Guys, I have a question. I'll be DM'ing Death House from Curse of Strahd in a one-shot, and one of my players has a background where he's haunted. He wants a curse, and I'm trying to find something interesting, RP-worthy that isn't completely useless, but also not gamebreaking either. They'll be level 2.
So far I have this idea:
Cuse of Burp: The character must make a constitution check when beginning to speak. If they fail the check they belch with enough force that the person they are speaking to takes 1d4 -1 poison/disease damage.
What are some funny/interesting curses that would add something to a Death House one-shot?
Isaac Reed
Official published. Don't really have time or creativity to make a homebrew campaign. Running out of the abyss now and having a blast with it. Although I do like the pathfinder module model better, 96 pages is very manageable compared to the 300 page beasts wotc release. Plus the paizo ones are just better in general which is a shame
Elijah Rogers
What's the verdict on Tomb of Annihilation and how does it stack up to the other adventures?
Luis Ward
Seems like a lot of people are really enjoying it. I tried selling it to my group, but unfortunately wasn't successful. I'd love to run it one day.
Luis Lee
i made my dm run it because everyone is sick of his autistic shit when left on his own. so its better than that at least
Kayden Myers
Thinking about GM'ing 5E. I've only run minimal prep systems before. What am I in for? How many hours of prep per week does 5E normally require?
Hunter Smith
Just do Lost Mines of Phandelver. There's a reason everyone recommends it. It's a great adventure, and easy to DM.
Christopher Scott
That is probably the worst thing you have ever come up with, I hope you're joking.
Parker Thompson
Best 5e adventure out there. It teaches bad DMs what they should really be doing, even.
Nathan Johnson
Thanks for the alternative suggestions, retard.
Adrian Phillips
Hey /5eg/, I've been kicking around a concept for a warlock lately. Basic gist is that he took a Pact of the Old One with the moon itself, or perhaps some sort of eldritch being that resides in the moon... it's vague and confusing like that. Thing is, I'm trying to come up with stuff that this lunar patron would want from him, what rites or services it would want conducted in exchange for giving him power, etc. So what would the moon want?
Landon Harris
Curse of Butterfingers : The character must make a Dex save after any successful attack, on a failure they drop their weapon.
Brody Harris
My take on this : The Moon wants purity. It can remove poisons/curses. The rites of the moon involve seeking out corruption and destroying it. This entity is also the enemy of a sun related being and considers places holy to the sun as a sign of corruption.
William Davis
Anyone here run the ToA? I got my book last month but still haven't had the chance to run it. Hype is still real!
Jason Gutierrez
Both of those have some mileage in them, I think. Maybe set up a dichotomy where the sun represents growth and expansion, but is inherently linked with stuff like cancer and an "over-expansion" of life, whereas the moon represents the culling force, that which weeds out impurity, but can go too far into desolation.
Benjamin Cruz
Running ToA and after 2 sessions my players finally left the port, now the question is: How do I make the hex crawl not be boring (just random encounters with no RP behind it)?
Dylan Fisher
Still looking for feedback and perpetually spamming on my homebrew, since you guys were really helpful in clearing out all the [shit] from the last version.
Specific question, how are the spell arrays for each group? Would you suggest swapping out any, are there any homebrew spells that you could think of that would work better?
Thanks again!
Blake Young
>game group abandoned me again today. >ended up stuck wandering around the game store alone >realize that DMing is the only thing that matters to me anymore >realize how shit and pathetic my life is >saw the treasure nest on the shelf >realize I'm too poor fag to buy it >see another dice bag for 1 dollar instead of 10 >buy it >drive home >realize I'm a piece of shit and who cares if I spend ten bucks on a dice bag >but my jewishness prevents me from doing it
Tyler Parker
I should have been more clear. I've already done LMoP. What I'm curious about is how long it generally takes to make your own stuff in 5E. Is the encounter creation as tedious and time-consuming as 3.PF was?
