Pic related has fallen into the 40k galaxy, and has chosen a young child from a simple agri-world as its wielder. What happens as a result of this?
Pic related has fallen into the 40k galaxy, and has chosen a young child from a simple agri-world as its wielder...
The planet gets exterminatus'd due to contamination by a powerful warp artefact
>The fucking Master Sword.
>A Warp Artifact.
The thing radiates such pure goodness that I'm fairly certain most Daemons would disperse just by being in its presence.
Death to the Emperor.
Sounds like warp-fuckery to me, mate
he has an ongoing rivalry with a greater deamon who continually fucks over his ancestors for shits and giggles.
At best it would just be a sword that's good at fighting demons, but none of it's "evil's bane" aspects were ever really that clear. I don't think it's a setting changer
>I want to have a Zelda thread in Veeky Forums, but it's not /v/..
>I know! 40k wat do
I hate this.
>Born in the middle of nowhere to a great destiny
>Becomes swept up in a quest to defeat an ancient evil wizard that stole power from the gods
>First attempt ends in failure. He loses his mentor and the wizard locks himself away in a giant castle.
>When all hope is lost, he is told of a legendary sword that is the wizard's bane.
>He gathers the power to defeat the evil by going on a series of quests to help him reach the wizard
Could Abaddon be Zelda?
It's "Evil's Bane" aspects pretty much mean that anything that counts as full-on, 1000%, Capital E Evil, gets its fucking teeth kicked in by it, and most of said Evil entities dark powers get cleaved apart like tissue paper by it. This also works against eternal, timeless Demon Gods who can oppose the embodied power of three Creator Goddesses. The Master Sword is bullshit.
In practice it just means it's as effective against Ganon as it is against any other enemy. You can hype that up all you want, but it's not all that convincing. I don't really see much evidence it would be any better than any other primitive sanctified weapons aside from certain versions of it shooting lasers
Unsanctiioned use of a blessed powersword. That's a long, stern talk with the Arbites there.
It's "evil's bane" in the broad sense. ANY form of evil is weak to it at full power, not just Ganon and co. But therein lies the problem: at full power. You need at least two Sages working to channel its power, and while it can last upwards of 10,000 years and displays absurd levels of durability, it's not immune to damage. And sealed within it is something that you could just as equally describe as a true machine spirit and a Daemon (in much the same way one could describe Celestine as one), which could be just as much a benefit as it is a detriment if someone unworthy tries to wield it.
If if CAN retain its full power, it would be a powerful sword, comparable to any high-tier artifact (and depending on how you read into the few crossover appearances, it potentially could). But if its power wanes, it's not going to be much more useful than a standard sword.
Is that the Black and White Space Marine who rides a Black and White bike?
Numarines complain it's not biggorns sword
No way.
What if pic related fell into the 40k galaxy, as well as Getter Rays being introduced into the universe.
The Master Sword doesn't work on just "any enemy". It's *primary* function is to be the thing that is brought out to combat Demon Kings and those beings directly influenced by them, because under any other circumstance, a Demon King *can't* be destroyed or even really *harmed* by any force that isn't either the Master Sword or blades like it, weapons that channel Divine power (The Bow Of Light, Silver Arrows), or a straight-up deity.
Best case scenario is that its wielder gets recruited into the Gray Knights
It's *Grey* Knights you stupid dumb fatty fat doo doo amerifat of stupid fattiness!
The four sword also works!
As far as I can tell the explanation for that is “It’s just really fucking sharp” which is hilarious.
It gets seized by the Inqusition and the owner along with anyone who knew about it get exterminatus'd. Its properties are studied and perhaps it is given to whoever could make most use of it like Grey knights
I *think* it's mentioned that the Four Sword and the Lokomo Sword both work against Demon Kings because they share the same "Evil's Bane" properties, albeit to a *far* lesser extent.
Not that user, but let's throw in a few more wrenches, shall we?
The moment the sword's user dies, the sword itself embed itself by the blade into a stone on the Inquisition yard.
Anyone who attempts to remove the sword slowly succumbs to more and more weakness and generic, untraceable health failure which is somehow confirmed to not be caused by Nurgle, and anyone who tries despite slowly dying ends up dead.
Some years later, a fresh Guardsman recruit gets dared to pull the sword before his training, and succeeds.
What happens?
If a lone Guardsman recruit has managed to draw it and *not* die, then that either means that the Goddesses have seen fit to bless him, or something like pic related has awakened to cause havoc.
What would happen if a lone Guardsman was bestowed the Triforce of Courage?
>In practice it just means it's as effective against Ganon as it is against any other enemy
If it could theoretically work as well as a normal sword ought to when used against, say, Khorne, that's a big fucking deal. Like, never mind smiting with holy power or making him burst into flames or anything, just make him react to being stabbed like anybody else would.
He kills Horus and then gets retconned
His commissar would find an excuse to execute him for cowardice anyway. Having one guy stand out too much is bad for morale.
Stat it in 5e D&D
>hiding possible warp thingies from your superiors
The scale of what it takes to even get into that position doesn't compare at all, though.
Link would find a way. Although that way would probably lead him through a dozen ancient ruins and leave him lugging around more artifacts than a blood raven vacationing on Terra.
Would the Mechanicus lose their shit if they found Getter Robo?
Link (or his 40k equivalent) would find a way. Even if he has to transform the Master Sword into a Capital starship, and ram her straight into Khorne's fucking skull.
Reminder than Ganondorf is best Dorf.
>tfw you will never ever field Chaos Sorcerer Lord Ganondorf or Daemon Prince Ganon
>And sealed within it is something that you could just as equally describe as a true machine spirit and a Daemon
Skyward Sword was an abomination to the franchise.
