Warhammer 40000 general /40kg/

Dream Big Edition

>>Previous thread
>>Commissars nerfed to actually debuff infantry
>>Daily Duncan Playlist
>youtube.com/watch?v=UsziEzfcGIY&list=PLEaPE4sLDA7ucJ0dkiVZSW6ghZUNGFHIW&index=1 [Open]
>>Eldar entire codex revealed by Striking Scorpion 1488
>youtube.com/watch?v=4ne8vBVT8N0 [Open]
>>GW FAQ (1.1):
>>FW FAQ (1.1):
>>Rules and such. Use Readium on pc/iphone, lithium/kobo on android:
>>Everything 8th edition in properly converted pdf & epub, fully bookmarked and linked with in-line errata annotations
>>Other Megas
>>Old Black Library Mega
>>WIP Math-hammer doc (Thanks Chart-user!)

Other urls found in this thread:



Xth for OP is a fucking retard


Commissars are bad
Get Priest
Acquire battle bitches.

the stratagem is pretty retarded, it increases the effectiveness of 2 prisms by 50% for 1CP

Is the Malcador Annihilator any good ?
How are the other variants ? Would I be better off going for a Russ or a Macharius ?

Wasn't funny then and isn't funny now.

Where does one start with learning 40k lore?

Read the rulebook.
Read your codex.

Any critiques?

The list is a TAC for a semi competitive LGS

>>Eldar 1973/2000
>>CP: 10

>>Ulthwe (6+ FNP)
Eldrad (warlord)- 150
SpiritSeer - 45

10 Guardian defenders w/ bright lance - 105
10 Guardian defenders w/ bright lance - 105
10 Guardian defenders w/ bright lance - 105

>>Biel-tan (Reroll 1s on shuriken guns)
Spiritseer - 45
Spiritseer - 45

5 Dire Avenger w/ twin Avenger shuriken catapult - 64
5 Dire Avenger w/ twin Avenger shuriken catapult - 64
5 Dire Avenger w/ twin Avenger shuriken catapult - 64

>Fast Attack
3 jetbikes w/ 3 shuriken cannons - 84
3 jetbikes w/ 3 shuriken cannons - 84
3 jetbikes w/ 3 shuriken cannons - 84

>>Alaitoc (-1 to hit from 12" away)
Spiritseer - 45

>Heavy Support
3 Dark Reaper w/tempest launcher - 86
3 Dark Reaper w/tempest launcher - 86
3 Dark Reaper w/tempest launcher - 86
3 Dark Reaper w/tempest launcher - 86
1 Fire Prism w/Soulstones - 165
1 Fire Prism w/Soulstones - 165

1 Hemlock wraith fighter - 210

>mixing Craftworlds to get the best bonus for each unit
Fucking faggot

1d4chan, but take things with a grain of salt, cause a shitload is wrong

What colors should I use for Noise Marines?

Their colors seem to be all over the fucking place; from books to games to art to other painters

After the Lion and before Russ.

This. Choose one, stick to it. Don't be a WAACfag.

Chapter approved when?
Which Imperium or Chaos fags get thier Codex after 'nids?

Don't recommend 1d4 to a newfag, not even ironically or with a disclaimer.


so never then

I hope


So, any of the books worth reading? Ciaphis Cain sounded fun, and the Horus Heresy would be good for some background - assuming either are more than total garbage. Any good ones about any xenos?



Have there been other cost changes in the Craftworld codex other than Spiritseer and Rangers?

Good series.
Initial trilogy is good, after that it's a rollercoaster of quality that ultimately leads down a dark path.
Also Gaunt's Ghosts is generally ok.
Path of the Dark Eldar is what comes to mind thinking of a xenos-centric book. It's much better than Path of the Eldar.

most of the units and weapons got point reductions.

Yes. Basically everything got cheaper, and that which didn't, stayed the same.

CA is december.

But it forces them to both fire at the same target, and cannot be used as soon as you kill one of the Prisms.