Joshua Johnson
Curse of Mistrust: Whenever somebody walks by in close proximity, the GM pretends to check his phone/read a passed note, rolls a d20, and then notifies the cursed that it feels as if their pockets are a little lighter. The actual weight and contents of the cursed's belongings don't change.
Leo Powell
Halloween is just around the corner DM's
You do have a spooky one shot in store for your players all prepared right? Tell me all about it...
Julian Morris
A crazy mad gnome scientist in his spooky house needs to be stopped because he brought the dead back to life without necromancy, and is also in consorts with a werewolf and a fishman. Also the piano is a mimic.
Benjamin Barnes
Mfw the god my Paladin is sworn to has the duality of the sun and moon within his portfolio, pretty much as you wrote it. Moderation is a pretty good thing to have in a religion.
Jaxson Price
These seem pretty similar to the EE genasi, the fire one is pretty much the same except for a different stat increase
Ian Campbell
I missed you. Also, you forgot to post a picture of the nest.
Austin Scott
Taking over for the regular DM to give them a turn playing
Throwing together a twisted amusement park run by an overpowered Nilbog. Players have to "complete" rides, sideshows and carnival games to earn the power required to defeat him
Christian Barnes
I'm thinking about putting healing spells on all spells lists. What do you guys think? Should arcane spellcasters be able to cast some of the same healing spells, or should they be different? I'm thinking of homebrewing harmful healing spells, spells that do as much as or even slightly more than normal healing spells, but carry a risk or drawback. For example:
>The caster loses hit points equal to the hit points restored to the target. >the target must make a Constitution saving throw or be stunned for a round due to pain. >the target must make a Constitution saving throw or regain no hit points and take necrotic damage equal to half that. >the target must make a Constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced for an hour equal to the hit points regained.
Camden Scott
Ray of Frost or Chill Touch? I'm finishing off my cantrip list and I new one more attack cantrip.
Parker Butler
Don't give healing drawbacks like that
Dylan Young
Chill Touch is perfect against anything with regeneration. Ray of Frost is good to slow targets down a little bit.
I'd say Chill Touch.
Caleb Watson
Ray of Touch, aka Mage Hand
Isaac Gonzalez
I never actually read through the genasi, despite pulling from EE heavily for the spells. Someone else suggested casting from Con (as opposed to Dex, which is broken even if it captured a Bender feel). But now that I am I do see the bit of overlap.
Do you have any suggestions to make them more differentiated? I guess conceptually it is similar, but instead of the classical elements it's elemental damage types.
What's a good first or second level fire spell? Something that evokes blasting out flames from your person.
Jackson Sanchez
If what you presented was your idea of a fun curse, then he's already cursed by having you DM.
Colton King
As said, don't give healing drawbacks. It's easy enough to cast healing as an arcane caster anyway, just take Magic Initiate at 4th level and grab either Healing Word or Cure Wounds.
Ryder Anderson
why not just remove them, you clearly don't want anyone to use them.
Aiden Sanchez
Burning Hands is the iconic basic fire spell and does that
Ethan Ross
I was bored, so I made a bunch of tielfing subraces based on Ars Goetia demons. Should I make more?
Logan Taylor
I would say to give the Warlock Healing Word, the Wizard Cure Wounds, and the Sorcerer both. I wouldn't get fancy with trying to come up with new weird ones if you just want to toss healing spells their way.
Main reason I suggest healing word for Warlock is it makes their short-rest healing less good in that case. Still a handy spell, but not the sort of thing you'd wait around an hour for simply to cast and rest again
Tyler Clark
Yeah, the last thing you want is to punish a strategy that isn't particularly great to focus on. Healing just makes a bad situation better, but doesn't prevent bad situations to begin with.
And while I love the flavour of healing spells having drawbacks, the consequences are undesirable. You usually want to promote teamwork and empathy between players and their characters. By adding a drawback, a player is no longer motivated, but in fact disincentivized if the drawback is great, to assist a character in need.
