old one got archived edition
can someone posts the links? i dont have them handy.
>thread q
Whats your favorite color of mana?
old one got archived edition
can someone posts the links? i dont have them handy.
>thread q
Whats your favorite color of mana?
Other urls found in this thread:
White Border Edition
>Active Legacy Forums
>Current Legacy Metagame
>Find/Browse basic lands by their art, by sets, by artists, and more
> Budget lists for newer players
>Top 5 Breakdown (May 26, 2016)
>Utilizing Cabal Therapy (Old but still good)
Deck Database
thank you
also thumbs up on the white bordering man.
T. Hanks. Also I suppose it goes without saying that no colors is the best color.
The best colour is clearly black, excuse you.
Black is best monocolor. Orzhov is best dualcolor. Mardu is best tricolor. Saskia is best quadcolor.
Is anyone in the Bay Area going to the CFB Legacy 4K Sunday?
I have the following cards laying around in a box I found from what seems to be a storm deck
4 lotus petal
4 Phyrexian walkers
4 ornitopthers
4 Dark ritual
4 culling the weak
3 songs of the damned
4 cabal ritual
4 Sign in blood
4 Infernal contract
4 spoils of the vault
4 desperate research
4 unmask
4 snuff out
4 tendrills of agony
4 Chromatic sphere
1 Death wish
2 empty the warrens
I don't need a super competitive deck, but is there any possibility to make a good deck out of those cards? I tried to play it as a storm deck but it's too clunky and fragile. It either wins in the 1st round for lucky draws, or doesn't win at all.
You've got the beginning of a storm deck for sure there. I would look up Sac Land Tendrils, as far as I know it's still the cheapest Legacy storm deck. Selling/trading the Unmasks should get you enough to cover everything else you need for the basic version, and ot's got a good upgrade path to TES/ANT if you want to stick with storm for the long haul.
Is BR Reanimator toasted because of how prevalent DRS is right now?
No, they should be able to go off before DRS can activate. DRS was still everwhere when BR was at it's peak. I think having Surgical and Faerie Macabre being the grave hate du jour over stuff like Crypt had a much bigger impact. Either that or people are just bored of it.
it's on the right track to a pauper ANT/storm deck
fewer drills,
fewer pain tutors,
fewer snuff outs
more rain of filths / other ways of either getting efficiency from your graveyard
once you add blue for draw/cantrip you just start going down the ANT route (not a bad thing) but if you want to keep it mono black it might help to have ways to gain back a little of the life you're paying for all that drawing and tutoring
maybe 4x innocent blood to deal with resolved creatures if your board if you're just sacrificing creatures to culling anyway
Don't you need some sort of protection under the form of cabal therapy/unmask? Just for dealing with FoWs
Also There are many sac land lists, which one is the best?
BR replaced UB BECAUSE deathrite is everywhere.
what the fuck is wrong with those elves? Are they from the hellraiser dimension?
I just paid 25 cents for this at vintage stock , can someone tell me why the reserve list cards are spiking?
This is mathematically correct
Cabal Therapy yes, but Thoughtseize, Inquisition, and even Duress is better for storm than Unmask. 3 mana is too much to hardcast, and Storm wins off of a critical mass of cards, exiling a black spell for the "free" alternate cost is the opposite of what storm wants.
Dominaria elves are no joke
All reserve list cards are getting bought out, because speculators finally realized that as long as WotC doesn't break the reserve list, they can basically dictate prices.
Admittedly, some reserve list cards were underpriced, but most of them shouldn't be jumping 400%.
What should I, average joe, do with my small collection of reserve list cards? Do I keep them or sell them?
The Hellraiser dimension is Hell, Anonymous...
I can't believe a card as widely played as City of Traitors is only ~$120, when (hilarious) unplayable garbage like Chains of Mephistopholes is like $500
Come again
>unplayable garbage like Chains of Mephistopholes is like $500
Chains is very, very good against the blue catrip shell. A good part of that price is due to rarity (Legends rare). If chains was a $50 card you'd be seeing it a lot more in Stompy, Maverick, or Nicfit builds to hate on the catrip based 3/4 color good stuff decks.
But it's just not. Show me a decklist from a >100 person tournament with Chains in the 75. And show me a list from ANY tournament with Chains mainboarded. Tabernacle is double the price and is everywhere, so the lrice argument is pretty weak.