>old art and battle reports show mixed forces

A lot
Twin scat laser down
Vypers down
Support battery down
So much got cheaper

>even in art eldar are WAACfags

I can't find dick about GW saying xeno's are getting ignored this year, although they did all but say it about konor in this post


can someone help me?

user plz

it takes 2 prisms to slag a LR in a turn and the fire prism is pretty resilient.

-1 to hit and 6+FNP go a long way to keep them going.

I would like to work on commission painting, but I dont know where to advertise myself. I even worked with Miniwargaming and they were pretty happy about it, but it didnt bring much luck to me anyway. What should I do?

Seeing as Eldar and Nids are the mext two books I don't see how people would think xenos are being ignored.

Would using a Macharius Vulcan make me a WAACfag ?

Sell your services to anyone who'll listen on normiebook or offer PRO PAINTED studio work on Ebay? I'd like to help you more user but I wouldn't know how to start it up myself.


Lexicanum is also super out of date or lacking information on a ton of stuff.

Really there is no comprehensive source outside of the books themselves.

I think we both know the answer here

>Which Imperium or Chaos fags get thier Codex after 'nids?
Thousand Sons are most likely, Blood Angels have been rumoured.

currently working theory is that any model releases we see for xeno's are going to be for the orks or the tau, "Maybe" the tyranids. geedubs is being pretty quiet about them.

Ts just got a codex fucktard

Gaunt's ghosts is a good series as is Cain. I've found the HH novels kind of meh but the HH rule-books (available in the HHG mega) are packed full of lore and make an okay read even if it is often an over view

sadly i think since CSM came out so recently, that TS will most likely not be getting a release for a while.

What about Wraiths and their weapons? They are the coolest craftworld units

Are there any PDF's of the 3rd ED Rulebook? I can't seem to find it in the Megas and there's none on the rest of the internet. Is there a reason for this?

Last time I played this was in the 4th edition. What's the game like now? I ordered some Thousand sons for some nostalgic painting action for fun. Are thousand sons any good game-wise if I happen to want to play? The new simplish rules seemed kind of cool. The rules and game balance seem to be updated in online resources nowadays. What else is new?

WG and WL got an additional point of toughness. Alot of their wargear got cheaper too.

TS currently don't have real rules, they kind of need a codex soon since so many retards keep fucking up on interactions between Index and Codex despite GW explaining it more than once.
TS have index rules, but the interactions between them and the rules in the codex CSM is weird at best and poorly written at worst.

in 7th edition, well that's helpful

Confirmed same price, but they are T6 now.
Lords went down, I think, as did most everything they can take.
Knight's sword went down a decent chunk, not that anyone would take the sword especially since its wraithcannons got buffed.

People at my club keep spamming this but then they also spam Rick and Morty memes. What do I do?

wraithblades got cheaper, wraithlords and wraithknights stayed the same, wraithguard stayed the same but I think their guns got cheaper

Or you could be wise and ignore any lore after 3rd.

>TS have index-codex hybrid rules

which is more than what most armies have. But i don't think GW would waste the ink in CSM codex if they were going to push out a codex so soon.

Literally nobody owns or cares about it because 3.5 was better.

Eisenhorn trilogy

go to a different club?

I just want the lore stories and shit. I don't care about the rules.

What paints does everyone use? I've been using the reaper bones msp. Is there something better? Also is there some sort of clear coat I can spray on my models to protect the paint when I am done?

Literally stonewall them whenever they post or mention such shit-tier memes. They'll bet the message soon enough, and if they decide to abandon you for being autistic then fuck em, let them go.

I've made various pages, Fb, Instagram, its just seems to doesnt "click", even if I people likes my work. About Ebay I dont know what I should do. Can you explain it?

It was basically just the same thing but with revised rules though.

40k pdf first Google result would a Russian page
Or try this

waste ink on what in the CSM codex? there's no new tsons specific stuff in there

The same could be said for Death Guard though.
My point is despite having hybrid rules, the hybrid rules are poorly written and misunderstood a lot.
Mostly misunderstood, it shouldn't be hard to figure out "this section" means the special army rules section and NOT the points or datasheets and GW had to flat out state; "Yes if a Datasheet says it grabs from the Dark Hereticus discipline it means you use the latest one." despite the fact that such a thing should be obvious.
Also it's better to get it out of the way now so they can get whatever nerfs they need earlier.