Christopher Brooks
you shouldn't have even made these.
Brayden Gomez
Is there a reason we aren't linking new threads in the old ones when the old one hits bump limit?
Oliver Watson
I'm a bit new to D&D. Did a campaign with some friends who were using Gnomes, Tielfings, even Dragonborn. Played as a Human Paladin the most Vanilla I could muster. The session was basically a dry run for the new players (Me and one other) on one of those "Predefined" quest lines. With our session over with (All ded) as the first group session we did, we decided to give another run with new characters on a custom quest/setting that we'll be using for, hopefully, a long time to come.
Anyways, I want to use Aarakocra but I"m having a pickle of a time deciding what to make with him. I've read what I could but what armor class and class should I run with? Also I really need to not be ignorant on how "Flight" works. I'd really appreciate help
Eli Cruz
Not even that user, but why not? What's wrong with this? How would you do it better?
Andrew Nguyen
homebrew is trash, always.
Blake Williams
I'm not familiar with Ars Goetia, but I like this. The flavour text of each is evocative. I appreciate the diverse spheres and aesthetics.
That said, three of them deal with things "Past and to Come". I suspect this is wholly a unifying feature that reminds of their demonic nature and similarity in such.
Jayden Adams
>i got so many plot points and ideas >but no idea how to tie them all together
every god damn time
Noah Adams
DM just said when you cast Polymorph the caster doesn't choose the animal, the GM does. What?
Benjamin Kelly
Jonathan Stewart
Nathaniel Collins
just make a bloodborne hunter with bladelock paladin.
Carter Martinez
So are your opinions. Just because you lack the talent to make something doesn't mean you have to try and stop others from doing so.
James Reyes
Don't let him be retarded and punch him in the face. It's what I would want if I made a stupid ruling.
Wyatt Gray
What class, and do you have other casters in the group? Ray of Frost's speed reduction stacks so its effectiveness increases if you can Quickened Spell or cast together with someone else.
Kayden Myers
>doesn't mean you have to try and stop others from doing so. that's where you're wrong, half-satan.
Evidence is a strong persuader. But, most importantly, the DM almost never chooses something for a spell, the caster does.
Oliver Adams
Yeah and also when you take the Cast a Spell Action the caster doesn't choose the spell, the GM does.
Adrian Martinez
it's not completely ridiculous because that's how summon spells are intended to work
Luis Scott
hex crawl isn't boring. Just avoid repeat combat randoms. It's per-day travel so it's virtually impossible for their to be a truly deadly day of combat. The random fights of chult jungle are mostly for thematic reasons. Just don't deal with repeat fights.
Most of the per-day travel is about consumption of supplies, not getting lost, and other survival basics. It's a good balance.
Carter Diaz
Please help.
Noah Turner
I showed him that. He said we'd "talk about it later."
Ryan Perry
Have you stolen or 'borrowed' any good mechanics to supplement or straight up fix anything that you feel is missing from 5e?
Carson Stewart
I didn't know Ray of Frost stacks. I'll take it then, thanks.
Nolan Miller
I'm actually all for healing spells. It's just that the DMs of the other games I was playing in were vehemently opposed to arcane healing when I brought it up, which I was led to believe that drawbacks were necessary, but now I see that they were just crazy, thanks guys.
Jackson Brown
Is Subtle Spell worth taking over either Twinned Spell or Quickened Spell?
Ian Turner
I use the Marking variant and make it function a bit more like 4e, offering an opportunity attack if they try and attack or cast a spell at someone else rather than just moving. I feel it helps some of the frontline martials feel more impactful if they go for defense.
Zachary Lewis
If you want to be cool, then yes.
Cameron Hill
No it isn't
Jason Davis
Note that the reduction only lasts until the start of your next turn, so you can't stack it if you're the only one casting it and only casting it once per round.