I realize this is from 2016 but GET REKT
Tabernacle is not everywhere. And decks that use it run only a single copy precisely because of its price.
>Chains of Mephistopholes
How good is pox right now?
>Turns any draw after the first into discard, draw
>Somehow not good against cantrips
Nigga what? Have you even played against the card? It's Metalocalypse levels of BRUTAL against blue decks if it resolves.
Pox is great against Delver decks so I wouldn't fault anyone for trying it but it's got some issues with consistency and drawing the wrong bits of your deck, and has some real bad matchups
Price simply isnt an object in competitive Magic. If two Tabernacles were required to be optimal then you'd see two Tabernacles. Likewise if Chains was as insane as you make it out to be itd see more play because to aspiring or actual pros money is no object when it comes to being optimal.
>ban DRS! It enables degenerate 4 color manabases with good cards
>meanwhile 4 color Loam exists, puts up results every now and then and runs 0 Deathrite Shamans
Congrats. 1 single copy. And it was over a year ago, before the top ban.
Do an MTGTop8 search. Tabernacle is EVERYWHERE. And the price thing is also irrelevant when looking at MTGO data also. Still no Chains there.
OK. I jammed it for a few years but stopped after the top ban. The deck felt way worse without it.
Then where is it? If it's so brutal why does no one play it?
>Show me a decklist from a >100 person tournament with Chains in the 75.
>Congrats. 1 single copy.
Put those goalposts down user, you're gonna pull something.
Lol no. As far as the "Pros" go in Legacy they generally play the blue cantrip shell because they provide consistency and are generally more forgiving for people that don't primarily play Legacy. Cost is 100% an issue in Legacy for powerful, but narrow cards; Just look at the SDT Miracles era, it was 100% correct to have a Moat in your Miracles sideboard, but few decks did due to cost issues. Speaking of the SDT Miracles era, W/R painter was a house, but very few played it due to it needing expensive and narrow cards. Did that somehow make it a bad deck because people didn't want to invest in Imperial Recruiters (A narrow, expensive card)? The argument that price doesn't matter is not a good one, there are plenty of decks (and by extension cards) that see less play than they would otherwise due to price issues.
>Do an MTGTop8 search. Tabernacle is EVERYWHERE. And the price thing is also irrelevant when looking at MTGO data also. Still no Chains there.
Yep, a decent chunk of those results are for MTGO, where you don't have to drop $1k+ for a Tabernacle. You're grossly overestimating the number of Tabernacles seeing play in paper.
>Congrats. 1 single copy. And it was over a year ago, before the top ban.
Look again, that list contains 3 copies of Chainz between MB & SB. I would also note that some number of Chains is considered optimal in Jund builds.
>Then where is it? If it's so brutal why does no one play it?
The current easiest/cheapest way to hate on the cantrip shell is chalice. What would you rather spend money on, ~$300 for a playset of chalices or $1500-2000 for Chainz? The fact of the matter is in this scenario, price matters a lot; The cost of getting 3-4x Chains is the price of entire legacy decks as prices currently sit. That's a pretty hard pill to swallow, even if the card does something very powerful.
Classic goalpost moving senpai. Here's a list that 5-0'd an MTGO league after the top ban and plays fucking 4 MAINDECK Chainz holy shit look how P I C A N T E:
at least use a fucking two syllable word
'graveyard uber alles' is more apropos
He proved my point. He had to go back to over a year ago, before a huge format shakeup happened, just to find the card in a real tournament.
Your poat is a mess. You are simultaniously arguing that cost is keeping the card from being played and that if it was cheaper it would be seen more, while saying the data on how much it gets played on MTGO should be ignored because it's not as expensive? And then you say of course it's not being played there are better cards? Goddamn man.
And no one was talking about "pros", we were talking actual pros, who don't own their cards, they are loaned out from sponsors and they have an unlimited cardpool. Yet still no Chains being played. Yes, obviously less paper copies will be played due to price, but that point was nowhere in my original comment. I said Chains isn't playable. And the only counter arguments so far are morons going on about how card choices no proffesional players utilized are "100% correct", and a single decklist from 2016.
>Chains is optimal in Jund
Show me placing list
>Show me placing list
I've gotta assume you either have the attention span of a gnat or are trolling at this point, see: , . I'll add a few more:
Also please explain the lack of Moat in SDT Miracles, I'm curious why so very few people were playing the optimal configuration is cost doesn't matter, you somehow managed to miss that one. While we're at it what about Painter? It was VERY good during the Miracles era, yet saw very little play.