GW paints are great, imo. Although over priced.

I used to be a vallejo purest, but their quality has gone to shit in the last 5 years.

Army painter doesn't have good color matching between it and GW

Goff Stormboyz are now literally better disciplined by their leader than IG troops by their Commissars. Imperial Guard fags on suicide watch!

It's just luck. Make a proper website for the service and not a social media account. It'll seem more professional. Make sure your pictures look good with appropriate back grounds and good lighting and not just shitty photos taken with your phone.

I prefer GW paints I just wish they had Vallejo bottles instead of pots

Looking for something to possibly replace the assault termies. Help me out?

Raven Guard 1988/2k
Vanguard Detach
>Captain, combi-flamer, jump pack, thunder hammer, the Armor Indomitus
>x5 Sniper Scouts with camo cloaks
>x5 Sniper Scouts with camo cloaks
>x6 Aggressors, Boltstorm gaunts
>x5 Reivers, Grav chutes, Bolt Carbines
>x5 Assault Terminators, TH/SS
Heavy Support
>x5 Hellblasters, Assault Incincerators

Vanguard Detach
>Chaplain, Jump Pack, Storm Bolter
>Dreadnought, Twin autocannon, twin lascannon
>Dreadnought, twin autocannon, twin lascannon
>Dreadnought, Twin autocannonc, twin autocannon
>Ironclad Dread, Chainfist, CCW/Heavy Flamer, Hunter-killer missile, Ironclad assault launchers
>x5 Vanguard veterans, dual chainswords for all
>x5 Vanguard veterans, dual chainswords for all

>Dreadnought spam in an RG list
I got real fuckin tired of not having anti-armor so I went overboard. turned out to be something I liked and I bought some secondhand dreads for dirt cheap

How do you literally stonewall someone? Drop an enormous stone wall on them? Chop them to bits, mix them into mortar, and use them to make a stone wall? Dig up the corpse of Stonewall Jackson, and use the machine from The Fly to turn the person into a human/corpse hybrid?

Makes sense though.
If you're insane enough to strap a DIY rocket to your back little else probably matters fearwise.

Nah they did up a bunch of new ones and new art. 3rd ED had more of the ultra gritty Blanche and other art.

>The same could be said for Death Guard though

I'd say its pretty different since DG was the second half of the starter box.

>Death Guard aren't brok-

Don't have a direct link to where I got it, so here's a wetransfer of it

No such thing as 3.5 edition
Unless you're jokingly referring to 4E

Whats a good way to start a dark eldar army?


i transfer GW paints to dropper bottles, its pretty easy and cheap.

I assume you'd have to campaign for the equality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people across Britain.

>Using shitty unbalanced dice.

>GW had Nurgle bless their Death Guard themed dice

Big units of boyz were better disciplined than IG w/ commissars pre-nerf.
Shitpost elsewhere k thx.

What shit dice. What a joke.

This dice is just fucking stupid.

I know, still, I think the codex is already written and they're just releasing in a weird schedule to get the mot out of sales off people who run multiple armies and keep spending money so they can try the flavour of the month.
So I just want TSons released sooner rather than later so that it's out of the way and our local TSons player can stop getting confused every damn game flicking between his index and my codex.

Archon & Incubi + Raider
2 or 3 Raider Squads
Maybe throw in a couple of talos.

While I still wish we had rules for Ciaphas Cain, HERO OF THE IMPERIUM, I am glad he has not been forced to execute the men and women standing between him and danger.

the Shira Culpernia series is good.

Titanicus and Double Eagle are good single books. if you want some Titan or fighter action.

buy three ravagers and don't look back.


use a commissar?


Cheers, Fucken legend.

With all those nerfs, can i now play my mechanized infantry with steel legion doctrines and artillery with catachan so i can finally play my beloved Krieg mechanized army?

Why do you give fucks about what others think you can play for fun