 2, bumped up to Str 8 on the charge, and any wound roll of 6 deals double damage
Saim-Hann warlord trait is "may consolidate and pile-in towards the nearest Character, rather than nearest model. +1 attack in melee if you throw all your attacks into a single Character"
William Taylor
I don't hate it but it's easily the worst new DG model by a large margin. Old Typhus or 30K Typhon are far better.
It's not even the pose or flies like everyone else hates, his armor sculpt is just bad.
Wyatt James
i don't like it as much as i like the old model but i don't "hate" it
William Long
General consensus has been its a shit model. Though to be fair characters should always be conversions or you're a disappointment
Oliver Russell
Who said anything about not making them bleed? They just got wuss-ass skulls
Ryan Miller
>Marine willing to fight on, no matter the odds >Guardsman pisses himself and flees when things look even a little unfavourable.
Michael Long
Yes. The posture is just so... off. I just imagine him screaming "FABULOUS" before chargin.