>Logical fallacies and damage control, the posts.
Go back to memedern, you're so ignorant about this format that it hurts to read your posts.
>whines about other peoples' logical fallacies
>commits logical fallacy of Argument from Fallacy
Not saying if he's right or not, I haven't even read the discussion, but faggots who cry "LOGICAL FALLACY LOGICAL FALLACY" over and over like little bitches are annoying as fuck.
Is BUG Nicfit guy around? I've been playing around with a list and it's pretty fun.
>Have Meren in play
>Cast Strix, draw a card
>Sac Strix to Pod for Leovold
>Get back Strix with Meren so I can pitch it to Force
>I haven't even read the discussion
It's generally not wise to make statements from ignorance, you run the risk of looking less than intelligent. You should read the post string before commenting, the guy is engaging in classic goalpost moving. is trolling but is 100% correct in that assessment.
>commits logical fallacy of Argument from Fallacy
Really? Calling out defects in reasoning is somehow a logical fallacy? You heard it here folks, you're just as bad as the person making a bad argument if you point out the defects in their reasoning. That fallacy is based on invalidation of argument based on using a fallacy to dismiss your opponent's whole argument, I don't see anyone doing that besides the guy whose trolling, and even he references "damage control" being done, not just the fallacies used to cover ass. Calling out a blatant fallacy is not an issue, although I do agree that people that scream "Fallacy!" constantly are annoying.
>It's generally not wise to make statements from ignorance
Good thing I didn't make any statements regarding your little spat then, huh, dumbass?
So why register an opinion is you openly admit you have nothing to add? It's seems very unwise to call someone out for a logical fallacy when you know nothing about the context of the discussion.
These commander cards ruined legacy.
>REEEEEEEEEE! Stop using words I don't like, the post.
Grow up or go back to you safe space.
strix was from planechase, leovold was from conspiracy, and meren only sees fringe play in nic fit. Strix is great, very fair and high value play, leo is annoying but not unbeatable
Are mongoose, rootwallas and co playable? Somekind of madness fun
NEETs are divesting from crypto into dumber, more familiar bets
This ain't your safe space, nigger.
Neither is it yours :^)
you two fags wanna go fuck eachother already?
mongoose is playable imo
Sure! Why don't you come join us! only fags play D&T, so I know you like boys already ;^)
anything is playable if you jam blue spells to filter your hand and protect your plays.
D&D nerd here, we can see your autism from the front page, can you tone it down please.
Jesus H Christ, I left to get some work done and it went 100% autist in here.
oh yeah sure 40k-wat-do threads are fine but god forbid we talk about magic cards
The deck isn't toasted, it's just not exciting as a long term project for most people and the meta still hasn't shifted from 3-4x Surgical/Faerie Macabre/Leyline to 1-2 Rip/Cage or barely any yard hate at all.
The thing is, Loam can actually be wasted out of the game if they don't find Loam and the deck needs to run a bunch of cards that aren't individually good.
What's the better storm deck, ANT or TES?
TES is faster and more aggressive, slightly less vulnerable to hate, slightly less stable. ANT grinds slightly better and has more certain kills, in that you don't face random topdecks lik EE or toxic deluge.
Personally I think TES has a very slight edge, but I'm by no means good, and I feel like it doesn't matter unless you're experienced at both. TES also feels higher variance, but I think it's ultimately more fun.
I think if I was going to play a storm deck besides DDFT it would probably be TES. The flexibility of Burning Wish is too hard to pass up. I've actually been brewing a DDFT list with some more TES-like qualities to try to help vs the Delver decks
>muh women in magic
can these people fuck off already. I mean we are living in a world where equal treatment isnt good enough.
>muh boys club
I guess you like playing with boys, huh?
I dont care what gender my opponent is. Just as long as they play lands in the back
Dont call them 8 man queues! Don't associate new woman on the scene with who they are dating, because sorting and labeling in humans in completely unnatural!
Have you heard about Spanish Inquisition? This looks like a slightly bad SI deck.
this fag thinks the word “female” is wrong. Wtf. And did he ever consider that maybe women don’t make the pro tour because they just aren’t as good at magic as men? We don’t try to shove women in mlb because we know they fucking suck and it wouldn’t be fair to either side, so we make a different league where women can compete against other women. Why can’t that same logic be applied to magic?