Wyatt Sullivan
>Ray of Frost's speed reduction stacks >I didn't know Ray of Frost stacks It doesn't stack. There's a rule about it on page 205: Combining Magical Effects. The effects of different spells add together while the durations of those spells overlap. The effects of the same spell cast multi pie times don't combine, however. lnstead, the most potent effect-such as the highest bonus-from those castings applies while their durations overlap.
Xavier Long
It's a very nice 'get out of jail free' card depending on the circumstance. Better for some types of campaigns than others.
Hunter Robinson
I'm not even Teifling user, just someone who really loves homebrew
Blake Martin
>vehemently opposed to arcane healing The problem is that giving healing spells to wizard/AT/EK is a balance problem. Wizards are already so versatile that giving them healing spells is not only a decently sized buff for them, but a decently sized nerf to classes such as cleric, druid, and bard.
Brandon Cook
it's true senpai
>When you cast a spell like conjure woodland beings, does the spellcaster or the DM choose the creatures that are conjured?
>Some spells of this sort specify that the spellcaster chooses the creature conjured. For example, find familiar gives the caster a list of animals to choose from.
>Other spells of this sort let the spellcaster choose from among several broad options. For example, conjure minor elementals offers four options. Here are the first two: >• One elemental of challenge rating 2 or lower >• Two elementals of challenge rating 1 or lower >The design intent for options like these is that the spell caster chooses one of them, and then the DM decides what creatures appear that fit the chosen option. For example, if you pick the second option, the DM chooses the two elementals that have a challenge rating of 1 or lower.
Kevin Jenkins
I mean, Polymorph is pretty sweet. It can nullify an opponent, or buff an ally. If he's really worried about Polymorph being abused by being cast on players, he should fix the damage sponge that Wild Shape and Polymorph represent first.
If he's worried about it being cast on enemies, he should address this by making critical opponents (like BBEGs and such) abuse their new forms as best they can, or be immune if it's a huge issue. Or, if they're a spellcaster, retain their casting capabilities (despite potential mental stat shifts). Unfortunately, addressing the former makes it more difficult to address the latter.
I don't recommend he takes away agency from you; in every edition I know of (which is not all, admittedly) the caster chooses the form. This is to ensure that it has the maximum utility possible. The spell is worthless, and would never be taken by anyone if the DM chooses - it becomes high risk, high reward. But turning your opponent into a T. Rex, or your ally into a mouse, mid-combat is a big problem.
Liam Turner
Ah shit. It's not a beneficial effect so I completely forgot this applies. That's what I get for thinking sorcerer isn't bad.
Owen Ward
Great, well not one of those spells actually says that. How asinine.
Chase Powell
Make him a monk so people don’t gripe too much about the fact that you could fly and be using a longbow. Flight works just like walking but, you know,...up.
Chase Ramirez
Arcane versatility is definitely an issue, and I would prefer if it were taxed by a feat. That said, wizards almost always have something better to be doing. Letting them do one more thing just solidifies their supremacy, but wouldn't be a priority for any self-respecting wizard.
But, I agree with this user, attacking the utility of divine casters is just a nasty blow. Their utility is already lacking because of their access to an exclusive form of spell. Let them keep that, or compensate with something that grants enough utility to make up for it, preferably something that can create an archetype of divine caster (like healing does).
I don't recommend fucking with it. The status quo isn't exciting, but it sometimes works.
Cameron Williams
You can go Fighter and fly straight up/away from enemies, using a Longbow. At level 4, take the Sharpshooter feat to sit from a one-third mile away and snipe. This would only really work a few times, at which point the DM will wisen up to the bullshit that is aarakocra. Just focus on upping DEX and take studded leather when you can, the disadvantage from trying to hit you at range will make up for lower AC.
Flight is super easy to understand. You have 60 feet of movement speed that you can use to move wherever, because you're flying.
