Well, this thread could at least vaguely lead to something interesting. I've had to hide and report a good few others today that were way worse.
It also really puts paid to the fucking apologists who were going on about the /pol/ boogeyman a few months back.
Benjamin Mitchell
>Arguing about races and classes. Exaltations are what's important.
Julian Ross
I am the OP. While the obvious Marx joke was intentional, I'm legitimately weirded out by how much Veeky Forums argues about character races when they only constitute a very small portion of the chatacter's ultimate identity. Race affects immediate appearance more than anything else, and that's literally a surface level consideration.
Zachary Mitchell
Race also says a lot about cultural background in a majority of settings, along with certain preconceptions about your character that they might live up to or subvert. Race, in many ways, establishes a great deal of what they are. Class, in turn, establishes what they do. But your choices of Who they are is what fundamentally defines them as a character. How you interpret all the disparate elements that make them up into a consistent character is, in the end, what really matters.
Dominic Perry
>races aren't important
Fucking SJWs amirite?
Colton Bailey
Race and culture are a part of your character and offer chances for spice and flavor, but the meat of the character is their class. The class is really the here and now, while the rest tends to be largely tied to the character's past and often requires a fair amount of effort to be made relevant.
Class contributes heavily to defining the character's cultural background as well, as well as their personal history. It's not just what they do, it's really who they are, and who they're going to be as far as most campaigns are concerned.
Jonathan Harris
I'm going to multiclass into every class and no one can stop me
Christian Barnes
Too specific to a single game for most people's autism.
This nigga knows where it's at.
Ryder Ward
I'd entirely disagree with that. A class defines a characters capabilities, and it'll have some effect on how they're percieved. But who they are, and how you interpret various things isn't reliant on the class you chose.
Honestly, I'd say Class and Race are about equally important, and that neither is a definitive part of who your character is as a person, merely contributing elements.
Anthony Ramirez
It's like real life OP. Class matters a lot more then Race, but it does still effect you.
Some race class combos are simply more optimised.
If you get +1 or -1 to ability stat that's relevant that makes a relatively massive difference early on.
It's a difference that shrinks and you level but it's still a flat modifier. An elf wizard at level 24 have more intelligence than the Half Orc.