I play lands to right side and rest to the left side of my board
Invalid opinion since "D&D" suggests 3E and later false editions while True AD&D™ adherents are those who have a legit gripe with Magic cards. Magic cards weakened TSR and allowed the evil WotC to destroy True AD&D™
First off the majority of the Jim Davis article was accurate, the main point being PC culture has gotten to the point that it itself is prejudice.
Second, 8-man is correct, there's 2 reasons for this: man is the generic in English and a pod consisting of any possible combination is an x-man pod. The second being that in this situation man is also an abbreviation of human, just as the word man is also generally used as a shortened human.
Anyone got any good budget brews?
Shit thread
don't fucking oppress me with your "MANa"
> I activate LED to add three blue womyna to my womyna pool
> man is the generic in English
*schnfif* and here we find ideology *schnfif* in its purest form
and so on and so on
We did it guys, finally made the legacy thread worse then the modern one.
but our format is still superior so there is that
We wouldn't have ended up like this if it weren't for the fucking namefags.
> all the shitposts are anonymous
> including this one
Guys Im having a burnout. No lgs and i have been just brewing and playing solitaire with my decks for 10 months. Im now thinking of brewing a fcking pokemon deck. What do i do
No lgs at all or none that hosts legacy?
Closest legacy event 900 kilometers away like 2 times a year.
if you want to actually play, you should probably do the legwork that LGS's do which is assemble a group of interested players organically and pick a time and place to meet and play. Otherwise, get an MTGO account or a new hobby
First we were eternal general, vintage and legacy together. Then namefags appeared to shitpost, so the other noobs wouldn't question their shit because "I'm a meister of muh deck" "I'm the special snuflaik that plays this deck" and their need for attention just grow. Then Chinamen fakes guy and folded guy appeared to shit in the general. The result? A general who still talks about SDT ban and is full of stupid discussion like popeye stompy and spider stompy, with the classic "how do I budget x deck" and the answer "just buy fucking Chinamen reeeeeeeeeee" taking half of the thread and the other half is namefags circlejerking to each other.
SDT ban should never stop being discussed. Poorfags just like the Chinaman fake guy and all his kind got vocal and were able to hamstring Legacy, completely fucking it over. The only way to combat the scourge of poorfags upon Legacy is to out-whinge them. But when us Real Men whinge we need to big dick these fuckers. Big dick everyone until Top is back. Little bitch move banning that shit. Little bitch move born of little bitches whinging about how they have no fucking money and want their pleb deck to be more competitive. Miracles is fair, get fucking good.
if you don't like a general, don't post in it
Actually relevant question. What happened to 4 color Loam? It was seeing a lot of play online before Top ban but now not so much.
Also I have a new job that pays well so I was thinking of buying into a new Legacy deck
My main choices are Big Red, R/B Reanimator, or 4 color Loam. R/W Painter was considered but its so bad now without Top so RIP.
Big Red is the most played deck out of them and seems the best. Just play a lockpiece and beat in with Walkers, Rabblemaster or Magus. It just seems kinda boring to play though?
R/B Reanimator seems fun but probably a nightmare to play when turn 1 Deathrite Shaman is the boogeyman in Legacy atm.
4 color Loam seems the most fun and honestly im most interested in it despite the higher price but it also seems like the lowest placing deck and I kinda want something viable for larger tournaments that i can perhaps Top 8 with.
>R/B Reanimator seems fun but probably a nightmare to play when turn 1 Deathrite Shaman is the boogeyman in Legacy atm.
RB is played BECAUSE of deathrite shaman. The entire aim of the deck is to go off before DRS can get going and that's why it is seeing play over UB. Unfortunately for RB the sideboards are still pretty adapted with lots of stuff like Macabre, Extraction and leylines floating around.
>Big Red is the most played deck out of them and seems the best. Just play a lockpiece and beat in with Walkers, Rabblemaster or Magus.
You're thinking of Dragon Stompy. Big Red is a Sneak Attack deck.
Which one of the three should I play though?
Wizards killed Legacy when they banned Top. Went from healthy format where all decks were viable to some big fucking disgusting mess where 4x Deathrite Shaman or else you might as well neck yourself
Wow thanks for the insight I guess. Dont know what it has to do with choosing a deck though?