Hudson Sanchez
It's not that big of a problem really. Conjure creature spells all last an hour, and are very strong spells. If you use these spells and the DM rules in this way, conjure the creatures well before combat, identify what kinds of creatures you have, and use them.
The better conjure spells, ie. Conjure Woodland Beings can always get you two dryads for CR 1 choice, and Conjure Elemental and Conjure Celestial lets you specifically select what shows up. Conjure lesser elemental is typically a poor choice spell.
Bentley Lopez
That sounds absolutely terrible. Why add mechanics to fluff like that. You gonna make him roll every single time he starts talking? Hope that guy isn't a spell caster with verbal spells he wants to use. Just make him smell like a corpse or something. Maybe make one of the ghouls in the basement start going towards the party because of this. Just make sure to say that they hear nostrils breathing in heavy and sharp.
p.s. if this is your first idea then maybe death house isn't the one to run. It has some super brutal encounters that you look like you will need to review and understand how quickly it will wipe the party.
Zachary Adams
Spells with drawbacks can be interesting. Edict doesn't protect you from anything except the damaging part of magical spells and used to make you take an extra 50% of physical/pure damage.
Juan Murphy
To clarify more about flight, it's exactly like walking, but in 3D. Think about a basic combat grid, then imagine if it had layers above the ground, that were just transparent grids. When you fly up by at least 5 feet, you move up a grid. Consult how your DM is doing diagonal movement, although it's probably by 1 square = 5 feet (DMG pg.252 for alternative). Flight should operate identically to ground movement diagonally.
They actually say the DM has the creature's statistics.
Jackson Brown
Thanks for the input friend. Are there space constaints? Or are people not that autistic about it? Like a ceiling has to be how high to hover? And I can multiclass right? I don't feel like Ranger bird because that's kinda bullshit like mentioned. And I love the idea of talons
Jonathan Cooper
Best support
Blake Price
You don't have a choice of spells on dota, but you can simply not pick spell on d&d. So making a spell that sucks is the same as not making any. Haste has a minor drawback for a huge boon. Warding Bond, etc, go for those if you really want something like that.
Carter Ross
Does anyone have the most recent version morepurplemorebetter's character sheet?
Jayden Reyes
What's the best way to generate loot?
Jackson Nguyen
Brand new to D&D. Just ran my second mission with the guys and having a blast. I made a Half-Orc Fighter (Champion).
I feel like I made a mistake though. I built for STR and bought plate armor instead of DEX.
Why would I pay 1000 gold to wear plate armor? DEX seems objectively better in literally any possible scenario.
Using STR and Plate armor makes you slow, sink in water, is loud, the only skill it effects is Athletics and it’s pretty expensive. It provides 18 AC in return.
But if I stack for DEX, I can still wear armor, sneak, swim well, be fast and quiet AND DEX governs several skills (like 6, I think). My AC won’t even be much lower and I can actually surpass 18 AC if I take feats to wear Medium Armor.
What the fuck is this bullshit? Please tell me I’m wrong Veeky Forums.
Lucas Gomez
You can hover if you only have the character's height in clearance. Any relevant limits will be stated by you DM.
You could go for an unarmed Barbarian where you grapple and fly? Going Monk would be a bit of a waste.
Cameron Gomez
Dex weapons are shit.
Mason Price
Because they aren't in the PHB
Nathaniel Flores
You could make a spell with positive effects that are better than its level while having a significant downside. Besides edict and flames have the possibility of being only positive or only negative and everything in-between depending on the circumstances of their use.
Cameron Collins
Adrian Clark
You still take up a 5’ space. Because you have wings, you can’t Superman your way through narrow spaces and still expect to be aloft. Nothing autistic about it.
Jayden Turner
Yeah, but ranged weapons also make it so you don’t have to go into melee range. Dex builds are always better than Str. It’s an oversight in design
Michael Morgan
Don't forget initiative, user. We STR bois try to say that we can get more melee damage, but that's reliant on feats. Also, it's only 3 skills.