This is bait, is it not?
user's not completely wrong. Skyward Sword was pretty weak for a console Zelda game, and had some things that were considered universally dumb, such as Fi being Captain Obvious and the controls can be finicky if you don't play in the proper room. However, I thought it was ultimately ok, and the villain filled my heart with rainbows.
If you want a real abomination to the franchise, check out the CD-i games.
The Metroid thread was pretty good. Fuck you.
Then there'd be a new Emperor in town
>implying the mechanicus wouldn't believe this is an avatar of the omnissiah here to bless them for their perserverence in their role or some shit.
Nothing of importance, because the narrative laws of 40k says status quo can never change.
Against some regular shmuck it's just really sharp.
Against something born of evil, it's anathema.
>eventually grows so large it crushes the Eye of Terror
majora seems like something of a powerful warpentity, possibly unaligned that was sealed into a artifact.
I guess they would thing of it as some archeatech or the ecclesiarchy declares it an artifact and perhabs the sword of some Imperial Hero, to get money from pilgrims.
The Master(crafted) sword
Melee S:user AP:- Damage:2
Seems OK.
Oh please. It's confirmed that Fi is still there in the Master Sword in BotW.
It's a +5 Intelligent Holy Avenger.
>>All these Imperial fags pretending that the person who found the sword wouldn't be an Exodite reincarnation of Khaine.
>>Pretending that the bloody handed Hero of Time would not go on a quest to rescue Isha.
>>Pretending he wouldn't save Terra from the Emperor's shitty generic brand webway as a side quest.
>>Garbage thread
Major a would probably take to fucking around in alternate timelines and various parallel universes. I doubt any of the factions could truly draw it's attention, and considering its overall strength (and utter insanity), why would they want to?
I'm thinking Gathering Storm changed a lot.
kills a Greater Demon and becomes know as a Holy Artifact of the emperor
>I hate this.
It's weird how you felt compelled to post in this thread instead of just ignoring it or hiding it if you really couldn't just ignore it.
Weirder still that you're still lurking in it.
But Ganon wasn't that much capital evil in some depictions
Well, ironic enough, Getter Emperor is created when Shin Getter combines with Mars, so they very well could believe it's either an avatar, or the Omnissiah itself.
I could never manage to play that stupid song during the final boss fight. I still haven't beaten that game.
>Majora absorbs the power of the warp and becomes so powerful it starts fucking with the Chaos Gods as well
If you're talking about Dorf, then you'd be right. But GANON (note the caps), is the Great Demon King, the direct manifestation of the Demon King's curse given form, the pure embodiment of the Demon Tribe's desire to see the works of the Goddesses ground to ash. Ganon isn't really a maddened king of the Gerudo turned tyrannical Demon King, as much as it is the cosmic horror using said king like a puppet to achieve its ultimate goal.
Nothing because 40K contains far more powerful artifacts and the Master Sword does absolutely fuckall to make the wielder immortal?
No, it was shit. Just like every samus in 40k wat do thread
>Nothing because 40K contains far more powerful artifacts
Name one.
Explain why using your big boy words.
Keep in mind that if you reach the end with all masks and Majora gives you the Fierce Diety mask, he says that you get to be the bad guy in your play fight.
As mind fuckingly bullshit Majora is in that game, he isn't the evil god.
>As mind fuckingly bullshit Majora is in that game, he isn't the evil god.
Of course he isn't. That's pretty obviously the Fierce Deity. Majora is just a mass of dark, demonic power entrapped in a mask. But do remember that Majora is completely *insane*, you can't take anything it says at face value whatsoever. For all we know, the Fierce Deity is just a strict "Neutral" in the greater scheme of things, and Majora views it as a "bad guy" because he's ruining it's 'fun'.
is that a JoJo reference?
Anyone who disagrees with you never played it.
I fucking hate SS.
It's cute.
Maybe it's not challenging, but it's cute.
SS had bad gameplay, and Vi was annoying as fuck.
The story one one of the better ones for Zelda.
>in 5e
What the fuck, this is just traced from a Princess Mononoke still.
Great character or greatest character?
>Majora traps the Chaos Gods in masks and leaves them around for mortals to accidentally wear
I'd play it.
>in 5e
They exist. Artifact level, but that's about right here.
so how do you gauge its strength?
the fact it created a pocket world in the moon ?
Saves one world once from a Greater Daemon of some sort
Said Daemon returns eventually
Perhaps another champion rises to slay him again, but that's hardly grimdark enough for our boys in the 41st
Word reaches the Ordo Malleus, who judge the sword to likely be a daemonblade. The boy gets physically removed by acolytes/stormtroopers/whatever, sword is extracted and locked up in stasis on Titan.
No, the fact that it claimed dominion over Termina (which has actually been revealed to be closer to a *dream* constructed from Skull Kids memories more than anything else), as well as the fact that the "moon" it creates is little more than an extension of itself. Also, all of the Masked Beasts count as being Majora as well, so the thing can be practically anywhere it so desires.
>acolytes/stormtroopers/whatever try to take the sword
>all dead
>Marines sent in
>all dead
>Boy found to have left planet
>Shows up on Terra
>Custodes try to stop him
>all dead
>Boy reaches Throne Room
>Sword heals Emperor
>Turns out Emperor was Zelda
>Galaxy saved
>Grim Darkness ended forever
were was the reveal that it was made from dreams?
Hyrule Encyclopedia. Apparently, Majora constructed the entirety of Termina from bits and pieces of Skull Kids memories as well as Links in order to make it more 'real', to give it 'substance'. The fact that it proceeded to use said dream-world it created as a means of tormenting everyone within really speaks to how sadistic the thing actually was.
so how did it survive the end of the game? This raises so many questions.